[情報] IGN The last of Us 最後生還者 Review

看板PlayStation作者 (某踢西)時間11年前 (2013/06/08 21:16), 編輯推噓83(83057)
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在遊戲出的前幾天,先看文章止癢吧。 這次翻譯的時間比較短,沒有tune過,用詞可能重複率很高OTZ。 像我重看文章時發現"十分"這個詞大概用了幾百次, 請大家見諒,或是就當作我對於一款十分的遊戲的恭維吧。 ------------- Survival of the fittest 適者生存 原文網址 http://ap.ign.com/en/review/7015/the-last-of-us-review 乾淨網誌版 http://nemesisred.blogspot.tw/2013/06/ign-last-of-us-review.html#more ------------- The Last of Us is a near-perfect analog for The Road, a literary masterpiece written by Cormac McCarthy. Both present a hopeless, post-apocalyptic situation navigated by two characters – an adult and a child – with nothing but absolute despair surrounding them. Like The Road, The Last of Us is perpetually dangerous and unpredictable, and like The Road, what happened to get society to a point of rapid decay isn’t the focus. It’s the story of the characters at hand, and those characters alone, at the center of both plots. The beauty of The Last of Us when compared to The Road, however, is that it’s fully interactive, complete with all of the vulnerability, uncertainty and perpetual insecurity such a situation inherently provides. The Last of Us seamlessly intertwines satisfying, choice-based gameplay with a stellar narrative. It never slows down, it never lets up, and frankly, it never disappoints. It’s PlayStation 3’s best exclusive, and the entire experience, from start to finish, is remarkable. I lost myself in Naughty Dog’s vision of a pandemic-ridden United States, in the characters that populate this unfortunate wasteland, and in their individual stories. The 17 hours I spent playing through the campaign are among the most memorable I’ve ever spent with a game. 《TLU》是一個跟《末路浩劫》, 一部由Cormac McCarthy創作的文學經典,背景近乎完全相同的作品。 (The road http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0898367/) 兩者皆藉由兩個主角--一個大人和一個小孩來表現他們所處環境的絕望感, 以及世界末日之後的情景。 就像是《末路》一樣,《TLU》展現出來的環境是令人感到難以捉摸的危險。 也就像《末路》一樣,這個世界迅速崩頹的原因也並不是重點, 重點是在於發生在角色們的故事上。 然而,《TLU》勝過《末路》的地方在於它是跟玩家有所互動的, 它也完整的利用了這種類型作品的那種不確定性、不安全感, 以及角色的脆弱來達到這種互動。 《TLU》在進行主要故事的同時也無縫的加入了讓玩家能夠多方選擇過關方式的遊玩體驗 。 故事高潮迭起,毫無冷場,而且從不令人感到失望。 本作是PS3獨佔遊戲中最棒的遊戲,自始至終皆讓人覺得這是一款卓越的遊戲。 我不只在Naughty Dog所架構出的這個世界中流連忘返, 這末世中的角色,以及它們各自的故事都令我十分沉迷。 我在過故事模式的這17小時成為我在玩遊戲的歷史中最難忘的回憶。 Players are cast in the role of Joel, a grizzled and tired survivor stuck in a cycle any person could imagine finding oneself in two decades after the collapse of society. He takes odd jobs, acquires food, clothing, and shelter, and repeats the process endlessly, a process that only gets more arduous and desperate as time goes on. Joel does what’s necessary to stay alive, and in the ruined United States he travels around, his survival often means someone else’s untimely death. Occasionally haunted by his past but living in his dystopian present, Joel is surprisingly easy to root for. In many ways, he’s strangely relatable. He retains shreds of his humanity as best he can, considering the extraordinary circumstances he finds himself in. He has a sharpness to him, but a tenderness, too, which he occasionally displays to his partner, a woman named Tess. In the time it took me to beat The Last of Us, I came to care about Joel, and I became invested in his story, and the stories of those he meets along the way. 玩家在遊戲中扮演Joel,一個生活在無盡迴圈中的生存者, 當你已經被卡在這個崩壞的社會中20年,這個迴圈的形式應該不難想像: 做一些稀奇古怪的工作、到處蒐集食物、衣物,以及避難所,然後不斷重複這個流程。 隨著時間的進行,這些工作只會變得愈發艱鉅而已。 Joel努力做一切能夠讓他繼續生存的事物,而在這崩頹過後的美國, 他四處流浪,他的生存也可能意味著會造成其他生存者的死亡。 偶爾,在這個他目前生活的反烏托邦世界中,過去安居社會的記憶會在他腦中迴繞不去。 不過Joel意外的其實很容易被鼓勵。 就算在認知自己處於這種超常環境中後許久, 他依然努力的保持他所擁有僅存的人性的碎片。 他確有嚴厲的一面,但他也有柔情的一面,這偶爾會展現在他和他的夥伴Tess的相處上。 在進行遊戲的過程中,我漸漸變得很在意Joel本身、他的故事,以及他所遇到的人的故事 。 The Last of Us takes place in 2033, so the regular world Joel harkens back to on occasion is one you and I understand. It’s fascinating to think about how he ’s evolved since the world crumbled around him, and even if he does what’s necessary to stay alive – including stealing and murdering – it’s hard to fault him for it. In fact, one of the great ironies of The Last of Us is that you’ll be pulling for him no matter how dark things get, or how violent his actions are. He does what’s required. Joel knows it’s either him or them. There’s no gray area. Joel can be cold and ruthless, but those around him have the propensity to be far worse. As riveting as Joel is, he isn’t the only character of consequence in The Last of Us. Indeed, calling him the main character is true only to an extent, because it’s his companion, a young girl named Ellie, who truly steals the show. Joel makes a business arrangement early in the adventure to help transport Ellie across what remains of the United States, a wasteland marked with boundless wildlife alongside cities and towns ruthlessly reclaimed by nature. From there on out, the two are virtually inseparable, even if they are at first skeptical of one another, forced together by circumstances in a world where trust and faith are in extremely short supply. 本作發生在2033年的美國,所以Joel偶爾會回顧的世界就跟你我現在所處的一樣。 想像看看到底在世界開始在他周圍崩壞的時候他是如何轉變心境的, 你會發現這種想像的過程十分有意思。 就算他為了生存而去偷竊或是殺人,我們也很難因此去指責他。 事實上,遊戲中最諷刺的點之一是在於不管Joel幹的事多壞, 做事多野蠻暴力,你依舊會繼續支持他。 他只是做必須做的事而已啊!Joel心知肚明,不是你死就是我亡,其中沒有曖昧空間。 Joel有時是冰冷如鐵、心狠手辣,但是發生在他四周的事物卻比這更加糟糕。 Joel不是本作中唯一的重要角色。 誠然,我們也只是某種程度上稱他為主角而已, 這是因為他的夥伴的存在,Ellie,拉走了部份的目光。 在遊戲的早期, Joel僅是是承接了將Ellie護送通過被自然景致重新覆蓋的美國這樣一個任務。 但是從那時候起,他們就變得密不可分,雖然起初還有些互相猜忌,但是患難中足見真情 。 Joel and Ellie develop a sort of dysfunctional father-daughter relationship as their collective experiences bind them, and rooting for Ellie in particular is commonplace in The Last of Us. Her success means the player is successful, and her hardened exterior is the perfect complement to her complete ignorance of the world before it was destroyed. Ellie was born after the collapse, and as such, she’s full of questions and wonder, often communicated through the many contextual conversations she and Joel share. She’ll pick through records at a music store, become fascinated with wildlife she’s never seen before, and ask a million questions about the past. You watch her learn, grow, and gain meaning. It’s impossible not to become attached to her. 他們倆人在共同行動的羈絆中建立起某種非正式的父女關係, 而且和Ellie互相激勵在本作中實屬常見。 她的成功代表玩家的成功,而她的那份傲嬌(hard exterior請恕我翻成傲嬌) 也是由於她對於被毀滅前的世界的一無所知。 Ellie是在毀滅之後才出生的, 從他們的日常對話中也可以發現Ellie對這個世界的一切充滿著不少疑問和猜測。 她有時會從唱片行撿起唱片仔細端詳,有時會著迷於從未見過的野生生物, 同時不斷的追問過去的世界是什麼樣子。 你看著她漸漸學習、成長,而且得到生活的目標和意義。 很難不喜歡上這個角色。 (殭屍版美少女夢工廠?) The interplay between Joel and Ellie, as well as the other characters you meet on your adventure, is one of the great highlights in The Last of Us. Voice acting is not only consistently superb, but the game’s graphical beauty makes the events of The Last of Us overflow with realism. Everything that happens is immediately more memorable, more powerful, and more poignant because your surroundings are so believable. Forests, fields and wooded trails are overgrown, dense, and lush. Abandoned villages and metropolises alike are eerie, silent, and crumbling. Each environment is unique, thoughtfully created, and bursting with little details, including notes, letters, voice recorders and more that tell ancillary stories of survivors you rarely ever meet in person. The game took me so long to beat because I was obsessed with seeing every inch of it. The Last of Us demands exploration, not only to scour for needed supplies, but to satisfy your curiosity. 這兩個角色和其他在冒險中遇到人們的互動是本作的一大亮點。 配音非常出色,遊戲畫面也令人感到十分真實。 每一件發生在這世界的事情因此變得更加令人印象深刻、力道強勁,並備感淒美。 遊戲中的草木表現都是茂密美麗、鬱鬱青青。 廢棄的鄉村和都市的氣氛詭譎,但是寂靜,有時卻又令人感覺搖搖欲墜。 每一個環境都有其獨特之處,風格獨到,也十分的重視細節表現, 如遊戲中找到的筆記、信籤、留聲機,以及其他很多可以展現其他生存者過去生活的媒介 。 這遊戲之所以花我這麼多時間破台,正是因為我很想把這個世界中的每個小地方都看完。 本作十分值得玩家去探索,不只是為了掃蕩那些有用的材料, 而同時也為了滿足你對這個世界的好奇心。 The Last of Us is undoubtedly pretty to look at, but that beauty is often overshadowed by imminent peril. Joel and Ellie will confront enemies in all of the various locations they visit, and these battles represent the other side of what makes The Last of Us shine. Combat is tense and nerve-racking. Fighting is as emotionally taxing as it is physically dangerous, because the people Joel fights are, like him, just normal folks trying to survive. In a world where everyone has a singular motivation to keep breathing for one more day, it’s hard to judge even the harshest remnants of humanity you encounter. 視覺上看起來,本作是無庸置疑的壯麗,但是這份壯麗也同時被風雨欲來的險境所掩蓋。 Joel和Ellie會在每個他們到的地方遇到敵人,這些戰鬥也是本作的另一個亮點。 戰鬥內容十分有張力,也製造很多緊張的情緒。 打鬥本身不只是肉體上的危險,也令人心力交瘁, 這是由於敵人有時就只是和咱主角一樣的一般人。 在這個事事只為存活的世界中,很難去責怪其他生存者, 就算那些人的行徑是十分惡劣也是一樣。 Stealthily killing entire rooms of enemies is incredibly satisfying, so much so that when you blow your cover, it’s hard not to feel a sense of disappointment (especially when one of your companions occasionally fires a gun or walks in front of an enemy, which you can’t control). Holding down R2 while crouching lets Joel listen carefully to his surroundings, giving him a glimpse of enemy locations in his direct vicinity and an edge in staying away from danger. Some players may consider this a bit cheap, but I’d merely call it gamey. Just like the L3 prompts that tell you where to look and hints that appear if the game determines you’ve been stuck in an area too long (all of which can be turned off), Joel’s listening skill can simply be ignored if you feel like it doesn ’ t fit. But rest assured, it’s very helpful, especially later in your quest. 匿蹤的清乾淨整個房間的敵人十分的好玩,好玩到當你不小心被敵人發現, 很難不感覺有點失望(特別是NPC突然開槍或是自己跑到敵人面前)。 在蹲伏的狀態下按R2讓Joel可以對這個環境更加警覺,讓他可以看到周遭敵人位置的動態 。 有些人可能會覺得這太犯規了,我個人覺得這只是遊戲性的一環吧。 就像當系統判斷你卡在一個地方太久時,按L3時視角會自動轉到提示位置一樣。 (以上都可以關掉不用) 這個技能不爽可以不要用。 但是其他技能我保證在後續的任務中十分的有用。 The beauty of stealth in The Last of Us is the incredible, uncomfortable realism you’re forced to witness each and every time you execute a silent kill. Watching a survivor fruitlessly swat at Joel’s arms as he strangles him to death is disturbing, as is quickly shiving a man in his neck and listening to him gurgle some parting breaths as he collapses to the ground. The Last of Us does a phenomenal job of making each and every enemy feel human. Every life taken has weight and each target feels unique and alive. It’s hard not to think about some of the older folks in particular, ones that remember the real world, lived in it, and were once normal. There’s an emotional pang when you ’ re taking out thugs that look a whole lot like you and your allies. 另一項匿蹤的亮點是在於你每次在匿蹤殺人時都會要看一段令人感到真實的動畫, 就是其他生存者在Joel勒頸時徒勞無功的掙扎後吐出最後一口氣。 這其實讓人有點感覺不舒服。 本作在使每個敵人都十分的有"人味"這個部分做得十分超卓, 每個生命好似都有它的重量,每個目標都好像活生生的般有自己的意識。 很難不令人想像這些鄉民其實是都跟你一樣有著過去生活的人。 所以每次你殺掉一個其實就和你我一樣的人,都是一次價值觀的衝擊。 Of course, there are enemies that are decidedly inhuman in The Last of Us, too. The collapse of society was instigated by the sudden prevalence of a fungus that wreaks havoc on the human mind, and those humans – known not-so-lovingly as The Infected – are alive, but not well. No matter which faction of humanity a person falls on, whether he’s with the remnants of the federal government, or rogue groups known as Hunters, or even the mysterious resistance organization known as The Fireflies, everyone is united against The Infected. This is simply because The Infected can in turn infect others, further eroding humanity’s already dwindling numbers. They are a perpetual threat to even the slightest hope that humanity can one day step back from the precipice of extinction, and running into them is always frightening. 當然,遊戲中有著那些早就已經不是人的敵人。 社會的崩壞是起因於真菌的感染,此種感染會對人類的心智帶來很大的浩劫。 而那些被以"感染者"稱之的人類,其實未死,但是也不算活著。 對於生存者而言,不管他們是隸屬聯邦政府組織,或是被稱為"Hunters"的盜賊集團, 抑是一個神祕的反抗組織"The Fireflies";其共同敵人就是這些感染者。 這是因為感染者可以進一步感染他人,更加蠶食正常人早已大不如昔的數量。 就算人類再次發展到向滅絕又更遠了一步,這些感染者依舊是個長遠的威脅, 而遭遇這些怪物是永遠令人膽戰心驚的。 Unlike your human adversaries, who often work together, audibly communicate, plan their actions, and practice self-preservation, The Infected attack with reckless abandon, with absolutely no regard for their safety and with every intention of killing you. Fighting them is terrifying, especially during your first few encounters, and feels completely different than your engagements with pockets of humanity. The lesser versions of The Infected, colloquially known as Runners, can be taken out with firearms and melee strikes alike, but it’s the Clickers – characters so infected by the Cordyceps fungus that they can’t even see – that will haunt your dreams. They can only be killed with silent shiv strikes or via firearm – silence is more often than not your best weapon against them -- but if they so much as get their hands on you, it’s game over. In this world, they are the true threat. It’s unlikely you’ll ever get comfortable dealing with them, of being mere feet away from them, crouching, hoping they don’t somehow sense you. 這些感染者並不會像那些人類型敵人會有計畫的合作、溝通或是組織, 而是會不顧生命的朝你攻擊。 跟這些生物戰鬥時分的可怕,特別是頭幾次遇到的時候,跟與人類作戰截然不同。 低層次的感染者,口語稱之"Runners",用任何冷熱兵器皆能夠消滅之; 但是Clickers(一種被真菌更深層感染的感染者,甚至導致宿主失明) 就只能用刀類匿蹤殺,或是用火器殺。 所以在面對這種生物時,寂靜是你的最佳武器,不過當被這種生物抓住時就是一擊死。 如此看來,你永遠不會有可以輕鬆搞定它們的一天,不然也就只能選擇腳底抹油。 Another brilliant aspect of The Last of Us is its crafting options, all of which happen in real-time. With the exception of actually going to a pause menu, there’s no way to stop the action, so you need to find lulls in order to scavenge for items, put them together and create new goods that can be used both curatively and offensively. The system is extra tense considering you can use, say, alcohol and rags to create either a healing pack or a Molotov Cocktail, but not both with the same goods. Thoroughly exploring environments nets you the components necessary for item creation, giving you yet another reason to inspect surroundings already begging to be rummaged. And item scarcity, a perpetual issue in the world of The Last of Us, means that everything you find is precious in its own way. There aren’t any factories making more of anything you find, and that includes the greatest prize of all: bullets. 另一方面,本作的造物功能也是十分出色,在造物期間遊戲時間依舊繼續進行。 唯一可以停止遊戲時間流動的方式是進入暫停模式, 所以你在搜刮之際必須找到一些安全的時間把道具合了起來。 這系統其實十分的緊繃,比如說火焰彈和治療包都有使用到酒精和布。 透過搜尋過整個環境可以讓你找到你需要的素材,這又是另一個讓你翻箱倒櫃的理由。 物資的短缺是一個在本作中長久的問題,這意味著每件素材都十分珍貴。 任何東西都沒有辦法有捷徑得到更多,特別是彈藥部分。 This perpetuates real consequences based on your decisions. Will you use those scissors and some tape to create a shiv? Or will you attach them to the end of a pole to create a makeshift weapon of war? Will you create a smoke bomb only because you found sugar in the environment and can only carry more if you use what you already have? Or do you bypass the sugar and hope you don’t need it – or what you can make from it – later on? Will you opt for melee strikes to save ammo for another day? Or will you walk in guns-blazing and hope you find shells on the bodies you leave in your wake? How you choose to navigate these forks in the road have considerable effects on how you approach future enemy encounters, adding a special dynamic to The Last of Us not found in very many games. 這一切都隨著你的選擇有著不同的結果。 你會使用一些剪刀和膠帶來作一把刀嗎? 還是你會把剪刀附在桿子上來做長柄兵器? 你會在你的道具欄滿的時候組合物品來騰出空間嗎? 還是你認為拿不動的就放棄呢? 你會盡量用近戰攻擊來省子彈嗎? 你會冒險跨入交火的兩方之間,期待撿到一些屍體上的彈藥嗎? 你所有的選擇都與未來的行動有關,這種動態感在本作以外不常出現。 Joel can also upgrade himself with pills and other supplements hidden throughout the adventure, though here you’ll also have to make careful choices, as there isn’t enough medicine in one playthrough to fully upgrade him. Likewise, all of your weapons, from pistols to shotguns and rifles, can also be upgraded using parts and tools found on your journey. Similarly, you won ’t be able to max-out everything, so you’ll need to make thoughtful decisions. This adds an analytical, tactical slant to The Last of Us not found in the likes of Uncharted, though if you really want to upgrade Joel and his goods fully, you could always take advantage of The Last of Us’ very welcome New Game+ feature. Joel也可以藉由藥丸或是其他藏得很隱密的補給品來升級自己的各種能力。 這裡也是選擇的一環,一輪遊戲中的補給品不足以升滿所有的能力。 同樣的,升級武器的素材也不足以把所有武器都灌滿。 這種分析思考就是本作多於《祕境》的一環。 當然,你開心的話也可以多跑幾輪 (ˊ● ω ●ˋ) While the campaign is absolutely worth playing through multiple times, The Last of Us also comes packing a robust, rich multiplayer mode that isn’t simply a retread of Uncharted’s. In fact, The Last of Us’ multiplayer seems decidedly scaled back in order to fit it into the context of the post-civilization United States, with small player counts and only two modes that pay exceptional detail to the greater context of the single-player campaign. The Last of Us’ online functionality exists within a mode called Factions. Once you begin, you choose one of two sides and then jump into one of two sub-modes: Supply Raid and Survivors. Both are atypical in their approach, especially Survivors, which presents players with a best-of-seven series in a four-on-four match where death is brutally permanent. Survivors forces meticulous play virtually ripped right out of the campaign, except instead of fighting AI-controlled partners, you’ll be dealing with even smarter humans. It ’s a truly fun mode, one where every player on the map is overflowing with nerves and afraid to make a mistake. 故事模式無疑的值得反覆遊玩。 多人連線的內容也十分豐富,不僅僅只是《祕境》的更新版。 事實上,本作的多人連線好像是為了刻意營造後文明時期的美國氣氛一般, 每一場就只有較少的玩家人數,以及僅僅兩種模式。 (說好的豐富呢?) 本作的線上功能包含一種模式叫做"Factions"。 開場後你可以選擇兩種陣營,接著可以選擇兩種子模式:"Supply Raid"和"Survivors"。 兩種模式都跟我們想像中的不太一樣,特別是Survivors模式。 這模式在4v4的遊戲中進行7搶4的戰鬥。 (呃..就是team death match) . . . 玩家遭遇的就不只是AI而是活生生的人巴拉巴拉巴拉巴拉 Supply Raid, on the other hand, is about whittling down your team by eroding their overall life count. It’s more generic than its counterpart, but the idea of having a shared number of lives forces you to strive for better play. It makes you not want to be the reason your team loses, it makes you not want to make silly blunders. Like Survivors, Supply Raid also allows you to craft items on the fly using components found on the map and feels a whole lot like the single-player game. By scaling back the modes and the player counts from the likes of Uncharted, Naughty Dog has removed the tall barrier between single player and multiplayer and has made the two feel interconnected, even ancillarily. Supply Raid則是每殺人就會扣隊伍分數。 兩種模式都可以製造物品。 Naughty Dog將多人和單人之間的藩籬推倒了 \(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ What’s especially neat about The Last of Us’ online functionality is the metagame that transcends everything you do. When playing online, your character – who is fully customizable in both appearance and loadout – is the leader of a band of survivors. Successfully navigating online matches, collecting items and engaging in one-off challenges called Missions helps grow your band. Of course, if you fail, your band decreases in size. It’s a simple system in premise, but it’s undeniably addicting when you start getting into it. It creates another, higher level, a different way to gauge your overall success by something other than wins or losses and your kill-to-death ratio. Like the single-player campaign, which judges your actions based on future consequences, so too does multiplayer in The Last of Us reward or detract based upon performances that, at the time, may not seem entirely consequential. 本作的多人連線的重點在於高於僅是"遊戲模式"的角色設定。 當你線上遊玩時,你的角色(可以自由設定裝束和武裝)是扮演著一團倖存者的首領。 你可以藉由線上對戰,收集物品來達成特定的任務, 接著就可以藉著通過任務來壯大你的團體。當然,你輸了的話你的團體就會萎縮。 當然這是一個很簡單的分級系統,但是真正玩下去很令人沉迷。 這是一個比你的勝敗數量或是你的kda更加重要且好玩的東西。 就像單人故事模式一樣,你的輸贏表現也同樣影響著你的未來發展。 Then again, The Last of Us is still all about its single player campaign. Many players will never jump online, and frankly, they won’t be missing out on what truly makes the overall package so incredibly special, so exceptionally noteworthy, such a must-play experience. 本作其實重點還是放在單人故事。 許多玩家大概永遠不會上線遊玩, 老實說,這樣也不算是錯過太多這個遊戲令人覺得特別的地方。 故事模式才是一個必玩的遊戲經驗。 THE VERDICT PlayStation 3 isn’t only well-known for its number of exclusive games, but for the sheer number of quality exclusives. That’s what makes The Last of Us even more impressive, because not only does it join the ranks of Uncharted, Killzone, God of War, Infamous and more, but it bests them all. In short, Naughty Dog has crafted a game that impresses in virtually every way. The Last of Us is a true feat. Its unrivaled presentation in particular sets the bar even higher than the Uncharted trilogy already did, and its writing, voice acting and layered gameplay combine to create what is very easily the game to beat for Game of the Year 2013. The Last Of Us for Playstation 3 gets a Masterpiece with a perfect 10.0 結論: PS3不只是獨佔遊戲多,其中佳作也非常多。 這也是本作如此令人感到目眩神迷的原因之一, 因為它不僅成為了《祕境探險》、《沙鹿地帶》、《戰神》,以及《惡名昭彰》 這些PS3經典系列的其中一員,同時還更勝一籌。 簡而言之,Naughty Dog製作了一款不管在哪個方面都十分令人印象深刻的巨作。 本作真的十分卓越。 它無與倫比的表現甚至比《祕境探險》還要更加高竿。 它在劇本、配音, 以及多層次的遊戲體驗的互相結合下必然能成為問鼎Game of the year 2013的一員。 本作是一款完美10分的傑作。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: nemesisred 來自: (06/08 21:22)

06/08 21:26, , 1F
沙鹿地帶? (標哥有客串嗎
06/08 21:26, 1F

06/08 21:38, , 2F
06/08 21:38, 2F

06/08 21:49, , 3F
推 好期待下星期~
06/08 21:49, 3F

06/08 21:52, , 4F
06/08 21:52, 4F

06/08 22:00, , 5F
06/08 22:00, 5F

06/08 22:04, , 6F
06/08 22:04, 6F

06/08 22:09, , 7F
看偷跑直播真的是為了生存 殺人不手軟,連眉頭都不皺一下
06/08 22:09, 7F

06/08 22:10, , 8F
06/08 22:10, 8F

06/08 22:12, , 9F
06/08 22:12, 9F

06/08 22:21, , 10F
06/08 22:21, 10F

06/08 22:34, , 11F
很恐怖 不敢玩
06/08 22:34, 11F

06/08 22:35, , 12F
好想盡情享受這款劇情 可是對殭屍game實在沒轍...
06/08 22:35, 12F

06/08 22:37, , 13F
推 感謝翻譯!
06/08 22:37, 13F

06/08 22:46, , 14F
06/08 22:46, 14F

06/08 22:53, , 15F
06/08 22:53, 15F

06/08 22:57, , 16F
06/08 22:57, 16F

06/08 23:19, , 17F
06/08 23:19, 17F

06/08 23:39, , 18F
可惜SONY新TV 40W900A遲上市,早想把32"TVPC螢幕換40"等玩大作
06/08 23:39, 18F

06/08 23:42, , 19F
06/08 23:42, 19F

06/09 02:21, , 20F
06/09 02:21, 20F

06/09 05:22, , 21F
06/09 05:22, 21F

06/09 07:03, , 22F
06/09 07:03, 22F

06/09 08:45, , 23F
06/09 08:45, 23F

06/09 10:46, , 24F
06/09 10:46, 24F

06/09 10:49, , 25F
The Road記得台灣上映電影版是是翻成“末路浩劫”
06/09 10:49, 25F

06/09 10:57, , 26F
數位版抓的速度還算快 10分鐘6% 28G大概就三小時吧
06/09 10:57, 26F

06/09 11:00, , 27F
06/09 11:00, 27F
※ 編輯: nemesisred 來自: (06/09 11:01)

06/09 11:04, , 28F
我也想買數位板...可是巴哈的有T恤阿 很賤
06/09 11:04, 28F

06/09 11:21, , 29F
06/09 11:21, 29F

06/09 11:26, , 30F
能當PS3的玩家真是太幸福了 祕境 最後生還者~~
06/09 11:26, 30F

06/09 11:33, , 31F
06/09 11:33, 31F

06/09 11:42, , 32F
買數位版可以跟朋友share 我是要買來跟我弟玩的
06/09 11:42, 32F

06/09 11:46, , 33F
06/09 11:46, 33F

06/09 13:36, , 34F
06/09 13:36, 34F

06/09 13:37, , 35F
06/09 13:37, 35F

06/09 13:39, , 36F
樓上免擔心,剩下的0.02%等6/14 15:01後完成XDD
06/09 13:39, 36F

06/09 13:45, , 37F
06/09 13:45, 37F

06/09 13:46, , 38F
06/09 13:46, 38F
還有 62 則推文
06/09 20:02, , 101F
06/09 20:02, 101F

06/09 20:03, , 102F
真的是腦包 我說馬小九,別自己拉板凳坐
06/09 20:03, 102F

06/09 20:04, , 103F
06/09 20:04, 103F

06/09 20:04, , 104F
基本上我認不認定是沒有意義也不必要的 ^^
06/09 20:04, 104F

06/09 20:04, , 105F
06/09 20:04, 105F

06/09 20:14, , 106F
沒指名誰腦 如果告失敗 換人倒楣 lol 兩邊都加油
06/09 20:14, 106F

06/09 20:32, , 107F
06/09 20:32, 107F

06/09 20:37, , 108F
06/09 20:37, 108F

06/09 20:37, , 109F
音譯,意為木、石、土堆。 <-google 看到這解 XD 離題了
06/09 20:37, 109F

06/09 20:38, , 110F
!不過Last of us看直播真的很不錯 必敗!!
06/09 20:38, 110F

06/09 20:59, , 111F
06/09 20:59, 111F

06/09 21:01, , 112F
06/09 21:01, 112F

06/09 21:19, , 113F
06/09 21:19, 113F

06/09 22:14, , 114F
06/09 22:14, 114F

06/09 22:53, , 115F
何必這樣呢 水準這麼低幹嘛
06/09 22:53, 115F

06/09 22:54, , 116F
06/09 22:54, 116F

06/09 23:08, , 117F
06/09 23:08, 117F

06/09 23:09, , 118F
06/09 23:09, 118F

06/09 23:10, , 119F
06/09 23:10, 119F

06/09 23:12, , 120F
06/09 23:12, 120F

06/09 23:15, , 121F
06/09 23:15, 121F

06/09 23:16, , 122F
E3看完又是一場大戰啦 (茶
06/09 23:16, 122F

06/09 23:17, , 123F
雖然說我比較期待apple wwdc w
06/09 23:17, 123F

06/09 23:18, , 124F
06/09 23:18, 124F

06/09 23:18, , 125F
06/09 23:18, 125F

06/09 23:49, , 126F
拿來當PC螢幕兼看電視當然買SONY阿 買電漿做啥?
06/09 23:49, 126F

06/09 23:57, , 127F
想到國家的司法資源要浪費在這種事情上 真是悲哀
06/09 23:57, 127F

06/10 00:08, , 128F
06/10 00:08, 128F

06/10 00:15, , 129F
乾脆加一條放引戰餌直接水桶好了 什麼年代了還在釣魚
06/10 00:15, 129F

06/10 00:15, , 130F
06/10 00:15, 130F

06/10 01:15, , 131F
06/10 01:15, 131F

06/10 11:42, , 132F

06/10 13:37, , 133F
06/10 13:37, 133F

06/10 14:20, , 134F
想說認真心得文怎麼會這麼多推 原來是在戰~~ XD
06/10 14:20, 134F

06/10 14:21, , 135F
推原PO翻譯! 匿蹤要素重 單機要素豐富 我的最愛!
06/10 14:21, 135F

06/10 18:18, , 136F
有真人版逆轉裁判玩 PS版真感心
06/10 18:18, 136F

06/10 19:34, , 137F
06/10 19:34, 137F

06/11 10:19, , 138F
不要起爭議拉 > Q <
06/11 10:19, 138F

06/11 16:08, , 139F
06/11 16:08, 139F

10/06 19:25, , 140F
好好的討論也要戰 https://daxiv.com
10/06 19:25, 140F
文章代碼(AID): #1Hioweuy (PlayStation)