[外電] J.Smith不在意被削減上場時間

看板Pistons作者 (戴特希爾三三)時間10年前 (2013/11/14 15:33), 編輯推噓10(10011)
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http://tinyurl.com/jwh666e Pistons' $54M man Josh Smith not fazed with cut in playing time 千萬年薪的J.Smith不介意上場時間被削減 Oakland, Calif — If there was one thing Josh Smith didn’t expect upon his migration from Atlanta to Detroit, it was sitting alongside teammates on the bench to start games or halves. 如果說有什麼事情是Josh從亞特蘭大來到底特律之後沒料及到的, 就是整場比賽的後半段幾乎都坐在板凳上。 But there was the Pistons’ new $54 million acquisition, after a nondescript first half against the Golden State Warriors Tuesday night, sitting alongside fellow starter Chauncey Billups when second-half play began. 這位活塞花了54M收購而來的新血,在上半場打的荒腔走板之後, 陪先發的槍蜥一起在下半場坐在板凳上。 Smith finished with two points and two rebounds in only 19 minutes, but Pistons coach Maurice Cheeks downplayed the move, while adding Billups had a knee issue. Josh此役上場19分鐘,拿下2分和2籃板,槍蜥則是因為膝蓋不適。 “I wanted to change some things up; it wasn’t their effort,” said Cheeks after the game. “I wanted to get something different.” 「我想要做點改變,」Cheeks說,「這不是他們該打出來的樣子, 我想要讓現況不一樣。」 The different lineup of using Kentavious Caldwell-Pope and Kyle Singler didn’ t produce better results in the second half, in the Pistons’ 113-95 loss. Afterward, Cheeks did question the effort of his team as a whole. 但是下半場讓KCP和Singler連手上場並沒有太大的效果, 活塞以95比113輸給勇士隊之後,Cheeks也因此質疑團隊的企圖心。 Smith wasn’t angry or testy after the game when asked about Cheeks’ choice to sit him. 而Josh也沒有因為Cheeks冰他而感到生氣或者不爽。 “Just gotta cheer my teammates on,” Smith said. “You can’t focus on decisions people make, higher than you. You have to adjust around it, and as long as I’ve been in this league, that’s what I’ve been willing to do — learning to adjust.” 「我只能試著鼓舞我的隊友,」Josh說,「你不能去質疑那些權位比你高的人做出的 決定,你只能試著適應它。 而我已經在聯盟打滾這麼久了...我也願意一直不斷的去適應這點(只教練所做出的調度)」 When asked if he felt Cheeks was trying to send him a message, Smith said, “ You never know. We just have to adjust around situations and circumstances. Can’t let it affect your thought process.” 而當Josh被問到,下放板凳是否是Cheeks試圖傳達給他某種訊息,Josh回答: 「你永遠不會知道。你只能不斷是著去適應還有接受,不能讓任何外力影響你的思維。」 Smith is clearly agitated about the team’s lax defensive approach during their four-game losing streak. They’ve averaged giving up 110 points in the losses, usually due to slow starts. 很顯然的,Josh在這四連敗、幾乎都是打逆風球、和平均失分110之中需要付點責任, “We have to get back to locking in and keying in on defense,” Smith said. “ I think we had too many mental lapses on defense. We have to get back to playing defense.” 「我們需要在防守方再次上緊發條,」Josh說,「我覺得我們在防守時太常晃神了 必須把防守的那股精神找回來。」 “Just gotta get off to better starts. Have to focus on people not getting in our paint. We have to watch some film and get back to being aggressive and physical in our paint.” 「一開始就要掌握主動權,然後嘗試讓對方進不來我們的禁區」 我們要多看一點比賽的影片並且打的更加侵略和肢體對抗性一點。」Josh說 In the first quarter of Monday’s game against Portland, Smith scored 11 but didn’t score again. With the implementation of a ball-dominant Brandon Jennings into the offense, and running a lot of plays and sets for Greg Monroe, it looks like Smith is on the outside looking in and he doesn’t want to force anything. 在對上波特蘭的比賽,Josh第一節就拿下11分,但後半段的比賽就沒有再得分了 這也許可以歸咎於負責掌握進攻的Jennings還有戰術圍繞的Monroe 但Josh接下來時常站在外線等球,而不是做出一些較有侵略性的進攻。 “I’m not a selfish player. I’m not gonna demand plays be run for me,” Smith said. “I look around and see what the game is given our way and work my way around it. I think I can be effective offensively but it might be somebody else’s night. I can’t focus on things I can’t control.” 「我並不是一位自私的球員,我不會要求無線開火權或者全程控球之類的」Josh說, 「有時候我認為我可以觀察到球隊需要什麼幫助,並且盡力幫忙, 但有時候事情卻不是我想的這麼簡單,我無法掌控那些我無法預料的事情。」 Cheeks didn’t have a clear explanation for why Smith’s production has suddenly slipped, but it’s clear he’s not getting the touches he was while Jennings was out or working his way back into rhythm. Cheeks並沒有對於為何Josh的機校突然大打折扣做出解釋,但依造最近這幾場比賽 對於Jennings季初的受傷和回歸後的這幾場比賽可以看的出來,Cheeks並沒有做出 合適的應對措施。 “He has to get involved in the offense, get some offensive rebounds, run the floor, get some post-ups,” said Cheeks of Smith. “Get your hands on the ball and things will change for you 「他必須把我們的進攻再提升一點,抓幾的進攻籃板,多點跑動,多打一點低位」 Cheeks對Josh說,「多點持球之後也許事情就會有所轉變。」 -- 第一次翻譯,如有錯請板友幫忙指正 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/14 17:11, , 1F
cheeks是質疑球隊的拼勁 怎麼有會質疑自己的調度XD
11/14 17:11, 1F
對喔囧rz 已更正 感謝

11/14 17:33, , 2F
只上19分鐘?林迷早就幹翻教練了! (還好我不是XD
11/14 17:33, 2F

11/14 17:53, , 3F
我覺得是b2b的關係 昨天josh有上場也很遊魂
11/14 17:53, 3F

11/14 17:57, , 4F
我一開始也以為是B2B的關係, 但是夢羅就相對打太久了吧
11/14 17:57, 4F

11/14 17:59, , 5F
11/14 17:59, 5F

11/14 21:06, , 6F
現在應該要縮減三高同時上場的時間了 目前比較可行的
11/14 21:06, 6F

11/14 21:07, , 7F
方式應該讓裝猛打替補 虐虐菜順便練低位 也可以讓Josh
11/14 21:07, 7F

11/14 21:08, , 8F
打他的大前鋒 我想老杜最終還是要從這三位挑出一個來
11/14 21:08, 8F

11/14 21:09, , 9F
交易 我希望他選擇的是Josh不是Monroe
11/14 21:09, 9F

11/14 21:18, , 10F
11/14 21:18, 10F

11/14 21:19, , 11F
而且他年輕體力又好 開季以來幾乎場場打到38分以上
11/14 21:19, 11F

11/14 21:21, , 12F
11/14 21:21, 12F

11/14 21:21, , 13F
我覺得根本沒什麼好擔心的 把抓猛降替補根本是因噎廢食
11/14 21:21, 13F
※ 編輯: DetHill33 來自: (11/14 22:38)

11/14 23:07, , 14F
11/14 23:07, 14F

11/15 00:39, , 15F
建寧一回來就輸個沒停 誰問題比較大很明顯了
11/15 00:39, 15F

11/15 00:44, , 16F
還好吧 又不是輸弱隊 都是輸本來贏面就比較小的比賽
11/15 00:44, 16F

11/15 00:45, , 17F
而且也只有對勇士那場是沒什麼競爭力的繳械 所以建寧
11/15 00:45, 17F

11/15 00:46, , 18F
是不是戰犯還不能太武斷 下一場對國王倒是挺值得關注
11/15 00:46, 18F

11/15 08:33, , 19F
建寧回來前三場比賽 贏的是巫師綠賽
11/15 08:33, 19F

11/15 08:33, , 20F
回來後對上黑雷溜馬拓荒勇士 隊伍的強度明顯有差吧= =
11/15 08:33, 20F

11/15 09:25, , 21F
11/15 09:25, 21F
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