[外電] Easy as ABC?

看板Pistons作者 (台北不是我的家)時間18年前 (2006/05/11 14:09), 編輯推噓13(13014)
留言27則, 14人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
原文出處: http://0rz.net/a51mV -- AUBURN HILLS, Mich. – With each Detroit Pistons three-point bomb, each blocked Cleveland Cavaliers shot, the number of witnesses dwindled, televisions across America clicking off in favor of lawn mowing, light bulb changing or sock drawer sorting – heck, anything. It was exactly what ABC and the NBA deserved. 密西根州奧本山訊 - 每一顆底特律活塞的三分彈,每一記克里夫蘭騎士收到的麻辣鍋 都使得全美電視機前的觀眾人數越來越少,他們寧願去割草坪、換燈泡或將襪子分門別類 放進抽屜 - 該死,反正就是離開電視機前去做任何事也懶得繼續看下去就對了。不過,這 真的是ABC(美國廣播公司)和NBA罪有應得。 In a most predictable fashion, producing a most predictably lopsided result, the Pistons annihilated the LeBrons here Sunday afternoon 113-86. It wasn't as close as the score indicated. 一如絕大多數人所預期,比賽結果一面倒,強調全隊通力合作的活塞星期天下午在主 場狠狠地羞辱了小皇帝以及他的騎士隊,然而兩隊的實力差距絕非記分板所顯示地如此接 近。 This was a surprise to no one but the television execs whose genius idea it was to once again rig the NBA's schedule. Instead of giving fans the best teams and the best games in the best television slots, they grasped at individual star power, sizzle rather than steak. 對於比賽結果沒有任何人感到訝異,除了電視台的經理們以外,因為他們原本認為這 又是另一次操控NBA轉播賽程表的好機會。他們在最棒的電視頻道未給予球迷轉播最棒的球 隊及最棒的比賽,他們反而緊抓著擁有超級球星的球隊的比賽,將他們的聲勢炒得沸沸揚 揚。 Detroit and Cleveland tipped at 3:30 p.m. ET Sunday and not because the Pistons put up the best record in the league this year – "it wasn't us," Pistons guard Chauncey Billups said. No, it was LeBron James and LeBron James only. 底特律和克里夫蘭的比賽是在東部時間星期天下午三點半轉播,但那場比賽電視台會 轉播並非因為活塞寫下聯盟最多勝場數的光榮紀錄 - 活塞控衛槍蜥說"那絕對不是因為我 們,電視台會選擇轉播這場比賽純粹是因為我們的對手是當紅炸子雞LBJ。" Meanwhile, San Antonio, merely the defending NBA champion trying for its third title in four seasons, got to play fellow 60-game winner Dallas in the early game, which tipped off at noon in Texas. A thriller to the finish in the Mavericks-Spurs game was as predictable as an easy Pistons victory, and that's what happened. Too bad anyone west of the Mississippi had to skip church to see it in its entirety. 當時,尋求在四年內贏取第三座冠軍盃的聖安東尼奧馬刺和本季取得60場勝利的勁敵 達拉斯小牛的激戰還在進行當中,但電視台卻選在下午時間才在德州延播。小牛、馬刺熱 戰會持續到最後一刻和活塞能夠輕易取勝同樣是大家所預期的比賽結果,而事實也正是如 此。不過對密西西比以西的球迷來說,翹掉星期天教堂禮拜的時間在家收看這樣一場在第 二節就提早進入垃圾時間的比賽,這只能說是糟透了。 This is what you call backward scheduling by the worst kind of television execs , ones that either don't know or don't trust the game they are broadcasting. This was scheduling based on Nike commercials and highlight tapes, not quality basketball designed to best serve the fans' best viewing interests. 這就是你所稱最差的一種轉播節目安排模式,他們走了回頭路,連自己正撥什麼節目 都不清楚,甚至完全不知道。他們完全依據Nike的行銷策略和比賽精采片段的多寡來決定 要轉播哪一場比賽,而非以提供球迷們最優質的籃球比賽為原則來安排轉播節目表。 The NBA, a league which has rejuvenated itself by rejecting just that thinking and emphasizing team play over individual performances, should have known better than to allow it. 而NBA,這個正以阻絕球隊太過重視和強調團隊打法以致壓過球員個人表現為努力目標 的聯盟,最好是趕快醒一醒,設法去解決電視台胡亂安排轉播節目的亂象。 This is exactly how the NBA got off track in the late 1990s, believing not in the inherent entertainment value of the game of basketball – merely the fastest growing sport in the world – but advertising slogans dreamed up by its New York office. The marketers believed they were smarter than the consumers and overloaded the game with flash and fashion, anything for the individual. 這亂象和堪稱全世界發展最迅速的運動聯盟 - NBA - 在'90年代末期離經叛道的情形 有點相似,都一樣不相信籃球比賽本身的娛樂價值,卻屢屢由紐約總部的辦公室設計出一 些天馬行空的廣告標語來大肆宣傳。這些商人堅信他們比消費者聰明地多,他們在比賽中 加入了太多炫目和流行的因素,而這一切全都是為了塑造某些球星的個人英雄形象。 The result was a diminished level of play as games deteriorated into a slowed-down, overly physical, one-on-one bore that only Pat Riley could love. Oblivious, the NBA kept trying to hype up the "Next Michael Jordan," fooling no one with a steady string of weak imitators. 然而聯盟這麼做的結果卻是大幅降低了比賽的水準,使得比賽變成只有油頭Riley才可 能喜歡的那種慢節奏、充滿肢體衝突和球員間一對一憎恨的hustle style。很明顯地,NBA 持續在嘗試尋找"下一個喬丹"的造神運動,不過一連串實力不如預期的接班人的表現已經 讓大家倒盡胃口。 The NBA's rep, in some quarters, has never recovered. 時至今日,NBA在許多地區受歡迎的程度從未恢復到和以往喬神與芝加哥公牛力退群魔 時一樣。 To David Stern's credit, he shifted gears; in deeds, if not in words, acknowledging the league had lost its way and that no one wanted to watch 24 seconds of one supposed star backing down another supposed star, no matter how cute the nicknames. 對D.Stern來說,他改變了某些比賽的基調,那還是值得讚揚的:實際上,就算沒有訴 諸文字,他承認聯盟已經迷失了方向,而沒有任何人希望在24秒內看到一個接班人擊敗另 一個接班人,不管他們的綽號有多響亮,或者說是可愛。 (譯按:說到可愛的綽號,我心裡面第一個浮現的就是有嬰兒肥傾向的甜瓜 XDDDD) Stern, ever a hoops fan at heart, realized that it is the game that matters. Defensive rules were rewritten to encourage moving without the ball. Referees were told to emphasize clutching and grabbing. Goon ball resulted in immediate suspensions and fines. 對於骨子裡仍深愛籃球的Stern來說,其實他很清楚比賽的本質才是最重要的。防守規 則被重新修訂為鼓勵未持球狀態的跑動,裁判們也被告知在球賽最後一刻要把勝負交由場 上球員來決定,並尊重球員間正當的爭搶和卡位行為。而強調球賽本質的結果就是很快就 有球員因為不當行為而被禁賽和罰款。 The result has been a renaissance for the league, more scoring, more excitement , better teams and quality of play, all on display during a first round that produced historic performances and generated a national buzz. The NBA gave up trying to tell us that this pretender or that was Jordan, and instead a dozen players took up part of the slack. The NBA hasn't been this good in at least a decade. 這對聯盟來說就像是一個活力再造的復興過程,球賽得分變多了,刺激度也提升了, 球隊的表現越來越好,球賽內容也更加精采,這全都可以由可看性之高在史上少見,讓全 國籃球迷看得大呼過癮的季後賽第一輪得到驗證。雖然NBA放棄再嘗試造神運動,卻有成打 的球員前仆後繼,試圖在後喬丹時期贏得球迷的關愛的眼光,這欣欣向榮的景象應該是NBA 過去十數年來首見。 So why let it backslide? Why let ABC lie to basketball fans and claim watching one great player get crushed by a far, far superior team is a better matchup than watching two exceptional teams? Why let TV claim the individual is more important than the team? 所以為何要走回頭路呢?為什麼要讓ABC欺瞞死忠的籃球迷,聲稱小皇帝螳臂擋車力抗 活塞大軍的戲碼絕對要比德州雙強捉對廝殺的熱戰還精采?為什麼要讓電視台繼續主張個 人表現遠比團隊合作重要的謬論? Why let LeBron – as great, as gifted, as exciting as he is – change the way you do business? This is something the NFL would never do, understanding the game and the league are bigger than any one sensation. You don't grow your fan base taking the quick buck, the quick Nielsen rating. When you go all in on a single player, he can wind up with just 22 points, his team embarrassed by 27. LBJ是很了不起、很有天份,確實能讓比賽變得刺激沒錯,但為什麼非得遷就他不可? 這種蠢事是NFL(美式足球聯盟)從來不會做的,因為他們知道球賽和聯盟本身遠比任何單一 位球員來得重要許多。你不應該用揠苗助長的方式來開拓球迷人數,也不該完全以收視率 為依歸,而應該有所堅持。當球隊太過倚賴某一位球員,也許他只能拿下22分,球隊卻以 27分的極大差距落敗。 Scheduling was the complaint of Detroit, Dallas and San Antonio – the clear big three of the league – during the first round also. Games featuring those teams kept getting pushed to NBATV. The Pistons had a weekday 6 p.m. tipoff – "the JV game," Billups said – so LeBron could get prime time. 電視台安排的轉播表深為活塞、小牛和馬刺這三支很明顯是今年奪冠大熱門的球隊所 詬病,在季後賽第一輪期間亦是如此。這幾支球隊的比賽只有在非熱門時段才看得到,槍 蜥說"活塞的比賽就像二軍的練習賽",只有在平常日(禮拜一到禮拜五)晚上六點的時候才 看得到,所以LBJ的比賽才能在黃金時段於電視上播出。 Round 1 is one thing because the best teams often have the most lopsided series . But this is different. The marquee matchup in round two is Dallas and San Antonio, two real championship contenders playing early, a backyard brawl with plenty of storylines. 這情形發生在第一輪勉強還說得過去,因為通常強隊幾乎都不費吹灰之力就能擊敗低 順位種子。但這一輪可就不一樣了,第二輪最有看頭的對戰非小牛和馬刺堪稱是搶先開打 的西區總冠軍賽莫屬,這兩支雙雙來自德州且充滿故事性的球隊將在第二輪提前分出高下 。 Real fans want to watch that. Casual fans will get hooked by it. Cool shoe commercials are for the regular season. 真正內行的球迷絕對是希望看到兩虎相爭的戲碼,只有看熱鬧的外行人才會喜歡什麼 小皇帝力抗活塞群雄的大爛片,那種帥氣的球鞋廣告你在例行賽期間看得還不夠多嗎? LeBron is a treat, but at this point his team can't compete with Detroit. "We got our behinds kicked," said Cavs coach Mike Brown. And that isn't likely to change; this series is unlikely to go past five games. Cleveland actually played pretty well, but the Pistons are a team that plays offense and defense. Antawn Jamison wouldn't get off the bench here. LBJ確實是百年難得一見的奇才,但此時此刻,他和他的騎士隊完全不是活塞的對手。 騎士教練M.Brown說"我們根本是輸到脫褲子。"而接下來幾場比賽這情形似乎不會有什麼改 變;這個系列賽應該不會打到第五場吧。事實上騎士表現地很好,但活塞更是一支攻守俱 佳的準總冠軍球隊,巫師的A.Jamison如果加入活塞,以他的破爛防守,可能連替補上場的 機會都沒有。 "If we do what we are supposed to do," Pistons coach Flip Saunders said, "we'll have success." 活塞教練老桑說"如果我們表現不要失常,那我們將能順利挺進東區冠軍賽。" Everyone around the NBA knows that. Every fan outside of Ohio knows that. Too bad ABC doesn't. 聯盟中的每個人都是明眼人,而俄亥俄州以外的每一位球迷也都清清楚楚。不過很遺 憾的,ABC到現在還執迷不悟。 -- 註、這一篇能完成一定要好好感謝P大的鼎力相助 謝謝 <(_ _)> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/11 18:18, , 1F
05/11 18:18, 1F

05/11 18:54, , 2F
05/11 18:54, 2F

05/11 18:59, , 3F
05/11 18:59, 3F

05/11 18:59, , 4F
Billups說的話好心酸..Go Pistons,一直支持著你們
05/11 18:59, 4F

05/11 19:10, , 5F
Jamison那裡我覺得他是要說 活塞不要他 他來活塞是離
05/11 19:10, 5F

05/11 19:11, , 6F
05/11 19:11, 6F

05/11 19:12, , 7F
05/11 19:12, 7F

05/11 19:35, , 8F
我猜Jamison那段是說 本來應該是要巫師跟活塞打的
05/11 19:35, 8F

05/11 19:35, , 9F
但是因為某些緣故 使得騎士晉級了
05/11 19:35, 9F

05/11 19:39, , 10F
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05/11 19:39, , 11F
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05/11 19:55, , 12F
05/11 19:55, 12F

05/11 19:56, , 13F
我覺得是要暗批Jamison的防守差 不是指他真正想來活塞
05/11 19:56, 13F

05/11 20:28, , 14F
05/11 20:28, 14F

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※ 編輯: kerrys 來自: (05/12 00:18)

05/12 00:19, , 26F
05/12 00:19, 26F

05/12 00:20, , 27F
05/12 00:20, 27F
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