[外電] Is the best yet to come?

看板Pistons作者 (台北不是我的家)時間18年前 (2006/02/21 21:21), 編輯推噓5(503)
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原文出處: http://0rz.net/4c14h -- AUBURN HILLS -- Just so you know, Shaquille O'Neal has seen how this season is going to wind down. 奧本山訊 -- 就如同你所知道的,大歐也已經看出本季接下來的發展。 He sees the Pistons and Heat meeting again in the Eastern Conference finals, and he sees the Pistons going into that series with home-court advantage. 他認為活塞和熱火將再次於東區冠軍賽碰頭,且活塞將挾著主場優勢打進該系列賽。 "I don't see them going on a 15-game losing streak, or even a two-game losing streak," O'Neal said during All-Star Weekend in Houston. 全明星週末期間大歐於休士頓如是說"我不認為他們會連輸15場,甚至連輸2場也不大 可能。" "So, I don't think anybody's going to catch them. We just have to keep ourselves solid in that No. 2 spot. "所以我不認為有哪支球隊能追上他們的戰績,我們只需好好守住第二種子的席位。" "It looks like it will be like last year -- us and Detroit." "目前情勢看來應該和去年沒啥兩樣 -- 我們和活塞將於東區總冠軍賽捉對廝殺。" The way his Miami teammate Dwyane Wade sees it, the Pistons already have shown their top gear. 他邁阿密的隊友典偉也這麼想,活塞已經展現了他們的絕佳狀態。 "We are still going to improve," Wade said. "The Pistons and Spurs, those teams , I don't think they can play any better than they have. We know the level they are going to be at. It's on us now to show that we can get to that level or higher." 典偉說"我們仍在進步,而像活塞和馬刺這幾支隊伍,我不認為他們往後能表現得比現 在還出色。我們知道他們的程度如何,就目前看來,我們應該能追上甚至超越他們。" Wade might be in for a surprise. If coach Flip Saunders is to be believed -- and why wouldn't he be? -- the Pistons still have some tricks up their sleeves. Despite their 42-9 record, they still haven't played at peak levels. 典偉可能會感到驚訝,如果老桑教練相信 -- 他有什麼理由不相信 -- 活塞還留了一 手,儘管他們已打出42勝9敗的佳績,他們仍未處在最佳狀態。 "We're on the downside of the hill now," Saunders said. "These last 31 games, it's going to be like the luge in the Olympics, it's like going 85 miles per hour and we're going to be in the playoffs before you even know it." 老桑說"我們現在站在山腳下,而最後的31場比賽,我們會把它們當作奧運比賽來打, 這就像是每小時前進85英里,且我們甚至會在你們知道前就已闖進季後賽。" The speed analogy is fitting. Among the ways the Pistons plan to get better down the stretch is to crank up their running game. 如果說他們現在的速度是剛剛好,活塞正計畫在下半球季加快腳步。 "We are going to get the rest of our offense in and, defensively, we're going to put in some more changes -- like using our zone more, and half-court traps and things like that," Saunders said. 老桑說"我們會投入剩餘的心思在進攻上面,而防守方面也將有一番新風貌 -- 例如更 常使用我們的區域防守、半場陷阱之類的。" Though they remain the third-stingiest defensive team in the league, the Pistons haven't been nearly as disruptive as they have in the past. They rank 24th in forcing turnovers. 儘管他們每場比賽平均失分仍是在全聯盟第三少的,活塞尚未展現以往那種幾近密不 透風的窒息式防守,他們強迫對方發生失誤的次數僅僅排在聯盟第24名。 Enter Lindsey Hunter and, perhaps, more of Carlos Delfino. 在加入獵人,或許讓C.Delfino也有多一點上場時間後。 "Lindsey is going to help so much defensively," Saunders said. "People are just not going to beat him (off the dribble). He applies so much pressure, he really disrupts people." 老桑說"獵人在防守方面有給予球隊相當顯著的抑注,在他面前對手將沒辦法輕易運球 ,他的防守能製造對手很大的壓力並擾亂他們。" With Hunter now in the rotation, and Carlos Arroyo now playing in Orlando, the Pistons will be able to do things they couldn't before. They can trap more effectively. Their zone becomes more impacting. And the results, Saunders believes, will be more forced turnovers and more opportunities to score easy baskets in transition. 在獵人回到球員輪替名單而阿漏油被送至奧蘭多後,活塞將有能力做到之前他們無法 做到的。他們能更有效率地設下防守陷阱,他們區域防守也將更有侵略性。而結果就是, 老桑相信球隊將迫使對手發生更多的失誤,也會有更多在攻守轉換之間輕鬆取分的機會。 "One thing that happened with us playing so well is, teams threw all different kinds of things at us," Saunders said. "Offensively and defensively, we got a chance to see what works and what doesn't work. That's going to help us down the road." 老桑"我們之所以能表現如此優異的原因之一是對手給了我們各種問題,不管是攻擊或 防守方面,我們有機會去嘗試怎麼做是有效的,又怎麼做是無效的,這在往後也將給予我 們幫助。" Saunders is serious about using more zone as the regular season comes to a close. The players don't really like it, but, in spots, they saw how it can be effective. 在例行賽接近尾聲之際,老桑很認真地想要多運用區域防守。雖然球員們並不怎麼喜 歡,但他們卻也時時都可看出那是多麼有效的一種防守陣勢。 "We have a chance to be a very good zone team," Saunders said. "I think we are going to use that more in certain situations." 老桑說"我們有機會成為一支相當出色的區域防守球隊,我想在某些情況下我們將更常 運用區域防守。" Saunders is also serious about using Delfino more. 老桑也很認真考慮要更重用Delfino。 "He has to be a part of the picture," he said. "I made a conscious effort to play him and he responded. I have been especially impressed with his ability to defend. He is going to be a very important person for us down the stretch." 他說"他已經成為拼圖的一部分,我刻意測試他,而他也給了我回應。特別是他的防守 ,給了我相當深刻的印象。在接下的賽季中,他將成為相當重要的一份子。" If the Pistons' plan is to play at a faster pace -- or at least to have that option in their repertoire -- then Delfino has to be in the mix. He is one of the team's best open-court players. 如果活塞的計劃是要打出更快節奏的比賽 -- 或至少那將是他們全部策略之一 -- 那 必須讓Delfino盡快融入球隊之中,因為他是全隊最佳全場開放進攻球員之一。 The Pistons' schedule will remain fairly rugged through the first week in March . They play eight games over the next 12 days, five on the road, including a three-game Western swing against Denver, Seattle and the Los Angeles Lakers. 活塞三月第一個星期的賽程仍將相當嚴峻,他們在接下來12天得出賽8場,有5場客場 比賽,其中還包括連續3場西區之旅(將分別對上丹佛、西雅圖和洛杉磯湖人)。줊 Things become more manageable after that. They will play seven straight games against teams with .500 or worse records, then nine of their last 14 games are at The Palace. 之後賽程會變得輕鬆多了,他們將連續對上7支勝率在5成,甚至不滿5成的球隊,最後 14場比賽則有9場會在主場宮殿球場舉行。 "I have been happy with the way we have played through the first 51 games and I have a good feeling about where we can be by the time we roll into the playoffs ," Saunders said. 老桑說"對於球隊前51場比賽的表現我很滿意,而且我有種預感,我們在季後賽將大開 殺戒,掀起一陣腥風血雨。" "I know one thing, when this thing tips off come April and into the playoffs, that's when we are going to be hungry." "我只知道一件事,當四月到來,球季進入季後賽之時,我們會更加渴望贏得比賽的勝 利。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/21 22:42, , 1F
02/21 22:42, 1F

02/21 22:49, , 2F
推Delfino 我覺得他真是一塊打球的料 趕快融入系統吧
02/21 22:49, 2F

02/21 22:49, , 3F
02/21 22:49, 3F

02/21 22:56, , 4F
Delfino快要變成非賣品了XD 再加點油
02/21 22:56, 4F

02/21 23:00, , 5F
02/21 23:00, 5F

02/22 00:11, , 6F
02/22 00:11, 6F

02/22 00:45, , 7F
老桑真的很喜歡區域聯防 XD
02/22 00:45, 7F

02/22 09:04, , 8F
季後賽贏16就好 要求不多 XDy
02/22 09:04, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #13-nE_-y (Pistons)
文章代碼(AID): #13-nE_-y (Pistons)