[外電] Hamilton rescues Pistons(昨日Recap)

看板Pistons作者 (一切都還和以前一樣)時間18年前 (2005/12/22 22:45), 編輯推噓13(1302)
留言15則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
(恩恩,經p版友及k版友指正後,修正一些可笑的錯誤…) 這一篇好長哦…抱歉LAG了… 我還有待磨練,請踴躍指正。 原文出處:http://0rz.net/8c0XN Ben Wallace guards Zach Randolph (Michigan State) during the second half. Randolph scored 37, but the Pistons' pressure shut him down in the closing minutes and helped Detroit win. 大班在下半場防守軟豆腐,雖然軟豆腐得了37分,不過活塞給他的防守壓力在比賽的 緊要關頭壓制了他,並且幫助活塞贏球。 Pistons 93, Trail Blazers 89 Hamilton rescues Pistons RIP救了活塞。 He scores eight straight at end of game to help his tired teammates rally and beat Trail Blazers. RIP得了活塞隊在比賽中的最後八分,拯救了他疲憊的隊友,而且打敗了拓荒者。 AUBURN HILLS -- Flip Saunders came over to the scorer's table in the third quarter and said, "I should have been a dentist." 奧本山皇宮 -- 教練桑德斯在第三節抓著記分板說道:「我應該是個牙醫!」 Why not, as much teeth-pulling as he had to do Tuesday night trying to get his mentally and physically drained basketball team to respond. (這一句是不是說…要在靠背靠又兩度延長之後打比賽,就要像他看牙醫一樣,把身體及 心理的所有餘力都擠出來?) And, again, the Pistons somehow found the wherewithal to do so. 又一次的艱難比賽,活塞無論如何要找到方法來應對。 Richard Hamilton, who had missed nine of his first 13 shots, scored eight straight points and the Pistons erased a five-point deficit in the final five minutes to beat the Portland Trail Blazers, 93-89, before the 94th straight sellout crowd at The Palace. 投進球隊最後八分的人,是一開始13投只有4中的RIP。活塞扭轉了比賽最後5分鐘落後 5分的劣勢,今天以93比89擊敗拓荒者。活塞已經連續94場賣光主場的票了。 "I am happy we won, but I am not overall pleased with how we played," Saunders said. "When we don't play well, we hold the ball. Tonight, we held the ball. I know our schedule had something to do with it, but we can't be effective when we play like we did tonight." 「我很高興我們贏了,不過我並不全然滿意我們的表現。」,老桑說:「當我們沒打 好,我們會穩住情勢。而今晚也是一樣。我知道我們該為我們的賽程做出一些應變措施, 但我們今晚打的不是很有效率。」 The Pistons' fifth straight victory, and 11th out of their last 12, raised their record to 20-3. 活塞已經五連勝,而且在這最近12場比賽中贏了11場,讓他們的戰績挺進到了20勝3負。 Hamilton finished with 23 points. Chauncey Billups (19 points, 10 assists) got the Pistons going in the fourth, taking advantage of rookie Jarrett Jack. Twice, Billups got Jack in the air and drew fouls. Both times Billups was launching from beyond the three-point arc. RIP今晚得了23分,槍蜥(19分10助攻)讓活塞在第四節動了起來;槍蜥對付菜鳥 Jarrett Jack則佔盡優勢。槍蜥兩次將Jack晃起並賺到犯規。還在三分線弧頂位置笑了 笑。(是弧頂嗎?有錯請指正)→(譯按:我把launch看成laugh…原來意思可能是? launch不是很具體的一個動詞…) He made five of those six free throws to cut the deficit to two. 他靠著六罰五中,讓落後變平手…(to two是?)→(譯按:經兩位版友指正, 是把落後減少到兩分的意思。) "(Billups) came down and flopped, he didn't even get touched," said Portland's Zach Randolph, who played brilliantly. "We got a lot of bad calls. We had the game and they get six free throws. That's ridiculous." 「槍蜥這傢伙搖搖晃晃,好像被絆倒,根本沒人碰到他嘛…」今天打的相當出色的軟 豆腐說:「我們受到很多不利的吹判,我們掌控了比賽而他們卻得到六次罰球,這太荒謬 了。」 After Hamilton scored the eight straight, the Pistons had to find a way to shut down Randolph, a former Michigan Stater. 在RIP連得八分之後,活塞得要找到一個方法來壓制軟豆腐,一個前密西根州的球員。 Randolph had put it to his old mentor: Rasheed Wallace. He had made 12 of his first 17 shots and finished with 37 points. He scored four in the stretch drive to bring the Blazers to 90-89 with 1:22 left. 軟豆腐在他的師兄溪蛙面前盡展身手。他一開始投17中12,而且總共得了37分。他用 切入得到的4分帶領拓荒者在比賽剩下1分22秒的時候,以90比89領先活塞。 Enter Ben Wallace. 班蛙來了。 "Ben played 56 minutes last night (in Memphis), and he played 41 tonight," Saunders said. "Yet, he was able to do what he did. When we needed to lock down in the final two minutes, he pretty much did it." 「大班昨晚在曼斐斯打了56分鐘,而他今晚打了41分鐘」,老桑說道:「是的,他總 是用盡他身上的每一絲力氣。當比賽在最後2分鐘戰況吃緊的時候,他總是能夠挺身而出, 做的最多!」 Twice he forced Randolph to miss. He also hit a free throw, before Tayshaun Prince iced the victory, hitting two free throws, making a steal and blocking a three-point attempt by Juan Dixon. 大班兩次壓迫軟豆腐使他失誤。大班也能罰球,在小王子ice(?)勝利之前,投進兩 個罰球,然後來個抄截,以及蓋了Juan Dixon一個三分火鍋。 →(譯按:前後句不通順XD,應該是在小王子做了以下的事來凍結(確保)勝利之前 ,大班罰進了一球,而小王子做了那些事呢?就是後面寫的囉…沒看清楚會以為是大班做 的…) Wallace's energy kept the Pistons going for most of the game. He finished with 13 points, 14 rebounds, two steals and two blocks. 班蛙的能量總是能幫助活塞前進。他今晚得了13分,抓了14個籃板,兩個抄截,還有 兩個火鍋。 "I've got to get that guy a message for Christmas," Billups said. "He's us, you know? He's a warrior. When he goes, we go -- and he's been going." 「我要跟他說聖誕快樂!」小畢說:「他就是我們,你瞭嗎?他是個戰士,當他身先 士卒,一馬當先時,我們也會一起併肩作戰,而他總是一直保持在前頭。」 Prince finished with 21 points. 小王子得了21分。 "We have to be the aggressors, especially against a team like this," Blazers coach Nate McMillan said. "You can't sit and wait for them to punch you in the mouth." 「我們必須要像個侵略者,特別是對像這樣的球隊。」拓荒者教練麥克米蘭如是說: 「你不能坐著等人家來賞你耳光(這個片語請指正…)。」 This was the Pistons' fifth game in seven nights, and they were coming off a draining double-overtime victory in Memphis on Monday. It showed. They shot under 40 percent (39.4). They were slow defensively, as shown by the fact the Blazers hit 16 of their first 21 field-goal attempts and shot better than 60 percent for most of the game. They finished at 50. 這是活塞在這七天裡的第五場比賽,而且我們禮拜一的時候才在曼斐斯打贏一場兩度 延長的比賽。這有影響的,我們的命中率不到四成(39.4)。從拓荒者在比賽的前21次投 籃投進了16球,而且大部分比賽命中率都在六成以上看得出來,我們的防守腳步變慢。而 且他們整場比賽的命中率是五成。 And on this night, the Pistons' bench wasn't much help, contributing just six points. Antonio McDyess got into fast foul trouble and played only 12 minutes. 而且今天晚上活塞的替補冷掉了,只貢獻了六分。麥克戴斯竟然早早就陷入犯規麻煩 ,只打了12分鐘…(降呀…) With nine minutes to play, the Blazers were shooting 59 percent and the Pistons 39. Yet, the score was tied. (這句???…)→(譯按:比賽剩九分鐘時,拓荒者命中率五成九、活塞則僅三成九) The Pistons were aided by 17 Blazers turnovers, which they converted into 20 points. They also had a 31-18 edge at the free-throw line (shooting 34 free throws to 26 for the Blazers). 活塞隊得拓荒者隊的17次失誤之助,從中得到了20分。他們也比拓荒者多罰進13分 (31-18)(罰球數34比26) This is the first time the Pistons failed to reach 100 points at home, and only the second time they have beaten the Blazers at The Palace in the last eight games, dating to 1997-98. 這是活塞第一次在主場得不到一百分,而這也是活塞自97-98球季,八次對戰以來,第 二次在主場擊敗拓荒者。(啊?) Big Ben 大班!! Ben Wallace was good Tuesday, but he was even better in the Pistons' 106-104 double-overtime victory in Memphis on Monday.In 56 minutes, he produced 14 rebounds, five blocks and four steals, and he was at his best and most energetic in minutes 46-56. 班蛙禮拜二打的真好,但他禮拜一對灰熊二度延長的那場又更好!在56分鐘裡面,他 抓了14個籃板,蓋了5個火鍋,抄了4球,他總是竭盡全力,而且在他上場的最後十分鐘越 打越猛。 "Ben was great," Saunders said. "The energy he played with for 56 minutes was unreal." 「大班打的真好。」老桑說:「他在56分鐘裡展現的能量真是夢幻。」 Pau Gasol scored 32, but in the two overtime periods, Wallace, playing him man-to-man with no help, limited him to four points on three shots. He shut him out in the second overtime. 雖然保羅加索(哈哈我這樣翻)得了32分,不過在兩次延長賽中,大班跟他一對一, 沒有補防,讓他在三次出手只得四分(?),大班讓加索在第二次延長賽中吃鱉。 In the second overtime, Wallace's ability to badger Gasol blew up the Grizzlies' second offensive possession, forcing a shot-clock violation. Three possessions later, Wallace forced Gasol into a turnover. 在第二次延長賽中,班蛙對加索的糾纏讓灰熊沒有二次進攻機會,還讓灰熊產生一次 24秒進攻違例。在三次攻守互換之後,班蛙還讓加索發生一次失誤。 Then, one possession later, he kept a possession alive by tipping a long rebound out to Billups, who made a three-pointer that put the Pistons ahead, 101-99. 然後,在下一次的進攻當中,他撥出一個長籃板給槍蜥,槍蜥也以投進一個超前的三 分球回應。(比數101-99) Earlier, in the fourth quarter, Wallace had a block (on Gasol), a steal, drew two offensive fouls (one on Gasol, the other on Eddie Jones), and, in the final 2:06, made 3 of 4 free throws. 之前在第四節的時候,班蛙蓋了加索一個火鍋,抄了一球,還讓加索跟Eddie Jones各 領到一個進攻犯規。然後,在最後的2分6秒,罰四中三。 "I just come out and play basketball," Wallace said. "I just try to do what ever it takes to help our team win games." 「我只是上場打球。」班蛙說:「我只是試著去做任何能幫助球隊獲勝的事。」 In the bonus 題外話 The Pistons' 20-3 start is mighty impressive, but it will take a backseat historically to the 23-2 starts by 1995-96 Bulls, the 1969-70 Knicks and the 1966-67 76ers. Last year, the Suns started 22-3. 活塞開季20勝3敗的戰績讓人印象深刻,不過在他們的面前還有三支開季戰績曾達到 23勝-2敗的球隊,這三隊分別是95-96的公牛、69-70的尼克以及66-67的七六人。至於去 年,太陽的開季是22勝3敗。 (這句是說,這三支球隊的戰績還活塞有繼續追上的空間嗎?seatback我查是:坐在司機背 後指揮司機,令人討厭的乘客…)→(譯按:P版友表示:在歷史上還落後於下列三隊) 恩…在沒有很厲害之前,還是不要勉強翻 Recap... 請多指教。 (受益良多,感激不盡) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/22 23:11, , 1F
琴 加油啦 翻久了自然就會比較順 :)
12/22 23:11, 1F
※ 編輯: kjhkj 來自: (12/22 23:17)

12/22 23:18, , 2F
外電推 ~
12/22 23:18, 2F

12/22 23:32, , 3F
cut the deficit to two 追到落後2分 ICE可以翻成確保(勝利)
12/22 23:32, 3F
※ 編輯: kjhkj 來自: (12/22 23:46)

12/22 23:57, , 4F
苦文 這句是不是縮小比分差距甚至到兩分領先呢~~~
12/22 23:57, 4F

12/23 00:18, , 5F
12/23 00:18, 5F

12/23 00:20, , 6F
12/23 00:20, 6F

12/23 00:27, , 7F
12/23 00:27, 7F

12/23 00:28, , 8F
我去查PLAYtoPLAY求證 槍蜥的5個罰球進之後 比數是82-84
12/23 00:28, 8F

12/23 00:30, , 9F
然後接下來8分都是Rip得的 難怪說是他抓緊這場勝利的
12/23 00:30, 9F

12/23 00:29, , 10F
12/23 00:29, 10F

12/23 00:33, , 11F
謝囉 誤會囉
12/23 00:33, 11F

12/23 00:36, , 12F
別介意喔 大家能一起討論是件好事:)
12/23 00:36, 12F

12/23 00:40, , 13F
12/23 00:40, 13F

12/23 01:32, , 14F
呵 是阿 很多不懂得真的要請教啦......別麼說嘛 樓上兩位
12/23 01:32, 14F

12/23 12:29, , 15F
launch好像有發射的意思; 所以這句就是"槍西在弧頂射了"
12/23 12:29, 15F
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文章代碼(AID): #13ghly_C (Pistons)