Re: [宣傳] 清華大學凝態理論Workshop

看板Physics作者 (許B)時間11年前 (2013/06/11 21:19), 編輯推噓1(100)
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補充清大物理系訊息: 清華大學物理系的凝態理論特別研討會 NTHU-Phys Condensed Matter Theory Group Workshop 清大凝體理論物理組是由一群年輕傑出的教授組成 , 是台灣凝體物理尖端領先的研究團隊. 研究範圍包含生物物理,軟物質物理,第一原理計算,強關聯系統解析與數值分析, 及冷原子系統等. 今年邀請了來自西班牙的 Miguel Cazalilla 教授加入凝體理論物理組, 希望能在未來使研究小組更加茁壯及國際化. 在這次研討會中,由凝體理論組的七位教授分享研究的成果及介紹最前沿的發展. 歡迎大三大四,研究生及博士後研究生對凝體物理有興趣的同學參與. Physics department of National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) has a long tradition in condensed matter theory (CMT). However, more and more exotic condensed matter systems bring novel phenomena to attention in recent years, making it important to have more interdisciplinary collaboration in physics research. In this informal workshop, seven current CMT professors in NTHU will share their recent research directions and explore possible development in the future through this open forum of discussion. Professors, researchers, and prospective students/postdocs are all welcome to participate and join discussion. We expect more valuable experience to be exchanged and novel idea to be stimulated in this exciting event for future research. To find more information of the seven NTHU-CMT professors, please look at the following group website: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/12 22:25, , 1F
06/12 22:25, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1HjoFcBt (Physics)
文章代碼(AID): #1HjoFcBt (Physics)