Re: [問題] 統計熱力學兩題

看板Physics作者 (56 in the house~)時間14年前 (2009/12/29 16:56), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《libra1005 (PTT鄉民)》之銘言: : 最近在看統計熱力學,作者是JOHN F. LEE FRANCIS W. SEARS : 看到第五章量子力學部分,課文看完,但是作後面的習題有些還是不太會作, : 因此想請問板上高手幫忙解惑一下,我的問題點是不太了題目最後要求的是甚麼? : 感激不盡。 : 問題一. : It is observed that light emitted from a vibrating hydrogen molecule has : a wavelength of 2.270*10^-6m .Assuming that this radiation comes from : transitions between adjacent excited states of a one-dimensional harmonic : oscillator (with △E = hc/λ,where λ is the wavelength of the observed : radiation),what is the value of the equivalent spring constant for a hydrogen : molecule? △E = hc/λ=hν=(h/2π)*(k/μ)^1/2 k應該為所求 : 問題二. : It is observed that light emitted from a rotating oxygen molecule must come : from adjacent rotational states,i.e.△j=1. Determine the frequencies of the : four lowest transitions if I=1.94*10^39gm cm^2. E(J) = 2*(h^2)*J(J+1) = BJ(J+1) 單位是焦耳 --------------- 8I*(π^2) 所求應為 J=1 --> J=0 2B J=2 --> J=1 4B J=3 --> J=2 6B J=4 --> J=3 8B 不知道對不對 有錯請大家指正 @@ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: BNQ5566 來自: (12/30 12:26)
文章代碼(AID): #1BESGyLg (Physics)
文章代碼(AID): #1BESGyLg (Physics)