[慢跑] Sandberg VS J-Jog消失

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8/18才在推文講老番癲該下台的原因之一就是他已經沒辦法處理J-Jog的老大哥心態,然後 old-school如他又總是將J-Jog排在第一棒或第三棒,這兩個棒次都不是don't hustle but jog in fly ball outs he always hits該待的地方,結果隔天Sandberg上任之後喊出的第 一件事就是直接點名J-Jog,這確實讓我對這位新教頭開始有所期待 Sandberg looks for more from Rollins http://ppt.cc/mJus Ryne Sandberg has many challenges as he gets situated in the Phillies’ manager’s chair. Jimmy Rollins is one of them. Sandberg上任之後將面臨許多挑戰,J-Jog就是其中之一 The 34-year-old shortstop is a top contributor when he’s on his game. But when he’s going badly, he can infuriate fans with frequent pop ups and lapses in hustle. 當這位34歲的游擊手火熱的時候確實能做出許多貢獻,但當他狀況不好的時候,總是會用 一堆軟弱的必死內飛以及在壘間慢跑來激怒球迷 Rollins was not in the Phillies’ starting lineup on Sunday. It was his second time out of the lineup since the all-star break but Sandberg said it had nothing to do with the shortstop's recent struggles. “Just a day off,” Sandberg said. “Down the stretch, I will pick and choose some days for him and Chase Utley just to keep them strong and get some other guys a chance.” Sandberg說前一場讓J-Jog坐板凳只是例行性的休息日,和他在ASG以後的低潮無關 Since the break, Rollins has struggled badly, hitting .214 with a .252 on-base percentage. In his last 13 games, he is hitting .170 (9 for 53) with a .200 on-base percentage. For the season, Rollins is hitting .248 with a .305 on-base percentage and a .339 slugging percentage. 明星賽後的打擊表現簡直慘不忍睹 The Phillies need more than that from Rollins. Sandberg was asked whether he had any fresh ideas to get more out of Rollins. He was vague in his answer, but in so many words admitted that Rollins would be a focus. 雖然還不知道Sandberg對J-Jog會有什麼辦法,但可以確定J-Jog將會是他現在的焦點 “I have good talks with Jimmy and he’s a big piece of the puzzle,” Sandberg said. “That will be my job from here on out, no doubt about it. That goes for everybody, but him in particular. He is a big piece of the puzzle. He’s a good player. That’s a challenge of mine and we’ll stay after that.” 我已經和J-Jog好好的聊過,他是球隊很重要的一塊拼圖也是我上任的挑戰之一,我會特別 盯緊他 Phillies officials have made Rollins available for trades the last two summers, but interest has been lukewarm.Aside from that, Rollins has full no-trade rights and will not waive them. He re-emphasized that last week. J-Jog在去年和今年球團都被放上waiver但乏人問津,而且他強調絕對不會放棄NTC Rollins is signed for $11 million next season and his $11 million option for 2015 could vest with 600 plate appearances. If Rollins falls short of 600 plate appearances, the team could bring him back for $8 million in 2015 or Rollins could exercise a player option for $5 million and return. However you slice it, Rollins is going to be here for a while longer. 無奈又如何,未來2014~2015兩年我們的SS仍然還會是他 The Phillies need more from him. Sandberg is already on the case. 球隊需要他更積極與更多的貢獻,Sandberg VS J-Jog的戲碼已經開始 =============================================================================== 然後8/19受訪時Sandberg持續深入談論J-Jog的議題 Sandberg wants Rollins on base more often http://ppt.cc/YDPO Ryne Sandberg has talked a lot about Jimmy Rollins the last couple of days.It’s pretty clear that getting more production from Rollins is one of Sandberg’s chief missions. “It feels good to know you’re a priority,” Rollins said of his new manager’s attention. J-Jog說︰第一個被新官上任三把火燒到的這種感覺很好,這表示球隊優先重視我 Sandberg, who took over as the Phillies’ interim manager after Charlie Manuel was let go Friday, met with Rollins on Saturday. 原來在上任後的第一天就去找J-Jog聊過 “The main thing he said is I have my career and we have teammates, and he wants me to continue both in the right direction,” Rollins said. “More than anything is getting back to being the leader and leading the way because we have a lot of young guys and they look up to veteran players -- myself, Chase (Utley) -- especially the infielders,and just getting back to doing that and that’s fun.” J-Jog說︰在球隊裡面和隊友之間,Sandberg希望他能正確地做好身為球隊老大哥的榜樣給 隊上的年輕人看 In terms of production, Sandberg told Rollins he wants him on base more. Rollins entered Monday night hitting .248 with a woeful .305 on-base percentage for the season. His .644 OPS ranked 141st out of 151 qualifying major-league hitters. 在貢獻方面Sandberg希望他能提升上壘率 本季J-Jog的OPS只有.644 在全大聯盟符合規定打席數的151人之中是墊底的第141名 Rollins led off for the Phillies on Monday night. He entered the game hitting .214 with a .260 on-base percentage since the All-Star break. The Phillies were 6-21 in that span. J-Jog在明星賽後的打擊和球隊的戰績一樣慘不忍睹 “If you’re batting in the first or second spot, your job is to get on base,” Sandberg said before the game. “To do that, it’s about having quality at-bats, and if the guy has speed like Jimmy, for me, it’s about staying on top of the baseball and concentrating on hard ground balls and line drives. “I think that’s something he can work at and get better at, and I think that will help him for the rest of his career, so that’s something that will be stressed. “I’ve had conversations with him about it. Also, I think it’s my role to let him know what I expect of him and what I think he can do and what I think the team needs him to do, and for me that’s staying on top of the ball and utilizing his speed.” Sandberg said Rollins’ goal should not be 15 to 20 home runs. It should be scoring 100 runs. “That’s the proper goal for him,” Sandberg said. Sandberg說︰球隊第一棒或第二棒的任務就是上壘,J-Jog應該要打出強勁滾地球和平飛球 (暗指太多軟弱必死飛球),然後利用他的速度上壘(暗指散漫跑壘) 提醒他這些是身為總教練的責任,我會持續盯緊他這些事情 他的任務不是打15~20發全壘打,而是得超過100分 Rollins has reached 100 runs six times in his career, but he entered Monday night with just 44 in 122 games. That’s not all his doing. The Phillies are a poor offensive team and anyone’s runs total will suffer for that. But Rollins does need to get on base more. He admitted that. J-Jog生涯曾經有六季的得分超過100,但是今年已經打了122場的他才得44分 他也承認自己應該上更多的壘包 “I can only control so much of that, but I can put myself in position more often to be a 100-run guy by getting on base,” he said. “But those are things that have been in demand of me since 2001. Nothing that he’s asked me to do is anything new. The voice is new, but not the message.” J-Jog︰老生常談拉,我知道該怎麼做 Sandberg admitted that it takes special player to embrace change, but added, “I think it also takes maybe just a change or a relationship or communication of what’s expected.” Sandberg承認確實是找大尾的開刀,但這也是眾望所歸 In addition to striving to hit the ball on a line or on the ground more, Sandberg would like to see Rollins go to the opposite field more. Sandberg還希望J-Jog能多做反方向攻擊(將球打到對手為他量身訂做的防守佈陣的空隙) That might be tough, Rollins said. “I understand where he’s coming from, but that’s not going to happen,” Rollins said. “My best years, I’ve never hit the ball the other way. If the ball gets deep it will go the other way, but I’m not going to sit there -- a lot of times that’s where I do get in trouble, letting the ball get deep on me.” Rollins said he wasn’t trying to be stubborn saying that. He said he simply knows his swing. J-Jog回應︰我知道Sandberg為何會這麼想,但這件事恐怕很難,從以前的巔峰時期我就 沒在刻意做反方向攻擊,好幾次這樣做都讓我的打擊陷入麻煩,不是故意要唱反調,我知 道自己該如何揮棒 But the 34-year-old shortstop realizes he needs to reach base more, and Sandberg said he has found Rollins to be a willing student. “Make the pitchers come to you, work your walks, battle your at-bats, try to get on base,” Sandberg said. “Jimmy has enough pop to hit the ball in the gaps and get his doubles. So for me it’s about keeping a line drive stroke and improving his on-base percentage. That’s what the team needs. “It will be a challenge,” Sandberg added. “Is it going to happen overnight? I don’t think so. But we have 39 games left. I told these guys, ‘These games are for you. Show what you can do.’ If there are any adjustments that need to be made, now is a good time to try something. So we’ll see. But I think it will be for the betterment of himself and the team as we go forward if Jimmy can do these things.” Sandberg︰多耗投手球數、選保送、纏鬥、上壘、持續打平飛二壘安打,我希望J-Jog開始 盡可能做到這些並改善他的上壘率,這是個挑戰,我會持續提醒他,改變會立即發生嗎? 我想答案是否定的,但我會用剩下一個多月的時間來觀察 =============================================================================== Philly.com還有更詳細的Q&A Sandberg wants to see improved approach from Rollins http://ppt.cc/v0~l 官網的文章一定會比較和諧一點XD Sandberg has high expectations for Rollins http://ppt.cc/eIGe 內容大同小異我就不翻了 Ryne Sandberg VS Jimmy Rollins Let's wait & see. 雖然不看好但還是希望小熊先生真的能治得了J-Jog... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)

08/21 16:33, , 1F
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08/21 16:38, , 5F
第九棒也不錯啊 (〞︶〝*)
08/21 16:38, 5F

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08/21 19:59, , 10F
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08/21 21:41, , 11F
一定會讓他繼續打四番的啊XD 以上只是鍵盤總教練的想法
08/21 21:41, 11F

08/21 23:23, , 12F
羅克是哪招XDDD 看來兩位心中沒有五月莓的位置了...
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08/21 23:25, , 13F
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08/21 23:28, , 14F
CF也行 超好用 @@
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08/21 23:38, , 15F
五月莓不管是打擊或是守備都是4th OF的料~
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08/22 12:38, 17F
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