Farewell! Charlie Manuel消失

看板Phillies作者時間11年前 (2013/08/18 23:33), 編輯推噓5(501)
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Manuel's great run shouldn't have ended this way http://ppt.cc/a7f3 It did not have to end this way. 沒有必要這樣結束的 It should not have ended this way. 不應該是這樣結束的 The most successful manager in Phillies history, the man that brought tears to fans’ eyes when he shouted, “Hey, this is for Philadelphia! This is for our fans!” back on that magical night in October 2008, was fired Friday. 這位在2008年10月大喊“嘿! 這冠軍榮耀是屬於給費城和球迷的!”讓球迷噴淚的總教練 在星期五被炒了 Charlie Manuel is out. 老番癲出局 Ryne Sandberg is in. 小熊先生接任 And it didn’t have to happen this way. 但事情實在沒有必要這樣發展 Let’s make something clear here︰This day had been brewing since March 2011 when Manuel signed a two-year contract extension with a year to go on his existing deal. On that day, all parties -- from the front office to Manuel -- acknowledged that there would be no talk of another contract until this one was finished. Manuel even made a point to say he’d be close to 70 when the deal was up and he’d take stock of himself and his life at that time before deciding how he’d proceed in his career. 讓我們從頭開始說起︰這一天早在2011年3月老番癲簽了兩年的延長合約的那天起就已經 開始醞釀,簽約的那一天從FO到老番癲自己都知道這大概就是在費城的最後一份合約, 老番癲甚至也說了合約結束時他也已經快70歲,到時他會考量他自己的狀況再決定生涯的 下一步要怎麼走 From this seat, that always seemed to be tacit acknowledgment by Manuel that he’d move on after the 2013 season and hand off, head high, to a younger man as the organization changed course. 因此在2013球季結束時將會交棒給年輕的總教練在老番癲心中早已了然於胸,如同這球隊 開始換血的策略已不可避免 This spring, Manuel made some noise about wanting to manage beyond this season, but that was probably just the proud, tough guy in him talking. Manuel never took kindly to suggestions that he was weak, so whenever questions about his lame-duck status came up, he handled them by digging in and defending his record instead of shrugging and saying, “We’ll see what happens.” 季初老番癲曾說過在今年結束後他想繼續留在費城執教,但那也許只是這自尊剛強的老頭 嘴巴說說而已,他從未展現他的脆弱,每當被問到季末的去留問題時他回應的方式是繼續 做好自己的工作而不是無奈地聳肩說“我確實會離開” That’s just Charlie. 這就是老番癲的本色 But deep down inside, Manuel knew he was not going to manage beyond this season. He’s a smart baseball man and knows organizations have to occasionally churn the mix and it was going to be his turn in October -- unless this aging team somehow pulled off another World Series title. He knew his expiration date had been stamped the day he signed his extension. And he knew it more than ever in recent weeks when the losses piled up and the writing on the wall was in big, bold letters. 但實際上,老番癲知道他將不會在下一季獲得留任,他是個聰明的棒球人,他知道球隊已 開始換血,而今年10月就輪到他了,除非奇蹟突然降臨在這老化的球隊讓他們再次贏得WS 在兩年前簽下延長合約的那一天他就已經知道他將在今年離開,尤其是明星賽後輸到脫褲 的窘況讓他更確信這即將發生的事實 Manuel meant it, meant it from the bottom of his surgically-repaired heart, that night when he said, “Hey, this is for Philadelphia! This is for our fans!” On the best night of his professional life, he dedicated it all to the fans, the real lifeblood of an organization because it is from them that all revenues spring in this business called baseball. 當老番癲大喊“嘿! 這冠軍榮耀是屬於給費城和球迷的!”這句話時,他是打從心裡獻給 所有球迷的,他知道球迷是職業棒球的衣食父母 Manuel handled his firing with class Wednesday. He said he was mad not because the front office had given him a leaky bullpen and failed to upgrade it at mid-season, but because he lost his nine-year hold on the best seat in the house Manuel didn’t just watch the rebirth of a dormant franchise from that seat, he, along with others, many others, helped lead it. Five division titles. Two National League championships. A World Series title. Immeasurable red-pinstriped good will spread while shopping at Wegman’s or eating breakfast at Ponzio’s -- hey, this guy said it himself, he’s a people person. For all these reasons, Charlie Manuel deserves better than this. 星期三那天老番癲經典地處理這件事,他說他生氣並不是因為FO給了他3A牛棚又不在季中 補強,而是因為他自己輸掉了他九年來在這球隊建立的最強總教練的地位。和許多人一樣 他確實是讓球隊在最近這些年來能重返榮耀的最重要的功臣之一,五次國聯東區冠軍、兩 次國聯冠軍、還有一座世界大賽冠軍,這些榮耀讓紅條紋球衣的意志廣佈在城市所有市民 的心中。這位好人將榮耀獻給球迷、將輸球歸咎於自己。這所有的所有讓老番癲值得比在 季中被炒這離開方式更好的對待 He deserved to finish this road-to-nowhere season, tip his cap and head off to wherever he chooses, another team, a front-office adviser’s position, retirement. He didn’t deserve having the word “fired” attached to his name. (Though he has been offered a position with the franchise, he was fired as manager and he made that quite clear Friday.) 球隊應該讓他帶完這哪裡也到不了的一季,讓他好好脫下費城的球帽後自己選擇未來的路 不管是另一個球隊的總教練、留在FO當顧問、或是正式退休,而不應該是以被炒魷魚的方 式結束 (儘管他已經被留任在FO,但他的的確確是被以炒魷魚的方式結束他的執教生涯) Manuel deserved better than this, but he didn’t get it because, in the irony of ironies, his players let him down. A number of them, not all of them, but enough to make a difference, have mailed it in for the past month. And why is that ironic? Because Manuel was just about the best players’ manager there is. 老番癲值得比這更好的對待,但他沒有得到,諷刺的是讓他狼狽離開的原因之一正是他所 帶領的球員,諷刺的是他是這些球員所認為最棒的總教練 Why now? 為什麼要是現在 Why not let his contract run out? 為什麼不讓他的合約走完 GM Ruben Amaro Jr. said that once he decided Manuel wouldn’t be back in 2014 he didn’t think it would be fair on Manuel to wait. He mentioned that he wanted some time to evaluate Sandberg, the interim skipper. GM如本說既然已經確定老番癲不會在明年繼續留任,他覺得讓老番癲這樣等待結束對他是 不公平的煎熬,而如本同時也說他想要用剩下的比賽來評估代理總教練 Here’s the real reason they did it now: 但下面才是真正讓球隊選在現在開鍘的理由 “Because we sucked,” one player said. 某位球員說因為我們太爛了 Yeah, the Phillies have been beset by injuries, and, yeah, they have a bullpen made up mostly of guys that have been at Triple A this season. 是的,這球隊飽受傷兵所苦...還有3A牛棚 But is this really a 5-19 club? That’s what the record was since the All-Star break entering Friday night’s game. 但這真的是支5勝19敗實力的球隊嗎 This team is not good. But it’s not that bad either. 不,它確實不好但也沒這麼爛 Some of the players on this team never came back from the All-Star break. Some of them stayed on vacation. Sandberg indicated that when he said his first order of business would be to “remind” the players that they are “major leaguers” and every game is “meaningful.” Pressed on that point, Sandberg admitted he’d seen “lackadaisical” play recently. Cole Hamels, who has pitched brilliantly since the All-Star break, concurred with Sandberg. 有些人在明星賽後因傷缺陣,有些人則是還在放明星賽的假。 小熊先生就直說他上任第一件事就是提醒這些人他們是大聯盟的球員而且每一場比賽都是 有意義的不要隨便打,更直接的是Sandberg承認他最近已在場上看見懶懶散散的打球方式 連在明星賽後是少數清流的黑魔使也都承認確實如此。 “It’s true,” he said. “I’m as guilty as anybody else. We really have to focus a lot more on what we have to do out on the field because we have to do it the right way. Charlie preached it, but we weren’t doing it.” 黑魔使表示︰Sandberg說得沒錯,我像其它人一樣該負起責任,我們真的應該正確地好好 專注在場上的比賽,老番癲唸過很多次,但沒有人鳥他 Does that comment suggest that the players were tuning out Manuel? Sure it does. But a pro doesn’t need to be reminded to show some pride in how he plays. A pro should be embarrassed by a run like the Phillies have had. A pro, or group of pros, should have found it within himself/themselves to turn things around so that at the very least the manager who always had their backs could have exited gracefully at the end of the season and without the word “fired” next to his name. 無疑的,Sandberg和黑魔使的言論證實了讓老番癲被炒的原因之一就是他帶領的球員。 但是真正的職業球員不應該還需要被提醒什麼是正確的打球態度、真正的職業球員應該對 球隊現在的戰績和自己的表現感到羞愧、真正的職業球員應該找出修正自己的錯誤讓球隊 情況變好,如果他們有做到至少就不會讓總是挺球員的老番癲在現在狼狽被炒,而是可以 光榮地卸任 Sandberg has work to do in the clubhouse. It is not a happy place. Aside from a pocket of young guys with eager eyes and hopeful futures, there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of togetherness. There is finger pointing. The fun is gone. That’s understandable because losing is not fun. The lack of togetherness is also somewhat understandable considering that Jonathan Papelbon recently indicated that he did not come here for this. Those comments did not sit well with a number of players who wondered, whatever happened to We’re all in this together? In this summer when we pray for Darren Daulton, a man who led a great Phillies team with those words, that concept seems to have escaped the team’s closer. The clubhouse has been a dour place ever since Papelbon’s self-serving comments and the clubhouse, as they say, leads to the playing field. Sandberg有很多事要做,這不是個簡單的工作,這群代表費城未來的年輕球員之間似乎並 不像是親密合諧的隊友,甚至還彼此公開指責,就像寶貝砲前陣子放砲說︰他來這裡不是 為了輸球的,寶貝砲自私的言論讓球隊氣氛變得更加陰暗,更讓我們看不到像以前Daulton 帶領的時代球員彼此相挺的樣子 On the day he spoke out, Papelbon suggested changes were needed from top to bottom. 確實如寶貝砲所說,這球隊從頭到腳都需要改變 The Phillies made one at the top Friday. 球隊選擇從"頭"開始 It did not have to end this way. It should not have ended this way. 但沒有必要也不應該是以這樣的方式結束老番癲在費城的執教生涯 Hey, Charlie Manuel, this thumbs-up is for you! 嘿!Charlie Manuel 謹在此向您致敬! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)

08/18 23:35, , 1F
看完心有所感就翻了一下...Farewell, Charlie Manuel
08/18 23:35, 1F

08/19 00:36, , 2F
Thank you for everything Charlie Manuel. Farewell!
08/19 00:36, 2F

08/19 01:11, , 3F
08/19 01:11, 3F
※ 編輯: Fukudome 來自: (08/19 01:54)

08/19 19:01, , 4F
Ruben Amaro Jr. 不知道會不會跟著掰..XD
08/19 19:01, 4F

08/19 22:09, , 5F
Farewell, Charlie Manuel
08/19 22:09, 5F

08/19 22:44, , 6F
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