再談CD --5

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資料來源: BBC http://tinyurl.com/kdura Friday, 22 June, 2001 Fungus 'eats' CDs Scientists in Spain have identified a new form of fungus that eats compact discs. A geologist at the Museum of Natural History in Madrid discovered the fungus, which belongs to the common Geotrichum family, on CDs brought back from the central American state of Belize. The fungus had attacked the outer edge of the disc, consuming plastic and even aluminium. It rendered the CD unplayable. Experts say it is unusual but not unknown for a fungus to attack manmade substances like plastics. BBC 2001年6月22日星期五 黴菌吃CD 西班牙科學家已確認某新品種的黴菌會吃掉CD. 它是由一位馬德里自然歷史博物館 的地質學家,從中美洲貝里斯帶回的CD上發現的,隸屬於Geotrichum家族. 該種黴菌攻擊CD的邊緣,啃食掉鋁跟塑膠,致使CD無法播放. 專家說,黴菌對人造物質(如塑膠)下手雖然反常,但也不算罕見. Javier Garcia-Guinea, head of Geology at the museum, said he believed it was the first documented case of a fungus attacking CDs. Similar reports were coming in from around the world, he said. "This year we received many e-mails from Panama, Costa Rica and Guatemala describing similar cases in tropical countries," Dr. Garcia-Guinea told the BBC. 該館地質部門的頭頭,亞佛‧賈西-朱尼亞說,他相信這是首次出現黴菌攻擊光碟 的紀錄,世界各地都有類似的回報. "今年我們收到來自巴拿馬,哥斯大黎加,瓜地馬拉等熱帶國家的e-mail,都描述了 類似的情況" 賈西-朱尼亞博士對BBC做以上表示. Marc Valls, a biologist at Spain's National Centre for Biotechnology, warned people not to be alarmed. He said the fungus would only attack CDs under certain conditions. "Even though this fungus is widespread it could only develop on a CD in high humidity and high temperature, which is not the case most of the time," Mr Valls told the BBC. And he said there was a positive side to the story - the ability of micro-organisms to degrade manmade products could help in waste disposal. "Nature is very clever and, for all the materials that we design, sooner or later they will be degraded by some organism." 國家生技中心的生物學家馬克‧瓦爾斯告訴民眾莫過度驚慌. 他說黴菌只會在 某些情況下才攻擊CD. "即便這種黴菌到處都是,它依然只有在高溫高濕度的環境下才會作怪,然而大部分 的時候並非如此" 瓦爾斯博士對BBC表示. 他又說,換個角度想這或許是件好事;微生物吃掉人造物質的能力,對處理廢棄物 而言有些幫助. "大自然是睿智的,凡人類製造出來的東西,遲早都會有生命體出來把它分解掉." =========================================================================== 從文章內容可以看出,真正去研究黴菌的的其實是生物背景的Marc Valls,所以Nature 用Victor Cardenes才會查不到東西. 那如果用Marc Valls去查?! =========================================================================== 待續..... -- 愛樂社板是一片沒有小毅的淨土 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sevenfeet 來自: (09/25 05:28)
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