Re: [問題] 找博士後工作的經驗

看板PhD作者 (觀流水兮潺湲)時間14年前 (2010/06/04 05:03), 編輯推噓2(202)
留言4則, 2人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
I'm in a different field and I'll start a postdoc in August. Actually I've not graduated yet, but considering how bad the job market in US is this year I started job applications (NGOs, private sectors, postdoc) in Feb. Congratulations that you got 3 out of 10 resposnes! I only got 4 out of over 25 submissions. Did you already get an official offer letter from the lab in US? Did the offer letter specify salary, benefits, (relocation), and starting date? Is there a deadline for your response? If you already sent a form and CV to England, you may email them again to inquire about your application status. But don't mention to either side yet that you have another potential opportunity unless you already got an official offer. You can tell the lab in US that you need to time to consider, etc. And did they invite you to visit their campus? In my case I was invited to visit the lab and was told that I'll receive the offer letter during the visit. In my case the offer was very generous and the projects are a great fit and that's the only confirmed offer so I accepted in 2 days. But before you sign the offer letter....make sure that everything has reached a good mutual agreement. Your advisor should be able to provide you tips about how to negotiate. Good luck! P.S. The job market is really tight right now and we beggers can't be choosers. If you like the projects and people in that US lab and if the salary and benefits are good enough, you may consider to accept your offer. After all you can start applying for other jobs next year :D ※ 引述《dearevan (歸去,也無風雨也無晴)》之銘言: : 目前投了十家, 有三家回信 : 其中一家在德國...回信要我下禮拜找時間去面試 : 可是由於護照更新問題, 因此回信告知說可能要等到六月底才能飛過去 : 結果對方渺無音訊三天...讓我覺得這應該是沒機會了吧 : 英國那邊則是寫信回來要我把他們其中一份官方表格填好連同CV一起寄回去讓她們再審 : (出了名的格式狂XD) : 美國那邊一開口就問我什麼時候能過去 : 風格上強勢以及緊迫盯人... : 我都還沒考慮好...對方電話就打來問我一堆問題順便當口試 : 口試完開始談條件說要給簽證跟年薪...有點讓人頭暈 : 所以我請對方給自己兩個禮拜仔細考慮一下 : 對方就一直說你做的研究計畫跟我的幾乎一樣...對我們兩個有相當大的優勢 : (遇到這類緊迫釘人的老闆...又不敢得罪的前提下...該怎麼辦<囧>) -- 有情風萬里捲潮來 無情送潮歸 問錢塘江上 西興浦口 幾度斜暉 不用思量今古 俯仰昔人非 誰似東坡老 白首忘機 記取西湖西畔 正春山好處 空翠煙霏 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: liverworts 來自: (06/04 05:05)

06/04 07:00, , 1F
06/04 07:00, 1F

06/04 07:59, , 2F
不管要去要談 都先收到 Offer Letter 再說 免得有變卦
06/04 07:59, 2F

06/04 08:02, , 3F
美國那邊已經給了offer letter, 但是我確定不會去那家了
06/04 08:02, 3F

06/04 08:03, , 4F
06/04 08:03, 4F
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