Re: [問題] 請中肯的告訴我 我是不是該放棄

看板PhD作者 (觀流水兮潺湲)時間15年前 (2008/12/02 11:58), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串5/5 (看更多)
Hi, I think it really depends on how far along you still have for the PhD program, and how much you really want to finish it. Most importantly, what do you wnat to do with your doctoral degree? First of all, I must tell you that it's NORMAL to use alternative methods to release your stress. I also shop a lot on ebay, go dancing, travel, etc. The only thing that matters is that you get to relax under the reasonable budget without hurting anyone. And yes like others said---you're too young to worry about wasting your time! Yes coming from TFG and NTU, I grew up wanting to satisfy my parents' expectations to get a PhD soon. I finally realized that I'm not a person for academia in the 4th year of PhD. I transferred to the master's program, then started another master's, and then I finally started a PhD in a very different program because my future career goals may benefit from having a PhD. Hey girl, by the time I graduate, I'll be in graduate schools for 10 years and will be older than you. I used to think not going straight to PhD is a waste of time, but now I think NOT taking time to work/travel and to figure out your goals is a bigger waste of life. It took me many years to finally learn that PhD is for those who really want to teach or do research, not for those who want a degree. It's a long, painful, frustrating, and lonely route. I agree with others that you should diversify your life by trying different options. If financial issue is a problem, you may be able to get funding as an exchange student or get a loan from banks. Good luck! -- 有情風萬里捲潮來 無情送潮歸 問錢塘江上 西興浦口 幾度斜暉 不用思量今古 俯仰昔人非 誰似東坡老 白首忘機 記取西湖西畔 正春山好處 空翠煙霏 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/02 18:03, , 1F
12/02 18:03, 1F

12/02 18:56, , 2F
謝謝~ 我覺得很溫暖~~
12/02 18:56, 2F

12/02 22:22, , 3F
12/02 22:22, 3F

12/03 00:15, , 4F
我想補充第2段 我留日都在樂天買XD
12/03 00:15, 4F
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