Re: [請益]作業不知道從何下手

看板Perl作者 (錢水源)時間19年前 (2004/09/14 15:28), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《niniscandy (喵。￾ ￾   ￾N￾ )》之銘言: : : 關於information retrival要怎麼樣連結不同的檔案呢 應該先把連結弄好在發問吧@@a 你說的是這個嗎?找好久QQa Task 1 - Retrieve documents by unique gene identifier Write a Perl program named, which given the command % --abstracts abstracts_filename where abstracts_filename is a file in the same format as gene_abstracts.txt de scribed above, will accept on standard input one or more queries containing a gene identifier (see Format for input) and print results to standard output (s ee Format for output). Format for input Queries on standard input will consist of one gene identifier per line. Only g ene identifiers appearing exactly as they do in the file abstracts_filename wi ll be expected to return the associated abstracts. Format for output Results 1-n for query. ( seconds) Abstract: AbstractNumber Words_1 ... [Words_i ...] Abstract: AbstractNumber Words_1 ... [Words_i ...] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #11HfspOA (Perl)
文章代碼(AID): #11HfspOA (Perl)