Re: I want to go out my way,says Penny:Put me b …

看板Penny_1作者 (一分錢)時間17年前 (2006/12/26 22:05), 編輯推噓23(2303)
留言26則, 21人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
那小弟就來試試翻譯這篇好了... 第一次翻譯外電,翻得馬馬虎虎請見諒, 有錯誤的地方也請多多指教 :) ※ 引述《hardaway (一分錢)》之銘言: : I want to go out my way, says Penny: Put me back in : After injuries and ridicule, it's a pride thing now Penny:既使要離開,我也想要用我自己的離開方式,先讓我回到聯盟吧! 經歷傷患和嘲笑,現在是重返榮耀的時刻。 : By Ronald Tillery : December 25, 2006 : He's experienced the calamity associated with injury. : He's heard the commentary from critics doubting a comeback. : Now Anfernee 'Penny' Hardaway is eager to let his knee do the talking before : the final chapter is written on his storied basketball career. 他體驗過各種不幸的傷害, 他聽著球評們懷疑他是否還能回到場上。 現在,Penny 渴望在他籃球生涯中的最終章前,用他的膝蓋證明他所承諾的。 : The Memphis native and former NBA superstar is as healthy as he's been in : five seasons. : Hardaway, a 35-year-old free agent, has been shopping his services lately. : All he has is an elite player's resume, a pair of NBA-caliber workouts that : prove his wares and the love of the game. 這位曼菲斯土生土長的前 NBA 明星球員依然健康如昔。 35歲的 Penny 最近仍然尋求著復出的機會。 他所擁有的光榮球員生涯,再加上近兩次具 NBA 水準的試訓,都證明了他的價值和對 球賽的熱愛。 : Retire? : Don't count on it. 退休? 想都別想。 : Hardaway never lost confidence in his ability. The 13-year veteran now : believes in his surgically repaired left knee. His hope is that a team will : trust it, too. Penny 從來沒有對他的能力失去信心。 他仍然相信動過手術的左膝還可以打球,希望也有球隊能同樣相信。 : "I'm healthy by my standards because I can do a lot of the things I used to : when I was in my prime," Hardaway said. "I feel like that makes me healthy : because I haven't been able to do that in five years. The explosion, the : first step is all back. I'm able to finish at the rim. It's something I lost : but now I feel like I have the athletic ability again. : "I'm not ready to quit. I don't want to go out like this. Now that I'm : feeling better I want to help a team win. I love the game. That's why I : haven't walked away. I want to go out having fun. If I retire without playing : again, I will have gone out the way someone else wanted me to, not the way I : want to go out." Penny: 我健康得很,我還可以做到許多我當初能做到的事情,這是我這五年都沒辦法做到的。 這讓我覺得我很健康,我的爆發力,我的第一步切入,通通都回來了。我還是可以灌籃! 這些是我曾經失去過的東西,但現在我覺得我又有了競爭的能力。 我還沒打算放棄。我不想就這樣離開。 我現在感覺很好,我能幫助球隊贏球,我愛比賽。 這就是為什麼我不曾離開。我想要開心的離開。 如果我沒再打球就退休的話,這就像是有些人希望我離開的方式, 那並不是我想要的離開方式。 : Hardaway works out with a trainer five days a week in Miami. That's a : milestone for someone who has undergone five surgeries. : His last surgery was a breakthrough procedure that happened in March. The : doctor performed exploratory surgery because the cause of Hardaway's : discomfort didn't show on an MRI exam. : The physician found a bone spur lodged in the back of Hardaway's knee above : the calf. In addition to his Miami training, Hardaway's worked out in Houston : with former NBA player and coach John Lucas, who helped Grizzlies guard Damon : Stoudamire rehabilitate from knee surgery. Penny 在邁阿密和訓練員維持一週五天的訓練。 這對一個動過五次手術的人來說是個難得的里程碑。 他上一個手術有了突破性的發展, 當時 Penny 有些地方感覺不舒服卻沒有在 MRI 測試中發現原因, 因此醫生為 Penny 做了些試探性的手術,才發現在 Penny 的膝蓋後方長了骨刺。 除了在邁阿密的訓練,Penny 也在 John Lucas 的陪同下在休斯頓做訓練。 這名前 NBA 球員和教練曾經幫助灰熊後衛 Damon Stoudamire 從膝蓋手術中成功復健。 : Hardaway's shock last summer was that his name didn't appear on a list of : free agents for teams to consider. He wasn't invited to any team's training : camp. Part of the reason is that Hardaway played in just 41 of a possible 164 : games in his last two seasons. He also acknowledges battling the perception : of lacking locker room leadership and displaying resistance to coaching. : Hardaway vehemently denies that those issues are a part of his character. 上個夏天,Penny 感到十分驚訝, 他的名字竟然沒有出現在任何球隊的自由球員考慮名單上, 也沒有被邀請參加任何球隊的訓練營。 這部份的原因是因為在過去兩個賽季164場比賽中 Penny 只出席了 41 場比賽。 Penny 也被認為在更衣室中缺乏領導能力和常常反抗教練的命令。 對此 Penny 激烈的否認,這些指控並不是他個性的一部分。 (已修正) : Charlotte considered signing Hardaway near the end of last November but : turned to Derek Anderson instead. 11月時,夏洛特山貓本來考慮過要簽下 Penny,但最終選擇了 Derek Anderson。 : Meanwhile, Hardaway's performed in private workouts for Atlanta and Seattle. : "I know I'm in this position now because I played the last four years at 30 : percent. Teams saw that and that's the last visual they have of me. That's : what they remember. You're only as good as your last game. But I can prove : that I'm healthy. You can call the Atlanta Hawks. You can call the Seattle : SuperSonics. I don't have anything to hide. I just want to play basketball." : Seattle's coaching staff watched Hardaway go through drills in Memphis last : week before its game against the Grizzlies. The Sonics are considering a : deal. 同時,Penny 也在亞特蘭大和西雅圖進行私下的試訓。 Penny: 我知道會有現在這樣的情況是因為我在過去四年只能發揮30%的能力。 那些球隊看到了,這是他們對我的最後印象, 他們只會記得那些,他們覺得你就只是像之前那樣。 但我可以證明我很健康,你們可以去問看看老鷹隊,也可以去問看看超音速隊。 我沒有什麼好保留的,我只想要打球! 西雅圖的教練工作人員看了 Penny 在曼菲斯的訓練,考慮想要給他一份合約。 : "He's obviously in much, much better condition than we thought he would be," : Sonics coach Bob Hill told Seattle media. "He shot the ball extremely well. : He's bigger and stronger. So it's going to boil down to the powers that be if : they want to move forward or not. He wants to play badly. At this point in : his life it's absolutely not about making more money." 西雅圖教練 Bob Hill 說: 他的狀況比我們認為的都來得好。 他的投籃很棒,人也變得更強壯了,能夠擁有足夠的力量去行動。 Penny 非常想要打球。 對現在的他來說,那肯定不是為了賺更多的錢。全是為了想要打球。 : Hardaway realizes a team would only offer the veteran's minimum or roughly $1 : million. : He says the team that takes a chance on him would get a real bargain. : "I feel like I have young legs. I have so much more to offer now," Hardaway : said. "It doesn't matter what my age is. It matters that I can play. I've : been in the league 13 years but I've only really played eight so I don't have : the mileage. I just couldn't get over the hump to get well. Penny 明白球隊只會提供老將最低薪資或大約1百萬美金, 給他機會的球隊會得到真正物超所值的廉價品。 Penny: 我覺得我好像有雙年輕的腿,我現在擁有的多過你們將付給我的。 不管我的年齡幾歲,最重要的是我還能打球。 我已經在聯盟中打滾 13 年但我真正卻只打了八年,所以對我的身體來說還有很多時間。 我會越過難關而變得更好。 (這裡應該有錯...) : "I know I can help every team in the NBA right now. I didn't lose my game. : Injuries are a part of sports. But I could be watching ESPN and a guy gets : hurt during a game, and the announcer would say, 'This guy gets hurt more : than Penny Hardaway.' That happens so much. Why am I the brunt of everybody's : joke? I've weathered the storm of being injured and being ridiculed; now I'm : just ready to play basketball again." 我知道我現在就可以幫助 NBA 中的每一支球隊,我還沒失去我的比賽能力。 受傷只不過是運動的一部分。 我還能常看到 ESPN 轉播中有球員在比賽受傷, 播報員還會說: 這傢伙比 Penny 傷得更重! 這些事情常常都在發生,為什麼我卻要成為大家所攻擊嘲笑的對象呢? 我承受了總總傷痛和嘲笑的打擊,現在我已經準備好再回到球場上! : Hardaway's most productive years came in his days with the Orlando Magic as : well as the early portion of his time with the Phoenix Suns. He often drew : comparisons to former L.A. Lakers great Magic Johnson. Penny 的光榮時刻在魔術時期,還有剛加入太陽時。 當時他常常被拿來和湖人的傳奇球星魔術強生做比較。 : Hardaway's career took an ugly turn early in the 1997-98 season when : microfracture surgery forced him to miss the rest of that campaign. : "My microfracture was handled like a routine arthroscopic surgery," Hardaway : said. "They thought it was a 6-to-8 week deal. Now we know, from Amare : Stoudemire to Kenyon Martin, that it's a longer deal." : Phoenix eventually traded Hardaway to the New York Knicks and then he was : traded back to Orlando for Steve Francis. But Orlando waived Hardaway : immediately. Penny 的籃球生涯在 97~98 年有了悲劇性的轉變。 Microfracture 手術讓他被迫錯過了所有剩下的比賽。 Penny: 我的手術是一種定期性的關節鏡手術,醫生說那只需要 6~8 個星期。 但從阿嬤和馬丁的手術看來,我們知道,那會是個漫長的手術。 太陽隊終於把 Penny 交易到尼克隊,跟著尼克又把他送回魔術。 但魔術立刻釋出了 Penny。 : He's been out of the league, working tirelessly to get back in ever since. 此後,Penny 被迫離開了聯盟,只能努力不倦的訓練以期待能夠回來。 : "This is a country where if you quit, people call you weak. If you keep : trying, you're a warrior," Hardaway said. "When they talk about (Orlando's) : Grant Hill, that's what they say. They say he's a fighter. When it comes to : me, they say I should quit. I go 'Wow. What's the difference?' I'm Grant : Hill's biggest fan and I'm still fighting, too. I'm not going to quit. I : still have the love for the game, and that's what motivates me." Penny: 這個國家就是這樣,如果你放棄了,人們會說你是個弱者。 如果你不斷嘗試,你就是個勇士。 當人們談起魔術的 Grant Hill 的時候,他們會這樣說,他們說他是個戰士。 但換作是我,他們卻說我應該放棄了。 靠,雙重標準啊! 我是 Grant Hill 的頭號球迷,我也不斷的在努力著。 我還不打算放棄,我還熱愛著比賽,這也是激勵我不斷努力的原因。 -- ◢█▉█◣▉██▉██▉██▉█◣▉██▉██▉ Height: 6-7∮lassal ╭╬╗ █▅▉█◥▉█▅ █▅ █▅▉█◥▉█▅ █▅ Weight: 220 lbs ║║ ▉ ▉█ ▉▉ █▆▆█◥◣█ ▉█▆▆█▆▆ Position: G-F ╰╬╯ 96 US Olympic team █ ▉◢█▉██▉██◣◢█▉█ ▉◢█▉█ ▉ 4-time NBA allstar █▇▉█▆▉█▆▉█ ▉█▆▉█◢◣▉█▆▉◥▆◤ #1 95,96 NBA 1st team █ ▉█ ▉█◥◣██◤█ ▉◥◤◥◤█ ▉◢◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/26 23:50, , 1F
推 又可以看到penny的身影了
12/26 23:50, 1F

12/26 23:55, , 2F
感謝不過一塊美金@@ 一百萬....
12/26 23:55, 2F

12/26 23:56, , 3F
XDDD 搞笑了 少看了million
12/26 23:56, 3F

12/27 00:17, , 4F
推~ Penny的精神真的令人感動~
12/27 00:17, 4F

12/27 00:20, , 5F
12/27 00:20, 5F

12/27 00:26, , 6F
12/27 00:26, 6F

12/27 00:57, , 7F
12/27 00:57, 7F

12/27 00:58, , 8F
推 辛苦了
12/27 00:58, 8F

12/27 00:56, , 9F
翻譯辛苦啦! Penny重返榮耀吧! 大家都在等你
12/27 00:56, 9F

12/27 01:00, , 10F
美國時間1/5~1/14超音速有五場比賽 有對到尼克跟太陽 可惜
12/27 01:00, 10F

12/27 01:00, , 11F
台灣都沒轉播 只能看線上有沒有
12/27 01:00, 11F

12/27 01:02, , 12F
12/27 01:02, 12F

12/27 07:47, , 13F
routine 那邊可能翻成 常規、例行的關節鏡手術比較恰當
12/27 07:47, 13F

12/27 07:49, , 14F
12/27 07:49, 14F

12/27 08:37, , 15F
12/27 08:37, 15F

12/27 09:02, , 16F
12/27 09:02, 16F

12/27 09:32, , 17F
12/27 09:32, 17F

12/27 09:51, , 18F
12/27 09:51, 18F

12/27 10:25, , 19F
12/27 10:25, 19F

12/27 10:27, , 20F
12/27 10:27, 20F

12/27 10:38, , 21F
淚推! 超感動的! 靠 我也是HILL的頭號球迷阿!!
12/27 10:38, 21F
※ 編輯: hardaway 來自: (12/27 13:59)

12/27 17:16, , 22F
12/27 17:16, 22F

12/28 01:08, , 23F
12/28 01:08, 23F

12/28 10:09, , 24F
12/28 10:09, 24F

12/29 14:15, , 25F
12/29 14:15, 25F

12/29 16:51, , 26F
12/29 16:51, 26F
※ 編輯: hardaway 來自: (12/30 00:44)
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