Re: [外電] no time to wait

看板Pelicans作者 (綠灣包裝工!!!)時間15年前 (2009/01/27 00:23), 編輯推噓8(8013)
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With concern mounting about his lack of playing time and the uncertainty of his role off the bench, second-year Hornets forward Julian Wright walked into Coach Byron Scott's office last month seeking clarification. 上個月,JUJU去教練的辦公室要求他解答他上場時間和角色定位的疑惑。 Scott welcomed the visit. But instead of easing Wright's concerns, Scott bluntly told him he had regressed since last season, and that his role was to go out and play hard, understand where he is supposed to be on the court and to not repeat mistakes. 總教練歡迎這種舉動而且坦白告訴JUJU他退步了,他該做的就是上場努力打球, 不要犯錯。 When J.R. Smith and Brandon Bass experienced similar struggles in their second seasons with the Hornets under Scott, they requested meetings with the head coach to clarify their roles, too. J.R Smith和Bass在黃蜂的第二年時也幹過一模一樣的事。 The sessions didn't help much. Smith and Bass never made enough progress to satisfy Scott, and eventually moved on to other teams. 沒用,他們兩個都未能讓Scott滿意,而最後琵琶別抱。 Smith, whom the Hornets drafted 18th in 2004, was traded to Chicago two seasons later and has since blossomed with the Denver Nuggets, where he's averaging 13.8 points this season. Bass was selected by the Hornets in the second round in 2005, but they let him leave as a free agent in 2007, and he joined the Dallas Mavericks. He's averaging 7.9 points and 4.4 rebounds this season. Both are primary options off the bench for their teams; Smith is a contender for the NBA's Sixth Man of the Year award. 兩個球季後,2004年的第18順位就被交易去了公牛然後在丹佛破繭而出,本季平均13.8分 同時是年度最佳第六人獎項的競爭者。Bass則是2005年的第二輪,不過在2007年成為自由 球員加入小牛,現在他平均7.9分和4.4籃板。兩人都是球隊的重要替補。 Wright, a first-round pick in 2007, remains a work in progress. He's averaging 3.1 points and 9.1 minutes this season, but he has played in only half of the Hornets' 40 games. He also was on the inactive list for nine consecutive games this month. JUJU本季的窘境:上場9.1分鐘,得3.1分,只打了20場比賽(球隊比賽數的一半),外加本月 連續9場未被登錄出賽名單。 It is too early to tell if he will follow the same path as Smith and Bass, although they were at similar stages of their careers in New Orleans. JUJU會否跟前述兩位一樣呢?不知道,但是狀況很接近了。 The Hornets have emerged as one of the top teams in the Western Conference under Scott, but a number of young players (All-Star point guard Chris Paul being the exception) have struggled to develop in his system. 在Scott底下,黃蜂成為西區強隊,不過除了CP3,其他年輕球員都在他的系統裡掙扎。 "I wish I had eight more players like Chris," Scott said. "Chris is an unusual talent. But a lot of kids today, if they don't have a ball in their hands, they don't know what to do. They just don't have a clue to cut or set a screen." 我希望我可以有八個或更多像CP一樣的球員(綠灣評:癡心妄想)。 CP3不像其他人;其他人一但手上沒球時,他們不知道他們該切還是幫隊友擋人。 Although Wright is one of the Hornets' most athletic and promising players, his second season has been limited to mainly inconsequential minutes. Only attrition, through injuries to David West and Tyson Chandler, has led to increased playing time for Wright in the past week. 儘管JUJU是全隊最有天賦的,但是直到現在拳王和阿西受傷了他才增加了上場時間。 Earlier this month, Wright complained about playing behind West at power forward and lobbied to return to his customary small forward or shooting guard. Now he is just happy to get an opportunity to play. 本月稍早,JUJU抱怨得打替補PF,他想打SF或SG,不過現在他有機會了。 "I'm just trying to stay focused, because that's one of the things that can bring minutes," Wright said. "I don't want to be in a situation where I'm just coasting by. I look at it that you can take something from every game -- good play or bad play." 我試著去保持專注,因為這樣子可以增加我的上場時間。JUJU說道:我不想就這樣過, 我希望能從比賽中,不論是good play or bad play,都能學到東西。 Since Scott became head coach before the 2004-05 season, the Hornets have had nine draft picks, of which only Hilton Armstrong, Wright and Paul remain on the roster. 從Scott自2004-05球季接手以來,9個選秀只剩CP3,Armstrong和JUJU活下來。 "The thing that's changed from three years ago is that now we have established NBA veterans," Hornets General Manager Jeff Bower said. "It would be hard for a power forward, unless we were picking at the very top of the draft, to come in and make an impact playing behind David West." GM Jeff Bower說:事情跟3年前不一樣了,我們是有經驗的球隊了,除非選秀順位夠好, 不然我們很難找到合適的PF替補。(這句話不太對,West是第幾順位大家可以想想) "Some guys you can't wait on," Scott said. "The thing about coaches is that we're based on wins today, not three years from now. When I'm trying to teach a young player how to play this game the right way, he has to do it with his work ethic. I'm not going to sacrifice that to keep him around three or four seasons until he blossoms. Scott說:我們沒辦法等,我們現在在贏球,不可能花3-4年去等你去等他開花結果。 教導這些年輕球員時他必須有工作倫理。 這一段沒什麼道理,我們現在比較需要練的球員只有兩個:JUJU和Armstrong, 沒有人會要求你讓他們打先發,問題是你該利用機會讓他們實戰,難不成你真以為可以靠 5個人就打到冠軍?我們也沒有錢讓你拼命挖成熟球員,自己家的農作物要能善用。 以Avery Johnson做例子,他之前帶小牛時就敢放時間給Josh Howard和Devin Harris打。 如果這兩個人沒打出來,我並不認為Nowitzki、Finley和Nash這種組合能打進冠軍賽。 光是馬刺那關就不太可能過去了,別忘記當年誰把馬刺切翻了。 "So I figure if you can't understand what you need to do and what I want you to be, my job is at stake if you are not playing the right way." 所以我假定你們不知道要做什麼而我的工作就是導正你們如果你們沒有正確的打球。 Scott said when the Hornets select a draft pick, a few days later the team gives the rookie a playbook and videotape of plays to familiarize him with the system before summer-league play begins a month later. 總教練說每次選秀後球隊都會拿戰術本和錄影帶給這些菜鳥讓他們能在夏季訓練營開始前 一個月先熟悉球隊的打法。 Scott said 95 percent of their players still come to summer league without knowing his system. Paul, though, practically knew all the plays before his first summer-league game in 2005. But Smith was among those who struggled to adjust. CP有認真看,但是95%的菜鳥直到來到訓練營時都搞不清楚狀況,Smith就是這種人。 "It's one of those situations that if I knew then what I know now, being more mature off the court, it definitely would have been better," Smith said. "I really was hard-headed, and I pretty much did what I wanted to do. I think we both could have handled the situation different, but that just wasn't the case." Smith說:簡單來說就是我那時不夠成熟,所以搞砸了。我那時很固執,我只做我想做的。 我想我們(Smith and Scott)原本可以處理的更好,但並未如此。 From the time Smith played in his first summer-league game in Long Beach, Calif., Scott was tough on him. He only referred to Smith as "Rook" throughout the 2004-05 season. Scott also pushed Bass to be mostly a defender and rebounder, although Bass, a former LSU standout, was mainly a scorer in college. 從Smith在加州長灘的第一個夏季訓練營開始,Scott就對他很嚴厲,整個04-05球季 他稱Smith做"Rook"(hanway版友提供:rook=rookie,請注意這裡,跟後面有關聯)。 Scott也希望Bass成為一名好的防守者和籃板高手,但是Bass在LSU時卻是得分好手。 At LSU, Bass was chosen SEC Player of the Year as a sophomore after averaging 17.3 points per game. With the Hornets, Bass played in 50 games and averaged 2.2 points. Bass在大二時是SEC聯盟的年度球員,平均每場可攻下17.3分,在黃蜂的50場比賽卻只有 2.2分。 "I truly liked both of them, and I knew when they got to their second team, they would be better players," Scott said. "I care about J.R., but he was stubborn. The thing is Jeff Bower and Willis Reed (former basketball operations executive) heard me tell him the things he needed to do, but he would never do them. But I said then as I do now, he is a great talent, and athleticism-wise, has all the tools. Scott說:我真的很喜歡這兩人,也知道他們一但換隊會更出色。我很在乎JR,但是他很 固執。Jeff Bower和Willis Reed(前籃球事務執行長)都聽我跟Smith說過他應該要做什麼, 但是他從未去做。我卻是說了就會去做的人。他擁有一切成為籃球員該有的天份。 Scott, though, admitted a mistake by not gauging Bass' strengths. 不過總教練也知道他沒有正確的評估出Bass的優點。 Bass said it was frustrating playing for the Hornets, and he felt limited offensively. Bass說在黃蜂打球很痛苦,而且在進攻上處處受限。 "I'm not going to sit here and say every decision I made has been right," Scott said. "The decision of not understanding his true strengths was the problem. That's on me, because he's not a system player, and we had a system. Sometimes when you get guys as talented as he is, you have to scratch the system and say, 'We're going to let this guy play a certain way so they can be successful' -- that was my fault. Brandon's problem with us is that he wanted to score." Scott說:我不會坐在這裡說我的決定都是對的。沒有了解他的優勢是個問題,而這是我的 責任。因為他不適合打系統戰,而黃蜂卻是系統戰的球隊。有時候當你對有這種球員,你 就該把系統拋棄讓他們自由發揮反而會更好。Bass在我們這的問題來自於他想得分。 (這一段看看就好,因為Scott你也沒解放JUJU阿) Even young players acquired through trades or free agency were slow to make progress, which led to them getting trading or not being re-signed. 即使是交易或自由市場來的年輕球員也都進步緩慢,然後又再被交易或未續約。 During the 2005-06 season, Kirk Snyder beat out Smith at shooting guard and started 45 of 68 games and averaged 8.0 points. But Snyder fell out of favor with Scott during the Las Vegas Summer League because, Scott said, Snyder played like he was a star instead of trying to get better. Snyder, who is no longer in the NBA, was traded to the Houston Rockets after the Hornets completed their summer-league schedule in July 2006. Another young player who did not pan out was European star Arvydas Macijauskas, who was unable to learn the playbook by the end of his rookie season (2005-06). He was subsequently waived before the next season after agreeing to a contract buyout. 上三段在說Kirk Snyder和Macijauskas的問題。Snyder我不想翻(譯者本身不爽他) Macijauskas倒真的很可惜,這個立陶宛人國際賽打的真好,不過防守大概有問題,這不能 怪教練。 Regardless, Scott remains steadfast when it comes to dealing with younger players. 無論如何,總教練在處理年輕球員的問題時還是很固執。 He remembers his days as a rookie with the Los Angeles Lakers in 1983, where he had to earn the respect of veterans as well as earn playing time on a championship team. Now he's trying to get the same mental toughness across to his younger players. 他還記得1983年在湖人的菜鳥球季,在那支冠軍球隊他必須自己去贏得老鳥的尊敬和上場 時間。而現在他也希望能以此來鍛鍊這些年輕人的心智。 "They traded Norm Nixon for me, and everybody acted like it was my fault," Scott said. "For the first two weeks, they (teammates) were trying to beat me up in practice, hit me and knock me down. Then I said, 'That's the last time this is going to happen.' I told Michael Cooper, 'If you hit me again, I'm going to be swinging.' That got me respect from them, and like I told them, I brought my own shoes, my own game, and I didn't make the trade. The next day, Kareem (Abdul-Jabbar) spoke to me and stopped calling me 'Rook.' " Scott說:高層用Norm Nixon把我換來,然後每個人都表現得我該死一樣。前兩週,他們不斷 在練習時是著打擊我、撞倒我。我告訴Michael Cooper,再有下一次,我就揮拳回去。然後 我就贏得尊敬了。就像我跟他們(湖人隊友)說的,交易不是我做的,我能做的就是把球鞋 帶來打球。隔天,賈霸就不再叫我"Rook"了。 哈哈,真相大白,Scott因為以前被學長修理,所以現在要找人修理回去!!! 我認為Scott這邊用的例子很爛,我絕對相信年輕人需要磨練,尤其是心裡的鍛鍊。 但是我說這是爛例子的原因是他說他威脅Cooper要打回去所以贏得尊敬,那這是不是告訴 JUJU儘管走進辦公室一拳灌下去??贏得尊敬是用場上表現吧,不是打架吧! 如果他(Scott)當初沒有實力我就不相信他這話講完不會湖人那一群老鳥合扁一頓。 "I'm hard on them because I've always prided myself on not making the same mistakes twice. If a guy beat me once, he's not going to beat me on the same play again. But I still think it takes three or four years before a young player starts understanding what they really need to do." 我對他們嚴厲的原因是因為我自己從不犯第二次相同的錯誤,如果有人打倒我一次, 我不會讓他有第二次機會。但我相信對這些年輕球員來說,他們可能要花上3-4年才能 理解。 -- 1.Charlotte--New Orleans--NO/Oklahoma City--New Orleans Hornets 2.Miami Heat -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: gbpacker 來自: (01/27 00:33)

01/27 00:28, , 1F
推 G大真認真 我很偷懶只寫一點點= = ""
01/27 00:28, 1F

01/27 00:33, , 2F
01/27 00:33, 2F

01/27 02:29, , 3F
01/27 02:29, 3F

01/27 10:15, , 4F
推 翻的真不錯......有翻JU-JU有上場
01/27 10:15, 4F

01/27 10:55, , 5F
01/27 10:55, 5F
※ 編輯: gbpacker 來自: (01/27 11:44)

01/27 21:03, , 6F
幹麻討厭Snyder阿 XDDDDD 我還滿喜歡他說 = =
01/27 21:03, 6F

01/27 21:05, , 7F
West是18順位 以黃蜂這幾年走向 的確不會有低於18的可能
01/27 21:05, 7F

01/27 21:08, , 8F
West當年有Tweener的疑問加上 四年的經驗 測試狀況不佳
01/27 21:08, 8F

01/27 21:09, , 9F
不過West的確是很成熟的球員(讀四年嘛 XD)新秀年是給
01/27 21:09, 9F

01/27 21:10, , 10F
Floyd教 第二年才是Scott不過 因為受傷 所以也養傷大半季
01/27 21:10, 10F

01/27 21:12, , 11F
01/27 21:12, 11F

01/27 21:13, , 12F
GM 要選到符合"胃口"的球員的確比較困難
01/27 21:13, 12F

01/27 21:14, , 13F
覺得自己解釋很爛 XD 總結:阿西是異類 :D
01/27 21:14, 13F

01/27 22:15, , 14F
應該說順位一定會比18低才對吧? 這幾年tweener的價值在
01/27 22:15, 14F

01/27 22:15, , 15F
01/27 22:15, 15F

01/27 22:33, , 16F
順位那邊我也想很久 XD 總之就是數字比18小的機率很小啦
01/27 22:33, 16F

01/27 22:36, , 17F
Hayes是不錯的防守者兼苦工 不過 要在市場上找應該不難
01/27 22:36, 17F

01/27 22:38, , 18F
但是也不是這麼容易 但是要交易來Hayes 感覺就是不值 XD
01/27 22:38, 18F

01/27 22:38, , 19F
01/27 22:38, 19F

01/28 14:36, , 20F
翻的好棒 ^^ 黃蜂有你們就會贏 ^^
01/28 14:36, 20F

01/30 08:03, , 21F
黃蜂挑球員以前GM說過 人品第一實力居次潛力第三
01/30 08:03, 21F
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