[情報] 禁忌聖域 FAQ 女王斧回綠門

看板PathofExile作者 (老人)時間1年前 (2022/12/05 11:15), 1年前編輯推噓19(20123)
留言44則, 23人參與, 1年前最新討論串1/1
GGG新增了一些在twitter那邊有回答的問題 挑一些我想搬的搬過來(欸 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3324396 高能地雷輔助的附近有多大啊? 35。且會吃詞綴變化,包含光環範圍 (意外的超大...元素擴散也才15) ==== 飛來橫財命運卡(2張換 能力轉化珠寶) 現在變成換 已汙染 能力轉化珠寶 ==== 被移除的攻擊精通會回來嗎? (夠直接,我喜歡XD) 我們會觀察,至少3.20不會 ==== 瓦爾雷鳴重擊的buff會增加單體傷害嗎? 瓦爾雷鳴重擊有更高傷害,光環持續時間更長,附加電傷更高 它還會產生閃電擊中另一個目標。 ==== 瓦爾熔岩之擊會有散彈效應嗎? 會,多個投射物可以打同一個目標 ==== 瓦爾火山裂縫如何對付單一目標? Monsters are targeted by a maximum of one fissure. If you're fighting a single boss it would be affected by one fissure then it would travel to semi-random locations. If you had two bosses the first fissure would affect one and the second fissure would affect the other. 怪物最多會被一條裂縫瞄準。 如果你正在與單個 Boss 戰鬥,它會受到一個裂縫的影響,然後它會移動到半隨機位置。 如果有二個Boss,第一條裂縫會影響一個,第二條裂縫會影響另一個。 ==== 瓦爾腐蝕箭跟腐蝕箭能疊嗎? 不。會取高,所以會只剩瓦爾腐蝕箭 ==== ======================================================================= https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3324388 Can we have a way to accumulate Sanctum rooms and attempt them back-to-back? Yes, you can accumulate up to eight rooms (the size of a full Sanctum floor) before running some or all of them at once. 機制可以累積次數在一口氣進去打完嗎? 行,你最多可以累積8次,就是一整個Sanctum floor (印象中整個聖所是4個Sanctum floor? 克里斯QA好像有提到一整倫要打32張圖的樣子) How hard are the Sanctum mechanics for melee builds? Your resolve is impacted less by attacks that you're close to, so melee characters can have an easier time. 機制對近戰友善嗎? 你的堅毅(Resolve)在你越接近敵人時扣得越少,所以近戰角色相對友善 (堅毅是機制裡的第二條血量,你被打時同時扣血跟堅毅,任一條歸零時趕出機制) (然後堅毅好像只能靠機制補充) What happens if I crash while in The Forbidden Sanctum? When you play your next map you'll be able to replay the same room you were up to. Aureus coins and rewards are only locked in upon successful completion of a room. 機制打到一半閃退怎辦? 當你玩下一張地圖時,你將能夠重玩你去過的同一個房間。 Aureus 硬幣和獎勵只有在成功完成一個房間後才會鎖定。 Do Sanctified Relics affect my character outside of the Sanctum? Yes, the benefits of Sanctified Relics affect you everywhere. 聖物會影響我在機制外的角色嗎? 是的,聖物的好處無處不在。 How rare are Sanctified Relics? Will I only see one throughout my playthrough of the league? As you start to master the Sanctum at high levels, you'll accumulate more Sanctified Relics to pick between when trying to find the perfect one for your build. 聖物有多稀有? 在整個聯賽中我只會看到一個嗎? (你不要這麼直接好嗎(?)) 當您開始打高等的機制時,您將積累更多的聖物 以便在嘗試為您的build找到完美的聖物時從中挑選。 Is the Relic Altar shared between your characters or per character? Your relic altar is per character but your relic locker is shared between your characters in the same league. 聖物是看角色還是看帳號? 看角色,但是你的聖物儲存箱是看帳號 Is your Sanctum run shared between characters? i.e. can you run different rooms of your run with different characters? Each of your characters has its own Sanctum runs and progress within them. 我們闖聖所的進度是看帳號嗎? 不是,每個角色有自己的進度 Why haven't you nerfed Seismic Trap? We have nerfed Seismic Trap several times this year. We understand that competitive players would like Seismic Trap to be nerfed yet again so they don't feel obligated to play with it for ladder pushing. Outside of this context, it doesn't appear to be used by an extremely large number of people (it's top twenty, but not meta-defining). We will investigate whether we can change it for situations that are relevant to racing but we can't promise anything yet. 為何地裂陷阱沒被砍 (.....誰問的) 我們砍很多次了。我們知道許多衝天梯玩家希望能砍他 這樣他們就不會為了搶天梯進度而只好使用他 (蛤) 但不看天梯頂層,地裂陷阱使用率只是前20而不是頂標 我們會考慮能不能針對競速這方面來削弱,但現階段我們不能做任何保證 When you reroll an Awakened Gem from one type to another with the new Beastcrafting recipe, will it keep its experience level? When you roll an Awakened Gem to another type, it will keep its level and experience but different gems have different experience values per level so they may not be exactly the same. But essentially, if you start with an Awakened Gem at Level 2 with 50% experience and roll it to another one, it will be Level 2 with 50% experience. 當我使用了新的獸獵配方轉換覺醒寶石時,經驗會保留嗎? 會保留,但是每個寶石經驗不太一樣,所不會完全一樣 (看到這題才去查編年史,原來每個覺醒寶石需要的經驗真的都不太一樣) Two new Masteries have taken their place. The first provides “You take 40% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes by Cursed Enemies”, while the second provides “Recover 1% of Life when you Curse a Non-Cursed enemy” and “Recover 1% of Mana when you Curse a Non-Cursed enemy.” Do these recovery stats work with blasphemied curses as well? Recovery stats don't work with Blasphemy. 新詛咒精通 [你受到被詛咒的敵人的暴擊造成的額外傷害降低 40%] [當你詛咒一個未被詛咒的敵人時恢復 1% 的生命和 當你詛咒一個非被詛咒的敵人時恢復 1% 的法力] 詛咒光環吃嗎? 不吃 The Tribal Fury Notable Passive Skill no longer has “Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy”. It now has “Melee Strike Skills deal Splash Damage to surrounding targets”. Does that apply to the melee of Dominating Blow minions? No 部落之怒新功能[近戰攻擊技能會擴散],霸氣之擊的召喚物吃嗎? 不吃 With Survival Secrets jewel now removed, will its effects “Flasks applied to you have 20% reduced Effect” and/or “Flasks gain 3 Charges every 3 seconds while they are inactive” be available anywhere else in-game? No, but we'll look into ways to bring this back in the future in some form. 生存系列珠寶沒了,他們的詞綴會移到哪裡嗎? 目前沒有,未來可能會 (黃金之手再度無人問津(?)) Do you have any plans to restore the effects of Replica Conqueror's Efficiency, Replica Hotheaded and Lord of Steel? No, we don't see these effects as necessary to retain. However, we do understand that some players are very interested in them so we will consider them when developing future content though. 有任何計畫讓 贗品.征服者的迅捷,贗品.腦衝,鋼鐵君主 回歸嗎? 目前沒有,然而我們知道有些人喜歡用他們,開發未來的新內容時會考慮進去 (原來非引導施放技能 -9 總魔力消耗跟鋼鐵君主都沒了喔...) Can we have colour-coded monster mods back? We are looking into it and are keen for your suggestions/feedback on the readability of monster mods. 怪物的新詞綴會上色嗎? 我們正在研究並蒐集意見中 ================================================================== Can you confirm how many modifiers rare monsters will have? We are balancing around having between 2 and 4 mods per rare monster. 黃怪詞綴會到多少條? 目前是2-4條 (也就是說如果增幅召喚物這功能還在的話,最多是7條(?)) (至少額外攻擊不會伴隨對應抗性增加了,應該還能打) =================================================================== Why won't challenges be enabled in Ruthless? Because 3.20 is a beta of Ruthless, and we're still building the fundamentals of the mode, we needed to have developed challenges well in advance, which was difficult to do with the fundamentals of the mode still being worked on. We currently intend on having challenges available from 3.21 onwards. 殘酷模式為啥沒有挑戰? 因為我們還在測試,預計3.21殘酷模式才會有挑戰 (那誰會去玩...) Are we allowed to know if Atziri's Disfavor was moved back to Uber Atziri? Yes, it has been moved back to Uber Atziri. Pledge of Hands has moved from Uber Atziri to regular Atziri. 阿茲里的刑刃回到綠門了? 是,阿茲里的刑刃回到綠門,誓約則回來紅門 (WTF) Does the “Gain additional Elemental Damage Reduction equal to half your Chaos Resistance” mod on Eternal Damnation reduce the damage you take from elemental damage over time effects? Yes Eternal Damnation 上的[獲得額外的元素傷害減免等於你的混沌抗性的一半] 是否會減少你因元素持續傷害效果而受到的傷害? 是的 Does using a Fracturing Orb also reroll the mods on an item? No 新通貨分裂之石會洗掉裝備上的詞嗎? 不會 If the way socketing/linking items is changing in Path of Exile 2, what will happen to the Ethereal Fusing Effect? It's too early to make promises for how Path of Exile 2 works, but our goal is to make sure that microtransactions are updated to be as compatible as possible. 這季贊助包的打洞點連結如何在POE2上表現? 現在說這太早了,我們會盡可能兼容他們 Will there be a boss kill event at launch? Not for this league. 這次有boss擊殺活動嗎? (這應該是指前二季的首殺7個Uber活動) 這季沒有 When will we see 20/20 gems? We are aiming for as early as Tuesday (NZ) but may be as late as Thursday. We'll keep you updated as things become finalised. 20/20 資訊何時出? 最快周二最慢周四(紐西蘭時間) (也對看patch note還在更新咒術枯萎,然後精華萃取器再buff) 沒看這QA根本沒注意到贗品征服者也沒了.... 跟女王斧回去綠門了,想農的注意一下 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1670210135.A.1C7.html ※ 編輯: steven70101 ( 臺灣), 12/05/2022 11:18:33

12/05 11:26, 1年前 , 1F
12/05 11:26, 1F

12/05 11:37, 1年前 , 2F
12/05 11:37, 2F

12/05 11:41, 1年前 , 3F
本來想劈砍玩女王斧拓荒 看起來沒救了
12/05 11:41, 3F

12/05 11:48, 1年前 , 4F
直接收The last one standing 比較快吧.
12/05 11:48, 4F

12/05 11:51, 1年前 , 5F
靠近怪有堅毅減傷 近戰(x 所有人(O 都去貼怪
12/05 11:51, 5F

12/05 11:52, 1年前 , 6F
Bow Build: 這不是早就貼臉了
12/05 11:52, 6F

12/05 12:28, 1年前 , 7F
12/05 12:28, 7F

12/05 12:28, 1年前 , 8F
12/05 12:28, 8F

12/05 12:30, 1年前 , 9F
12/05 12:30, 9F

12/05 12:30, 1年前 , 10F
12/05 12:30, 10F

12/05 12:30, 1年前 , 11F
12/05 12:30, 11F

12/05 12:32, 1年前 , 12F
12/05 12:32, 12F

12/05 13:26, 1年前 , 13F
女王斧回綠門 我應該玩不到了
12/05 13:26, 13F

12/05 13:33, 1年前 , 14F
聖物講這麼多就是很難掉 對吧
12/05 13:33, 14F

12/05 13:51, 1年前 , 15F
12/05 13:51, 15F

12/05 14:28, 1年前 , 16F
哈哈女王斧回綠門 整個笑爛
12/05 14:28, 16F

12/05 14:30, 1年前 , 17F
究竟要不要新技能火山起手 還是轉玩弓起手呢
12/05 14:30, 17F

12/05 14:34, 1年前 , 18F
近戰強化 然後那些武器通通拿的成本不如直接做武器
12/05 14:34, 18F

12/05 14:35, 1年前 , 19F
12/05 14:35, 19F

12/05 14:46, 1年前 , 20F
12/05 14:46, 20F

12/05 15:08, 1年前 , 21F
12/05 15:08, 21F

12/05 15:10, 1年前 , 22F
12/05 15:10, 22F

12/05 15:12, 1年前 , 23F
12/05 15:12, 23F

12/05 15:13, 1年前 , 24F
聖物是機制 所以應該會很好掉 不過都是掉不強的
12/05 15:13, 24F

12/05 15:14, 1年前 , 25F
12/05 15:14, 25F

12/05 15:16, 1年前 , 26F
還有個作弊傳奇可以帶 https://imgur.com/a/CeL7gs8
12/05 15:16, 26F

12/05 15:25, 1年前 , 27F
能紅門打到當然想阿 可惜了
12/05 15:25, 27F

12/05 17:03, 1年前 , 28F
改強垃圾武器 可以讓你在畢業黃武器前用 然後拿到這些武
12/05 17:03, 28F

12/05 17:03, 1年前 , 29F
12/05 17:03, 29F

12/05 17:04, 1年前 , 30F
12/05 17:04, 30F

12/05 17:23, 1年前 , 31F
好奇問一下 50%物理轉混 如果有其他物理轉混傷機制加
12/05 17:23, 31F

12/05 17:23, 1年前 , 32F
12/05 17:23, 32F

12/05 17:25, 1年前 , 33F
或者說50%物理轉混 然後用物理技能再串50%物理轉閃電
12/05 17:25, 33F

12/05 17:25, 1年前 , 34F
再拿魔爆電轉混 是不是理論上等於100物理轉混傷?
12/05 17:25, 34F
沒有其他因素干擾的話,你的例子是對的 https://poedb.tw/tw/Damage_conversion#CommunityWiki 編年史的傷害轉換說明 ※ 編輯: steven70101 ( 臺灣), 12/05/2022 17:30:55

12/05 17:30, 1年前 , 35F
老哽了,如果是100%物轉火, 50%物轉電,那就變成2/3火1/3
12/05 17:30, 35F

12/05 17:30, 1年前 , 36F
12/05 17:30, 36F

12/05 17:42, 1年前 , 37F
12/05 17:42, 37F

12/05 17:45, 1年前 , 38F
12/05 17:45, 38F

12/05 17:46, 1年前 , 39F
12/05 17:46, 39F

12/05 18:08, 1年前 , 40F
這很快就量產了拉 門票副產物
12/05 18:08, 40F

12/05 18:19, 1年前 , 41F
12/05 18:19, 41F

12/05 21:03, 1年前 , 42F
12/05 21:03, 42F

12/05 21:10, 1年前 , 43F
12/05 21:10, 43F

12/06 10:17, 1年前 , 44F
12/06 10:17, 44F
扔估狗翻譯直接貼上被發現了XD ※ 編輯: steven70101 ( 臺灣), 12/06/2022 10:34:52
文章代碼(AID): #1ZZM9N77 (PathofExile)