[閒聊] 2.0.2 Patch Notes + 2.0.2b

看板PathofExile作者 (我是酷國王!!!)時間9年前 (2015/08/19 11:27), 9年前編輯推噓25(2509)
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https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1399207 黃字是實測補充 水藍字是2.0.2b Content: - Added six new Microtransaction Pets: Lemur Pet, Cobra Pet, Pukeko Pet, Toad Pet, Tortoise Pet and Hedgehog Pet. These are critters that were introduced in The Awakening (mostly in Act Four). They have been frequently requested as player pets. (6個商城寵物。) - All of the halls which were removed from The Hall of Grandmasters in The Awakening have been reinstated and an additional two halls have been added. (獨特圖 Hall of Grandmasters。) - Kaom's areas now rain down fiery meteoric flame golems. (Kaom's areas 會有火魔像怪。(應該是指決鬥場裡)) 路上偶爾出現 地板火傷+火魔像怪。岡姆場內不會出現。 Kaom's Dream 出現炮擊火怪的頻率高。 Kaom's Path 不會出現。 Kaom's Stronghold 出現的頻率低。 出入口附近可能設定為"不會出現"。 - Daresso's area now has lion statue monsters. (Daresso's area 會有獅子怪。) 通道會有獅子怪,但德瑞索場內沒有。 - Added a new permanent pack of monsters (which includes a boss) to The Crossroads. (The Crossroads 新增一組怪+Boss。) 獨特怪 Bravalo 雙手冰槌骷髏 使用冰槌+sweep。傳點右上建築物內。 - Added Blacksmith's Whetstones, Armourer's Scraps and Glassblower's Baubles to Kira in Highgate. (第四章商人 Kira 會賣磨刀石、護甲石、彈珠。) - Added a new skill to Torchoak Grove - he will target an area and his minions will bombard that area. The map variation of this boss has not received this same change. (第四章 獨特怪圖騰 Torchoak Grove 新增技能 - 指定區域炮擊。 地圖裡的 Torchoak Grove 不會有這技能。) Torchoak Grove 看到玩家之後,會在玩家附近生出數個分身 Sapling。 除非走太快,要不然本體跟分身不會在一起。 2.0.2b 修正為 Torchoak Grove 跟分身在一起。 - Upon defeating the final encounter you must now go to town before Oyun will assist you in travelling to the next difficulty. (回城跟 Oyun 講話才能到下一難度。) - Adjusted the composition of signature monsters in the Solaris Temple to get a more varied distribution of Assault Ribbons, Flame Sentinels and Galvanic Ribbons. (Solaris Temple 太陽神殿裡的火旗、電旗、小飛旗怪的組合與配置。) 感覺不出改了什麼。 - Added the Sailor Skin lore object to the Cavern of Wrath. (第一章最後一個傳點 Cavern of Wrath 新增 Sailor Skin lore。) - Added the Damp Diary lore object to the Cavern of Anger. (第一章 Cavern of Wrath 再下去的 Cavern of Anger 新增 Damp Diary lore。) Minor Content: - Thistlesage in the Imperial Gardens now has effects to help him stand out. (第三章帝國花園的 冰矛獨特怪 Thistlesage。) 全身白化。 - The bosses in the Act 4 Corrupted Side areas now have new effects to help them stand out. (第四章腐化區的Boss。) - Updated the visuals on the Icy Manifestation monsters skills in The Grand Arena. (更新大競技場裡的冰魔像的視覺外觀。(風暴裡的冰魔像應該也會一起更新)) - Hammerstorm has updated effects on his hammer throw skill. (第四章 丟槌子獨特怪 Hammerstorm 更新它的丟槌技能。) - Improved the death animations for Stygian Revenant monsters so they aren't offset from their target area when using corpse targeting. (改善電蜘蛛 Stygian Revenant 手下的死亡屍爆。) - Enduring Cry has received updated effects. (Enduring Cry 堅決戰吼。) - Triskeriaki's Tail's projectiles have received updated effects. (第四章 獨特怪地龍/獨特三尾拉康狗 Triskeriaki 的觸手投射物。) 紫光投射物。 - Shavronne's projectile spell has received updated effects. (器官王 Shavronne 的投射法術。) - The animations of Sea Witches have been improved. (海妖的動畫。) - Improved the audio for status ailments. (改善異常狀態的音效。) - Various improvements to art, areas and audio have also been included in this patch. (還有很多改善但不一一列舉了。) Features: - The Experience-per-hour display no longer includes loss of experience. (每小時獲得經驗量不包括死掉失去的經驗值。) - Trade chat is no longer enabled by default for new players. (新玩家不能使用交易頻。) - The buff icon applied when you are about to die in Oba's Sanctum is now more noticeable. (在 Oba's Sanctum 瀕死的提示更明顯。) - Jeweller's Strongboxes can now drop Jewels. (Jeweller's Strongboxes 可以掉珠寶。) - Vakali Totems and Inua Totems can now be generated as magic or rare monsters. (閃傳圖騰 Vakali Totems 跟 小圖騰 Inua Totems 兩種圖騰會有魔法怪或稀有怪。) - Fury Hounds and Rakangos have improved behaviour around bridges in Kaom's areas. (遁地狗 Fury Hounds 跟 觸手拉康狗 Rakangos 改善行為模式。) - Chieftain spectres no longer call down monkeys from nearby trees. (大猴子幽魂不會呼叫小猴子下樹。) - Pocked Miner spectres no longer attempt to mine Chaos Sentinels out of the walls. (礦工幽魂不會引出混沌石像。) - Improved the Auto-Select Gateway functionality. (改善 自動選擇閘道。) - Vendor Quest Reward ordering within their groups has been improved. (任務獎勵相關。) Features - Performance Improvements: - The graphical performance of Discharge has been improved - it now only plays the dominant effect if you have multiple charge types. (Discharge 解放的動畫效能改善。) - Vigilant Strike, Heavy Strike, Viper Strike, Dominating Blow and Infernal Blow now only play their on-hit effects on the main targets when used with Melee Splash. (Vigilant Strike / Heavy Strike / Viper Strike / Dominating Blow / Infernal Blow 以上五種技能配上 Melee Splash 近戰擴散時, 只會顯示擊中主目標的動畫。) - Made further improvements to asset preloading, resulting in slightly faster game load time and reduced memory usage. (改善遊戲開啟的時間,減少記憶體使用量。) - Improved memory usage of some user interface textures, which also slightly improves load times. (改善 UI材質 的記憶體使用量,些微改善遊戲開啟時間。) New 3D Art: The following unique items now look like their 2D art: (以下獨特物的 3D 外觀跟 2D 設計一致。) - Kingmaker - Mjolner - Fidelitas' Spike - Lakishu's Blade - Lavianga's Wisdom - Gorebreaker - Sire of Shards - Callinellus Malleus - Lifesprig - Screaming Eagle - Alternate Art Geofri's Baptism - Ice Tomb - Jack The Axe - Crown of the Pale King - The Deep One's Hide Balance: - Increased the drop rate of end-game Maps to smoothen the curve into level 74-79 maps. (增加地圖掉落率。) - Increased Fire Nova Mine damage by 15% at all levels. (Fire Nove Mine 增傷 15%。) - Increased Shockwave Totem damage by 10% at all levels. (Shockwave Totem 增傷 10%。) - Increased Detonate Dead damage by 10% at all levels. (Detonate Dead 增傷 10%。) - Increased Spark damage by 10% at all levels. (Spark 增傷 10%。) - Increased Elemental Hit damage by 10% at all levels. (Elemental Hit 增傷 10%。) - The rate at which Fire Nova Mine casts Fire Novas has been increased by 20%. (Fire Nova Mine 施放 Fire Nova 的速度增加 20%。) - The Creeping Agony in the final encounter now does 80% less damage to minions. (馬拉凱的移動大紅圈範圍傷 Creeping Agony 對玩家的召喚物減傷 80%。) - You can no longer use Warcry skills when under the effect of Silence. (Silence 狀態下不能用戰吼類技能。) - The minimum range of Doedre's projectiles has been adjusted so that she doesn't fire straight up and down as much when you are very close to her. (調整 器官王(胖女人) Doedre 的投射物的最小距離。近距離不會使用投射技能。) - Increases to Flask Effects now increase the amount of recovery gained from Flasks with the instant-recovery Seething, Panicked and Bubbling mods. (Increases to Flask Effects 增加藥水效果 現在可以增加以下3種詞綴的回復量: Seething / Panicked / Bubbling。) - The Energised Armour unique Jewel now transforms Energy Shield to Armour at 200% of its value. (獨特珠寶 Energised Armour 轉換ES到護甲 200%。) - The Energy From Within unique Jewel now transforms Life into Energy Shield at 100% of its value. (獨特珠寶 Energy From Within 轉換血到ES 100%。) - Healthy Mind unique Jewel now transforms Life into Mana at 200% of its value. (獨特珠寶 Healthy Mind 轉換血到魔力 200%。) - Temporal Chains' slowing effect now applies multiplicatively with Chill's slowing effect. This will result in less of an impact when both are used on the same target. (Temporal Chains 加上 Chill 的緩慢效果沒那麼慢了。) - Explosive Arrow's damage has been reduced in PvP. Its attack time override is now 200ms (from 400ms). (PVP裡 Explosive Arrow 爆炸箭的傷害減少。) - Ignites caused by Fireballs now correctly take area damage modifiers into account when applying the damage. (火球的燃燒傷可以被 area damage modifiers 增加。) - Flame Dash now works with Traps and Mines. (Flame Dash 可以串 Trap 或 Mine。) - The Ice Storm skill granted by the Whispering Ice unique item now has a base duration of 1500ms (up from 700ms) and grants 150ms base duration per 100 Intelligence (from 50% increased duration per 100 Intelligence). It was a bug that it was giving 50% increased duration per 100 Intelligence. This has been fixed and rebalanced to compensate. Increases to duration will now have a greater effect on this skill. (冰語的冰風暴技能時效從 0.7秒 到 1.5秒,每100點智力 會增加 0.15秒 時效。) - Tormented Spirits now only flee from Players (as opposed to also fleeing from their minions). (苦痛幽魂現在只會針對玩家而逃跑。) - The bloodlines mod Herald of the Obelisk can no longer appear on Rakangos. (觸手拉康狗 Rakangos 不會出現這條血族詞綴 Herald of the Obelisk。) - The bloodlines mod Necrovigil can no longer appear on the Rakangos or Eye Hatchery monsters. (觸手拉康狗 Rakangos 跟 眼球怪基地 Eye Hatchery 不會出現這條血族詞綴 Necrovigil。) Tempest Content & Balance: - Added 4 new Tempest Prefixes: = Revealing Tempest - Items you find are identified. (已辨識物品風暴。) = Poisonous Tempest - Creates poison clouds at the location of the Tempests. (毒雲風暴。) = Arcane Tempest - Grants increased Elemental Damage and Cast Speed, and regenerates life upon casting spells. (祕法風暴。) = Resisting Tempest - You cannot be Chilled, Frozen, Ignited or Shocked and you have additional Elemental and maximum Elemental Resistances. (元素抵抗風暴。) - Added 1 new Tempest Suffix: of Incursion - Adds 10 Invasion Bosses. (新增一個後綴:10隻 Invasion 王。) - Tempests that use Glacial Cascade, Physical Glacial Cascade, Fire Nova, Shockwave, Summon Raging Spirits and Flame Totem have had their cast speeds adjusted. (風暴裡面的一些技能的施法速度: Glacial Cascade, Physical Glacial Cascade, Fire Nova, Shockwave, Summon Raging Spirits, Flame Totem。) - The "Of Contamination" Tempest suffix has been changed so that monsters also add 10% of their physical damage as chaos damage. (風暴後綴 Of Contamination 也會對怪物增傷。) - Fixed problems with skill tempests at the start of Inferno Races. (Race 相關。) Descent: Champions Balance: (Race 相關。) - Added the missing Herald of Ice, Herald of Thunder and Desecrate skill gems to the Witch chests in Descent: Champions. - Added Herald of Ash to the Templar chests in Descent: Champions. - Removed Desecrate from the Templar chests in Descent: Champions. Bug Fixes: - Fixed more cases of skills being invisible when re-entering the final encounter. (技能看不見的問題。) - Fixed various cases of new maps not being able to spawn adequate amount of shrines when using the Zana crafted mod. (新地圖上 Zana 詞綴的問題。) - Fixed a rare client crash that could occur as Atziri changed into her mirror forms and returned back into her normal form. This most commonly occurred with Cyclone. (Cyclone打女王的當機問題。) - Fixed a bug where items created by Divination Cards could get more links than the sockets should allow for. (換 Div卡 的連線問題。) - Fixing a clipping issue with the Demon King Body Armour for the Templar when in town. (聖堂穿 Demon King Body Armour 的外觀問題。) - Fixed a bug where Mana on Hit could stop working in some conditions until you changed area. (Mana on Hit 的問題。) - Fixed a bug where the achievement for reserving 95% of your life couldn't be completed in some cases when using flat reservation costs. (保留95%生命的成就。) - Fixed a bug where you could get out of sync when using teleporters in Lockstep mode. (Lockstep mode 下,使用傳送技能的同步問題。) - Local Life Gain on Hit now appears correctly in the character stat sheet. (人物狀態裡面,生命擊回可以正確地顯示。) - Fixed a bug where monsters dying to Tempests could sometimes drop no items. (被風暴殺死的怪不會掉寶的問題。) - Fixed a bug where the Tormented Forger could result in unique monsters being raised as spectres with incorrectly high cast speed. (Tormented Forger 苦痛幽魂復活的獨特怪有超高施法速度的問題。) - Fixed a bug where arrows weren't correctly attaching to some monsters when fired into them. (箭矢命中問題。(不知道是動畫相關還是傷害計算相關)) - Fixed a bug where Arctic Armour wouldn't display on your party members or monsters if you entered the instance after they activated it. (AA 極地裝甲顯示問題。) - Fixed a bug where items which gained benefits per status ailment on an enemy only benefitted from a single ignite if multiple ignites were applied to the target. (異常狀態計數問題。) - Fixed a bug with the display of Divination Cards when linked on the website. (上傳到官方賣場的Div卡的問題。) - Fixed a bug where Mana on Hit wasn't being applied to off-hand attacks. (副手攻擊 + Mana on Hit 的問題。) - Fixed a bug where Daresso's enrage effects would not appear if you left and re-entered the instance. (德瑞索鬥氣消失的問題。) - Fixed a bug where Daresso's enrage effects weren't correctly displayed when he reached 50% life. (50%血量德瑞索鬥氣顯示的問題。) - Fixed a bug where Discharge effects could play twice when repeated. (Discharge 解放技能。) - Fixed a bug where the challenge icons on ladders looked like the ones from the last leagues. (官方論壇顯示挑戰完成數的問題。) - Fixed a bug where the Hungry Abyss unique jewel wasn't working correctly. (獨特珠寶 Hungry Abyss。) - Fixed a bug where the Locomancer achievement was not completable. (成就 Locomancer。) - Fixed various cases of Rakango Tails getting possessed by Tormented Spirits. (拉康狗 Rakango 觸手 + 苦痛幽魂的問題。) - Fixed a bug where Life and Energy Shield could be incorrectly positioned on the globes. (生命 與 能盾 詞綴在手套上的位置。) - Fixed a rare crash when socketing Jewels in the Passive Skill Tree. (天賦樹放上珠寶會當機的問題。) - Fixed a bug where off-hand leech from physical damage wasn't being applied. (副手物理吸血的問題。) - Fixed a bug where the AFK command wouldn't auto-trigger after five minutes. (AFK 指令的問題。) - Fixed a bug where AFK mode was disabled when your party was disbanded due to other players leaving the party. (離隊後 AFK 指令的問題。) - Fixed a bug where charge skills used by Voll, Fighting Bulls and Gnar, Eater of Carrion could not be evaded. (不會翻。) - Fixed a bug where auras supported by Spell Totem and Reduced Mana could cause the totem to be unable to cast the aura, despite the player being able to place the Totem. (法術圖騰施放靈氣的問題。) - Fixed a bug where Plummeting Ursae summoned by the Mutated Ursa and Shriekers summoned by Voidscream had their levels incorrectly set when summoned. (軍團怪的召喚物等級的問題。) - Fixed a bug where Cast on Critical Strike would trigger when hitting Frost Walls. (擊中冰牆觸發CoCS的問題。) - Fixed a bug where Righteous Fire calculated an incorrect radius when you were using Righteous Fire while also being affected by an enemy's Righteous Fire. (自己開正火又被怪物的正火作用下,正火的半徑範圍問題。) - Fixed a rare instance crash related to Voll's charge skill. (Voll's charge skill 的當機問題。) - Fixed a bug where players with Eldritch Battery would spend energy shield to cast spells which reserved mana. (EB 施法問題。) - Fixed a bug where cleave hit all targets simultaneously, instead of in-sequence. (cleave 同時擊中問題。) - Fixed a rare bug with Lightning Warp causing environment changes. (閃電傳送的問題。) - Fixed a bug where a monster affected by both a Tormented Mutilator and Tormented Necromancer could create members of the Chaos Renegades Warband. (軍團怪的問題。) - Flame Dash now travels the same distance regardless of whether you're holding shift, when attempting to travel to or beyond maximum distance of the skill. (Flame Dash 現在移動的距離都一樣。) - Fixed a rare client crash related to Maelstrom (water vortex) monsters. (Maelstrom 水球長鞭怪引起的當機問題。) - Fixed an issue with the display of the rewards given by the Bandit Quests. (第二章部落任務的問題。) - Fixed a bug where multiple projectiles from a single Frost Blades attack could hit the same target. (Frost Blades 一次攻擊多個投射物可以多次命中同一目標的問題。) - Fixed a bug where moving away from an NPC without using the mouse could cause the NPC menu to remain open. (NPC對話欄的問題。) - Vaal Oversoul can no longer be stunned while using his submerge and emerge skill. (第二章王 Vaal Oversoul 使用 submerge 跟 emerge 技能時不會被暈。) (不確定地圖王是否也更新。) - Fixed a bug where the critical strike multiplier provided to elemental skills by certain Jewels was applying multiple times for skills that had multiple elements. (珠寶提供的暴傷的問題。) - Fixed a bug where Jewels that transformed increases and reductions to life did not also perform those transformations on increases and reductions to minion and totem life. (不會翻。) - Fixed a bug with the animations on Totems when using Taunt. (Decoy Totem 誘餌圖騰的動畫問題。) - Fixed a bug where Frost Blades projectiles weren't piercing correctly. (Frost Blade 投射物穿透的問題。) - Fixed a crash with Flame Dash when used with the Cast when Damage Taken support gem. (Flame Dash + 受傷施放 的當機問題。) - Fixed a bug where item attribute requirements didn't display if they were lower than a certain value while your character's attribute requirements were also lower than that value. (物品能力需求的顯示問題。) - Fixed a bug where the last item linked in a chat message wouldn't display its thumbnail image. (對話視窗裡的物品連線的顯示問題。) - Fixed a bug where the fire explosion from Wild Strike could trigger cast on Melee Kill. (Wild Strike 狂野打擊的火打擊會觸發 CoMK。) - Fixed a bug where Magma Orb was not playing the fire surge effect on the player when casting the skill. (Magma Orb 的顯示問題。) - Fixed a client crash when weapon swapping between a Bow and a Melee weapon while using bow skills supported by Trap. (Trap + 弓技能的情況下,切換弓與近戰武器的當機問題。) - Fixed a bug where Marceus the Defaced had no block chance - his Tempest Shield would never trigger or refresh. (第三章 獨特雕像怪 Marceus Marceus the Defaced 沒有格檔率的問題。) - Fixed a bug where various duration modifiers weren't correctly multiplying or adding with each other. (時效計算的問題。) - Fixed a bug where Gluttony of Elements wasn't considered a Vaal Skill for the purpose of Vaal Skill modifiers. (Gluttony of Elements 靈氣 與 Vaal Skill modifiers 的問題。) - Fixed an issue where walking around traps used in some Vagan missions could cause you to get out of sync. (Vagan 瓦甘大師任務裡的陷阱會造成不同步的問題。) - Fixed a bug where the Scion's forearms would disappear when using Doryani's Fist. (使用 Doryani's Fist 手套 會造成貴族小手臂不見的問題。) - Fixed an issue where the Flame and Ice Golems were unable to fit through gaps that the player was able to. (火魔像跟冰魔像的問題。) - Fixed a bug where the "of Gluttony" Suffix on Flasks which was spawned prior to The Awakening's release would not display the mod name correctly. (2.0之前的 of Gluttony 後綴藥水,在2.0無法顯示這個詞綴的問題。) - Fixed a bug where Curse on Hit could support Minion Skills. It now can't, as that combination does not work. (Curse on Hit 不能串 Minion Skills。) - Fixed a bug where the Standing Stones in Zana missions could get you out of sync. (Zana 札那大師任務裡的 Standing Stones 直立巨石 會造成不同步的問題。) - Fixed an issue where the Village Ruin end-game map boss could drop items in locations where you couldn't pick them up. (Village Ruin 地圖王的掉落物會撿不到的問題。) - Fixed a bug where Wild Strike could get out of sync. (Wild Strike 狂野打擊會不同步的問題。) - Fixed a bug where Masters weren't spawning in the Malformation Map. (Malformation 地圖不會有大師的問題。) - Fixed a bug where Traps and Mines could be affected by elemental status ailments. (陷阱跟地雷會有元素狀態的問題。) - Fixed a bug where the Map Device would use Short Allocation for players who aren't in a party, rather than the player's preferred item allocation mode. (組隊掉寶分配設定的問題。) - Fixed a rare instance crash that could occur when killing Barkhul in Normal Difficulty. (難度一 殺死 第四章旋風斬王 Barkhul 的當機問題。) - Fixed a bug with the Infernal Helmet causing the Scion's neck to bend abnormally. (Infernal Helmet 特效問題。) - Fixed a bug where chests and strongboxes were not spawning in The Apex of Sacrifice and The Alluring Abyss. (The Apex of Sacrifice 跟 The Alluring Abyss 不會有箱子保險箱的問題。) - Fixed a bug where Ctrl+Clicking on instance transitions and teleporters caused you to be unable to use that transition for a short period of time afterwards. (不會翻。) - Fixed a bug where characters who die in a Hardcore league stay in that league's chat. (人物從HC死亡後,還留在HC的聊天頻道裡。) - Fixed various typos with the line of Spiked Shields, the Alloyed, Burnished and Alder Spike Shields are now Spiked Shields. The Fossilized Spirit Shield has also been renamed to Fossilised. This may require item filters to be updated! (錯字問題。 Alloyed Spike => Alloyed Spiked Burnished Spike => Burnished Spiked Alder Spike => Alder Spiked Fossilized Spirit Shield => Fossilised Item Filter檔案可能要修改一下。) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1439954835.A.EB5.html expect deployment to occur at 2:10pm Thursday NZT 時間換算沒算錯的話 應該是台灣的 8月20日 上午 10:10分

08/19 11:34, , 1F
改善 UI材質 ← 可以不用玩泥人暗道了嗎
08/19 11:34, 1F

08/19 11:38, , 2F
推翻譯 MF終於改了 那紅圈掃過 所有招換物掛光 打屁
08/19 11:38, 2F

08/19 11:38, , 3F
08/19 11:38, 3F

08/19 11:45, , 4F
08/19 11:45, 4F
※ 編輯: IamCoolKing (, 08/19/2015 11:56:30

08/19 11:56, , 5F
翻太慢被搶先了 Q_Q
08/19 11:56, 5F

08/19 12:16, , 6F
Spectral Throw 10%QQ
08/19 12:16, 6F

08/19 12:30, , 7F
flame dash配陷阱會怎樣?
08/19 12:30, 7F

08/19 12:58, , 8F
08/19 12:58, 8F

08/19 13:03, , 9F
08/19 13:03, 9F

08/19 13:03, , 10F
08/19 13:03, 10F

08/19 13:29, , 11F
冰風暴被砍好大一刀,還好脫手了 XD
08/19 13:29, 11F

08/19 13:52, , 12F
第四章就這樣結束了喔 巨獸意識不出來探頭一下嗎XD
08/19 13:52, 12F

08/19 13:58, , 13F
解放的動畫效能改善 不知道如何
08/19 13:58, 13F

08/19 14:00, , 14F
08/19 14:00, 14F

08/19 14:01, , 15F
08/19 14:01, 15F

08/19 14:07, , 16F
help him stand out->讓他跟普通小怪容易區別的意思吧
08/19 14:07, 16F

08/19 14:29, , 17F
08/19 14:29, 17F

08/19 15:01, , 18F
08/19 15:01, 18F

08/19 15:12, , 19F
爆炸箭這平衡晚了快一年吧 而且改得一定不夠
08/19 15:12, 19F

08/19 15:36, , 20F
08/19 15:36, 20F

08/19 15:36, , 21F
08/19 15:36, 21F

08/19 15:43, , 22F
生機之記有外形啦 總算可以塑形法杖了
08/19 15:43, 22F

08/19 16:14, , 23F
08/19 16:14, 23F

08/19 18:19, , 24F
08/19 18:19, 24F

08/19 18:56, , 25F
08/19 18:56, 25F

08/20 02:12, , 26F
08/20 02:12, 26F

08/20 02:31, , 27F
冰雨600智力:舊版2.8秒 新版2.4秒
08/20 02:31, 27F

08/20 02:35, , 28F
400智力打平 越高智力舊版越久 不過沒考慮"持續時間延長"
08/20 02:35, 28F
294MB ※ 編輯: IamCoolKing (, 08/20/2015 10:26:38 這次更新可能更常遇到 crush 遊戲自動關閉 的情況。 ※ 編輯: IamCoolKing (, 08/20/2015 12:01:34

08/20 17:20, , 29F
隕落皇者有造型惹 可以 COSPLEY 亡靈大師惹
08/20 17:20, 29F
Version 2.0.2b - Fixed an instance crash and client crash related to Frost Blades. (Frost Blades 造成的當機問題。) - Fixed client crashes with Heavy Strike, Vigilant Strike, Viper Strike, Dominating Blow and Infernal Blow when used with Melee Splash. (Heavy Strike, Vigilant Strike, Viper Strike, Dominating Blow, Infernal Blow 配上 Melee Splash 造成的當機問題。) - Fixed a bug where Temporal Chains was visually missing one of its stats. This didn't affect its function. (Temporal Chains 視覺上的失效問題。) - Fixed a bug where Torchoak Grove was summoning its minions around its enemies instead of around itself. (Torchoak Grove 現在是在它身邊召喚出分身們。) 遇過 Torchoak Grove 跟它的分身們重疊在同一位置。 - Fixed a bug where Saplings summoned by Forest of Flames weren't summoning Seedlings. (Saplings 是 Torchoak Grove 的分身,但這個不會翻。) - Fixed a bug where Jack, the Axes dropped prior to the 2.0.2 patch had the incorrect 3d art. (2.0.2之前掉落的傑克斧的3D造型錯誤。) ※ 編輯: IamCoolKing (, 08/20/2015 19:42:03

08/20 19:29, , 30F
冰風暴我8xx智就3.xx秒了,說是BUFF的有拿過這把嗎? 冏rz
08/20 19:29, 30F
額外的感覺補充: 中長距離的閃傳的觸發時間與滯空時間有久一點點。純感覺。 ※ 編輯: IamCoolKing (, 08/20/2015 22:33:55

08/20 22:37, , 31F
+1 近距離跟長距離時間不一樣
08/20 22:37, 31F

08/21 12:45, , 32F
08/21 12:45, 32F

08/21 14:28, , 33F
我玩冰雨sup 立場不同
08/21 14:28, 33F

08/24 10:37, , 34F
08/24 10:37, 34F
文章代碼(AID): #1Lq_UJwr (PathofExile)
文章代碼(AID): #1Lq_UJwr (PathofExile)