Re: [情報] 0.11.1 patch note

看板PathofExile作者 (前途無亮回頭是暗)時間11年前 (2013/06/25 16:35), 編輯推噓11(11011)
留言22則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多) Version 0.11.1 Features: Helmets have been updated with new names and art. There are no longer any repeats of helmet art in the progression. Note: Existing helmets have had their name and art updated, but higher tier ones (that previously had repeated art) will show new art from the lower tier. This will be fixed in a future patch. To fix your helmet manually, put it on the cursor and type /fixmyhelmet 頭盔的名字和美術設計更新。可以打/fixmyhelmet手動更新成新的樣式。 Support for the upcoming Descent race league has been added. 新增Season 3的Descent模式。 Stats refactor - The way in which damage is calculated has been changed, to make future expansion easier. Most of this is internal and won't affect gameplay. The following effects will be seen in game: Melee skills with Damage Effectiveness have been changed to having a "Deals % of Base Damage" stat. Spells with Damage Effectiveness no longer have their own damage affected by Damage Effectiveness. Damage values on these skills have been updated to reflect this. 面板dps計算的顯示更新(無實際傷害的變動) 例:近戰技能的Damage Effectiveness顯示成"造成 % 的基礎傷害" 法術的Damage Effectiveness取消顯示而直接表現在傷害基礎值上。 (譯註:但是Damage Effectiveness應該還是存在並作用在added X support gem上) Physical damage on items is now scaled by physical damage bonuses (in a similar way to how elemental damage worked before). 裝備的物傷值現在可以正確的被被動天賦加成。 (+X damage)*(1+increased%)*multiplier,以前+X在外面。 Content: Diamond Utility Flasks have returned! They make your Critical Strike Chance "Lucky" for 3.5 seconds (that is, your Critical Strike Chance is rolled twice, with the best result taken). 重新開放CB有的Diamond Flask(爆擊藥水),3.5秒內對每次爆擊的檢定骰兩次取好的 結果(Lucky)。 Added five new Unique items, three of which were designed by our Diamond supporters. One of them is a Unique flask. The fifth unique is the new race reward item, Demigod's Stride. 新的傳奇物品,含傳奇藥水和race獎品。 Added alternate art items for Season 3 race rewards. Added four new cosmetic microtransactions effects: Raise Mummy Skin for the Raise Zombie skill gem, Necrotic Footprints, Vampiric Footprints and Lightning Footprints. Added 3D art for the Zahndethus' Cassock, Heartbreaker, Nycta's Lantern and The Supreme Truth unique items. 美術效果及招喚僵屍技能的商城特效(招喚木乃伊!)、更多的腳印商城特效。 New audio has been added for currency item drop sounds and various impact sounds, including Energy Shield impacts. Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments. 音效及美術持續更新。通貨掉落會有其他音效了。 Balance: Increased Flask drop rate slightly. 藥水掉落率稍微提高。 Torr Olgosso's damage, survivability and AI has been reworked to make him a more challenging Rogue Exile. Torr Olgosso重做。(Leap Slam/Double Strike的那隻,更痛了Orz) The Melee Splash support gem now works with Shield Charge. 盾擊可以使用Melee Splash了。 Shield charge can now be evaded. 盾擊可以被閃避了。(...有buff有nerf。) Rebalanced the damage Infernal Blow deals when exploding a monster. It was affected by the Stats refactor and now needs to be calculated differently. It should still be the same overall damage as before. IB的爆炸傷調整(大致上傷害程度不變),主要是因應前面的Damage Effectiveness更動。 Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where Knockback could force a monster into an inaccessible area. 擊退現在不會打進牆裡(!應該是比較不會了) Fixed a bug where Melee Splash did not always apply to all monsters in the radius. Vendors now assess stacks of currency items correctly and offer full price based on their contents. Selling items with 80+ total quality now correctly separates two 40 quality sets if possible. 賣東西超過80+% 品質以上會當成兩組40%了。(總算修了) Fixed a recent bug where Raised Zombies had 75% resistance to all elements. Fixed a bug where hidden monsters showed buff effects Fixed an issue where the Divine Weapon Effect on claws looked like the Regal Weapon Effect. Minions of player minions no longer count towards monster count and no longer receive the monster buff for multiple players in the instance. Fixed a bug where Energy Shield regeneration through Zealot's Oath worked in Maps that restricted life regeneration. Fixed a bug where the Energy Shield recharge timer would still pass even when the ring that suppresses it was equipped. Shav' rev戒指的bug修掉了,不該回ES時就不會回。 Fixed several crashes. Fixed a case where a kill from a totem or minion might not be assigned correctly. Fixed a bug where monsters killed by converted monsters would not grant experience. Fixed a minor bug with extra gore where critical strikes were not causing extra gibs. Fixed several issues related to skills greying out at the wrong times. Footprints will no longer make sounds when you're not walking around. Fixed a bug where footprints left decals on the ground in town areas. 更多的bug修正。 This patch will hopefully be deployed tomorrow (Wednesday, NZ time). Thanks again for your feedback and generous support! -- 譯註:盾擊、facebreaker、knockback應該是直接相關。其他沒差多少。 Diamond flask:
據說CB時是1.5秒,必定爆擊。現在是3.5秒骰兩次。 可以考慮重新分配一部分爆率天賦給爆傷了。 -- 的東西 清理乾淨 收藏保存 別人的東西回去 屬於自己打包帶走 一無所剩 一片開朗 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: bnn 來自: (06/25 16:50)

06/25 17:33, , 1F
06/25 17:33, 1F

06/25 17:56, , 2F
Torr Olgosso 還好打過了
06/25 17:56, 2F

06/26 09:42, , 3F
600mb的更新 @@
06/26 09:42, 3F

06/26 09:56, , 4F
06/26 09:56, 4F

06/26 10:15, , 5F
06/26 10:15, 5F

06/26 10:20, , 6F
06/26 10:20, 6F

06/26 10:21, , 7F
Eff改有差這麼多喔...然後熊陷阱的DPS不見了= =
06/26 10:21, 7F

06/26 10:33, , 8F

06/26 10:33, , 9F
新藥水 超級OP
06/26 10:33, 9F

06/26 10:49, , 10F
06/26 10:49, 10F

06/26 10:49, , 11F
06/26 10:49, 11F

06/26 11:00, , 12F
我悲劇了 再看盤又噴掉一支on角....
06/26 11:00, 12F

06/26 11:12, , 13F
...珍惜生命,看盤不on,on不看盤 =,=
06/26 11:12, 13F

06/26 12:37, , 14F
06/26 12:37, 14F

06/26 12:51, , 15F
好險有賺 不然會嘔@@
06/26 12:51, 15F

06/26 13:51, , 16F
樓上大大原來也有玩POE O.O
06/26 13:51, 16F

06/26 14:50, , 17F
06/26 14:50, 17F

06/26 15:08, , 18F
06/26 15:08, 18F

06/26 15:19, , 19F
傳奇是不是變的比較會掉 又打倒一雙掉寶手套
06/26 15:19, 19F

06/26 15:43, , 20F
0.11.1b bug fix中有提到Attack speed對怪的作用修了, 可能是
06/26 15:43, 20F

06/26 15:43, , 21F
這個原因讓怪的leap slam被影響到
06/26 15:43, 21F

06/27 17:38, , 22F
之前的leap slam實在太可怕了,連續狂跳= =
06/27 17:38, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1HoLOrXc (PathofExile)
文章代碼(AID): #1HoLOrXc (PathofExile)