Re: [問題] QC2.0 專利迴避

看板Patent作者 (mord)時間9年前 (2015/05/18 16:50), 編輯推噓0(001)
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※ 引述《eddie39191 (eddie)》之銘言: : 目前在工作上遇到專利上的問題,Quick Charger,目前Qualcomm只開放provider, : 也就是例如充電器端,其他comcumer,例如手機端的裝置都不開放,如此一來手機端 : 都被它綁住了,下面是QC2.0的專利的主項,請問如果要做專利迴避,有甚麼方向可思考嗎 : 1. A circuit comprising: : a power bus for attachment to an external device; : a plurality of signal lines for attachment to the external device; : a plurality of first circuits to sense an electrical configuration on the : signal lines; and : a plurality of second circuits to assert an electrical configuration on : the signal lines, : wherein one of the second circuits asserts an electrical configuration on : the signal lines from among a plurality of electrical configurations when one : of the first circuits senses a predetermined electrical configuration on the : signal lines, whereby a voltage from an external device attached to the : circuit is asserted on the power bus at a voltage level that corresponds to : the electrical configuration that is asserted on the signal lines by said one : of the second circuits. 你好,就專利範圍內容來看,指的應該是US8745301,權利範圍中的 [a (the) circuit (100)]--->in a portable device, such as a smartphone [an (the) external device(14), such as a power supply] [(the) first circuits]--->detection circuitry (104) [(the) second circuits]--->configuration circuitry (108) [(the) power bus (114)] [(the) signal lines (signal bus 112)] " In some embodiments, the circuit 100 may include charging circuitry 102, detection circuitry 104, control circuitry 106, and configuration circuitry 108. The circuit 100 may include a power bus 114 for electrical connection to a power line in the cable 26." (Para [0020]) "The detection circuitry 104 may sense the particular electrical configuration asserted by the external device by sensing the signal bus lines comprising the signal bus 112. Based on the electrical configuration sensed by the detection circuitry 104, signal(s) 104 a may be provided to the control circuitry 106 to indicate the kind of external device that is attached to the circuit 100." (Para [0031]) "Accordingly, the control circuitry 106 may generate signals 106a to operate the configuration circuitry 108 to assert an electrical configuration on the signal bus 112 that corresponds to a specified voltage level." (Para [0034]) 第1圖中說明了, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108運作關係, 由於[(the) first circuits]與[(the} second circuits]並非如同"computer"一看便知 其義, 因而兩者的定義及其原理運作,必須參考說明書內容, 也就是,權利範圍第1項的"解讀"必須參考說明書內容, 想"迴避"該專利,還是請"參悟"說明書內容. 歡迎e-mail討論. that the external device -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

05/18 17:27, , 1F
刪除最後的[that the external device](劃線版)..:D
05/18 17:27, 1F
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