Re: [轉貼] 羅馬風雲資料片2.1更新

看板Paradox作者 (Mr.A)時間15年前 (2008/12/19 21:31), 編輯推噓2(203)
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原文出處 歐陸風雲-羅馬 2.1補丁放出! 下載地址: ... e_Victis_v2.1_Patch 官網的下載地址不能用了,自己去找了個,這年頭,不自力更生哪行啊 ******************************************* * Changes for the 2.1 patch of Vae Victis * 羅馬風雲 成王敗寇 2.1版更新 ******************************************* ############################################ # CHARACTERS 人物 ############################################ - Adjusted child birth rates. 修正嬰兒的出生率 - Toned down the loyalty decrease from the 'not_from_ruler_party' static modifier. 減少人物因與執政者派系不同所降低的忠誠度 - Initial governors should be more loyal. 新派任的總督增加的忠誠度較高 - Disloyal generals and governors who start civil wars or secede now only take their immediate family with them. 搞內戰或分裂的將軍或總督將只會帶著他自己的家庭在身邊 - Fixed a bug where diplomats, children or spouses in a foreign country could change tag for a civil war. 修正處在國外的使者,某人的小孩或妻子因內戰而"易幟"的情形 - Minor changes to popularity from titles. 對人物因稱號而得到的聲望有些許改變 - Halved charisma effect on monthly popularity. 把魅力對每月聲望的影響减半 - Married characters who permanently end up in different countries will now get divorced. 已婚者若在國外待到死將會解除與元配的關係 - Improved character location check. 尋找角色的位置更容易 - War exhaustion now decreases ruler popularity. 厭戰將減少統治者的聲望 - Prime ministers no longer decrease war exhaustion, but they do decrease the max exhaustion limit more. 政府首長(像Grand Vizier)不再有減少厭戰的能力,但能減少最大厭戰值更多 - Loyalist characters now also receive a significant loyalty boost when a civil war starts. 擁有"忠誠"特性的人,在內戰爆發時,會大幅提升忠誠度 - The religious tech magistrate now reduces the omen failure penalty rather than increasing omen power. 研究宗教科技的官員現在可以提高祈禱成功的機率(表現在降低因好戰性等對祈禱的懲罰) ,而不是增加祈禱的效能 - Titles and static modifiers (except for 'unemployed_adult_male') no longer affect character faction affiliation. 稱號跟特質不會再影響某人政黨的傾向 - Removed the hidden conviction changes that were based on current objective triggers. (The same thing can be done explicitly with modifiers and effects in the objective scripts.) - Character conviction is now mostly changed by fulfilling or failing ambitions. 角色的信念現在多半因野心實現於否改變 - Fixed a minor bug with the character faction calculation. 修正角色考慮派系時的一個毛病 - Decreased the effect of parent's faction affiliation on their children. 父母的政黨傾向對孩子的影響更少 - The strength of a character's faction conviction is now shown in the character tooltip. 某人所屬政黨的影響力會在人物的詳細資料裡顯示 - Added missing text for character objectives 'obj_help_friend_prison' and 'obj_help_friend_job'. 對人物的兩項目標進行修正 - The 'unemployed_adult_male' modifier should no longer be applied for characters with granted titles. "無職成年男子"不會用在被封了任何稱號的人身上 - Tightened up code for recalculating character modifiers when appropriate. Hopefully fixes a crash bug too. - Popularity and loyalty are now locked during childhood. 某人仍在幼年時的聲望和忠誠度不會改變 - Characters can no longer be dismissed from their jobs until after 12 months (in defines.txt), at the earliest. 任何人當上任何職務,都必須作滿至少12個月才能換人 - Fixed a bug that could prevent reigning queens and female heir apparents from marrying. 修正女性統治者跟女性繼承人結婚這種鬼情況發生 - Fixed an issue with imprisoned characters being appointed clan chiefs. 被關進大牢的人不會再被指派為部落酋長 - Fixed an error preventing the objectives 'obj_help_friend_prison' and 'obj_help_friend_job' from being assigned. 修正讓"幫朋友出獄""幫朋友找工作"這兩個目標無法出現的錯誤 - Fixed some issues with characters being born without religion. 防止是有人生下來竟然是無神論者這種事發生 - More tweaks to the Become Ruler ambition, to reduce chances of women getting it. 減少女性擁有成為統治者的野心 - The effect of all popularity reducing events has been greatly increased. 任何降低聲望的事件,現在降的更多啦 - Drastically increased the ruler popularity loss from the triggered modifier 'border_dispute'. "邊界爭議"對統治者聲望降的更多 - Added static modifiers 'ruler_unpopularity_mod' and 'ruler_popularity_mod'. - Added static modifiers 'static_finesse_mod', 'static_charisma_mod' and 'static_martial_mod'. - Fixed an issue with clan chiefs and party leaders continuously gaining and losing their title. 修正部落酋長或政黨領袖不停的得失其稱號這種事 - Character objectives are now also modifiers, like titles and traits. - The 'become_ruler' ambition now gives a penalty to monthly character loyalty. 成為統治者的野心將對角色每月減少忠誠度 - Increased disloyalty from the traits Assertive and Ambitious. Added a disloyalty effect to the Corrupt trait. 獨斷的跟有野心的對忠誠度影響更大,貪污的特質現在也對忠誠有負面影響 - Disabled the 'Neglected Ambition' static modifier (it's replaced by modifiers on the relevant character objectives.) 把"放棄的野心"這項特質取消,現在它會藉由改變角色重要的目標來表現 - Adjusted tech bonuses to monthly character loyalty down. - Fixed an issue with diplomats losing their granted titles. 修正使者失去其稱號的情形 - Migrating characters now lose their ambition. 流亡在外的角色會失去其野心 - When the ruler of a monarchy has female friends, there is now a chance that they will give birth to a royal bastard. 如果君主跟某位女性有"友誼"關係,私生子出生的機會大增 - Added a title for unacknowledged bastards. - Fixed some issues with rulers migrating upon annexation. 修正一些因國家被滅而出亡之統治者的爭議 - Added support for twins (ca 3% birth rate.) 雙胞胎可能出現(大約在佔總出生的3%) - Fixed a problem with historical children not being listed in order of age (causing the wrong child to become the heir.) 確保歷史人物出生是按照順序的,以免錯誤的人當上繼承者 - Fleshed out the original diadochi dynasties. - Character death should now be properly recorded in the history. 人物的死亡將會詳實的記載在歷史裡 - Characters should now get their modifiers immediately reset and recalculated when migrating. - Some traits are now congenital and can be inherited. 某些特質將是先天性而且可能會傳給下一代 - Fixed a problem with rulers partially losing their ruler status on tag change. - The correct "smear" chance is now actually used. 侮辱他人名聲(應該是指這個)現在會計算其機率 - Added a cost to smear and assassinate character commands, and adjusted the effects. 侮辱將軍的名聲或暗殺他要付錢,而且後續效果可能會增強 - Added an on_action for failed assassination attempts. - Fixed a bug with previous rulers continuously auto-gaining and losing the ex_ruler_title while being rulers once more. - Fixed the historical consulship of Margos for Achean League. 修正歷史人物Margos在Achean League的統治 - Fixed a problem with horde leaders not having a religion and a birth province. 修正部落領導者沒有信仰宗教跟出生地的問題 - Characters lose their current objective when imprisoned. 角色被監禁時失去其目標 - Imprisoned characters do not gain new objectives. 被監禁的角色不會有新的目標 - Fixed a problem with "ex" and "recent" titles being given to characters posthumously. - Fixed the problem with 0 skills for historical characters due to initial age 0. ############################################ # CIVIL WARS 內戰 ############################################ - Civil Wars will now automatically end if one side can hold the original capital province for 5 years straight. 內戰將會在任一方控制首都長達五年之後結束 - Fixed a nasty crash bug on some civil wars. 修正一個內戰的嚴重毛病 - Civil war rebel "filler" troops are now mercs. 內戰叛賊找來的軍隊現在當成傭兵來看待 - Civil wars now also use the 'war' static modifier. 內戰會讓國家處於戰爭狀態 - Civil wars will no longer automatically end as long as the losing side has occupied provinces. 內戰不會在輸的一方佔領省份時結束 - Decreased the frequency of the civil war events "More Men" and "Deserters". 減少因"More Men"跟"Deserters"兩個內戰事件發生的可能性 - Cut a lot of civil war starting events, since they fit the current system badly. 減少很多導致內戰的事件 - Adjusted events 4804, 9005 and 9006 to work with the current civil war system. 增加事件4804 9005 9006來運行現有的內戰系統 - Remaining rebel fleets now change sides at the end of a civil war. 內戰結束後,叛方海軍將會歸順 - Civil wars less likely to occur if enemies are present in many provinces. 內戰發生的可能性將減少,如果在許多省份都有敵軍的身影 - Fewer "filler" characters should survive from the rebel side of a civil war once it's over. 內戰結束後,那些"填補"的角色(指叛軍方)會繼續存活的更少 - At the end of a civil war, the capital should change back to the original capital, if owned. 不論是哪方贏得內戰,最後首都還是會遷回原來的地方(如果沒有被別國佔領) - Fixed some problems with event effects (inherit, secede_province) and civil wars. 修正一些事件效果和內戰的問題 - Civil war rebel leaders should now always bring their spouses and non-adult children. 叛軍的領導者會一直帶著他的妻子跟未成年的小孩 ############################################ # EVENTS 事件 ############################################ - Added event effect 'start_civil_war'. 增加"內戰開始"這個事件 - Added event effect 'ruler_conviction' (alters the same conviction that the ruler has for a character.) - Adjusted the Death from Old Age event. 修正年老而死這個事件 - Fixed a serious bug with the "death by suicide for shamed people" event. 修正一個"因羞愧而自殺"這個事件裡嚴重的毛病 - Fixed a bug preventing event 3715 from firing. - Made event 1060 rarer. 讓事件1060更罕見 - Tweaked the triggers of events 7518, 7519, 7520 and 7521 to prevent odd party changes. - Event 3400 should now only fire for women. 事件3400現在只會發生在女性上 - Fixed a slight problem with event 1060. - Toned down the frequency of event 4100 ("I am Spartacus".) "I am Spartacus"這個事件發生的機率更小 - Heavy tweaks to event 7523 ("Councillor prefers a different heir"), which has been killing off heirs rather invisibly. - Corrected EVTDESC1096. 修正 EVTDESC1096(有翻跟沒翻一樣..) - Event 7000 now gives more manpower. 事件7000提供更多人力 - Added event target scopes 'father' and 'mother'. - Added event effect 'family' (changes the character family.) 新增會讓角色改變所屬家族的事件 - Added the trigger 'is_bastard'. 新增觸發事件:"這小子是個私生子" - Added event effects 'add_spouse' and 'remove_spouse'. - Added some more interesting court intrigue events. - Added missing text key for major events. - Fixed some cases where events could give foreign diplomats jobs and titles. - Fixed some bugs in event 9903. - Event effects that give characters offices, titles and command positions now only check against the most basic requirements (alive, adult, not imprisoned, employer country.) - Fixed a bug with event 4402, causing none of the three options to have an effect. - The 'create_revolt' effect now actually creates the number of cohorts specified. - Adjusted the slave uprising events. - Tweaked some events for governors that should not affect the capital region. - New event effects 'slaves_fraction', 'freedmen_fraction' and 'citizens_fraction'. They change population by a fraction of the total population. - New province event (8100): "Provincial Citizenship". If the fraction of citizens is too low, the freemen may demand citizenship. 增加省份公民權這個事件,若某地公民比例太少,自由民會要求公民權 - Added trigger 'is_pretender'. - Heavy rewrites of events 7515 and 7516 (pretenders killing off the heir/ruler.) - Event 7517 (job appointment) adjusted to not trigger while the populist party is in power. - Adjusted event 7515 (pretender murdering the heir), to make it less common 修正事件7515,讓繼承人一天到晚被暗殺的事情不再如此嚴重 - Fixed a serious bug with the any_family_member trigger. - Adjusted a trait event giving the corrupt trait to children. 新增一個會讓小孩獲得貪污特質的事件 - Fixed a bug with the 'war' trigger for civil wars. - Fixed a problem with some events forcing titles on prisoners. ############################################ # AI ############################################ - AI will now release imprisoned characters if they show signs of increased loyalty. 電腦會釋放在牢中的角色,假如他們的忠誠度有所提高的話 - AI will no longer stop targeting tributaries. 電腦有可能會攻擊從屬國 - AI values taking back core provinces more. 電腦現在更看重拿回原屬於他們的核心省份 - AI countries bordering more powerful nations will be less interested in ships. 跟強國為鄰的國家將不會造那麼多的船 - AI should now update on every ruler change again. 電腦會在每次換統治者時更新 - Removed inappropriate superpower antagonism. 把不合適的強權對立剔除 - Army AI: Will be less likely to invade if there is trouble in its owner area. 軍隊的AI:將更不傾於侵略,如果自己的本土有問題發生 - Army AI: Fixed an issue where it would walk huge distances to invade. 軍隊AI:修正它會繞遠路打仗的鳥事 - Army AI: Added safe movement check to armies moving between areas ("invaders") as well. 軍隊AI:當軍隊移動時,會檢查路徑的安全性 - Army AI: Fixed a problem with exiled armies. - Peace AI: Fixed bug where it would demand capital provinces in peace. 修正電腦會作在和平期間索要首都這種鬼事情發生 - Peace AI: Enemy tributary states no longer auto-reject all peace offers. 電腦的從屬國將不會自動把所有的和平提議拒絕 - Diplo AI: Made sure AI breaks tribute status before DoW. 確保電腦在停戰結束前解除朝貢關係 - Diplo AI: Will spam players less with repeated trade route proposals. 較少浪費時間拿貿易商路的提議來煩人 - Diplo AI: Can now break alliances. 電腦現在也會破棄同盟 - Diplo AI: Corrected some issues with alliance desire and cancellation. 修正一些跟聯盟需求和終結的事務 - Naval AI: Is now actually aware of the units of the other side in a civil war. 海軍AI:內戰時,會真正的注意它國軍隊動向 - Naval AI: Fixed an issue with blockade plans not checking which sea zone a port exits into. 海軍AI:修正 - Naval AI: Not as eager to blockade if the enemy still has a viable navy. 海軍AI:不再如此熱中於封港如果敵人海軍仍有一定規模 - Naval AI: Should no longer use fleets of size 1 at times. 海軍AI:通常不會只派一艘船的艦隊作戰 - Naval AI: Corrected an issue where it would stop evaluating enemy strength. 海軍AI:修正它會停止評斷敵軍實力的情形 - Naval AI: Fixed a bug where it would not properly transport land forces when at peace. 海軍AI:修正它在和平期間沒有好好運載陸軍的毛病 - Recruit AI: Tweaked where it should build new units. - Adjusted the likelihood of the AI passing laws and decisions. 減少AI通過法案或國家決議的可能性 - Military AI: Fixed a bug with war zone area checks. 軍隊AI:修正一個在判定戰爭區域的毛病 - Tributaries less eager to cancel tribute. 從屬國停止朝貢的可能性減少 ############################################ # INTERFACE 介面 ############################################ - The top and bottom bars now look different depending on player culture. 不同國家的介面會有些改變 - Fixed a bunch of messages concerning characters so there is a GOTO button to the dynastic screen. 修正一些跟人物有關的資訊, - No loyalty or popularity modifier tooltip for children, since they are locked values during childhood. 那些像賄賂、關押或是給予稱號這種東西不會出現在未成年小孩的介面裡 - Fixed a problem with tech magistrates not being selectable. 修正科技官員無法選取的問題 - Mission effect text now left formatted and uses a smaller font in the mission view. 任務效果會用較小的字體顯示 - The unemployed icon is now shown in the dynastic view as well. - Fixed a problem with sorting in the character views. - The Pirate spawn message will now only appear if you actually have a port in that sea zone. 海盜產生這個訊息只會在那塊海有你的港口時出現 - Cleaned up the province revolt risk tooltip. - The wealth in the character tooltip no longer has three decimals. 人物的財產不會再到第三位小數點 - Fixed some issues with the tooltips in the unit views. - Removed the double strait tooltip for empty provinces. - Improved loyalty tooltip in the character view and character selection view. - Country culture and religion shown in the tooltip over the country name in the province view. 國家文化與宗教顯示在省份資訊裡的國名上(把滑鼠移到國名上面) - Added tooltip to age in the dynastic view. 把滑鼠移到人物的年齡上會顯示其出生年月日 - Improved tooltips for the population fraction effects. - Changed so there is only one text label for both censors in the government view (so there is room for "Thesmotete", etc.) - Character view filters altered. "Free" is now called "All". "Ruler Rivals" and "Ruler Friends" changed to Men and Women. - Added a field to the character tooltip saying if he or she is imprisoned, and by whom. - Fixed some quirks with the filter buttons and sorting in the character and character selection views. - Improved morale tooltip in the unit window. - The unemployed icon should no longer shown when it does not apply. - Improved some effect and trigger tooltips. - Added alert for province that you can potentially colonize (if you kill the barbarians there.) - Tooltip for party_support effects corrected to not say "lose -1" etc. - No longer possible to appoint governors to the capital region through the ledger. - Fixed a bug with the unit view not properly showing the governor as leader of regional troops. - Fixed some problems with misspelling of "title_pontifex" in events etc. - Fixed a bug in a tooltip saying there are 100 senators (there are only 99.) - The military view is now properly named "Military". "軍事資訊"現在已被正名 - Changed the name of the "land_province" static modifier to "Base" (they are base values for all provinces.) - Fixed a whole slew of duplicate or bad localisation entries. - Corrected the tooltip for the max_manpower trigger. ############################################ # REPUBLICS 共和制 ############################################ - Political factions now gain more support the less support they have (when lower than 10%.) This factor is simply called "Opposition". 反對黨會這個特性出現在那些元老席次率極低的政黨(當少於10%),這會給於他們一些幫 助 - Nerfed the effects of the religious party in power. 減少宗教政黨的影響力 - Added static modifier 'not_from_ruler_party'. 新增所謂"非執政黨出身"的標記 - Adjusted the effect of static modifier 'same_party_as_ruler'. 修正"跟統治者相同政黨"的影響 ############################################ # MONARCHIES 君主制 ############################################ - Fixed a problem with Agnatic succession (grandsons of the oldest son had lower prio than younger sons.) 修正Agnatic繼承法(長孫的繼承順位比其他兒子低)的問題 - Tweaked cognatic succession order. 修正cognatic繼承法的順序 - Preferred heir calculation updated so that friends and rivals of the ruler also likes or dislikes his children. 偏好繼承人會更新,並決定統治者的朋友與仇敵喜歡或厭惡其小孩 - Adjusted preferred heir calculations to consider the popularity of characters a lot more. 角色偏好的繼承人將更大的影響其聲望 - The Consort of the old ruler should now properly lose the title. 前統治者的配偶將失去 - For non-republics, character loyalty is now recalculated on succession. 對非共和國而言,新的統治者意味著所有角色忠誠度的全面洗牌 - Sons of women from the current dynasty now have a stronger claim to the throne. 皇族女性之子現在對王位的渴求更大 - Husbands of women of the royal dynasty now get a boost in the order of succession for monarchies. 皇族女性的丈夫現在在繼承順位上得到了提升 - The second and third in line for the throne are now more likely to prefer themselves as heirs. 第二和第三繼承順位的人現在會更希望成為繼承人 - Ruling queens now pass on their surname to their children. 女性統治者會將姓傳給其孩子 - Two Omen laws for monarchies are now properly mutually exclusive. 兩項跟神諭有關的法案現在相互排斥 ############################################ # MISC ############################################ - The governor of a region is now removed if the capital city moves there. 某地的總督將被解任,如果首都移去了那裡 - Colonies are now always of the country culture and religion (since half of the colonists do come from the capital anyway.) 殖民地總是跟國家相同文化和宗教 - Improved region capital calculation. - Base Omen Chance reduced to 30%. 基本祈禱機率降到30%,以後要祈禱成功就很難了 - Mercenaries no longer affect character loyalty when disbanded, transferred between armies, etc. 傭兵部隊的解散、轉移不會再影響角色的忠誠 - Mercenaries can no longer become loyal to their commander. 傭兵不再對其統帥效忠 - Exported the Religion Power -> Omen Chance ratio to defines.txt and increased it by a factor of 10. - Carthage now receives a large initial navy. 迦太基初始擁有一支強大的海軍 - Fixed some errors in the starting Seleucid dynasty. 修正Seleucid起始時王朝的問題 - The 'monarchy_conquer_weaker_neighbour' no longer triggers against allies. 不再有"君主國征服弱小鄰邦"會針對同盟這種事發生 - Very low-strength mercenary regiments are now automatically disbanded. 人數極低的傭兵部隊直接解散 - Corrected some missions that had the wrong scope on their effects. 修正一些任務其效果的範圍有錯誤 - No longer possible to colonize a province unless you have a neighbouring _unoccupied_ province. 不會再有可以殖民與你的省份沒有相連的省份這種情況 - Fixed a problem where the pathfinding would suggest land movement across ships at sea. 修正軍隊移動時,會選擇過海的路徑(因為會減員) - Each technology level by itself now gives a bonus (static modifier * level). Notably, military tech levels give a discipline increase. 每個科技等級現在提供一點額外的好處,像是軍事科技的提升會讓紀律度提升 - Modified some title and government bonuses to remove extra discipline. 修正一些稱號、政體優勢移除額外的紀律度 - The effects of the national ideas Citizenship and Emancipation greatly increased (pop type conversion ratios up to 7%, from 1%.) 公民權(自由民→公民)、奴隸解放(奴隸→自由民)兩個國家理念的效果大幅增加(7%→1%) - Decreased max manpower by half. 把最大人力減半 - The morale collapse threshold for subunits is now exported to the defines. - Fixed a problem with capital validation. 修正首都認定的問題 - Greatly increased the cost (warscore requirement) of forcing a nation to pay tribute in peace treaties. 讓強迫朝貢所需的戰爭得分(或權數)增加 - Improved calc of culture and religion of regional independent countries. - Fixed an issue with not being able to ask for prisoner ransom. - Can no longer attach armies to regions that are not owned. - The effects of the mission 'get_an_alliance_mission' are now applied to the right nation. "跟某國結盟"這個任務的效果會實施在正確的國家身上 - Fixed bugs with the triggered modifiers 'panhellenic_games' and 'controller_of_antioch'. - Fixed a problem with the "Break the Carthaginians" mission. 修正"擊敗迦太基"這個任務的問題 - Fixed more issues with the "Reclaim Cyrenaica" mission. 修正"奪回Cyrenaica"這個任務的問題 - Units in the build queue are no longer inherited by a nation that gains the province peacefully. 在訓練序列中的單位,不會再被攻佔這個省份的國家繼承(別人訓練的軍隊干我啥事) - The effects of most inventions has been greatly increased, particularly military ones. 科技發現的效果大幅增加,尤其是軍事類的 - Added a bunch more decisions for switching form of government. 增加更多讓國家改變政體的國家決議 - Increased the size of rebel armies. 叛軍的規模擴大(不再是2、3個單位的弱小軍隊) - Added some capital validation code from INN. - Unit loyalty to banished/exiled characters is now properly reset. 如果軍隊效忠的角色已死,他們也不再保有對死人的忠誠 - Increased manpower regrowth rate by 25%. 增加人力成長25% - Fixed the broken mission 'reclaim_cyrenaica'. 修正任務"奪回Cyrenaica" - Fixed a bug with initial war exhaustion being given from future wars. 修正會讓你的國家"預支"未來才可能累積的到的厭戰值這種情況 - Province population can no longer drop to negative numbers on the yearly update. 省份人口不會再降到負值 - Colonizing provinces no longer triggers the conquest population changes. 殖民某省份不再讓其人口改變 - The ruler should now properly be regarded as governor of the whole capital region. 統治者現在會適當的被認定是整個首都領域的總督 - Fixed several minor issues with tag changes. - "Recent office" titles are now proper promagistracies; only retained in Rome (if it's a republic.) 目前我只能翻到這裡,有錯還請多包含 基本上這次的改版主要只是修正一些bug跟內戰的問題 沒有太大的變動 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Mraofrot 來自: (12/19 21:34) ※ 編輯: Mraofrot 來自: (12/19 21:48)

12/19 22:02, , 1F
我覺得變動滿大的 以前君主制國家繼承人都會被暗殺光
12/19 22:02, 1F

12/19 22:05, , 2F
12/19 22:05, 2F
※ 編輯: Mraofrot 來自: (12/20 12:26)

12/20 12:27, , 3F
12/20 12:27, 3F
※ 編輯: Mraofrot 來自: (12/20 12:51) ※ 編輯: Mraofrot 來自: (12/20 12:57) ※ 編輯: Mraofrot 來自: (12/20 12:58)

12/21 00:08, , 4F
怎麼改會更好玩呢? 我只有想到增加各地區的統一任務
12/21 00:08, 4F

12/21 00:09, , 5F
12/21 00:09, 5F
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文章代碼(AID): #19Iw8Kvx (Paradox)