[外電] 盧太太必須知道的六個小比

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盧太太必須知道的六個小比 Six Things You Need to Know About Ricky Rubio https://www.nba.com/suns/features/six-things-you-need-know-about-ricky-rubio Ricky Rubio僅僅來到太陽幾個月,但是已經對鳳凰城太陽隊和整個周邊社區產生了巨 大的影響。以下是您對於這位太陽隊組織者所需要瞭解的六件事。 Ricky Rubio has only been in The Valley for a few months, but has already made a huge impact on the court for the Phoenix Suns and throughout the surrounding community. Below are six things you need to know about the Suns playmaker. 1:冥想 Ricky每天早上都靠著冥想10分鐘來展開全新的一天。在他為當天其他的時間做準備時, 這有助於他更加意識到自己的感受和情感。 1: Meditation Ricky meditates for 10 minutes each morning to start his day. It has helped him become more aware of his feelings and emotions as he prepared for the rest of his day. 2:咖啡 過去幾年在明尼蘇達州和猶他州等較冷的氣候下生活過後,Ricky最喜歡在鳳凰城生活 的一項好處是,就是能夠坐在外面並在晴朗的天氣裡喝咖啡。 2: Coffee One of Ricky’s favorite perks about living in Phoenix is the ability to sit outside and enjoy a coffee in nice weather after spending the last few years in colder climates such as Minnesota and Utah. 3:為了你,媽媽 今年,Ricky衷心地講述了他的家人與癌症奮戰,並因為這種疾病失去了母親的心境。他 的母親是他一生中很重要的一部分,儘管Ricky從未想到他會公開分享自己的故事,但他 之所以這樣做的目的,是希望能夠幫助那些可能正處在艱困時期或是正在負隅頑抗的人。 透過他的經驗,他了解到生活中無論發生了什麼,生活都要繼續,您可以埋怨所發生的事 情,也可以從中學習。如果您選擇後者,這將有助您成為一個更好、更堅強的人,同時首 先就是要照顧好自己,因為如果您過得不好,就無法幫助他人。 此處的文章: https : //www.theplayerstribune.com/en-us/articles/ricky-rubio-phoenix-suns- nba-foundation https://tinyurl.com/yy5aj8jn 3: For you, Momma This year Ricky shared a heartfelt account of his family’s battle with cancer and losing his mother to the disease. His mother was a huge part of his life and, though Ricky never thought he would share his story publicly, his hope in doing so, was to help others who may be going through tough times or a battle of their own. Through his experience he learned that no matter what happens in life, life goes on and that you can either blame what happened or you can learn from it. If you go by the latter it will help you become a better and stronger person and that you need to take care of yourself first because if you aren’t good, you can’t help others. Article here: https://www.theplayerstribune.com/en-us/articles/ricky-rubio-phoenix-suns- nba-foundation 4:每個月的例行活動 Ricky在兩年前創立了自己的基金會,他所訂定的一項措施是"每月活動”。每個月他都會 選擇一個組織,並邀請他們成為比賽的貴賓。他們都將獲贈裝備並在賽後與Ricky會面, 同時彼此分享自己的經驗。 Ricky 基金會:http : //therickyrubiofoundation.org/en/ 4: One Month One Cause Ricky created his foundation two years ago and one of the initiatives he developed is “One Month One Cause.” Each month he chooses an organization and invites them to be his guests at a game. They all receive gear and get to meet with Ricky postgame, where they can all share their own experiences with each other. Ricky’s Foundation: http://therickyrubiofoundation.org/en/ 5:髮髻與絡腮鬍 里奇擁有全NBA最佳的風格,因為他的髮髻和絡腮鬍已經成為太陽隊控球後衛的註冊性外 表。但是對於如何處理、維護、保養頭髮和鬍鬚,Rubio表示他都是一切從簡。他一週只 洗兩次頭,鬍子也沒有用任何鬍子油之類的純天然保養。如果想知道使用鬍子油的訣竅, 他建議大家應該去跟Aron Baynes諮詢。 5: The Bun & The Beard Ricky has some of the best flow in the entire NBA as his man bun and beard game have become an iconic look for the Suns point guard. But as for the treatment, dedication and maintenance of his hair and beard, Ricky keeps it simple. He only washes his hair about two times a week and his beard is all natural with no added beard oil. For beard tips and oil treatment, Ricky recommends asking teammate Aron Baynes for advice. 6:美式起司通心麵(Mac&Cheese)不可取 當Ricky被問及是否用湯匙或叉子來吃起司通心麵時,令很多人震驚的是,Ricky強烈反對 這種通俗的義大利麵。但是,Ricky確實承認,他可能會嘗試一些不是那麼老套的起司通 心麵。 6: Mac & Cheese is a No-Go When asked if he eats Mac n Cheese with a spoon or fork, to the shocking surprise of many, Ricky was strongly against the cheesy pasta all together. However, Ricky did admit that he’d potentially try some as long as it wasn’t too cheesy. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PHX-Suns/M.1575286718.A.8E3.html

12/02 21:12, 4年前 , 1F
12/02 21:12, 1F

12/02 22:05, 4年前 , 2F
蛤!原來小比結婚了嗎QQ 崩潰中 他老婆是誰??!!!!
12/02 22:05, 2F

12/02 22:11, 4年前 , 3F
樓上 哪裡有寫?!?!
12/02 22:11, 3F

12/02 22:12, 4年前 , 4F
文章中最底下的影片裡面數度提到my wife
12/02 22:12, 4F

12/02 22:13, 4年前 , 5F

12/02 22:14, 4年前 , 6F
他還說老婆覺得他頭臭才去洗 再度崩潰XDDD
12/02 22:14, 6F

12/03 16:51, 4年前 , 7F
12/03 16:51, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1TvFU-ZZ (PHX-Suns)
文章代碼(AID): #1TvFU-ZZ (PHX-Suns)