[外電] 太陽高層該醒醒囉

看板PHX-Suns作者 (大叔)時間13年前 (2010/12/12 00:57), 編輯推噓28(28051)
留言79則, 24人參與, 最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
It is easy to like the Suns this season because they do not lack for grit or effort or quality coaching. Loving them is another story. C'mon, management, it's time to woo us. 拜偷~上頭的該醒醒了吧 The roster is entertaining but riddled with too many wings. It's time to see if this newly assembled and highly respected front office can succeed at its first big test: finding a big man. 這是個神秘又有趣的陣容 但是上頭該好好想想怎麼找一個真正的大隻佬了吧? It won't be easy. Teams don't like to part with size and many, particularly those west of the Mississippi, aren't excited about helping a Suns team that is just a solid inside presence away from getting over the hump. Management's best bet is to target a big man underutilized elsewhere or to target a team that needs to pull the trigger on a move. 我們知道不容易 尤其是西區球隊不會希望我們內線有人 看是要挖其他隊板凳 上的好物還是找想改變陣容的球隊 Word has it Lon Babby, president of basketball operations, has been working the phones around the clock. GM頭子有在摳了 "It's no secret in this league that the more size you have, the better chance you have to win," point guard Steve Nash said, smiling. "But it's really not my role to (address the team's needs)." 老大說「SIZE真的很重要 但是那不是我的問題~」 We get it. Nash has to be diplomatic. But it sure does feel like an awful lot of pressure is being put on Nash and coach Alvin Gentry to succeed. 教練跟老大身上的壓力很重 No one is blaming the new leadership duo of Babby and General Manager Lance Blanks. The Hedo Turkoglu, Josh Childress and Hakim Warrick moves were made before they took residence in the Suns' executive offices. (Babby was the magent for Turkoglu and Childress but said he recused himsel from the role when he began discussions about the Suns job.)(紅色地方蠻有趣的) 目前沒人怪今年的新高層很爛 因為Hedo 爆炸頭 瓦哥都不是他們搞來的 The addition of Warrick, to help fill the void left by Amar'e Stoudemire's departure, made sense, but Childress feels repetitive for what they already had in Grant Hill and Jared Dudley. 瓦哥,合理 爆炸頭?雖然好用但來的怪怪的 Turkoglu is Turkoglu. The Suns hoped they could tap into the former version and dreamed he could suddenly play power forward. 癡心想叫Hedo打大前 What this mix has created is a Suns team that sports an 11-12 record and has the ninth-best record in the Western Conference after a 101-94 loss to the Portland Trail Blazers on Friday. 鳥戰績就是這麼來的 They are, simply, a fringe playoff team. 高不成低不就 "It's not easy to be in the 8, 9, 10 spot," Nash said. "We've just got to find a way to get ourselves in solid footing as far as the playoff picture goes." 老大希望找到一個踏實的路來邁向季後賽 It won't be easy. In their first 17 games, they were outrebounded 16 times. Some help has come with the addition of 7-foot Earl Barron to the starting lineup, but he is a welcome contribution, not a solution. 前十七場籃板爆了十六場 霸龍是有稍稍紓解 但絕對不是解答 The Suns can be a fringe playoff team with their current makeup. If they want more, they need to find someone to whom they can feed the ball inside, who can rebound, who can help with the screen-and-roll. 需要找一個可以擋可以板的人 (大鼻:我想寫個慘字) The good news is the Suns have a solid two-headed management monster on its side. Babby has the pedigree of a well-respected agent who knows how to negotiate and knows how to crunch numbers. Blanks is an astute talent evaluator who will make sure the Suns get their worth. 頭子芭比在經紀界的名聲很強大 Blanks不會讓我們吃虧 The bad news is they're going to have to be at the top of their games. They not only have to make the numbers work but must find the right player to deal. 慘的是現在他們正處於情況最緊張的時候 希望他們不要所託非人 Turkoglu's contract makes him difficult to move, with $9.8 million due this season, $22 million the next two and a player option after that. Hedo的合約很難搞 今年九百八 明後年總額兩千二接下來又是球員選擇 Jason Richardson? No way. Too valuable. Hill? He not only has played well but is important to team chemistry. Dudley just secured a contract extension, and Childress, well, it would be nice to know how good he could be without a broken finger. 綠茶不能動 Hill太重要了(還是少了醫龍就不能打球了XD) 達利剛簽完不能換 爆炸頭雖然沒手指還是適應良好 Bottom line: Babby and Blanks will need to work magic. The hole on this team is particularly noticeable now that Stoudemire is doing so well in New York. You can say all you want about the Knicks' easy schedule, but there is definitely a new confidence in the Big Apple. Amare在紐約稱王 尼克氣勢如虹 A solid inside presence will do that for you. 好的內線帶你上天堂 "We can talk about it and talk about it," Gentry said, "about how we can't do this, can't do that. But at the end of the day, we have to do it." 我們可以說我們怎樣又怎樣 也可以說我們真的沒辦法怎樣 但到最後我們還是 得想辦法怎樣 (這段科科了 翻得需要慧根才看得懂XD) Agreed. It's just that having a big man would make "doing it" that much easier. 反正我們就是要SIZE大一點啦 原文:http://tinyurl.com/2euwpnd 半夜翻文亂翻XD 爽爽式翻譯 看來高層要有所動作了 說到最後可能會動的只有Hedo嘛= =" 而且那段根本是在講大鼻嘛= = 有板會擋又鬱鬱不得志XD (在此還是要譴責一下Avery Johnson 大鼻我放很久了耶!!!) (╯‵□′)╯︵ ┴─┴ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/12 01:00, , 1F
傑米嬸好像要賣 不知道大家對他看法如何
12/12 01:00, 1F

12/12 01:01, , 2F
12/12 01:01, 2F

12/12 01:02, , 3F
12/12 01:02, 3F

12/12 01:03, , 4F
12/12 01:03, 4F

12/12 01:03, , 5F
12/12 01:03, 5F

12/12 01:04, , 6F
12/12 01:04, 6F

12/12 01:04, , 7F
人家都在玩巨頭 我們禁區都撿市場上的小物
12/12 01:04, 7F

12/12 01:09, , 8F
12/12 01:09, 8F

12/12 01:09, , 9F
12/12 01:09, 9F
※ 編輯: abcd810112 來自: (12/12 01:13)

12/12 01:21, , 10F
12/12 01:21, 10F

12/12 01:21, , 11F
重金兩字一出 不可能
12/12 01:21, 11F

12/12 01:28, , 12F
12/12 01:28, 12F

12/12 01:30, , 13F
Hedo不是到期約 這種成績賣的掉就太神奇了
12/12 01:30, 13F

12/12 01:30, , 14F
目前來看 就只是Overpaid的一把槍
12/12 01:30, 14F

12/12 01:31, , 15F
現在Hedo就好像魔術的2000萬一樣 打大前鋒打的很爛
12/12 01:31, 15F

12/12 01:31, , 16F
12/12 01:31, 16F

12/12 01:32, , 17F
12/12 01:32, 17F

12/12 01:33, , 18F
現在2000萬還有魔獸罩 火槍兵不打小前鋒真的很雞肋
12/12 01:33, 18F

12/12 01:34, , 19F
12/12 01:34, 19F

12/12 01:56, , 20F
12/12 01:56, 20F

12/12 02:03, , 21F
12/12 02:03, 21F

12/12 02:07, , 22F
12/12 02:07, 22F

12/12 02:09, , 23F
12/12 02:09, 23F

12/12 02:19, , 24F
這翻譯有趣 XD
12/12 02:19, 24F

12/12 02:22, , 25F
就分數盒看下來 其實太陽有時禁區籃板也不一定輸對手
12/12 02:22, 25F

12/12 02:22, , 26F
不過禁區被打爆這件事從沒消失過 而我們搶到進攻籃板
12/12 02:22, 26F

12/12 02:23, , 27F
也往往無法直接放回去 但對手總是辦得到 所以重點還
12/12 02:23, 27F

12/12 02:24, , 28F
12/12 02:24, 28F

12/12 02:45, , 29F
其實jamison不錯 雖然老 不過約也短 適合過度期
12/12 02:45, 29F

12/12 02:47, , 30F
至於火槍是還好 反正也是拿小巴去換 沒有交易也是小
12/12 02:47, 30F

12/12 02:48, , 31F
12/12 02:48, 31F

12/12 03:12, , 32F
12/12 03:12, 32F

12/12 06:32, , 33F
12/12 06:32, 33F

12/12 06:33, , 34F
12/12 06:33, 34F

12/12 06:34, , 35F
12/12 06:34, 35F

12/12 06:35, , 36F
12/12 06:35, 36F

12/12 06:35, , 37F
12/12 06:35, 37F

12/12 06:36, , 38F
12/12 06:36, 38F

12/12 06:37, , 39F
12/12 06:37, 39F

12/12 06:37, , 40F
12/12 06:37, 40F

12/12 09:11, , 41F
12/12 09:11, 41F

12/12 09:26, , 42F
我記得是老闆沒錯= ="
12/12 09:26, 42F
※ 編輯: abcd810112 來自: (12/12 09:29) ※ 編輯: abcd810112 來自: (12/12 09:32)

12/12 10:20, , 43F
12/12 10:20, 43F

12/12 10:22, , 44F
不是說想要老闆換多好的球員 但他一換好像都是危機
12/12 10:22, 44F

12/12 10:41, , 45F
火槍在太陽是標準雞肋阿...用起來沒那麼好用 丟掉
12/12 10:41, 45F

12/12 10:41, , 46F
12/12 10:41, 46F

12/12 10:42, , 47F
12/12 10:42, 47F

12/12 11:05, , 48F
我們SF實在是太多-.- 火槍應該換不到啥東西 頗糟
12/12 11:05, 48F

12/12 11:13, , 49F
12/12 11:13, 49F

12/12 11:20, , 50F
12/12 11:20, 50F

12/12 11:28, , 51F
往好地方想 你少了一個多年主力 這樣打的還不錯
12/12 11:28, 51F

12/12 11:28, , 52F
老闆很有創意 可惜成果都..
12/12 11:28, 52F

12/12 11:34, , 53F
12/12 11:34, 53F

12/12 11:34, , 54F
12/12 11:34, 54F

12/12 11:35, , 55F
12/12 11:35, 55F

12/12 11:42, , 56F
戰績的確不算差 開季對手都頗硬的
12/12 11:42, 56F

12/12 11:42, , 57F
比較軟的也都有把握住 就看肉汁回來輪替會變怎樣嚕
12/12 11:42, 57F

12/12 11:43, , 58F
12/12 11:43, 58F

12/12 11:43, , 59F
尤其是小帥哥 輪替與去年一換 他就整個失神了
12/12 11:43, 59F

12/12 12:02, , 60F
12/12 12:02, 60F

12/12 12:03, , 61F
再加上福來現在都打先發了 替補要磨合一陣子
12/12 12:03, 61F

12/12 12:05, , 62F
12/12 12:05, 62F

12/12 12:07, , 63F
會說鳥戰機只是因為很不爽現在的情形罷了 orz...
12/12 12:07, 63F

12/12 12:14, , 64F
12/12 12:14, 64F

12/12 12:18, , 65F
小牛撿到只能說雙方老闆的經營模式有差別 XDD
12/12 12:18, 65F

12/12 12:19, , 66F
這老闆 唉
12/12 12:19, 66F

12/12 12:19, , 67F
又不是沒機會 但是就是死不加錢= =
12/12 12:19, 67F

12/12 12:21, , 68F
我還是很不爽他不加碼留Amare="= 少跟我說什麼傷勢..
12/12 12:21, 68F

12/12 12:28, , 69F
jamison是不錯...不過防守還是不好 看看去年季後賽..
12/12 12:28, 69F

12/12 13:20, , 70F
是不加碼嗎...? 我記得給的錢好像都一樣 差在後面幾
12/12 13:20, 70F

12/12 13:21, , 71F
年太陽要求出賽達到幾場才給錢之類的條件 以傷勢考量
12/12 13:21, 71F

12/12 13:22, , 72F
來說 買個保險的要求很正確 只是尼克真的闊又愛賭...
12/12 13:22, 72F

12/12 13:32, , 73F
噢..我說錯了XD" 金歹勢XD"
12/12 13:32, 73F

12/12 14:03, , 74F
科科 好像也有說不留阿罵是對的,不知道有無這篇文
12/12 14:03, 74F

12/12 16:58, , 75F
就選擇問題 太陽不敢賭 尼克敢 就這樣XD
12/12 16:58, 75F

12/18 04:43, , 76F
火槍會變雞肋不是他的錯 是隊型的錯
12/18 04:43, 76F

12/18 04:44, , 77F
12/18 04:44, 77F

12/18 04:45, , 78F
去年打到西冠 結果隊上franchise player跑掉
12/18 04:45, 78F

12/18 04:46, , 79F
NBA歷史上有這種紀錄嗎? (除了Kareem)
12/18 04:46, 79F
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