[外電] How the Suns can use Hedo Turkoglu o …

看板PHX-Suns作者 (....)時間14年前 (2010/07/24 14:36), 編輯推噓17(17012)
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PHOENIX — The biggest question regarding Hedo Turkoglu’s fit with the Phoenix Suns is clear-cut: Can he play the power forward position effectively? 關於Hedo能否融入太陽體系中,最大的問題就是 : 他能否有效的擔任太陽的大前鋒。 Yes that is a valid worry considering Turkoglu’s perimeter-oriented game and the Suns slew of swingmen. But the never-ending options the 6-foot-10 forward gives the Suns offensively far outweigh the negatives from his lack of big man skills. 沒錯,考慮到他的半場打法以及太陽的兩翼輪轉,這是個顯而易見的質疑。但是這個 6尺10吋大個能為太陽進攻帶來的好處,遠遠大於他缺少禁區技巧這個缺點。 No he isn’t going to grab 10 boards a game or shut down Pau Gasol and Tim Duncan, but he will create mismatches all over the floor and leave head coach Alvin Gentry with more offensive sets and variations those sets than you can imagine. 事實上他無法每場搶10個籃板、守死紫金一哥或叮噹肯,但是他能夠創造出大量的錯位, 並且能夠讓教練設定出更多更有變化的戰術。 When Gentry described Turkoglu on Wednesday he couldn’t stay away from the word versatility, which is exactly what Turkoglu will bring to the Phoenix Suns’ offensive attack. 當教練在星期三不斷的用"多才多藝"來形容Hedo時,我們已經可以很明確的知道,他能夠 為太陽的進攻端帶來什麼樣的能量。 “He’s a multiple position player. I think he’ll play two, three, four and maybe even in certain situations five,” Gentry said. “That’s the great thing about having him as a player. Whatever you need at that particular time, you can plug him in and I think that’s what he’ll be able to get done for you.” "他是一個多功能球員,我認為他可以打兩個、打三個、打四個或者乾脆除了教練之外都 打。" Gentry說。"撿到Hedo真的超爽的。不管你需要什麼,何時何地,你就把他丟上去 ,然後等著看他幫你把事情做好。" Here are a few ways Gentry and the Suns can utilize Turkoglu offensively: 以下是一些Hedo如何有效的活絡太陽進攻端的方式 : 1. Running the show 1. 活絡進攻任督八脈。 Gentry must have used the word “facilitator” over 10 times when talking about Turkoglu, and there’s a reason why. Turkoglu has spent the majority of his career with the ball in his hands and the Suns seemed extremely excited about Hedo taking some pressure off of Steve Nash and taking over playmaking duties. Gentry一直說一直說說了超過10次,關於Hedo是個"比賽促進者"這件事,我們來看看 為什麼。首先我們知道Hedo在他的生涯中,幾乎都是一個持球者,這是太陽夢寐以求的, 因為我們需要一個比賽控制者來紓解老大的壓力。 This is a guy who’s averaged near five assists per game the last couple of years and can really create for others. Here’s a shot of Hedo driving left and finding a cutting Sonny Weems for a dunk: 這是一個詭異的大前鋒,平均每場比賽接近5次助攻,而且還認真的可以幫隊友製造出 機會。這是張關於Hedo如何組織進攻的圖片。(請參考原網頁,以下不再注解。) If Turkoglu is in fact slotted at the power forward position, imagine opposing big men trying to defend him off of the dribble. He’s very good at setting up his teammates off the dribble, but he can also score for himself as a point guard thanks to his ability to create space and get his jump shot off. 假設Hedo真的擔任的大前鋒這個位置,想像一下對手的大個會有多頭痛。他非常擅長邊 運球邊組織隊友,然而他又能夠自己得分,因為他有一手像個控球後衛一樣精準的跳投、 以及開創出空間的技術。 He only shot 37.4 percent from the field out of isolation plays last season, according to Synergy Sports Technology, but scored 42.6 percent of the time for 0.88 points per possession. 上個球季他在單打之外的命中率只有不理想的37.4%,但根據Synergy Sports Technology ,在每次擁有進攻機會時,他能夠以42.6%的命中率在每次進攻中得到0.88分。 However the biggest benefit that comes from Turkoglu playing the point isn’t only the plays that he creates, but also that it turns Nash into a spot-up shooter. 不管我們現在看到多大的空擋,那都不會是Hedo能夠創造出的唯一空擋,他又同時能夠 把飄髮哥變成一個等球的超級神射手。 “It will allow us to play Steve off the ball some and it will allow him to be sort of a spot-up shooter or a catch-and-shoot guy,” Gentry said, “ because I think Hedo’s very good at creating situations for other players.” "這能夠分擔老大的控球壓力,而且把他變成一個純射手。" 教練說。" 因為我知道Hedo 在製造隊友機會這個領域簡直是神手。 Gentry talked at length about playing Nash off of the ball as a spot-up shooter, and pointed out that people forget he’s the only player ever to shoot at least 50 percent from the field, 40 percent from three and 90 percent from the line in five different seasons. 教練談到了當飄髮哥轉行當射手的好處,同時也不忘記提醒大家(但是我猜沒人不知道), 飄髮哥是個多恐怖多瘋狂的180俱樂部金牌會員。 With Turkoglu as a ball handler the Suns add one of the NBA’s best shooters as a spot-up threat and benefit from the mismatch Turkoglu creates with a power forward guarding him, whether it’s by way of a bucket or an assist. 當Hedo持球組織進攻時,太陽就能夠瞬間擁有全nba最恐怖的射手,同時又能夠藉著他的 假大前鋒真控球身分創造出許多錯位,並從中拼命的占對手便宜。 2. Pick and roll ball handler 2. 擋切的發起者。 The pick and roll is the focal point of the Suns offense, so it certainly doesn’t hurt to add another guy who is effective running the pick and roll. Turkoglu was the ball handler in the pick and roll in 27.7 percent of the plays he was involved in last season. 擋切是太陽進攻體系中的主角,所以很明顯的加入另一個擋切高手對我們只有好處沒有 壞處。Hedo上個球季理,每次進攻時,有27.7%的機會是用擋切來完成。 Although he only scored 0.77 points per possession as the pick and roll ball handler, Turkoglu has proven throughout his career that he can produce out of the pick and roll, which should only continue in Phoenix. 盡管他每次擋切中平均只能得到0.77分,Hedo早就證明了他的能力,而他現在只需要延續 這樣的能力,在太陽中發光發熱即可。 Here he uses his ball handling ability and craftiness to split the double team and get all of the way to the hoop for a layup: (圖片) His speed is deceptive and big men hedging screens don’t expect a player that big to drive hard to the hoop, so he often surprises people. 他的變速度能力實在太詭詐了,能夠騙過所有人並創造出上籃機會。 Turkoglu also uses the pick and roll to get off threes easily. Because forwards are used to going under screens rather than fighting over the top, Turkoglu often times pulls back for a triple when he sees daylight. Here’s an example: Hedo也時常運用擋切之後來個三分神噴。因為前鋒通常必須沉退來阻擋進攻者而不是 衝上去防禦,Hedo總是利用這點,巧妙的往後退來創造出他的三分空間。 Gentry was discussing a variation that he ran when he coached the Pistons in the mid-90s. He was describing when Grant Hill would run the pick and roll and Joe Dumars would be the screener. 教練同時提到了好久好久以前他還在跟活塞的怪物Hill合作時,當年的這位視大三元為 糞土的男人也是經常與Joe Dumars這樣搞。 This works similarly to the conventional pick-and-roll in that the point guard will most likely have a wing, or in Turkoglu’s case, a power forward switched out onto him. I doubt we’ll see Nash setting a lot of picks next season, but it’s certainly another variation that wouldn’t otherwise work if Hedo wasn’t a capable ball handler. 這有點像新版的,由控球後衛從兩翼發起的新式擋切,或者說在Hedo的例子裡,他可以當 起那個大個子。作者認為下個球季飄髮哥依舊會大玩擋切,但會有更多的變化,甚至Hedo 可以成為幫忙擋的那個人。 3. Screener, spot-up shooter 3. 跑位,射手。 The one area that Turkoglu doesn’t excel at is as a screener. In fact he completed one play as the screener in a pick and roll situation last season, and it resulted in a blocked dunk. But if Robin Lopez is down low, Turkoglu could be extremely effective as a pick and pop player. 有個領域Hedo不太擅長,就是跑位射手。事實上他上個球季,只完成了那麼一次,而且 還是源自於一個火鍋。但是只要Lopez沉得夠深,Hedo可以更有效的當個跑位接球球員。 “I just think in this case we’ve got another guy who can stretch the floor, ” Gentry said. “He’s a really good three-point shooter.” "我真的認為撿到一個Hedo超爽的阿,因為他能夠拉開進攻空間。他是一個非常優越的三 分射手。" Gentry這麼說道。 He has the size to set a solid screen and the stroke to fade to beyond the arc and do some damage, like what Channing Frye does with the bench unit. He is clearly a different player than Frye, but has the size and stroke to pick and pop with some success. 他的身材就擺在那,可以拉開單邊,或者來個後仰跳投,總之能夠給對手造成傷害,就像 我們的Frye一樣。他是個跟Frye截然不同的球員,但他的身高能夠讓他成功的接球跳投。 But where he will flaunt his three-point prowess most is in spot-up situations. Turkoglu scored an impressive 1.12 points per play in spot-up scenarios last season, while shooting 38.7 percent from three in those situations. 他擁有一手強大到能拿出來說嘴的三分功力。在上個球季中,他的每次跳投成功得分率是 讓人覺得可怕的1.12分,同時還保有38.7的三分球命中率。 He took a spot-up jumper 22.8 percent of the time and shot more threes and field goals out of the spot-up position than any other play type, which bodes well when you have Nash probing through the lane and creating. 他有22.8%的比例是用遠跳投來完成他的進攻,而且裡面三分球的比例又比兩分球更高, 這簡直是個天大的好消息 - 當他遇上了聯盟第一發電機飄髮哥。 “When you have Steve Nash handling the ball, and in my opinion he’s the best guard in the league at making plays at the end of the game, it just gives (Nash) another three-point shooter and another guy he can throw to that can then create a play for somebody,” Gentry explained. "當你有一個像飄髮哥這樣個怪物,事實上在我看來,在組織比賽跟完成進攻上,他才是 天下第一控衛。Hedo的出現,給了老大一個另外一個傳球選擇。" Gentry說。 4. High post 4. 高位 As he’s been used as a primary ball handler for most of his career, Turkoglu hasn’t been used in the post much. But one place his skills could be used effectively is in the high post. He’s not a very good mid-range shooter — 38.3 percent from 10-15 feet and 32 percent from 16-23 feet last season according to Hoopdata.com — but his court vision could be great out of the high post. 在他的生涯中,Hedo都是被當成一個持球發起者,他並沒有大量的使用背框。不過現在有 了個轉機,他能夠在高位有效發揮他的專長。他並不算是強大的中距離射手 -- 上個球季 他只有38.3%的10到15呎跳投命中率,以及32%的16到23呎命中率 -- 但是他的視野能夠 讓他在高位有非常好的發揮。 “He’s got an unbelievable feel for the game,” Gentry said. “His basketball IQ is very high.” "他似乎對於解讀比賽有靈異第六感般的能力。" 教練說 " 他的籃球智商非常高。" Because of his playmaking ability he could also attack the hoop out of the high post, and play a lot like Boris Diaw did when he was with the Suns. Rather than dumping it down to a power forward on the block like a lot of teams do, run your offense out of the high post, which still gives Turkoglu a chance to create for himself or others, while occupying the paint and keeping the floor balanced. 因為他的比賽創造能力,他能夠直接在高位做攻擊,或者像以前的屌爺那樣打。比起像個 正常大前鋒那樣狂衝猛撞 - 讓整體的進攻更加流暢,反而更像是Hedo式打法。在高位時 他可以幫隊友做出機會,或者選擇自己來,這能夠保持內外線的平衡。 5. On the block 5. 在油漆區攪和 No, Turkoglu doesn’t have a jump hook or an up and under, but he will most likely have smaller players defending him from time to time to combat his playmaking on the perimeter. If this is the case you can throw him on the block where he can use his 6-foot-10 height advantage to fire barely-contested turn-around jump shots. Hedo並沒有所謂的天鉤或者低位技術,但是因為他的組織跟錯位能力,他總是會面對一些 他矮小的球員。這就是你常常會看到,他用他的6呎10吋身高強吃對手,或者轉身跳投。 He has a nice fadeaway when he pivots on his right foot and turns over his right shoulder. Here are a few examples: 他是個很好的後仰跳投球員,而且很會利用他的右腳跟右邊的肩膀。 This certainly won’t be one of Turkoglu’s main duties with the Suns, but it is one of the many offensive options that Turkoglu creates on the floor. So while he may not be the prototypical power forward, his versatility and ability to play any position gives the Suns endless options offensively. 這並不是Hedo在太陽進攻體制中主要的任務,但這也是他能夠創造出來的眾多進攻選擇裡 的其中一種。因此即使他不是一個正統的大前鋒,他多才多藝的技術以及我要打五個的氣 魄,還是能夠讓這招成為太陽進攻選項中的其中一個。 附上原文圖片板 : http://valleyofthesuns.com/2010/07/22/how-the-suns-can-use-hedo-turkoglu -on-offense/ 最近關於Hedo的文章非常多,因為剛好自己滿欣賞這個球員,就轉過來給大家參考囉。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/24 14:57, , 1F
07/24 14:57, 1F

07/24 14:57, , 2F
07/24 14:57, 2F

07/24 15:02, , 3F
07/24 15:02, 3F

07/24 15:18, , 4F
07/24 15:18, 4F

07/24 16:33, , 5F
要擔心Nash體力跟全靠他的風險 有Hedo的話Nash壓力
07/24 16:33, 5F

07/24 16:34, , 6F
減輕非常多 防守的話 區域上季急就章 這季好好練難講
07/24 16:34, 6F

07/24 16:34, , 7F
07/24 16:34, 7F

07/24 16:51, , 8F
HEDO來打PF還SF啊?? 他因該打SF比教習慣
07/24 16:51, 8F

07/24 16:57, , 9F
先發陣容是打PF 因為沒人了= =
07/24 16:57, 9F

07/24 17:01, , 10F
07/24 17:01, 10F

07/24 17:31, , 11F
進攻沒差 他就跟Nash一樣專打錯位 不過他打高打矮都
07/24 17:31, 11F

07/24 17:31, , 12F
能打 防守的話 目前球隊陣容並不像個能擺上完整陣容
07/24 17:31, 12F

07/24 17:32, , 13F
來對位防守的樣子 就看之後教練團如何改進吧
07/24 17:32, 13F

07/24 18:03, , 14F
82場都打不一樣的進攻戰術好了 太多戰術可用了XD
07/24 18:03, 14F

07/24 18:06, , 15F
太陽區域聯防隊 ( ̄ー ̄;)
07/24 18:06, 15F

07/24 18:28, , 16F
給他控球 叫爪爪學R-Allen XDDDD
07/24 18:28, 16F

07/24 19:54, , 17F
07/24 19:54, 17F

07/24 20:40, , 18F
07/24 20:40, 18F

07/24 20:49, , 19F
奇經才是接八脈吧= =
07/24 20:49, 19F

07/24 21:36, , 20F
07/24 21:36, 20F

07/24 21:55, , 21F
被發現了...哈哈 不要再笑了!!!!
07/24 21:55, 21F

07/24 21:59, , 22F
Nash:我想知道 當我不用分心助攻時 有誰能射得過我!
07/24 21:59, 22F

07/24 22:58, , 23F
07/24 22:58, 23F

07/25 00:06, , 24F
07/25 00:06, 24F

07/25 02:14, , 25F
07/25 02:14, 25F

07/25 14:01, , 26F
總版有瓦利跟爆炸頭的影片阿 看來明年太陽的籃框又要
07/25 14:01, 26F

07/25 14:01, , 27F
炸裂了 :D
07/25 14:01, 27F

07/25 14:01, , 28F
07/25 14:01, 28F

07/25 15:34, , 29F
07/25 15:34, 29F
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