Re: [情報] 兩則消息

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說到 Lorbek,我們的 GM Morway 剛結束完歐洲考察行程,看了兩個在歐洲放養的二輪 新秀 Erazem Lorbek (2005 #46) 和 Stanco Barac (2007 #39) 還有一些歐洲新秀。 timing,_opportunity_key_for_pacers_european_prospects Timing, opportunity key for Pacers' European prospects By Bruno May 12, 2010 10:05 AM Lorbek an established star, Barac a developing talent With a major championship just won, Erazem Lorbek is firmly established as a star in Europe. Stanko Barac is still on track. But don't expect to see either with the Pacers in 2010-11. 贏得了一座冠軍盃,Erazem Lorbek 已經確實成長為一名明星。Stanko Barac 則還在發 展中。但不要期待會在 2010-11 球季在溜馬陣中看到他們。 General Manager David Morway and Scouting Director Ryan Carr returned this week from a trip to Europe where they watched Lorbek help Regal FC Barcelona (Spain) win the Euroleague title with an 86-68 victory over Olympiacos (Greece) on Sunday. They also spent time visiting with Barac, whose Caja Lobral (Spain) team reached the final eight, while scouting international prospects for the June 24 NBA Draft. GM David Morway 和球探 Ryan Carr 本週從歐洲返美,考察了 Lorbek 在 Euroleague 總冠軍賽協助 Regal FC Barcelona 以 86-68 擊敗對手 Olympiacos 的表現。他們也花 時間看了 Barac,他所屬的 Caja Lobral 打進八強,同時也考察了會參加今年 6/24 選 秀會的幾名國際球員。 A 6-10 power forward, Lorbek was a second-round pick of the Pacers in 2005. Barac, a 7-2 center, was acquired in a swap of second-round picks with Miami in 2007. 2005 年溜馬的第二輪新秀 Lorbek 是一名 6-10 的 PF。Barac 則是在與熱火的第二輪 互換交易中換來的 7-2 中鋒。 "Erazem is a very good basketball player," said Morway. "One of the things I noticed when we were there was he was the glue to that Barcelona team and played major minutes in both games. He's extremely skilled, can play on the block and also out on the elbow, a good passer, a very smart player and he's very smart defensively. Morway 說:「Erazem 是個非常優秀的籃球員。我注意到一點,他是 Barcelona 球隊 中的潤滑劑,而且在兩場比賽中都打了相當多的時間。他技巧非常細膩,能在禁區作戰 ,也能拉到腰位,一個好的傳球手,非常聰明的球員,在防守上也很聰明。」 "He's under contract for another year in Barcelona and then we'll see. We'll continually monitor him. He's an intriguing guy. He's not a tremendously athletic player, which is his biggest weakness. He makes up for a lot of the lack of athleticism with intelligence and basketball IQ, just his understanding of the game. But at times he could potentially struggle over here with the level of athleticism in our game. But he's a very good basketball player." 「他和 Barcelona 的合約還有一年,那時我們會再看看。我們會持續關注他。他是個很 有意思的傢伙。他不是個有驚人運動天賦的選手,這也是他最大的弱點。他用智慧和籃 球 IQ,也就是對比賽的了解來彌補體能條件之不足。他在 NBA 層級的比賽中,有可能 會因為這點吃不少苦投。但總之他是名很棒的球員。」 Lorbek was named second team All-Euroleague for the second year in a row and was nominated for the all-decade team. He averaged 8.6 points and 4.4 rebounds in 22 Euroleague games and shot .563 from the field. Lorbek 連續第二年獲選為 All-Euroleague 第二隊,也在 all-decade team獲得提名。 他在 22 場比賽中平均獲得 8.6 分 4.4 籃板,命中率 .563。 "Erazem played well in both (Euroleague Final Four) games and is a key factor to their success," said Carr. "He's just a fundamentally sound player that is really a steadying influence for that team with all the other talent they have. He's a good, solid, efficient player for them that plays heavy minutes. Carr 說:「Erazem 在準決賽和決賽中都打得很好,也是球隊成功的關鍵因子。他是個 基本功很好的球員,對一隻擁有如此多天份的球隊也起了立即的影響。他是個很好,扎 實,且有效率的球員。」 Barac just completed his first full season of Euroleague play and averaged 5.6 points and 3.8 rebounds in 18 games playing mostly off the bench behind star center Tiago Splitter. Barac 剛結束他第一個完整的 Euroleague 賽季,18 場比賽下來平均 5.6 分 3.8 籃板 ,多數時間是擔任明星中鋒 Tiago Splitter 的替補。 "He's developing very nicely," Morway said. "His body has gotten much better – much better. He's much stronger. He's starting to fill out just naturally. He's 7-2 and skilled. This was the first year that he's ever gotten any minutes at a high level in Euroleague and he got particularly high minutes when Splitter was injured and he played very, very well. Because of the increase in strength he's developing a post game. He has a jump hook with both hands, is an excellent shooter, uses the backboard really well. Morway 說:「他成長得很不錯。他的身體條件好很多 -- 非常多。他強壯多了。他自然 的變壯了。他有 7-2 而且有不錯的技巧。這還只是他第一年上場如此多的時間,在高水 準的 Euroleague 中競技,而在 Splitter 受傷的期間獲得的上場時間內,他表現得非 常,非常的好。因為變壯的關係,他開始多了一些低位。他有一招能左右開弓的勾射, 也是個很好的射手,也很懂得利用籃板。」 "I don't want to go overboard and I'm not saying he's as good as this player but he reminds you of a Rik Smits type – that kind of skill level for a big guy. He's not quite as tall as Rik but he's a little more physical than Rik. He likes to go down on the block and post up but he doesn't have enough strength yet. He's very intriguing. He's developing and he's under contract two more years and we'll continue to evaluate the situation and try to figure out when the appropriate time would be for him to come on over." 「我不想把話說得太滿,也不是說他現在就有那麼棒,但他確實讓我想到 Rik Smits 型 -- 以長人而言有那麼好的球技水準。他沒有 Rik 那麼高,但可能比 Rik 稍微壯一點。 他喜歡下去禁區作低位單打,但目前他還不夠壯。他是個很有意思的傢伙。他還在發展 中,合約也還有兩年,我們會持續評估情況,來決定什麼時候讓他過來會最適當。」 The Pacers retain the rights to both players indefinitely. Lorbek, a seven-year Euroleague veteran at age 26, is closest to being NBA-ready but has one more year left on his contract and certainly will be a prized free agent for other European teams next summer. Barac, who turns 24 in August, needs some development time before pondering the jump to the NBA. 溜馬擁有對這兩名球員無限期的簽約權。Lorbek,26 歲,Euroleague 7 年的老鳥,已 經 NBA-ready 但合約還有一年,而且那時肯定會成為歐洲球隊爭逐的自由球員。Barac ,八月就要滿 24 歲,則還需要一些成長的時間來達到 NBA 要求的水準。 "It's a matter of timing and fit for our team as we continue to build this team," Morway said. "If and when we would bring them we would want to bring them with the opportunity to fit into the right spot with the team and have the opportunity to play. With Lorbek it's maybe more important because of his age that if we brought him over here, we had a really clear idea of how he would be able to help us." Morway 說:「這是時機的問題,看在我們的重建過程中什麼時機最合適。當讓他們過來 的時候,我們會希望他們能補上正確的位置,而且有機會上場。對 Lorbek 而言尤其重 要,因為他年紀也不小了,如果讓他過來,我們得對他能如何幫助球隊有個清楚的想法 。」 看樣子至少可以肯定 Erazem Lorbek 今年是不會過來了。如果不是這篇文章有提到,我 都忘了我們還有一個 Stanko Barac 在放養。雖然 Morway 評價得很高,甚至比作 Rik Smits,但他已經快 24 歲了,假如還沒到 NBA-ready 的程度,我想我們也沒有太多時 間可以等。 說有考察一些新秀,不過這篇都沒提到……還滿想知道不少 mock draft 都猜測我們會 選的立陶宛人 Donatas Motiejunas 看起來如何,這幾年聽到 "Next Dirk" 都會怕。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: pheather 來自: (05/14 23:31)

05/15 04:26, , 1F
選到假貨就變成"Next Dick"了 囧
05/15 04:26, 1F

05/15 12:33, , 2F
官網改版囉~ 介面還不錯看
05/15 12:33, 2F
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