Re: [轉錄][新聞] 魔術追逐保羅?

看板Orl-Magic作者 (黃衫Ace曹錦輝)時間14年前 (2010/06/23 20:11), 編輯推噓43(430105)
留言148則, 27人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
NBA Trade Rumor: Orlando Magic To Acquire Chris Paul? There have been some rumors flying around that the Orlando Magic and the New Orleans Hornets are talking about a possible trade of Chris Paul. So far, we haven't really heard any names that would be heading back to the Hornets in return, so I'm writing this article to offer some possibilities. The Orlando Magic have not had a legit "star" player in his prime to put alongside Dwight Howard so far, and acquiring Paul would definitely do that for them. The catch? New Orleans is going to be asking a hefty price in return, and while that may deter some teams from going after him, the Magic are willing to move a lot in order to acquire the franchise point guard they have longed to have for the past few seasons. There are quite a few players that I'm sure the Hornets would love to acquire from the Magic. Among those guys are Vince Carter, Jameer Nelson, Brandon Bass, and Mickael Pietrus. My guess would be that the deal would look something like this: Chris Paul James Posey for Vince Carter Jameer Nelson Mickael Pietrus Brandon Bass Future picks in the draft (這只是作者猜的可能名單) Something like that would probably be very intriguing for the Hornets, and it might get them to pull the trigger. They would have Darren Collison as their starting point guard, and they could either use Nelson as their backup. They could also make another trade and get a couple more good players for Nelson. Acquiring Carter would bring in a scoring shooting guard—something they haven't had in quite some time. The other two players involved in the trade aren't just throw-ins. Pietrus would add a defense small forward to replace James Posey, and he is also a lot cheaper. As for Bass, he showed a lot of potential to be a low-post player in his limited playing time with the Magic last season, and it's no secret that the Hornets are looking for more post help. Overall, the two teams are both in need of making some moves. The Hornets have to make a decision on whether or not to trade Paul or Collison because I don't believe the two of them are going to co-exist with one or the other taking the bulk of the playing time. Both players could net good talent in return, but trading Paul to Orlando for that kind of package could make a lot of sense. Thoughts? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Sheffield3 來自: (06/23 20:12)

06/23 20:30, , 1F
這樣你們魔術就大失血了 如果真的這樣換的話
06/23 20:30, 1F

06/23 20:35, , 2F
真這樣換 SG就沒人了吧?
06/23 20:35, 2F

06/23 20:37, , 3F
06/23 20:37, 3F

06/23 20:38, , 4F
可以使出買斷奧步嗎? 哈哈
06/23 20:38, 4F

06/23 20:40, , 5F
06/23 20:40, 5F

06/23 20:41, , 6F
06/23 20:41, 6F

06/23 20:45, , 7F
06/23 20:45, 7F

06/23 20:45, , 8F
06/23 20:45, 8F

06/23 20:48, , 9F
06/23 20:48, 9F

06/23 20:53, , 10F
vc一走 魔術版就要從我的最愛消失了....
06/23 20:53, 10F

06/23 21:03, , 11F
06/23 21:03, 11F

06/23 21:15, , 12F
這樣換是搶劫吧= = 法國喬丹走了SG也鬧空城......
06/23 21:15, 12F

06/23 21:16, , 13F
Nelson換CP3就好 ... 拜託 ... 換魔術搶劫一下 ...
06/23 21:16, 13F

06/23 21:16, , 14F
反正黃蜂都要賣人了 ...
06/23 21:16, 14F

06/23 21:17, , 15F
雖然有Nelson不意外 不過還有選秀權耶= =
06/23 21:17, 15F

06/23 21:19, , 16F
還有JJ= =''
06/23 21:19, 16F

06/23 21:19, , 17F
不過其實SG人才比較好找 比較C跟PG
06/23 21:19, 17F

06/23 21:20, , 18F
有CP3後 SG只要要找防守好 三分準的就夠了
06/23 21:20, 18F

06/23 21:22, , 19F
這樣換過去黃蜂也大有作為 雙贏
06/23 21:22, 19F

06/23 21:25, , 20F
06/23 21:25, 20F

06/23 21:26, , 21F
06/23 21:26, 21F

06/23 21:28, , 22F
06/23 21:28, 22F

06/23 21:28, , 23F
魔術想搶劫 等2000萬約到吧
06/23 21:28, 23F

06/23 21:54, , 24F
06/23 21:54, 24F

06/23 22:00, , 25F
有MP不是不可以 但MB和JJ就一定要留下
06/23 22:00, 25F

06/23 22:00, , 26F
看可不可以搞到活賽的 漢米頓
06/23 22:00, 26F

06/23 22:01, , 27F
Posey 可以打到四號嗎?
06/23 22:01, 27F

06/23 22:02, , 28F
不過照原文這樣換 我們的PF還是沒著落啊
06/23 22:02, 28F

06/23 22:03, , 29F
但我喜歡的一點是鍋貼留下來了 他在作為阿獸的替補上
06/23 22:03, 29F

06/23 22:03, , 30F
06/23 22:03, 30F

06/23 22:03, , 31F
06/23 22:03, 31F

06/23 22:04, , 32F
換的到CP3 那就用29號簽選PF,59號簽選林書豪XD
06/23 22:04, 32F

06/23 22:04, , 33F
06/23 22:04, 33F

06/23 22:05, , 34F
可是出Bass不出鍋貼,這樣黃蜂會答應嗎? 他們4號有West囉
06/23 22:05, 34F

06/23 22:05, , 35F
PF很明顯要極戰力了 新秀球員永遠是個謎
06/23 22:05, 35F

06/23 22:05, , 36F
06/23 22:05, 36F

06/23 22:09, , 37F
拿鍋貼出去換 那替補C又唱空城計 那等於還是要找人補
06/23 22:09, 37F

06/23 22:10, , 38F
06/23 22:10, 38F

06/23 22:11, , 39F
06/23 22:11, 39F
還有 69 則推文
06/24 08:18, , 109F
可以加posey嗎 他的防守跟關鍵球很準XD
06/24 08:18, 109F

06/24 09:27, , 110F
ESPN中文官網新聞標題寫得真聳動= =
06/24 09:27, 110F

06/24 09:28, , 111F
"蜂王攜手魔獸? 聯盟最恐怖組合接近成型"
06/24 09:28, 111F

06/24 09:48, , 112F
06/24 09:48, 112F

06/24 09:49, , 113F
06/24 09:49, 113F

06/24 09:52, , 114F
06/24 09:52, 114F

06/24 10:54, , 115F
我意思是說VC+NELSON+BASS+選秀簽 還要MP 那我們的人都
06/24 10:54, 115F

06/24 10:55, , 116F
被換走 好像被搶劫一樣....
06/24 10:55, 116F

06/24 10:57, , 117F
06/24 10:57, 117F

06/24 10:57, , 118F
不過這樣換的確會有不一樣的球風出現 只是替補就顯的更
06/24 10:57, 118F

06/24 10:57, , 119F
06/24 10:57, 119F

06/24 10:58, , 120F
06/24 10:58, 120F

06/24 10:59, , 121F
06/24 10:59, 121F

06/24 11:00, , 122F
他要是做不好 我們怎會擠身強隊 連兩年打到東冠
06/24 11:00, 122F

06/24 11:03, , 123F
06/24 11:03, 123F

06/24 11:05, , 124F
只要冠軍的話 加入湖人隊比較快唷 (啾咪)
06/24 11:05, 124F

06/24 11:05, , 125F
4換2還好吧,還有一整個夏天讓你佈局去填 roster,當你
06/24 11:05, 125F

06/24 11:06, , 126F
得到的是 CP3 這種等級的球員時,這實在不是啥嚴重的問
06/24 11:06, 126F

06/24 11:06, , 127F
06/24 11:06, 127F

06/24 11:07, , 128F
我也覺得如果是這樣四換二 頂多需要補一個搖擺人...
06/24 11:07, 128F

06/24 11:08, , 129F
反正bass本來就冰著...Nelson->Paul MP->Posey 找個人吃掉
06/24 11:08, 129F

06/24 11:08, , 130F
Carter時間就好(大家分也可以啦) 或者直接讓JJ站上先發
06/24 11:08, 130F

06/24 11:09, , 131F
06/24 11:09, 131F

06/24 11:10, , 132F
06/24 11:10, 132F

06/24 11:11, , 133F
不過如果Barnes有續約 人數上是夠了
06/24 11:11, 133F

06/24 11:13, , 134F
其實缺PG 老強應該不玩了 JW也未確定 要再找一個替補的
06/24 11:13, 134F

06/24 11:21, , 135F
缺穩定的PG, J.will可以留的話就太好了,不過依他的身手
06/24 11:21, 135F

06/24 11:21, , 136F
06/24 11:21, 136F

06/24 11:36, , 137F
06/24 11:36, 137F

06/24 11:37, , 138F
06/24 11:37, 138F

06/24 11:39, , 139F
06/24 11:39, 139F

06/24 11:42, , 140F
06/24 11:42, 140F

06/24 11:43, , 141F
06/24 11:43, 141F

06/24 11:45, , 142F
06/24 11:45, 142F

06/24 11:45, , 143F
06/24 11:45, 143F

06/24 11:46, , 144F
06/24 11:46, 144F

06/24 11:49, , 145F
06/24 11:49, 145F

06/24 11:58, , 146F
太激動嚕 去年也是突然就交易來VC 高層還是很有心的
06/24 11:58, 146F

06/24 11:58, , 147F
暑假才剛開始 別急
06/24 11:58, 147F

06/25 02:07, , 148F
06/25 02:07, 148F
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