Re: [心得] 致亞洲跆拳道聯盟的公開信

看板Olympics_ISG作者 (attitude)時間13年前 (2010/11/22 04:39), 編輯推噓12(1207)
留言19則, 14人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
以下為小弟的翻譯初稿,要再麻煩專業人士協助校稿與修正了 :) 此為中華民國/台灣的人民致亞洲跆拳道聯盟的公開信 To whom it may concern: This is a letter to Asia Taekwondo Union from Taiwan and her national. 我國的跆拳道選手楊淑君,日前於中國廣州亞運的跆拳道比賽中,遭受到貴組織甚有爭議 的失格判定的處置;我們原希冀相關真相公開之後,可以使楊淑君選手所蒙受的相關不實 指責受到澄清,但由現在的相關情形看來,已經陷入了沒有對話的困境 During the Taekwondo Tournament in Asia game, Taiwanese Taekwondo Athlete - Yang Shu-Chun is disqualified by a controversy referee from the Asia Taekwondo Union. Initially, Taiwanese are looking forward to the announcement of the truth, which would purify all the unfair and crucial criticism to the reputation of Yang; however, until now, there seem to be lack of communication on this matter. 也因此,我們將表明我們的具體訴求為何,相信執掌以誠實為最高宗旨的跆拳道 運動的貴組織,必定會誠懇、友善且詳細、完整的回應我們所列出的具體訴求 Therefore, we would again express our requests specifically in the following section, in the hope of receiving a friendly, sincere, detailed and complete response from Asia Taekwondo Union, which is recognized as the world's most creditable and impartial Taekwondo Association. 一、請貴組織正式對外具體說明判定楊淑君選手失格的理由為何 (一)、我們不接受以調查尚未終結作為拒答理由 作為正式且公正的運動比賽,在比賽中對於參賽選手處以最嚴重的失格判定,相 信在當下貴組織已經有相當充分的理由與事證,否則不會做出如此的判定;倘若 貴組織對於楊淑君選手失格之理由現在仍須調查,方可加以確定,正可彰顯當初 貴組織作成失格判定的理由並不充分;那貴組織所應該做的不是繼續調查,而是 依照跆拳道誠實之宗旨,大方承認當初判定之錯誤與理由不足 1) The provision of official description on the reason of Yang's disqualification with details. a.). We do not accept the "incompletion of investigation" to be the excuse of refusing a.). We do not accept the "incompletion of investigation" to be the excuse of refusing to response on the issue. As an official and fair sports game, Asia Taekwondo Union must possess sufficient evidence and reasons when determined the athlete such serious judgment - disqualification, or the determination would not be made; if Asia Taekwondo Union is still investigating the reasons of disqualification of Yang Shu-Chun to confirm the judgment, it reveals that the original determination was not persuasive and creditable. Therefore, apart from investigation, Asia Taekwondo ought to firstly admit her hastily and faulty judgment with inadequate information and evidence. (二)、請具體說明為何理由一日數變 在中國官方媒體中央電視台讓人憤怒的造假影片中(;Z),其雖造 假,但已說明清楚,當日貴組織判定楊淑君失格之理由為感應貼片在比賽進行時被發 現,但貴組織近日來又把判定失格之理由導引至電子襪款式之禁用上;想請問貴組織 ,究竟是中央電視台的報導有誤,亦或是你們現在的認定理由有誤 b.) Please carefully and completely elaborate on the reason of frequently changing explanation until now. According to the modified scene from CCTV (;Z, original web address
), in spite of its fakeness , it also indicates the truth (In 1:25 of the video, the electronic sensor remain on Yang's heel, and Yang was requested to take it off immediately; during the game, her heel remains black (the color of Velcro) . At first, Asia Taekwondo Union determined Yang's disqualification due to the illegal usage of electronic sensor, but recently, the cause has been turned to the forbidden usage of certain type of socks; please identify the correctness of information between both CCTV and Asia Taekwondo Union since they are contradictory. (三)、於確定貴組織所認定之失格理由後,請正式對外拿出相關具體之證據 請貴組織除單純提供抽象之理由外,請提供相關具體之事證、人證,並使我方有 允以檢驗之機會;我方一再地要求與檢錄裁判對質,貴組織一再的拒絕,對於這 個爭議甚大之判定並無幫助,也與要求誠實的跆拳道宗旨相違 c.) After the conclusion of investigation, the provision of official evidence with adequate information and scene are highly requested. Apart from written documentation, any sources containing but not limited to video, witness, images and official documentation is highly demanded, and Taiwan request to have the right of reviewing the evidence. Secondly, Taiwanese officials and Taiwan Sport Affair Council proposed to confront with referee and scorer, yet the request has been denied several times by Asia Taekwondo Union; the rejection does not improved the investigation, and is deviated from Taekwondo's spirit - honesty. 二、請貴組織正式對外具體說明判定楊淑君選手失格的跆拳運動規章 (一)、請拿出於亞運會比賽前正式公告對外的運動規章 就此甚有爭議的失格判定,貴組織雖然時至今日具體理由無法確定,但基本上都 是屬於技術問題的層面;關於這類選手器材使用的技術相關規定,相信在跆拳道 注重誠實的基礎下,應當是於亞運跆拳道比賽開始前,即正式對外予以發佈與公 告,使選手可資信任此規章之存在,並事先因應、準備與調整,如此方可達制訂 此規章之目的 2. We request an official announcement including the complete description of Taekwondo Regulation applying to the disqualification of Yang Shun-Chun. a.) The provision of the officially announced Taekwondo Regulation of Asia Game. Despite of the fact that Asia Taekwondo Union is unable to announce clear details relating to the judgment, the issue remains on technical basis; In relation to certain regulation on the equipment used by athlete ought to have been officially released to participant countries and players, so that the participants would understand and proceed any adjustments applying to the rules. It is also the reason of the formation of Regulation. (二)、我們不接受以調查尚未終結作為拒答理由 此類技術規章之具體規定,承前述,早就應於亞運會盛事舉辦之前正式對外公開, 而無任何調查之必要;倘若貴組織對於相關規章之有無還尚須調查後方可確定, 一方面即代表該規章之有無不明確,如以不明確之規章要求選手予以遵守而為懲 處依據,實為無理之結論; 二方面,該規章有無既不明確,代表判定當時,並無 法說明楊淑君選手違規之懲處依據,貴組織應基於誠實之宗旨,大方承認當初判 定之錯誤與理由不足 b.) We do not accept the "incompletion of investigation" to be the excuse of refusing to response. Per previous section, this type of Technical Regulation ought to have been officially released before the start of Asia Game, and the provision should not required any investigation or re-confirmation; if Asia Taekwondo Union is unable to supply such documentation and require certain confirmation, it ought to be considered as the regulation may be inappropriate and invalid, and the judgment based on the blur and inaccurate documentation would be unpersuasive and unfair. On the other hand, without sufficient and creditable reference on the determination of judgment, Asia Taekwondo Union ought to admit the incorrectness of the initial judgment due to lack of official and lawful reference. 三、請貴組織正式對外具體說明判定楊淑君選手失格的相關人士並請其對外說明 對於判定選手失格之流程,相信貴組織必定有相當嚴謹之程序規定及專業人員可 供檢驗,所以請貴組織具體說明此一具有爭議之判定作成之相關參與人員為何, 並請其對外說明;我們希望可以說明的相關人員如下: (一)、是何人基於何種理由介入中止比賽之進行 (二)、是何人基於何種理由決定電子襪設備需要進行檢驗 (三)、是何人基於何種理由作成失格判定 [此段個人覺得不妥,因為真的涉及到個人隱私與安全性,不過還是翻譯供網友參考] 3. The provision of official announcement including description from who may be relevant to the judgment and the procedure of such determination are highly requested. Asia Taekwondo Union ought to possess highly conscientious and careful official examination with assistance from Taekwondo specialists; thus, declaration and public announcement of participants in the determining progress is requested in order to reveal the fairness and credibility of the judgment. The participants ought to include but not limited to those below: a.) Who has determined to intervene and terminate the tournament with what reason? b.) Who made the determination to testify electronic equipment (ie. electronic sock) on what kind of basis? c.) Who concluded the examination and determined 'disqualification'? [Though I personally think it's inappropriate since it may threaten one's personal safety, I still finish the translation as a reference] 四、請貴組織正式對外就「我國有令人震驚的欺騙行徑」之指摘進行道歉 就我國國內新聞(指出,貴組織之會長僅表達不知之意,至 於相關的道歉資訊則由參與會議之我國陳建平理事長加以轉述;既然貴組織已認 為在調查未終結之前,不宜對外發言,就此類不當之發言,應正式對外向我國以 及相關選手道歉,以正視聽,而非採取私下於會議中道歉之態度 4. Recently, an official post on the website of Asia Taekwondo game namely "Shocking Act of Deception by Chinese Taipei" is recognized inappropriate. In spite of the fact that the Head of Asia Taekwondo Union, Mr. Lee Dai-Soon claimed that he was not inform with the existence of such announcement, and apologize to Taiwanese participant of the meeting - Chen Jian-Ping (reference from In addition, while Asia Taekwondo Union agrees that, before the completion of investigation, it is unsuitable to reveal any public announcement, the Union still owes Taiwanese players and the nation herself an official apologize since the article is referred to the entire country, not individual. 五、請貴組織於日後之調查程序採取公開、可受媒體檢驗的方式進行 貴組織為跆拳道之官方組織,於調查程序上必然十分嚴謹、專業而可供檢驗,有 鑑於此爭議失格判定已成為重大關注之焦點,我們希望貴組織採取公開且接受質 疑之方式進行調查,以昭公信 5. After the conclusion, the procedure of investigation from Asia Taekwondo Union must be revealed publicly and testified by public media with adequate evidence. Asia Taekwondo Union, as an official Taekwondo association, must possess conscientious and careful investing process with supports from specialists, and the conscientious and careful investing process with supports from specialists,nd the credibility ought to be available for certification and re-confirmation. Base on the discrepancy of the judgment until now, in order to prove the conclusion to be creditable and lawful, the provision of investigating procedure and debate on its credibility are highly requested. 六、關於前述之一到四點之正式對外具體說明程序之要求 (一)、請以正式召開國際記者會,並完整的接受記者質疑之方式進行 (二)、就前述所提之相關質疑,請貴組織於亞運盛會結束前進行相關之回答, 否則難以讓人信服作成之失格判定已具有相當、充分之理由 6. Referring to point one to point four on the above, the pattern of relating announcements should fulfill the following requirement: a.) The announcement ought to be supplied during an international press conference with the availability for participating reporter to question. b.) The conclusion of the above ought to be provided before the end of Asia Game, or it would remain unpersuasive and unfair to the disqualification, which resulted in massive damage to the reputation of the athlete Yang Chun-Shun. 呼....原來po文這麼累...排版排的很差...先跟各位版友致歉。 這篇翻譯仍未完成,一方面是精神不濟,在貼上的過程中怕有所遺漏,二來仍需請能人幫 忙,確認內文含意及校稿。感謝原PO的中文原稿。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/22 09:05, , 1F
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11/22 23:03, , 12F
只是盡點微薄之力而已 :)如中文原PO所說,歡迎轉載及修正
11/22 23:03, 12F

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11/22 23:38, , 15F
另外還有word檔,有需要的人可以站內信索取 :)
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11/23 00:00, , 16F
11/23 00:00, 16F

11/23 00:16, , 17F
謝謝你的翻譯 辛苦你了
11/23 00:16, 17F
ltlsmf:轉錄至看板 TCFSH70th310 11/24 00:44

08/07 04:26, , 18F
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09/10 05:36, 19F
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