[模組] 世紀帝國:羅馬的興起 模組+地圖

看板Old-Games作者 (シト)時間13年前 (2010/11/12 23:05), 編輯推噓-15(5203)
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※ [本文轉錄自 C_Chat 看板 #1CtLPKaA ] 作者: cito (シト) 看板: C_Chat 標題: [懷舊] 世紀帝國:羅馬的興起 模組+地圖 時間: Fri Nov 12 22:59:30 2010 Age of Empires:Rise of Rome Cito Mod Helepolis Upgrade by Ballista Upgrade Cost 1750 Food800 Wood Best Civ :Palmyran ◢█ (Speed) ▁▃▄▆▇█▆▅▄▃ █◤ Hitpoints :60 ▃▅▇▆▅ Range Damage :28(+2) █◣ Missile Defense:5 ◤ ◢ Range :2-9(+1) ██ Rate of Fire :1.5 ██▋█ Speed :0.9 ██◤ ▉ Unit Cost :110 Wood70 Gold ██ ◤ ▃▆▄▂▁_ ▄▃ ◥◤ /∕/◥ █ ▋ ◢▆ ▅▃ |╱ ◥███◤◥ ◥█▎● ▃▄ 請勿轉載至 AOE 板,其他地方若有需要請自便,謝謝合作。 ============================================================================== 內附兩個單機地圖: (1)Ruin Battle(遺跡之戰): 運用有限科技及兵力,去奪取敵人手上的手工藝品,將之帶到遺跡前即獲勝。 (2)Ancient Heros Battle(古代英雄之戰): 來自未來的雷射兵、機器人、奶嘴殺手,將跟上百個英雄及士兵作戰,打爆了位於地圖中 央的貿易工房即獲勝。 ============================================================================== AOE-RoR CitoMod 20101112 (1)安裝此 Mod 需要世紀帝國:羅馬的興起遊戲檔案 (2)本 Mod 為英文版,中文版遊戲請自留語言檔備份 (3)內附說明書,有科技樹和民族特性列表 (4)安裝本 Mod 進行遊戲,雖經嚴格測試,但可能偶爾會造成當機,造成任何損壞本 人概不負責 (5)安裝本 Mod 可以與相同安裝本 Mod 的人以 Mod 內容連線,但單人遊戲進行中無 法記錄讀取原本的版本,只能讀取以本版本進行的遊戲 檔案載點: MediaFire: http://www.mediafire.com/?gj4vguhabtiovca Badongo: http://www.badongo.com/file/24564769 民族特性: Assyrian 亞述 1. Archery Unit 25% Faster Rate of Fire 靶場單位攻速 +25% 2. Fisher 25% Faster Work Rate 漁夫工作效率 +25% 3.Villagers Bonus 5 Carriage 村民運輸量 +5 4. Wall and Tower Cost 25% Less 高塔與城牆成本 -25% Babylonian 巴比倫 1. Wall and Tower Bonus 50% Hitpoints 城牆和箭塔生命值 +50% 2. Priest 30% Faster Rejuvenation Rate 僧侶法力回復 +30% 3. Stone Miner 20% Faster Work Rate 石礦工人工作效率 +25% 4. Slinger and Besieger Bonus 2 Damage Slinger 和 Besieger 威力 +2 Carthaginian 迦太基 1. Farm Cost 50% Less 農田成本 -50% 2. Double Farm Hitpoints 農田生命 2x 3. Elephants and Academy Units Bonus 25% Hitpoints 象和戰爭學院單位生命值 +25% 4. Fire Galley Bonus 6 Damage 火戰船威力 +6 Choson 朝鮮 1. Infantry Bonus 25% Hitpoints (Except Slingers, Hoplites) 輕步兵生命值 +25%(投石兵和重步兵例外) 2. Towers Bonus 2 Attack Range 箭塔射程 +2 3. Priest Cost 33% Less 僧侶成本 -33% Egyptian 埃及 1. Storage Pit, Granary Cost 33% Less 倉庫及穀倉成本 -33% 2. Chariot Units Bonus 30% Hitpoints 馬車單位生命值 +30% 3. Priest Bonus 3 Attack Range 僧侶射程 +3 Greek 希臘 1. Academy Units 25% Faster Speed 戰爭學院單位移動速度 +25% 2. Cavalriers Bonus 5 Damage 重騎兵攻擊 +5(隱藏) 3. Builder 25% Faster Work Rate 建築工效率 +25% 4. Buildings Bonus 4 Line of Sight 建築物視野 +4 Hittite 西台 1.Stone Thrower, Catapault and Heavy Catapault Bonus 50% Hitpoints 投石器生命值 +50% 2. Gold Miner 20% Faster Work Rate 金礦工人工作效率 +20% 3. Archery Unit Bonus 1 Damage 靶場單位威力 +1 Macedonian 馬其頓 1. Units Bonus 300% Resistant to Conversion 對招詳抵抗 4x(用 4 隻僧侶同時招降才有 1 隻的效果) 2. Academy Units 25% Faster Rate of Fire 戰爭學院單位攻擊速度 +25% 3. Non-ranged Units Bonus 2 Line of Sight 近戰單位視野 +2 (含村民) 4. Can't Build Temple 不能蓋神殿 5. Scout and Cavalriers Bonus 20% Hitpoints 斥候和重騎兵 +20% 生命值 Minoan 克列特 1. Woodcutter 20% Faster Work Rate 伐木工工作效率 +20% 2. Fisher Boat 25% Faster Work Rate 漁船工作效率 +25% 3. Bowman, Improved Bowman and Composite Bowman Bonus 2 Attack Range 徒步弓兵 +2 射程 Palmyran 希伯來 1. Free Tribute 進貢免稅 2. Villagers 7% Faster Work Rate 村民工作效率 +7% 3. Villagers Bonus 2 Melee Defense 村民近防 +2(對獅子抵抗並未提高,但象有) 4. Siege Workshop Units 25% Faster Speed 攻城器製造所單位移動速度 +25% 5. Merchant Ships get Double Gold per Trip 貿易船貿易所得 2x 6. Scout Double Line of Sight 斥候雙倍視野 Persian 波斯 1. Hunter 33% Faster Work Rate 獵人工作效率 +33% 2. Hunter Bonus 5 Carriage 獵人運輸量 +5 3. Elephants 33% Faster 象兵移動速度 +33% 4. Scout Ship, War Galley and Trireme 25% Faster Rate of Fire 戰船攻速 +25% 5. Can't Build Academy 無法建設戰爭學院 Phoenician 腓尼基 1. Elephants Cost 33% Less 象兵成本 -33% 2. Forager 25% Faster Work Rate 搶糧員工作效率 +25% 3. Woodcutter Bonus 6 Attack Damage 伐木工對樹木攻擊力 +6 4. Catapult Trireme and Juggernaught 50% Faster Rate of Fire 投石戰船攻速 +50% Roman 羅馬 1. Military Buildings Cost 25% Loss (Expect Wonder, Towers, Wall, Dock, Town Center, Granary, Pit) 軍事建築成本 -25% 2. Swordsmen 25% Faster Rate of Fire 劍兵攻擊速度 +25% 3. Hunter Bonus 3 Attack Damage,2 Attack Range 獵人攻擊威力 +3,射程 +2 4.Heavy Infantry Bonus 25% Hitpoints 重步兵增加 25% 生命值 Shang 殷商 1. Villagers Cost 20% Less 村民成本 -20% 2. Infantry 25% Faster Speed 輕步兵移動速度 +25% 3.Town Center, Dock, House Bonus 50% Hitpoints 城鎮中心、港口、居住房舍生命值 +50% 蘇美 1. Villager Bonus 15 Hitpoints 村民生命值 +15 2. Stone Thrower, Catapault and Heavy Catapault 25% Faster Rate of Fire 投石車攻速 +25% 3. Famer 20% Faster Work Rate 農夫效率 +20% Yamato 大和 1.Scout and Cavalriers Cost 20% Less 斥候和重騎兵成本 -20% 2. Villagers 20% Faster Speed 村民速度 +20% 3. Ship Bonus 25% Hitpoints(Expect War ships) 船隻生命值 +25%(戰船例外) Age of Empire:Rise of Rome—Cito Mod 20101112 Version Edition by cito Several Edition: 1. Decrease chariot units' ability, all chariot units get more weaken. 馬車單位削弱 2. Scythe chariot needs cost gold now, and it's not upgrade from chariot, in other words, they are different units ,if you want to train scythe chariot, you need building academy. 鐮刀戰車需在軍事學院研發訓練,能力不同於馬車,與馬車並存 3. Increase some wild animal's food carriage, but they are getting more stronger. 野生動物變的更富有食物,但他們也更加強壯 4. The farm supports 10000 food, and it can be built in stone age, require cost 100 wood, and farmer don't need back to town center and granary, just put food in farm . 農田提供 10000 食物,而且石器時代可建造,需 100 木頭,而且農夫只要把資源放進 農田,不需返回穀倉及城鎮中心。(但是農夫工作效率很差) 5. The farm research is not increase farm's food, but increase farmer's work rate, one level is 15% faster for getting food now. 農田科技不再增加農田食物獲得,但增加農夫耕作效率,每級 15%。 6. Decrease villager's work rate, like farmer and miners, and decrease miner tech's effect. 村民的工作效率大為降低,尤其是農夫和礦工,而且採礦科技影響變小。 7. Increase towers' ability, every tower have the same base attack range and line of sight. 箭塔的射程一律為 7,並調整威力。 8. Slingers can upgrade melee defense by infantry armor, and in iron age, some tribe can upgrade to the besiger after research fortification and siegecraft, they're more stronger and powerful. Slinger 在研發 Fortification 和 Siegecraft 可獲得升級選項成為 Besiger。 9. Slinger and besiger attack buildings have bonus damage. Slinger 和 Besiger 對建築何石造建築有額外傷害。 10. Decrease some tribes' special attribution effect. 調整民族特性。 11. Decrease elite units' research cost, player can research elite units more easily. 研發精銳單位成本降低。 12. Increase forest's wood carriage and gold mine's gold carriage. 果樹叢、樹林和金礦所持資源增加。 13. The scythe chariot is good for siege, but bad for combat. 鐮刀戰車擅長攻城。 14. Every tribe have wheel research, and bonus crockery tech : villager can carry more carriage. 輪軸科技成為每個民族必備,並新增製陶技術:村民運輸量 +3。 15. Bonus enforce arrow tech : bonus archer,ship and tower's damage. 新增弓箭科技鑄箭術:增加射擊單位威力。 16. The ships have base defense now, but need more cost. 戰船有基礎遠防,但會被箭塔及同類互相加成,成本也變高。 17. Increase siege units' damage, and they have base defense. 攻城單位威力上升,而且他們有基礎遠防。 18. Town Center supports 10 pop, and house supports 5 pop. 城鎮中心支援 10 人口,房子支援 5 人口。 19. Some buildings have more hitpoints than 350. 建築物生命值增加。 20. Increase villager repair speed. 增加村民修理速度 Bugs: 臭蟲 1. Sometimes game crush by unknown cause, but it's rarely. 有時會當機,但機率十分低。 2. The elephants may die in computer's area by unknown cause, but this appearance usually appear in iron age. 敵人區域的野生大象會因不明原因陣亡(有產肉)。 3. Some AOE-RoR's Bug can't repair, they're still exist. AOE-RoR 本來的 Bug 依舊存在。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: cito 來自: (11/12 23:00) ※ 編輯: cito 來自: (11/12 23:01) ※ 編輯: cito 來自: (11/12 23:02) ※ 編輯: cito 來自: (11/12 23:03) ※ 編輯: cito 來自: (11/12 23:04) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: cito 來自: (11/12 23:17)

11/13 00:06, , 1F
推啊!! 好懷念,請問人口上線還是原來的50嗎
11/13 00:06, 1F

11/13 00:06, , 2F
11/13 00:06, 2F

11/13 00:46, , 3F
11/13 00:46, 3F

11/13 01:30, , 4F
看到"請勿轉載至 AOE 板" 覺得很怪,看了ID才知道是怎麼回事
11/13 01:30, 4F

11/13 01:34, , 5F
11/13 01:34, 5F

11/13 03:45, , 6F
好懷念! 請有重象兵的是哪個文明?
11/13 03:45, 6F

11/13 07:15, , 7F
11/13 07:15, 7F

11/15 21:11, , 8F
11/15 21:11, 8F

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02/28 12:54, 9F

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02/28 13:02, 14F

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02/28 13:03, 15F

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02/28 13:05, 16F

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02/28 13:06, 17F

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02/28 13:08, 18F

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02/28 13:09, 19F

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02/28 13:11, 20F

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02/28 13:13, 21F

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02/28 13:14, 22F

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02/28 13:18, 23F

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02/28 16:44, 28F
文章代碼(AID): #1CtLVFOn (Old-Games)