Re: Liam Gallagher Confirms Oasis Split

看板Oasis作者 (GAS PANIC!)時間15年前 (2009/10/10 12:37), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ 引述《dazet (dazet)》之銘言: : 有人今天去瀏覽過音叉的網站了嗎.....? : : Liam confirmed that Oasis is kaput: "Well, Oasis is no longer. I think we all : know that. So that's done." : 真的很不願意PO這個消息 : 現在心情超down無法樂觀起來了啦T.T : 真希望是我英文程度差所以誤解他的意思了............................... 這篇原文訪問落落長...我節選一些重點好了: -> 其實整篇重點是採訪Liam的服飾品牌'Pretty Green'秋冬產品 (最近就會在官網發表了,會有皮衣外套和靴子等新東西。) -> 關於綠洲解散的看法 (除了上面標題那句以外的原文) : "Oh, I know. Without a doubt. And it’s a shame but that’s life. We had a good run at it. The thing about Oasis is, no one … we ended Oasis. No one ended it for us.I’m thinking of what the next step is musically, which is all my mind’s on.” "We've always had a lot of fun [with the band]. I’ve always had a lot of fun [his eyes flash devilishly]. “That’s why it was never hard work for me. It was a joy and it was always a bit of a bummer when the tour ended. You know [he pauses wistfully], it was great. Obviously you’ve got to get back and see the missus and the kids and all that. Nothing lasts for ever. But it was never, 'Uh, f***, I need to get off the tour because my head’s up my arse’.” Liam表示解散沒有任何外力的介入因素,純粹是他們自己團員間的協定(嘆)... 同時他也緬懷起了綠洲巡迴的快樂時光,Liam暗示似乎是頭子想家所以爆走了! (我記得這以前不都是Liam的專利嗎 XDD) "Anyway, it’s not all for the worst, he adds, because Noel can do his thing and I can do mine." "People will be able to buy his records. People will be able to buy our records . So everyone’s happy.” Q: "And maybe, in time, the relationship (with Noel) will be different? And it won't be all about the music and the management?" Liam: "Exactly! Exactly! Well, that’s a long way off yet, man, but who knows?" Liam表示情況還沒那麼糟,各自做各自的音樂計畫未嘗不是好事。"人們會買他(Noel)的 唱片,同時也會買我們的唱片。" (那個'我們'...指的不知道是Liam還是Oasis...) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/11 21:26, , 1F
10/11 21:26, 1F

10/24 18:19, , 2F
10/24 18:19, 2F
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