Re: [新聞] 頭子全英音樂獎前夕唯一專訪!

看板Oasis作者 ('cause we believe...)時間17年前 (2007/02/10 12:49), 編輯推噓2(200)
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呵呵我真的超愛他的言談的:D 以下是我的節錄 ------------------------------------------------- "It's not like you win an Oscar, and you can charge 40 million dollars for your next film. The ticket price won't suddenly be going up at Oasis gigs. Although that's not a bad idea!" 「(領取全英音樂獎)又不像得到奧斯卡,在下一部電影就可以多領個4千萬片酬, (就算我們得獎) Oasis 演唱會的票價也不會突然水漲船高啊,雖然這個主意 聽起來真不錯!」 ---Noel從來不避諱音樂生涯以來現實銅臭的一面,各種業界體制內的操作和考量 "With the greatest respect to Duran Duran, Eurythmics, Bob Geldof and the Bee Gees, when they got it, their star had waned considerably. We had two number-one singles last year, we're punching our weight with the young kids, we still look good." 「對於歷屆傑出成就獎的得主我有最高的敬意,但是說實在的他們拿獎的時候 光環魅力早已不再。我們去年有兩支冠軍單曲上榜,和年輕小伙子們還有的拼, 我們依舊維持在最佳狀態。」 ---Noel 最在意的就是 "look good" 了吧(在巡迴影片首映會上也頻頻詢問歌迷 自己看起來怎樣^^),簡單的兩個字,卻道出了搖滾樂手的迷思和必要的掙扎 「什麼時候會 burn out?什麼時機又該 fade away?」 "Thom Yorke sat at a piano singing, 'This is f***ed up' for half an hour. We all know that, Mr Yorke. Who wants to sing the news? No matter how much you sit there twiddling, going, 'We're all doomed', at the end of the day people will always want to hear you play Creep. Get over it." Even friends and allies come in for the patented Gallagher brand of scorn: "It's the same with U2. Play One, shut the f*** up about Africa." 這兩段提到 Tom Yorke 和 U2 的爆點,其實也不過是指出音樂創作和歌迷期待之間的 落差和現實,無論創作者多想擺脫過去的東西嘗試新方向,到頭來還是發現最受歡迎 最能引起歌迷共鳴的依然是以前的亮點。大家還是比較想聽到 "Creep" 或者 "One" 這種樂團的必殺國歌。另外 Noel 一向支持「好的搖滾樂 = 逃避主義」,所以像 Yorke 或者 U2 近年來藉由音樂連結現實議題,無論是現代生活、生態環保或是種族政治 都是 Noel 這種搖滾基本教義派所看不慣的邪門歪道:P "Before we came along, success was a dirty word. We kind of reinvigorated ambition. As dumb-arse a message as it was, looking back now, it was 'Things are s***, so we might as well celebrate something – let's celebrate being young.' 「在我們出現之前,『成功』是個令人不堪的髒話。而我們似乎替『抱負』這個字注入了 新的活力,現在回想起來其實我們傳遞的訊息是那樣的簡單『什麼都是狗屁,那我們 乾脆來自己起鬨慶祝──就一起慶祝年輕的感覺吧。』 "There was a euphoria in the music and the way it was delivered, and, as the crowds started to get bigger, it fed off itself until it became less about the band and more about being with all those people, jumping up and down, drunk to the music." 「我們的音樂和它被傳達的方式總是帶有一種令人興奮喜悅之情,然後隨著歌迷群眾 越來越多,整個的氛圍和魔力反而不是在樂團本身上,而是在於和這麼一大群人同在, 跳上跳下,隨著音樂一起喝醉。」 "It's let down by the fact that everybody's too eclectic.....That's the death of cool right there. You can't be a mod and a rocker. You have to choose sides." 「(新一代的樂團和歌迷)令人失望的地方在於每個人都太過折衷交混了, 那正是『酷』之將死的徵兆。你不能同時當個摩德族又當個搖滾人,你必須要選邊站。」 ---Noel 很堅持 Mods 和 Rockers 之間的區別和對立,這邊是指文化上而非音樂 簡而言之 Mods 極注重打扮品味,窄版的西裝外套和長褲,針織領帶和手工皮鞋, 為了騎乘小綿羊所穿的軍用大衣,到後來的 Fred Perry + 窄身牛仔褲; 相較之下 Rockers 的皮衣皮褲和重型機車就顯得粗礦俗氣許多。另外 Mods 族群 象徵的是對於現實貧困苦悶的反動以及自我形象的重塑,所以即使沒啥錢途 還是要把自己打扮的有型特出,不向現實屈服低頭。Noel 感嘆的是現在每種風格的 獨立性不再,因為流行的是「混搭」交融(無論是音樂或者服裝), 雖然或許激盪出新的火花,但是也失去以往那種鮮明強烈,圈圈內特有的儀式魅力。 "But I'm glad it got like that. We went for it, and pushed it to the point that it could not get any bigger, it couldn't get any more mad, you couldn't get any more fur in this coat if you tried, the shades couldn't be any more mirrored, they're mirrored on the insides." ---這邊不知道要怎麼翻譯才好,但是我很愛最後那兩句話,Noel用來比喻 在全盛時期到了一種高峰和境地,已經無法再想像後續,就像太陽眼鏡 已經不能再反射,因為就連向內的鏡片也是無止境的映像 "Somehow I don't really see me at the Borderline playing a mouth organ to 150 people on a Wednesday. Every time I write a song, I envisage them in football stadiums with loads of people going f***ing mental. And that's Oasis." 「無論如何我無法想見星期三的平日,自己在百人的場地對著觀眾吹奏口琴, 每當我寫歌總是想像它們在萬人的足球場讓許多許多的歌迷瘋狂,這才是 Oasis。」 ---Noel 談到無法預見的單飛生涯和心裡始終堅持驕傲的綠洲模式 --------------------------------------------------------------- Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- We've got a lot of living to do There's a door in my mind that's open wide Come inside come inside... Well music is my life and loved by me... --Verve, THIS IS MUSIC -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: PatsyGallagh 來自: (02/10 12:52)

02/11 07:42, , 1F
02/11 07:42, 1F

02/15 15:28, , 2F
02/15 15:28, 2F
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文章代碼(AID): #15pKxhfr (Oasis)