Re: 想問些問題...

看板Oasis作者 (mean machine)時間19年前 (2005/12/29 22:22), 編輯推噓1(100)
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※ 引述《armageddon (mean machine)》之銘言: : 稍微補充 : 1. 'Live Forever' 英版DVD有字幕 XD 晚上又看了些'Live Forever'的片段 再補充一點點東西 首先片頭的那段話 Something has shifted. There's a new feeling on the streets. There's a desire for change. Britain is exporting pop music again. Now all we need is a new government. Alastair Campbell Tony Blair's press secretary Autumn 1996 : 2. 頭子在96全英音樂獎的發言大概是 : "There are seven people in this room tonight who are giving a little hope : to young people in this country." "That is me, Our Kid, guigsy, bonehead, Alan McGee and Tony Blair! " "If you get anything about you, you get up there and shake Tony Blair's hand, man. He's the man." (這句前半段我聽的跟字幕有些不一樣,這是字幕版) "Power to the people! " : (五位團員, McGee, and Blair) : 還說了些要大家投工黨的話 : 最後一句是 "Power to the people! " : (應該是工黨當時的競選口號吧) : 全破的話應該就搞定了 :P * Blair 大學時組過個樂團 Ugly Rumours * Noel 有登上 New Labour 雜誌封面 標題 "Tony Blair's speech brought tears to my eyes." XD * 片中 Blair 的演說片段: "Labour has come home to you. So come home to us. Labour's coming home. 17 years of hurt never stopped us dreaming. Labour's coming home." (很煽動人心的樣子,觀眾邊跳邊叫 a gig.) * Blair年輕,對當時政壇是股活力,而Blair想創造出這種image: New Labour = young and freshness. 於是Blair和Kevin Keegan玩足球;和Noel對話....等等 在在拉近了與年輕世代的距離,使之有認同感 Imagine a British Prime Minister who loves football, music, and pop culture. Wouldn't it be brilliant? (以上這段是我自己覺得啦 :P ) * Noel 和 Blair 在 Number 10 宴會中的對話,讓Noel對Blair頗為尊敬 (我忘記了細節抱歉 :P ) * Damon Albarn 對工黨政府的極度不滿: 有一次他批評Blair的小孩不該上私立學校 結果他居然收到來信 "Do not talk about it. " * Louise Wener (Sleeper frontwoman)從來就不支持工黨,也覺得Noel去參加宴會不妥 她覺得好像當時批評工黨批評Blair都會被"打壓" -- "It's the sound of a bunch of guys on coke, in the studio, not giving a fuck." "我知道歌都很長;歌詞都不知道在寫啥...甚至沒有bass在裡面,都是 (發出音牆聲) 我也不曉得為什麼" "只要Liam沒唱歌詞的每一豪秒,你都會聽到guitar Wayne's World stylee." Noel on Be Here Now -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/29 23:20, , 1F
Labour's coming home!那段連我也看的熱血沸騰XD
12/29 23:20, 1F
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