[外電] 費城英雄情仇未了?

看板Nuggets作者 (L')時間16年前 (2007/12/09 21:16), 編輯推噓40(40035)
留言75則, 30人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
Barkley barking nonsense about A.I. 巴爵士再度對AI開砲! By Woody Paige The Denver Post Article Last Updated: 12/09/2007 01:18:13 AM MST http://tinyurl.com/38c8bb The Round Mound of Rebound has been ripping the Dior of Score Galore - again. 同是費城英雄:惡漢再次抨擊得分王。 After Allen Iverson scored 51 points, with eight assists, against the Lakers and before he scored 35, with 12 assists, against the Mavericks, Charles Barkley groused on TV that Iverson was a one-dimensional player who didn't make his teammates and team better. 在 Allen Iverson 面對湖人攻下五十一分,外帶八助攻之後;在面對小牛攻下三十 五分,傳出十二次助攻之前,Charles Barkley 在全國轉撥上說出 『Iverson 只是 一成不變的球員,他無法讓他的球隊和隊友變的更好』這樣的言論。 This Phamous Philly Stake-in-the-Heart Pheud has been going on for almost a decade. 這對費城英雄之間的風風雨雨,幾乎已經快上演了十年。 Barkley, the player, never cared much for Iverson, the kid. Barkley, the commentator, still doesn't respect Iverson, the veteran. 當年身為球員的 Barkley 從未把還是小伙子的 Iverson 放在眼裡;現在他已經成為 球評,仍然不尊重已經是沙場老將的 Iverson。 I like both men. Why can't they just get along? 這二個人我都喜歡,為什麼他們就是無法好好相處? In 1999, Barkley said of Iverson: "I can't stand that guy." Iverson said of Barkley: "He's nothing." 1999年,Barkley 談到 Iverson 時說:「我無法認同這傢伙。」 Iverson 則回應:「他什麼都不是。」 Oddly, on the day after a knee injury ended Barkley's career, he was leaving the doctor's office in Philadelphia as Iverson, recovering from a hand injury , was entering. They made nice for a few minutes. 說來奇怪,在 Barkley 因為膝蓋傷勢結束球員生涯的隔天,他離開位在費城的醫療室 ,走進來的是 Iverson,剛剛從手臂傷勢中恢復歸隊。他們有幾分鐘的愉快寒喧。혊 Oddly, Barkley spent the first 8 1/2 years of his NBA career with the Philadelphia 76ers, then wanted out, and was traded. Iverson spent the first 10 1/2 years of his career with the 76ers, then wanted out, and was traded. 說來奇怪,Barkley 在費城待了八又二分之一年的球員生涯,接著被交易出去離開七六 人隊。Iverson 在七六人待了十又二分之一年,最後還是交易,離開費城。 Oddly, Doug Moe was the head coach in Philadelphia when Barkley was traded, and was the assistant in Denver when Iverson was acquired. Moe appreciates A.I. more than he did Charles. 說來奇怪,Doug Moe 在 Barkley 離開費城的時候是七六人的總教練;在丹佛交易來 Iverson 的時候,他是金塊的助理教練。Moe 欣賞 A.I. 更甚 Charles。 I don't remember a professional athlete in Denver — even John Elway — criticized so sharply on national television as Iverson was the other night by Barkley. Iverson's assist and steal numbers don't mean squat, and he doesn't play defense, Barkley claimed. 我已經不記得丹佛地區史上有哪位運動員,即使是 John Elway,像 Iverson 一樣, 在電視上如此被猛烈批評著,就像那天晚上 Barkley 的批評一樣。他說 Iverson 的助攻還有抄截數據不代表多巨大的意義,然後他是個不防守的球員。 To be certain, without Iverson, the Nuggets were a quaint little middle-of- the-league operation. 事實上,沒有 Iverson 的金塊,勉強只是聯盟中一支不上不下的球隊。 With him, they are a valid NBA conference contender. 有了他,金塊隊確實是聯盟中有競爭力的球隊。 Shut it down, Sir Charles. 巴爵士,請閉上你的大嘴巴。 When Iverson has finished with double figures in points and assists, the Nuggets have won 16 in a row. 當 Iverson 得分助攻達成 DD,金塊隊已經十六連勝。 On a night not fit for man or beast, Iverson got another double-double as the Nuggets held off the game Sacramento Kings, 101-97. 這是個不是平常人也不算野獸級表現的夜晚,Iverson 拿下另一個雙十,金塊隊擊退 國王,101-97。 The Nuggets finally are tied for first in the Northwest Division with the Utah Jazz. The Nuggets, in all probability, won't win the 60 victories Carmelo Anthony predicted. But they are on pace for 50-plus and have three of their next four games at home. 金塊隊終於追上爵士,在西北組並列第一。總體來說,也許金塊隊不像 Melo 預測的, 是個六十勝賽季,但是他們正以可以拿下五十幾場勝利的勝率往前邁進,並且接下來 四場比賽其中有三場都是主場。 Just before halftime Saturday night at The Can, Iverson was fouled and sank both free throws. With only seconds remaining, he stole the ball from the Kings and was fouled again, adding two more foul shots. Just before the clock reached one minute in the fourth quarter and the Nuggets up by only three, Iverson stole the ball once more. He closed the victory with a pair of free throws. 就在中場報導之前,Iverson 吸引犯規,罰進了二分,在半場剩下幾秒鐘的時候,抄 走了國王隊的球,再度站上罰球線,又罰進二球。第四節倒數一分鐘,金塊隊只領先 三分,Iverson再次抄截成功,以二罰穩穩拿下勝利。 Iverson had 23 points and 10 assists. 他攻下二十三分,傳出十次助攻。 It's been suggested in some quarters (and some fourth quarters) that Iverson has lost a step, or three, on the court. 有人提到在比賽中的某一段(包含幾次第四節的比賽),Iverson 在場上已經因為 年紀增長而步伐蹣跚。 Compare his statistics when he was 22 and is 32. 比較他二十二歲和三十二歲的數據。 Then, Iverson, who is a 6-footer only when he is on a footstool, averaged 22 points, 6.2 assists and 2.2 steals in 39.4 minutes a game. 即使穿鞋測量,身高也只有六呎的 Iverson 上場39.4分鐘,平均22分,6助攻, 2.2抄截。 Now, Iverson is averaging 25.5 points, 7.3 assists and 2.5 steals in 39.5 minutes a game. 現在 Iverson 上場39.5分鐘,平均25.5分,7.3助攻,2.5抄截。 Lost what? 步伐蹣跚? Iverson's shooting percentages from the field and the free-throw line are higher than ever before, and he's playing in fifth gear, as always before. He is fourth in the NBA in scoring, 10th in assists, second in steals, tied for second in free-throw makes and is third in free-throw attempts. Iverson 的命中率還有罰球都是生涯新高,而他,就像一直以來一樣,以五檔的速度 猛催。他目前在聯盟中得分榜第四,助攻榜第十,抄截榜第二,並列罰球命中第二, 還有罰球次數第三名。 Truth is, the presence of Anthony Carter in the starting lineup has made life easier for Iverson. Carter is on this year's team because of his impressive effort in the final playoff game last season. But a broken hand kept him on the shelf until nine games ago. 其中 Anthony Carter 打上先發讓 Iverson 更加得到發揮。今年 Carter 之所以能夠 待在這支球隊,是去年最後一場令人印象深刻的季後賽所帶來的。但是手部的骨折讓他 只能坐在場邊,直到最近九場比賽才歸隊。 When Carter began playing more than 30 minutes a game six games ago, Iverson was relieved of handling the ball most of the time and could work to get free for his shot and his drive — and his passing and defense were helped dramatically. 當 Carter 在最近六場比賽都打到三十幾分鐘的情況下,Iverson 得以在大多時間不 用持球,盡力去投籃和突破,而且他的傳球和防守更是引人注目。 Iverson has averaged more than 29 points and eight assists in those six games . And he's shooting better than 50 percent from the field during the recent stretch. There were questions about The Answer during the playoff series with San Antonio. He wasn't able to escape the defense, and his shot selection was shaky. Iverson blamed himself, and nobody was disagreeing. Iverson 最近六場比賽平均拿下29分還有8助攻,而且在比賽後段命中率更超過五成, 去年季後賽,「答案」帶給球迷的是問號,他無法從馬刺軍的防守中脫困,而他的投 籃選擇也不好。Iverson 怪罪自己,也沒有人替他說話。 But Iverson is roaring, passing, stealing, defending and scoring into December this season. 但是今年十二月, Iverson 還是帶著激情,傳球、抄截、防守、得分。 Barkley ought to watch Barkley,你真的應該看看 Iverson 的表現。 http://tinyurl.com/2fm6pf 老爹的反擊! NBA television analysts continue to take shots at Nuggets guard Allen Iverson and his ability to pass and make plays as an assist man. The latest came from TNT, following Iverson's 51-point performance in a loss to the L.A. Lakers. NBA轉撥單位的球評對於金塊隊 Allen Iverson 的傳球能力以及能不能成為一名幫助隊 友的球員的討論從未間斷。最後一次是 TNT 的轉撥,Iverson 五十一分的表現帶領球 隊輸給湖人? Saturday, Nuggets coach George Karl shot back. 禮拜六,金塊教練老爹終於開砲。 "It's kind of frustrating that you can take a guy that played such a great game and criticize him," Karl said. "That's kind of a sad commentary to go that way. The criticism I think sometimes should be thrown at me more than A.I., because I build a program around what we do well and what we can do better and strengthen it. 老爹說:「這令人感到挫折,打得如此精采的球員,還這樣批評他。球評的評論走到 這個地步實在令人失望。他們應該把更多的矛頭指向我,而不是 A.I.,因為是我建 構這樣打法,可以讓我們球員發揮的隊形,可以做的更好的戰術。」 "To structure A.I. and to make him a point guard you know you can't beat the great teams playing that way. You've got to let him be who he is, a special athlete." 「改造 A.I.,讓他去控球的話,你無法用這種方式打敗強隊。你必須讓這樣特別的球 員發揮自己的長處。」 Iverson came into Saturday's game ranked 10th in the league in assists at 7.4 per game. Iverson 在禮拜六比賽前,以7.4次助攻在助攻榜排名第十位。 "Sometimes so much of what analyzing in this league is, 'Well, you know, they don't play like San Antonio plays,' " Karl said. "Well, you think we're going to beat San Antonio playing the way they play? You've got to find what works in the league, what you can get done for the game out there. So we're going to try to build a product, a program, a philosophy that's best for us." 老爹說:「在這個聯盟,有些時候,所謂的評論就是『你知道的,他們就是無法像 馬刺隊一樣,打著沉穩的團體戰。』而我說,你認為我們有辦法以馬刺的打法擊敗 馬刺隊?在這個聯盟,你必須去找出有效的方法,你可以贏球的方法,所以我們才 會試著建構一種屬於我們的打法,一種最適合我們的體系。」 (嘖嘖,老爹雖然暫停不長叫,想法倒是很中肯。) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/09 21:22, , 1F
分數那邊有誤 101-97 XD
12/09 21:22, 1F

12/09 21:24, , 2F
12/09 21:24, 2F
※ 編輯: finalmoon 來自: (12/09 21:25) ※ 編輯: finalmoon 來自: (12/09 21:26)

12/09 21:51, , 3F
翻譯的很流暢 AI最近的拼勁 感動的快噴淚了
12/09 21:51, 3F

12/09 21:56, , 4F
Shut it down, Sir Charles. +1
12/09 21:56, 4F

12/09 21:55, , 5F
12/09 21:55, 5F

12/09 21:56, , 6F
12/09 21:56, 6F

12/09 21:58, , 7F
12/09 21:58, 7F

12/09 21:59, , 8F
但媒體、雜誌的封面代表球員卻一直都是AI orz...
12/09 21:59, 8F

12/09 22:00, , 9F
12/09 22:00, 9F

12/09 22:01, , 10F
12/09 22:01, 10F

12/09 22:03, , 11F
哈哈...我推的內容跟原文完全沒關係 @@
12/09 22:03, 11F

12/09 22:04, , 12F
希望AI跟Melo快點真正找出1+1 = 2的模式出來
12/09 22:04, 12F

12/09 22:05, , 13F
12/09 22:05, 13F

12/09 22:06, , 14F
12/09 22:06, 14F

12/09 22:07, , 15F
12/09 22:07, 15F

12/09 22:07, , 16F
12/09 22:07, 16F

12/09 22:08, , 17F
12/09 22:08, 17F

12/09 22:09, , 18F
12/09 22:09, 18F

12/09 22:14, , 19F
老爹很會說= =..其實他連叫暫停的時機都輸金塊版鄉民
12/09 22:14, 19F

12/09 22:21, , 20F
12/09 22:21, 20F

12/09 22:21, , 21F
12/09 22:21, 21F

12/09 22:28, , 22F
暗..老了,應該是第四年得分王,今年第五年了 @@
12/09 22:28, 22F

12/09 22:28, , 23F
12/09 22:28, 23F

12/09 22:31, , 24F
12/09 22:31, 24F

12/09 22:36, , 25F
我其實也覺得MELO的光芒有點被AI壓 不過這樣說是很嗆
12/09 22:36, 25F

12/09 22:36, , 26F
要是AI沒來金塊 光靠MELO的金塊 季後賽有辦法走多遠?
12/09 22:36, 26F

12/09 22:37, , 27F
12/09 22:37, 27F

12/09 22:38, , 28F
不都是第一輪= =
12/09 22:38, 28F

12/09 22:45, , 29F
12/09 22:45, 29F

12/09 22:46, , 30F
12/09 22:46, 30F

12/09 22:48, , 31F
12/09 22:48, 31F

12/09 22:51, , 32F
12/09 22:51, 32F

12/09 22:52, , 33F
12/09 22:52, 33F

12/09 22:53, , 34F
12/09 22:53, 34F

12/09 22:54, , 35F
12/09 22:54, 35F

12/09 22:56, , 36F
12/09 22:56, 36F

12/09 23:20, , 37F
12/09 23:20, 37F

12/09 23:32, , 38F
12/09 23:32, 38F

12/09 23:32, , 39F
12/09 23:32, 39F

12/09 23:40, , 40F
12/09 23:40, 40F

12/09 23:43, , 41F
12/09 23:43, 41F
※ 編輯: finalmoon 來自: (12/09 23:50)

12/09 23:50, , 42F
12/09 23:50, 42F

12/09 23:51, , 43F
12/09 23:51, 43F

12/09 23:52, , 44F
12/09 23:52, 44F

12/10 00:01, , 45F
12/10 00:01, 45F

12/10 00:39, , 46F
我絕得並不能說AI搶盡了MELO的鋒頭 而是MELO最近的狀況
12/10 00:39, 46F

12/10 00:41, , 47F
哈哈哈 辛苦 推推推 看完不推沒人性
12/10 00:41, 47F

12/10 00:41, , 48F
真的不是很好 所以顯得目光都集中在AI身上 希望MELO能復
12/10 00:41, 48F

12/10 00:43, , 49F
活 大家一起為金塊努力....
12/10 00:43, 49F

12/10 00:50, , 50F
好阿AI 開破隨他去 支持就是支持阿
12/10 00:50, 50F

12/10 00:52, , 51F
剛看完神鬼奇航2.3 史派羅真帥 AI跟他有點像XD
12/10 00:52, 51F

12/10 00:53, , 52F
不過劇情實在有點複雜 台詞交代不清 看不太懂
12/10 00:53, 52F

12/10 00:59, , 53F
樓上應該是指眼睛吧 跟AI一樣有雙超漂亮的eyes~
12/10 00:59, 53F

12/10 01:00, , 54F
12/10 01:00, 54F

12/10 01:01, , 55F
Jack船長根本就是Cosplay AI ,相似度99%
12/10 01:01, 55F

12/10 01:08, , 56F
12/10 01:08, 56F

12/10 01:23, , 57F
不懂可以問我 我對神鬼奇航研究非常之透徹XDDD
12/10 01:23, 57F

12/10 01:29, , 58F
剛剛去爬了電影版 看圖解才懂 不過3我覺得還真鳥 囧
12/10 01:29, 58F

12/10 01:29, , 59F
太多枝節沒講清楚就草草結束 Jack在三個個人魅力也沒展現
12/10 01:29, 59F

12/10 01:30, , 60F
Jack在第3的個人魅力也沒展現 有點遜 談判太多 亂七八糟的
12/10 01:30, 60F

12/10 01:33, , 61F
12/10 01:33, 61F

12/10 01:35, , 62F
12/10 01:35, 62F

12/10 01:37, , 63F
等四 囧 我只想看偽AI阿 史派羅 奧蘭多布魯不要出來耍帥
12/10 01:37, 63F

12/10 01:39, , 64F
四是Jack Sparrow為主 奧蘭多布魯沒戲份了
12/10 01:39, 64F

12/10 01:43, , 65F
哈哈 總算看到有人跟我一樣覺得史派羅像AI了 XDDD
12/10 01:43, 65F

12/10 01:52, , 66F
之前就有人說了吧 Bye Bye Philly那部mix 47秒那邊 超像
12/10 01:52, 66F

12/10 01:54, , 67F

12/10 02:03, , 68F
12/10 02:03, 68F

12/10 02:37, , 69F
12/10 02:37, 69F

12/10 02:38, , 70F
12/10 02:38, 70F

12/10 03:02, , 71F
真尷尬 以前亂喜歡老巴的 人很真 卻也口無遮攔....
12/10 03:02, 71F

12/10 12:34, , 72F
好文章 看到Lost what?的時候很感動
12/10 12:34, 72F

12/10 22:38, , 73F
12/10 22:38, 73F

12/12 18:28, , 74F
12/12 18:28, 74F

12/12 20:10, , 75F
12/12 20:10, 75F
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