[外電] 西北組龍頭之爭,差距越拉越遠。

看板Nuggets作者 (L')時間17年前 (2007/02/24 20:56), 編輯推噓10(1005)
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Gap in division grows wider. 西北組龍頭之爭,差距越拉越遠。 Denver 9 1/2 behind Utah in Northwest as Jazz dominates. 爵士隊戰績主宰西北組,金塊以九場半落後。 By Chris Tomasson, Rocky Mountain News February 24, 2007 http://tinyurl.com/2wfwbc Sounds like a concession speech. 賽後訪問聽起來,就像是發表敗選演說一樣。 Nuggets coach George Karl was asked after Friday night's game if it's safe to say the Northwest Division race is over. 媒體在禮拜五對爵士的比賽結束之後,訪問金塊隊教練George Karl: 「現在是不是一個好時機,可以來宣告西北組龍頭之爭已經結束了?」 "Sounds good," he said. Karl回答說:「這是個好主意。」 Karl actually conceded two weeks ago, saying the division "probably goes out the window." He later backed off. 事實上在二個禮拜前,Karl已經不得不承認,表示「金塊隊在西北組的龍頭競 爭,也許已經失去機會了。」但稍後他收回了這句話。 But there's little doubt now. The Nuggets lost 114-104 to Utah at the Pepsi Center to drop a season-high 9 1/2 games behind the Jazz, which also took an insurmountable 3-0 lead in the season series. 結果現在的局勢不得不令人對金塊隊的競爭力產生懷疑。金塊隊以114比104在 Pepsi Center輸給爵士隊,這是本季雙方戰績差距最大的一刻,金塊已經落後 九場半的勝差,並且在雙方四次對戰中,爵士隊已經取得三勝零敗的絕對優勢。 "We're dangerous," Karl said. "Right now, we're dangerous to ourselves more than we're probably dangerous to the opponent . . . (but) we can become dangerous to the other team." Karl表示:「我們是一支危險的球隊,但是現在我們帶給自己的麻煩遠比給予 對手的威脅還要多。但是我們應該可以成為各隊心中的難纏球隊才是。」 Carmelo Anthony and Allen Iverson were dangerous, scoring 36 and 33 points, respectively. But nobody else was scored more than eight. 此役Carmelo Anthony與Allen Iverson這對殺手組合分別拿下36和33分,但是 其他隊友得分都在八分以內。 "I think we're going to get better," said Anthony, whose Nuggets (26-27) lost their third straight. "I just don't want to wait too long before we start getting better and it's too late for us. . . . We don't have no chemistry right now. Our cohesiveness among the team, we don't really have that. We're trying to get everybody on one page. It seems like everybody's in their own world right now." 金塊隊已經苦吞三連敗,Anthony說:「我認為我們將會有更好的表現,希望調 整至好的狀態不會花太多時間,不然恐怕為時已晚。現在金塊並不是沒有化學 作用,但是看不到團結一致的表現,我們必須試著站在同一陣線,因為我們現 在就像在自己的世界裡打球一樣。」 No such problems on Utah (36-18). The Jazz played without center Mehmet Okur (back spasms), was without forward Andrei Kirilenko in the second half (bruised knee) and got 12 minutes from Carlos Boozer, who returned after missing eight games because of a fractured fibula. 爵士隊則是沒有這樣的問題。陣中少了因背部痙攣缺陣的中鋒Mehmet Okur;下 半場更損失了撞傷膝蓋的Andrei Kirilenko;因腓骨骨折休息八場比賽的 Carlos Boozer只打了12分鐘。 But the Jazz still clobbered the Nuggets. Guard Deron Williams led the way with 26 points and 14 assists in a night in which teamwork trumped individualism. 然而爵士還是痛擊了金塊。在控後Deron Williams得到26分、14助攻的帶領之下, 今晚團隊戰力戰勝了個人表現。 Utah's bench outscored Denver's 70-21. 爵士隊的板凳貢獻,以70-21分大勝金塊。 "We're starting to have problems on the basketball court in general," said Karl, talking about Denver's problems, with suspensions and such, being off the court early in the season. "Until about a week ago I was pretty happy with my basketball team. . . . We seem to have pulled apart a little." 談到金塊隊的問題;包括禁賽,以及開季之初球場之外的紛擾,Karl表示: 「大體來說,我們開始出現一些球場上的問題。一個禮拜之前我還對金塊的 表現感到高興,但現在球員之間的影響似乎『有點』脫節。」 Some of the fans who booed during the game might say it's a lot. 有些在比賽時發出噓聲的球迷,可能會說『不只有點』。 "On paper, we got one of the top teams in the NBA," said Anthony, who said Denver's other players "sometimes" might be relying too much on he and Iverson to do the work. "There's no way we should be losing the games that we're losing with this team. The only thing I can think of is the chemistry." Anthony:「理論上我們是NBA最頂尖的球隊之一,」他表示其他隊友也許 有時候太過依賴他以及Iverson。「待在這樣的球隊,戰績不應該是敗多 勝少,我唯一可以想到的問題,就是化學效應。」 Anthony picked up his fourth and fifth fouls in an eight-second span late in the third quarter. He had to go to the bench with 3:01 left in the quarter and didn't return until 8:55 remained. 第三節末段短短八秒之內,Anthony連續領到了第三次與第四次犯規,逼 使他必須在剩下3分01秒的時候乖乖坐在板凳上,一直到第四節8分55秒 才上場。 Iverson played his second straight game after missing eight of nine with a sprained right ankle. He also has a sore left elbow and sore right hip. Iverson因為右腳踝扭傷,九場比賽缺賽八場之後,這是他連續第二場出 賽。他還有左手肘以及右髖部酸痛的傷痛。 "I doubt if I'll be 100 percent all year," Iverson said. Iverson說:「我無法確定自己是否能以整季百分之百的狀態出賽。」 Anthony and Iverson combined to score 28 of Denver's 30 points in the first quarter, but the Nuggets trailed 31-30. The Nuggets fell behind by 21 in the third but did make a late run to cut the deficit to 109-100 with two minutes left and to 112-104 in the final minute. Anthony與Iverson合力攻下第一節30分裡面的28分,但是金塊隊仍然以31 比30落後;第三節金塊一度落後21分,但是比賽結束前二分鐘的一波攻勢 把比分縮小到109比100,最後以112比104輸球。 "We wouldn't have been in the ball game if our bench hadn't played," said Utah coach Jerry Sloan, who also get 22 points from reserve Matt Harpring. 爵士隊教練Jerry Sloan表示:「如果今天沒有板凳球員的表現,我們早就 出局了。」尤其是以替補上場的Matt Harpring攻下22分。 The Jazz was down three starters much of the way. Missing the whole game was Okur, whose streak of 233 straight games, which had been the NBA's fourth longest, ended. 大部分的時間,爵士隊三名先發都不在場上,包括整場比賽缺席的Okur;這 也中止了他233場比賽全勤的NBA第四久紀錄。 Kirilenko sat out the entire second half. And Boozer, being brought back slowly, played just the first six minutes of each half. 下半場Kirilenko坐在板凳區,傷癒復出的Boozer則是小試身手,上下半場 各打了6分鐘。 The Nuggets wore retro uniforms from the 1967-68 Denver Rockets, the first year of the franchise. 今天金塊隊穿著1967-68年,當時丹佛火箭隊的復古球衣,當年是丹佛加入 NBA的第一年。 Denver fell to 14-15 at home. Karl said before the game that the Nuggets, with some players not in the shape Karl would like them, actually might be hampered playing at altitude. 金塊隊主場戰績退至14勝15敗。在今天比賽之前,Karl說隊上一些無法如他 所願保持身材的球員,事實上要在高緯度的丹佛打球,是很辛苦的一件事。 "I'm still positive about everything," Iverson said. "I definitely remain that way because it's hard to get that monkey off your back if you're thinking negative and point fingers or anything like that. All it does is take you backward." 賽後Iverson說道:「我仍然對一切保持樂觀,我絕對會秉持這樣的想法, 因為當你有消極的想法,或是指著別人責備等等…要解決當前的問題, 就會變的困難。它只會讓你往回倒退。」 The Jazz broke open the game in the third quarter, extending a 57-48 lead to as much as 21 points. Utah led 93-74 at the end of the quarter. 今天爵士隊在第三節打開了局面,把比分差距從57-48拉到領先21分。第三節 結束,猶他已經取得93比74領先了。 The first quarter was the Anthony-Iverson show as the two combined to shoot 11- of-12. Anthony was 6-of-6 for 15 points, and Iverson shot 5-of-6 for 13 points. 本場比賽第一節是Anthony-Iverson表演秀,他們總共投12中11;其中Anthony 6投6中拿下15分,Iverson投6中5攻得13分。 The only points not scored from the two came on a Nene dunk. Players not named Anthony nor Iverson combined to shoot 1-of-6 in the quarter. 第一節剩下的2分來自於Nene的灌籃,除了Anthony與Iverson之外,其他球員 投6只中1。 In the first quarter, Utah's bench outscored Denver's 16-0. That set the tone for things to come. 在這節當中,爵士隊的板凳得分就以16比0大勝金塊,也埋下了此役板凳爆發 的因子。 Then the Jazz started to pull away. And eventually those in Utah figure to pull a division banner to the rafters. 接著爵士隊就開始拉開比數,最後金塊只能看著這些穿著猶他球衣的身影,在 分區爭奪戰的頂端上,插著勝利的旗幟。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/24 21:01, , 1F
真心酸阿 狂推翻譯 熱情都快被小白們的冷言冷語澆熄了
02/24 21:01, 1F

02/24 21:05, , 2F
另外請問 要怎麼上色阿 誰可以教一下
02/24 21:05, 2F

02/24 21:33, , 3F
推 還有上色我都用kkman的彩色編輯器
02/24 21:33, 3F

02/24 21:34, , 4F
02/24 21:34, 4F

02/24 21:49, , 5F
喔耶 成功上色 真爽
02/24 21:49, 5F

02/24 22:55, , 6F
02/24 22:55, 6F

02/25 00:02, , 7F
02/25 00:02, 7F

02/25 00:58, , 8F
02/25 00:58, 8F

02/25 02:19, , 9F
金塊板友們別灰心啦 當初火箭的mm連線還不是被批的很慘
02/25 02:19, 9F

02/25 02:20, , 10F
02/25 02:20, 10F

02/25 10:06, , 11F
金塊球迷不需要沮喪,一時的不理想罷了, 小白更是完完全
02/25 10:06, 11F

02/25 10:07, , 12F
02/25 10:07, 12F

02/25 15:54, , 13F
02/25 15:54, 13F

02/25 20:29, , 14F
02/25 20:29, 14F

02/27 01:28, , 15F
02/27 01:28, 15F
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