[討論] C18第三名賽後訪談

看板NextTopModel作者 (趙泰坦)時間12年前 (2012/05/19 21:49), 編輯推噓56(56049)
留言105則, 40人參與, 最新討論串1/1
原文出處:http://tinyurl.com/7duxrer 翻完只覺得: 1.好正向的一個人,批評跟不公平完全攻擊無效!!!(驚) 2.Annaliese跟Sophie很好,但跟Laura就普普通通了… 有翻錯再請各位捧由多多包涵並修正囉:) -- Q: What was your initial reaction to getting eliminated? 問:當妳知道自己被淘汰時,一開始的反應是什麼? Annaliese: Relief, joy, excitement. I was actually very proud to be honest. I knew what I wanted: I wanted to come farther than I did on Britain’s Next Top Model, where I got sixth. I was happy. Don’t get me wrong, I got a bit greedy. When I got sixth I wanted to get fifth, but to get in the Top 3, I got actually quite terrified. I think I did the best with what I could do. Annaliese:解脫、開心,而且興奮。我真的對自己感到非常驕傲。我知道我要的是什麼: 我希望自己比BNTM的名次高,而那時我是第六名。所以我很開心。別誤會,我有點貪心, 當我得到第六名時,我就希望自己能第五名;但這次我走到前三名,我真的嚇到了,我真 的覺得我在自己能力範圍內做到最好了。 Q: Did you agree with the judges’ comments that you were too commercial? 問:妳同意評審對於妳太商業化的評論嗎? Annaliese: Oh I totally agree! I’ve been modeling since I was 13, and by now I’ve worked out where I work and where I don’t work. I’m not a high fashion girl. Don’t get me wrong, I can put together a high fashion look if I have to, but up until now I’ve done sports stuff, beauty and lots of smiling stuff. I like smiling anyways. Annaliese:喔,我完全同意!我從13歲就開始從事模特兒,到了現在我已經能搞清楚,哪 些工作我能接,哪些工作我不太能勝任了。我不是時尚模特兒,別搞錯,如果工作需要, 我絕對能讓自己展現出時尚的樣子,但到目前為止,我接了很多運動的、美容的,還有很 多需要開懷大笑的工作;無論如何,我真的很愛笑。 Q: Why did it mean so much to you to win Kelly over? 問:為什麼妳會說,贏得石凱莉的誠服對妳來說很重要? Annaliese: Because she is a tough critic and one thing you can definitely say about Kelly Cutrone is yeah, she may be tough,but she speaks her mind and it’s always the truth. From the beginning when I realized that she did not like me, and it’s not just like me, I felt like I just spent a lot of time trying to make her like me. And obviously being in the show,you’re in a bubble when your whole life is about America’s Next Top Model. So really, the judges, Kelly Cutrone and all the judges are gods when you’re in that show, so it meant so much to me. Annaliese:因為她是個很嚴苛的批判者,對石凱莉這個人,妳唯一能夠肯定的是:她的確 很嚴苛,但句句都是發自她內心的,她講的永遠是事實。從比賽開始,當我知道她不喜歡 我後,這不太像我,我覺得自己花了大多數的時間試著讓她喜歡我。顯然,妳在比賽時, 就像身處在一個泡泡中,妳生活的重心都圍繞著ANTM,所以真的,石凱莉和其他評審在比 賽期間,對妳而言都像是神一樣,所以讓她心悅誠服對我來說很重要。 Q: Are you frustrated that you never won Best Photo? 問:妳會因為自己從未贏得最佳照片而感到挫敗嗎? Annaliese: I’m not still frustrated by it.It would have been nice to get first called out and see my picture on the screen or whatever. But I can’t complain. I had a good run and I’m actually quite proud of my portfolio. I think each shot shows something different about me, I mean not the first shot, the first shot I hated, that was hideous. But every shot I’ve got different faces. Annaliese:我現在已經不會覺得挫敗了。當然,如果我那時候能被第一個叫名,然後看到 自己的照片被呈現在宿舍裡當然很好,但我沒什麼好抱怨的,我很享受這次的比賽,對自 己的作品也很滿意。我覺得每一張照片都能展現我不同的一面,當然,我不是指第一張照 片,我討厭那張照片,太醜了;但每一張照片的確都讓我有新的面孔。 Q: How did you manage to stay out of all the drama in the house? 問:妳都怎麼讓自己遠離宿舍裡的那些抓馬? Annaliese: I think part of it is that I’m a little bit older than the other girls. I’m so over getting involved with drama, and in the house we’ve got no TV, no internet, no phone. I just used it as an opportunity to catch some entertainment! I just sat out and watched it unfold before my eyes. Annaliese:我想有部分原因在於我比其他參賽者稍微年長一些,我不參與抓馬很久了;然 後在宿舍裡,我們沒有電視、沒有網路,也沒有電話;所以我把抓馬當作我的休閒娛樂! 我就坐在一旁,看著那些抓馬上演。 Q: Was there anyone in the house that you didn’t get along with? 問:有任何參賽者是跟妳處不來的嗎? Annaliese: No, truthfully, no, there was no one I can honestly say, “I really disliked you, they were horrible.” No one. Annaliese:真的沒有耶,參賽者裡完全沒有一個我能真的說「我不喜歡妳」、「她們真討 厭」,真的沒有。 Q: Who were you closest to in the house? 問:妳在宿舍裡跟誰最親近呢? Annaliese: I’m a bit of a floater, I felt like people were starting to make groups, so I always made an effort to sort of float around but I never liked to be like, “Oh I like this group.”Initially I was obviously close to Ashley and Sophie because they were on my side from Britain’s Next Top Model and I see them between the shows, I’ve been up to Scotland to see Ashley and her kids, and I’ve seen Sophie and partied the night away in London and things like that so definitely those two. Annaliese:我有點像是個隨波逐流的人,我可以感覺到其他參賽者開始出現小團體,所以 我一直很努力漂流在那些團體之間,但從來沒有想要像是:「喔,我喜歡這個團體」過; 比賽剛開始時,我當然和Ashley和Sophie比較親近,因為她們是我在BNTM時的戰友,我在 比賽間還有見過她們;我曾經去蘇格蘭拜訪Ashley和她的孩子,我也曾經在倫敦跟Sophie 徹夜狂歡,所以最親近的絕對是她們兩個。 Q: Did you find the judging unfair at all? 問:妳有發現評審不公正嗎? Annaliese: I suppose it is unfair. But at the end of the day, it’s a reality TV show. We all knew what we were signing up for, especially the British girls, because we did this already. Yeah they’re always going to claim that its your best shot,and you’re never really going to know if it is your best shot, but I don’t think it’s really worth spending too much energy on to be honest. Annaliese:我猜的確是不公正的。但總地來說,這就是個實境節目。我們在簽下比賽合約 時都知道這件事,尤其是英國妞們,因為我們以前就已經比賽過一次啦。是,製作單位會 聲稱節目上呈現的是我們的最佳照片,但妳永遠不會知道那究竟是不是妳的最佳照片;但 我真的是覺得實在是不值得花費心力去計較這些啦。 Q: How was ANTM different from BNTM? 問:ANTM和BNTM的不同點在哪裡呢? Annaliese: Oh it’s so much more glossy,like it’s just glossy on a much bigger scale. The challenges we were doing, the celebrities we were meeting were just insane. Don’t get me wrong, we have a splash of celebrity in Britain, but America is all about the flash and the high-profile celebrities and more drama and the challenges were more extreme and everything was just extreme. Annaliese:喔,ANTM浮華多了,就像是個規模大得多的賽場那樣的浮華。進行的挑戰、見 到的知名人士,真的太瘋狂了。別誤會我的意思,在BNTM時我們就有見過很多名人了,但 ANTM請來的是正夯、最受人矚目的名人,還有更多的抓馬和更極致的挑戰,所有事情都比 BNTM更極端。 Q: Who do you think will win? 問:妳覺得誰會贏? Annaliese: I am going to stay loyal to the British side.Sophie has to win ANTM. All of us British girls, not in a million years would we think a British girl is going to win, because it’s America’s Next Top Model, come on now. But you never know what could happen and I think she could do it. Annaliese:我要對英國隊效忠,蘇菲一定要贏得ANTM。我們這群英國妞,幾百年都不敢去 想自己會贏得勝利,拜託,這可是全「美」超模耶!但妳永遠不知道未來會發生什麼,所 以我覺得蘇菲做得到的! Q: What did you really think of all the critique from the judges calling you a presenter and not a model? 問:妳對評審們批評妳是個主持人或者不像個模特兒的這件事,真實的看法是什麼? Annaliese: The problem is, it wasn’t so much the criticism. I got so many comments, people getting back to me saying they’re outraged that they’re calling me “just a presenter,” and I’m like, “Kelly Cutrone is a PR maven and she’s calling me a presenter! I think that’s amazing!” I don’t take it as a critique at all. At the end of the day, I think I’m a better presenter than I am a model. Annaliese:我想問題就在於:這根本不太像是個批評啊!我得到很多評論,人們跟我說: 評審們都污辱我「只是個主持人」,我就會想說:「石凱莉是個專業公關,她認可我是個 主持人,那不是正好嗎!」,我不會把它看做是對我的批評,總地來說,我想相較於模特 兒,我更適合做主持工作。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/19 21:52, , 1F
05/19 21:52, 1F
※ 編輯: TitanChao 來自: (05/19 21:53)

05/19 21:54, , 2F
連Anna都跟蘿拉普通 看來蘿拉要黑到她自己的訪談出來了XDD
05/19 21:54, 2F

05/19 21:58, , 3F
05/19 21:58, 3F

05/19 22:00, , 4F
05/19 22:00, 4F

05/19 22:17, , 5F
05/19 22:17, 5F

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05/19 22:30, , 13F
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05/19 22:31, , 14F
05/19 22:31, 14F

05/19 22:32, , 15F
Anna被淘汰那週是跟sophie站BT耶 ANTM沒重演真可惜XDD
05/19 22:32, 15F

05/19 22:32, , 16F
05/19 22:32, 16F

05/19 22:38, , 17F
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05/19 22:38, , 18F
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05/19 22:52, , 19F
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05/19 23:00, , 20F
05/19 23:00, 20F

05/19 23:02, , 21F
05/19 23:02, 21F

05/19 23:06, , 22F
一開始不喜歡anna的外型 但出國後好感度直線飆昇
05/19 23:06, 22F

05/19 23:06, , 23F
05/19 23:06, 23F

05/19 23:44, , 24F
BNTM時我超討厭Anna因為她的芒果照太可怕了 不過現在真的
05/19 23:44, 24F

05/19 23:44, , 25F
很喜歡她 來ANTM整個大加分
05/19 23:44, 25F

05/19 23:47, , 26F
05/19 23:47, 26F

05/19 23:48, , 27F
真的! 當初她水中冏照沒走反而Hayley走時我超憤恨 沒
05/19 23:48, 27F

05/19 23:49, , 28F
05/19 23:49, 28F

05/19 23:52, , 29F
05/19 23:52, 29F

05/19 23:53, , 30F
hayley那個水中照 真的很悲劇
05/19 23:53, 30F

05/19 23:53, , 31F
05/19 23:53, 31F

05/19 23:56, , 32F
05/19 23:56, 32F

05/19 23:57, , 33F
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05/20 00:00, , 34F
05/20 00:00, 34F

05/20 00:00, , 35F
05/20 00:00, 35F

05/20 00:00, , 36F
芒果照真的很驚悚XDD 同類型的Anya小挑戰獎品照完勝
05/20 00:00, 36F

05/20 00:02, , 37F
蘇菲的照片會誤會她是內向嬌羞的女子 結果根本不是XDD
05/20 00:02, 37F

05/20 00:02, , 38F
05/20 00:02, 38F
還有 27 則推文
05/20 22:16, , 66F
阿玉賽後應該發展不錯吧? 不然就會被抓來參加C18(?
05/20 22:16, 66F

05/20 22:17, , 67F
05/20 22:17, 67F

05/20 22:55, , 68F
05/20 22:55, 68F

05/20 23:04, , 69F
節目很像有邀請Jade(C06)回All Star(C17) 但被Jade拒絕XD
05/20 23:04, 69F

05/20 23:05, , 70F

05/20 23:15, , 71F
嘔嘔嘔 我的愛~~~~ 就這樣離開了 大哭~~
05/20 23:15, 71F

05/20 23:42, , 72F
英國阿玉吧 怎麼跳到美國阿玉了 XDDD
05/20 23:42, 72F

05/20 23:43, , 73F
阿玉是比Sophie強啦 可是Sophie(亞軍)又比冠軍強...
05/20 23:43, 73F

05/20 23:58, , 74F
那個冠軍到底怎麼贏的= =...?
05/20 23:58, 74F

05/21 00:02, , 75F
05/21 00:02, 75F

05/21 00:02, , 76F
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05/21 02:46, , 77F
05/21 02:46, 77F

05/21 11:13, , 78F
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05/21 11:24, , 79F
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05/21 11:25, , 80F
05/21 11:25, 80F

05/21 12:26, , 81F
05/21 12:26, 81F

05/21 14:10, , 82F
05/21 14:10, 82F

05/21 14:11, , 83F
05/21 14:11, 83F

05/21 16:46, , 84F
蘇菲在BNTM頗弱 照片 台步和觀眾支持度都是三強墊底的
05/21 16:46, 84F

05/21 16:49, , 85F
不過沒比殿軍Ashley慘就是 只能說antm洗白功力一流XDD
05/21 16:49, 85F

05/21 21:46, , 86F
05/21 21:46, 86F

05/22 01:56, , 87F
我的意思是 BNTM冠軍讓你猜不透 因為中間魔人會被莫名表掉
05/22 01:56, 87F

05/22 01:57, , 88F
話說英國阿玉是哪張照被婊走 我忘咧
05/22 01:57, 88F

05/22 01:59, , 89F
他是某個女總統吧 忘記是誰了
05/22 01:59, 89F

05/22 02:00, , 90F
阿根廷? 那次好像剛好大家都照的很好
05/22 02:00, 90F

05/22 02:00, , 91F
是第一夫人 他是因為太瘦啊
05/22 02:00, 91F

05/22 11:29, , 92F
Eva Peron
05/22 11:29, 92F

05/22 11:30, , 93F
05/22 11:30, 93F

05/22 11:30, , 94F
無法接受Mecia奪冠 Ashley第四 (Daisy Viola 哭泣)
05/22 11:30, 94F

05/22 12:25, , 95F
蘇菲感覺就是靠天生條件在稱吧 美國比賽大進步 但也
05/22 12:25, 95F

05/22 12:27, , 96F
不到超強 名次屬於明顯高估 但當亞軍卻很ok的類型
05/22 12:27, 96F

05/22 12:39, , 97F
05/22 12:39, 97F

05/22 12:42, , 98F
05/22 12:42, 98F

05/22 12:43, , 99F
Sophie的照片算有亮點了,加上go see的能力,名次不意外
05/22 12:43, 99F

05/22 12:46, , 100F
05/22 12:46, 100F

05/22 12:47, , 101F
05/22 12:47, 101F

05/22 17:14, , 102F
05/22 17:14, 102F

05/22 19:13, , 103F
05/22 19:13, 103F

05/23 19:55, , 104F
好喜歡Anna的個性 有她好歡樂..被淘汰時還去跟石凱莉
05/23 19:55, 104F

05/23 19:55, , 105F
擁抱 還蠻感動的
05/23 19:55, 105F
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