[討論] C18第八名賽後訪談

看板NextTopModel作者 (趙泰坦)時間12年前 (2012/05/01 12:41), 編輯推噓48(48030)
留言78則, 30人參與, 最新討論串1/1
原文網址:http://tinyurl.com/7aq6cho Kyle的賽後訪談翻譯完畢,有提到她跟其他參賽者的關係(主要是Laura),草率的翻譯, 有錯誤再提醒我更正吧,感謝囉:) -- Q: What was your initial reaction after being eliminated? 問:妳知道自己被淘汰時,一開始是什麼反應? Kyle: Actually I went into panel thinking I was so confident. I thought I was gonna get a really good photo. I was doing all these crazy tricks. Out of our trio with Laura and Alisha, Mr. Jay told me that I did the best and I was getting all this positive feedback and I thought yes, I’m actually stepping it up, maybe things are going to get better and I’m going to get a really good photo. I was really confident, and when I found out I was in the bottom two, I was like, I’m going home, for sure. I had a feeling in my stomach that I was going home. Because I was in the bottom two last week, so I just knew. And going against Alisha, Alisha is an amazing model. She was the first called out with the music video, so there was no way, no way that I was staying. I was really upset, I felt like it wasn’t my time to go, but it is what it is and I just have to accept it. I was so surprised. Kyle:老實說,我接受評審時信心滿滿,我以為我會拿到一張很棒的照片。畢竟我嘗試了 很多瘋狂的方式,我、Laura和Alisha的三人組合裡,Jay告訴我我做得最好,當我得到的 都是正面的回饋時,我心想:「太棒了,我終於又邁進了一步,或許一切事情都會好轉, 我會拿到一張好的照片。」,我是那麼的有信心,所以當我發現自己落到包尾二人時,我 就知道:「我要回家了,一定的。」,我打從胃裡就有一種自己會被淘汰的感覺,因為我 上週就已經是包尾組了,所以我很清楚。另一個包尾的是Alisha,她是個很棒的模特兒, 在MV環節中還得到第一,所以根本沒有任何可能性我會留下來。我真的很沮喪,我不覺得 我會在這時候離開,但事情就是如此,我必須接受。我很訝異。 Q: Is there anything you wish they’d shown on the show? 問:有任何事情是妳希望在製作單位呈現的嗎? Kyle: I thought they were pretty true to everything. I guess one thing, last night’s episode, the reason why I had that fake booty tooch is because none of those dresses would fit me. I went through every dress on that rack, and I was the tallest girl in the house, and nothing fit me, so they had to give me that. And we were joking around like me and the girls, I was like, “Oh I look like Kim Kardashian” and dancing around and stuff, because I had this big butt in, and the girls were laughing too but then when I watched the episode, they seemed so mad that I had got the butt and I was just really confused, because a lot of times no one ever said anything to my face, so I didn’t know how people were feeling until I see it now. Kyle:我想節目上的事大多都是真實的,我希望澄清的只有一個部分:昨晚的環節裡,之 所以我會放上假屁屁,是因為現場沒有任何一件衣服是合身的,我試了架上的所有衣服, 但因為我是這一屆最高的參賽者,所以找不到合身的衣服,最後製作單位就讓我用了假屁 屁。然後我和其他參賽者們就開始開玩笑,就像是:「看,我超像Kim Kardashian的!」 然後我就開始跳舞、胡鬧,因為我身上裝了那麼大的一個屁股,其他參賽者也笑得樂不可 支;但當我看了昨天的節目後,我發現她們都對我用假屁屁這件事情感到很不高興,我真 的很困惑,因為明明有很多時間,卻沒有任何人當著我的面告訴我這件事,所以在我看節 目播出前根本不知道有這麼一件事。 Q: Were you surprised to watch the episode and see the other girls’negativity? 問:當妳看到節目,知道其他女孩的負面評價時,妳很驚訝嗎? Kyle: Especially Laura, Laura really, really hated me for reasons I still don’t know, ‘til I die, I had nothing to do with her petty bear ear. That whole thing, I wish they would have shown how the whole thing went down. Laura had told everyone, I’m sorry to be a bit vulgar, but she told everyone that she was masturbating with this bear, and the other girls were like, “We’re going to give it a bath cuz it’s dirty” or whatever, and we were all laughing and she was laughing too. So no one knew she was going to freak out like she did. I was actually trying to get it back for her, I had stuck my hand in the pool after the foot thing and I was trying to get it back, me and AzMarie both were, and a lot of the girls saw that, so I was just really confused. She never talked to me about why she was mad at me. I went and asked her multiple times, why are you mad at me, she would never say anything mean and then all the way up to elimination she never said anything to me at all. But when I see it on TV, she’s so angry and says so many bad things about me. Everything could have been better if she had just talked to me about it. Kyle:尤其是Laura的部分,她真的真的為了一個我完全不知道的理由恨我到死,我 都跟她寶貝的熊耳朵沒有任何關聯,整件事情,我都希望能被播出;Laura曾經告訴所有人 ;抱歉,我接下來要說的話比較庸俗,她跟大家說她曾經和那隻熊自慰,所以其他人 就說:「我們要把熊帶去洗澡,因為牠太髒了。」或之類的,總之我們所有人開始大笑, 包括Laura也是,所以沒有人知道她後來會爆炸。我是真的想要把熊耳朵撈回來給她,在我 伸腳在池子裡踢了一下後,我就開始把手卡在池子裡試著把耳朵用回來,我、Az都在場, 其他女孩也有看到,所以我真的很困惑。她從來沒有告訴我她為什麼要生我的氣,我問了 她好幾次生氣的原因,但她直到我被淘汰前都沒跟我說任何惡毒的話,什麼都沒說;當我 看到電視,才知道她那麼生氣,並說了我那麼多壞話。一切本來不會那麼糟的,如果她一 開始有跟我談談的話。 Q: Do you think the other girls were threatened by you? 問:妳覺得其他參賽者有感受到妳的威脅嗎? Kyle: Yeah, I do think so, a little bit. I can’t help what people think about me, I can’t change anyone’s opinion. I know I didn’t do good on the commercial and I admitted it to the girls, and I thought [the consumers on the panel] were going to be awful to me. I thought I was gonna get it the worst because I messed up so bad, but I didn’t. They had made some really racist comments to some of the girls, and I was the first one to be like, we need to tell a producer because this is not right. I just felt like they were all ganged up on me because I didn’t do good. Kyle:我的確覺得有,多多少少吧。我無法左右觀眾對我的觀感,我知道自己在廣告挑戰 中沒有表現好,我也跟其他女孩說我搞砸了,評審的消費者一定會對我非常惡毒,我那時 候覺得我會是最糟的,因為我真的表現很差,但最後卻不是這樣。消費者對某些參賽者做 出了一些種族歧視的評論,我卻成為最受歡迎的選手之一,我覺得我們必須告訴製作人, 因為這是不對的。我覺得她們群起攻擊我是因為我真的沒表現好。 Kyle: A lot of things with me and Eboni [were] taken out of context. A lot of the comments she made weren’t toward me, but they made it look like it was towards me. [Eboni] was actually saying, “What the eff!” to people that were making comments about them. Me and Eboni now, a lot of people were really surprised, but me and Eboni are really close, like I talk to Eboni every day. Kyle:內容裡有很多我和Eboni的紛爭被播出來,但很多她的評論並不是針對我,但後製卻 讓畫面看起來很像是針對我而來的,像是Eboni說:「這是啥洨?」其實是在對給了負面評 價的那些消費者說。很多人也許會很訝異,我和Eboni其實非常親近,幾乎每天都會聊天。 Q: Who are you closest to from the show? 問:在節目中妳和誰最親近? Kyle: Mariah, Mariah is my best friend now. I’m nine weeks pregnant, and she’s like the God model, so she’s gonna be teaching me to model and stuff. Me and my fiance are having a baby. Yeah, it’s really exciting. A lot of people think it’s going to stop me from modeling but it’s not, I’m going to keep doing it, just putting a little damper on it for the moment. [Maternity modeling] would be fun. Kyle:Mariah,她是我現在最好的朋友。我已經懷孕九週了,而她就像是個神聖的楷模( 我個人覺得網站打錯字,應該是『God mother(孩子的教母)』),所以她會教我如何做 模特兒(still,我覺得她應該是說『mother(照顧)』)和餵養孩子,我和未婚夫有了個 孩子,我真的很興奮。很多人覺得我會停止模特兒事業,但我不會,我會堅持下去,只是 暫停一下,或者做個孕婦模特兒也很好玩。 Q: Who are you rooting for now? 問:妳現在支持哪個參賽者呢? Kyle: I think it’s Eboni, and I hope it’s Eboni. I’m excited to see how the show goes, I’m excited. I really hope it’s Eboni because we get along great and I think out of all the girls, she has a diverse look, she’s commercial and she’s high fashion. She booked the most fashion shows when we were in Toronto and she’s been consistently good, so I really think she has a chance. Kyle:我想我支持Eboni,我希望Eboni最後奪冠,如果最後如願我一定會很開心。我真的 很希望她贏,因為我們相處的非常好,而且在所有的參賽者裡,她的外型是最多變的,她 可以很商業化也可以很HF;她在多倫多取得了最多走秀的機會,表現一直很穩定,所以我 覺得她有機會奪冠。 Q: Who did you not get along with at all? 問:妳和哪個參賽者最處不來? Kyle: Laura of course, we never got along from the beginning, from the get-go. She just didn’t like me, no matter what I did. You know how it is with people, sometimes you just don’t like someone, so there’s nothing I could ever do to please her, so I just have to keep living my life. Kyle:當然是Laura,我們從一開始就不對頭,一開始就這樣了。她不喜歡我,不管我做什 麼都沒用。你也知道有些人就是注定合不來,所以我也沒辦法做什麼去討好她,我只有繼 續過我的生活。 Q: Did you think the judging was fair? 問:妳認為評審公平嗎? Kyle: Yeah I thought they were overall fair. I went into panel knowing that the judges have been there and they’ve done that. They’re not just going to be mean to you for no reason. They gave me constructive criticism on one of my episodes. The one where I was jumping up? Kelly [Cutrone] told me I had to be very careful with the lighting because it looked like my face was bruised, so now I know I have to be very careful with the lighting. Kyle:總地而論,是公平的吧。我在評審環節中看到評審在他們所在的位置做他們該做的 事情,他們不是只會無緣無故地說些惡毒的話,他們每週都會給妳一些有建設性的批判。 就像是有一次我跳起來拍照,石凱莉就告訴我我要小心燈光,因為這樣會讓我的臉看起來 很像瘀青,所以現在我知道自己要注意燈光的位置了。 Q: Tell us about your fiance. 問:說一些妳跟未婚夫的事情吧。 Kyle: We’ve known each other for five years, we’ve been off and on. So we’re engaged,and hopefully we’ll be getting married pretty soon. Kind of surprised, I’m really excited. It’ll be an adventure. Kyle:我們認識對方已經五年了,中間斷斷續續地來往,所以我們現在訂婚了,希望我們 很快能結婚。有點訝異,我現在非常興奮,這一切都像是場冒險。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/01 13:15, , 1F
凱兒真的很倒楣 熊娃娃事件就她一個中槍..
05/01 13:15, 1F

05/01 13:16, , 2F
加上到錄完蘿拉還在發飆.. 實在是..
05/01 13:16, 2F

05/01 13:22, , 3F
其實還好啦,C14 Angelea在Brenda淘汰後也跳舞慶祝啊XD
05/01 13:22, 3F

05/01 13:36, , 4F
我說的錄完其實是指整季錄影完 到播出了還在twit吵
05/01 13:36, 4F

05/01 13:39, , 5F
05/01 13:39, 5F

05/01 13:55, , 6F
05/01 13:55, 6F

05/01 13:56, , 7F
05/01 13:56, 7F

05/01 13:59, , 8F
05/01 13:59, 8F

05/01 14:12, , 9F
沒錯,那段我多看了幾次 只有Laura是在歡呼Kyle滾了XD
05/01 14:12, 9F

05/01 14:18, , 10F
有規定有人淘汰 大家都得默哀三分鐘嗎?
05/01 14:18, 10F

05/01 14:32, , 11F
05/01 14:32, 11F

05/01 14:33, , 12F
05/01 14:33, 12F

05/01 14:55, , 13F
05/01 14:55, 13F

05/01 15:08, , 14F
05/01 15:08, 14F

05/01 15:18, , 15F
05/01 15:18, 15F

05/01 15:20, , 16F
05/01 15:20, 16F

05/01 15:27, , 17F
05/01 15:27, 17F

05/01 15:28, , 18F
05/01 15:28, 18F

05/01 15:40, , 19F
05/01 15:40, 19F

05/01 16:06, , 20F
OMG! Kyle本來超讚的! 真的像Kardashian!!!
05/01 16:06, 20F

05/01 16:37, , 21F
05/01 16:37, 21F

05/01 17:11, , 22F
05/01 17:11, 22F

05/01 17:23, , 23F
這季不少選手被大改造毀掉 你看愛寶妮整個變貧民窟辣妹..
05/01 17:23, 23F

05/01 18:59, , 24F
kyle b2的那兩周 頭髮梳起來就很漂亮
05/01 18:59, 24F

05/01 19:54, , 25F
果然Mariah最多朋友 :)
05/01 19:54, 25F

05/01 20:38, , 26F
Eboni的頭髮真的很糟 明明給她一個黑直髮就好結果亂改
05/01 20:38, 26F

05/01 20:39, , 27F
05/01 20:39, 27F

05/01 20:51, , 28F
05/01 20:51, 28F

05/01 20:52, , 29F
因為Laura版本感覺像是Laura在自衛的時候 泰迪熊放在床旁
05/01 20:52, 29F

05/01 20:53, , 30F
05/01 20:53, 30F

05/01 20:54, , 31F
05/01 20:54, 31F

05/01 20:59, , 32F
05/01 20:59, 32F

05/01 21:00, , 33F
所以其他女孩才會搶走泰迪熊 然後想把泰迪熊丟進水池洗澡
05/01 21:00, 33F

05/01 21:15, , 34F
05/01 21:15, 34F

05/01 21:15, , 35F
05/01 21:15, 35F

05/01 21:20, , 36F
05/01 21:20, 36F

05/01 21:25, , 37F
05/01 21:25, 37F

05/01 21:36, , 38F
05/01 21:36, 38F

05/01 21:46, , 39F
問題是.....要怎麼用泰迪熊自慰 ????? 不會很癢嗎?
05/01 21:46, 39F

05/01 23:41, , 40F
05/01 23:41, 40F

05/02 00:33, , 41F
Mariah 跟 Laura/Sophie 不是不太合!?
05/02 00:33, 41F

05/02 00:53, , 42F
Laura只是歇斯底里 比不上 爆走臭臉女王Molly+粗話蘿拉
05/02 00:53, 42F

05/02 11:00, , 43F
05/02 11:00, 43F

05/02 11:55, , 44F
05/02 11:55, 44F

05/02 13:52, , 45F
05/02 13:52, 45F

05/02 13:53, , 46F
05/02 13:53, 46F

05/02 16:47, , 47F
05/02 16:47, 47F

05/02 16:48, , 48F
05/02 16:48, 48F

05/02 17:11, , 49F
文眼:用泰迪熊___ Kyle這報復好強大XD
05/02 17:11, 49F

05/02 17:37, , 50F
Mariah真的是這屆維幾個有high fashion的臉 莫名被淘汰
05/02 17:37, 50F

05/02 17:46, , 51F
05/02 17:46, 51F

05/02 17:56, , 52F
前幾周開始就不太喜歡laura 太妹一個
05/02 17:56, 52F

05/02 20:34, , 53F
05/02 20:34, 53F
※ 編輯: TitanChao 來自: (05/03 00:44)

05/03 00:54, , 54F
05/03 00:54, 54F

05/03 01:34, , 55F
我也愛mariah 一看到mairah的臉就愛上了 我很難得因
05/03 01:34, 55F

05/03 01:35, , 56F
為臉而愛上 然後kyle是第一眼就想要他走==(也是第一
05/03 01:35, 56F

05/03 01:35, , 57F
05/03 01:35, 57F

05/03 01:46, , 58F
Kyle我第一眼就覺得是雜魚 XDDD 後來表現評審也有點過譽
05/03 01:46, 58F

05/03 01:47, , 59F
05/03 01:47, 59F

05/03 01:50, , 60F
mariah是那位印地安女孩嗎 照片很普通囧 沒愛
05/03 01:50, 60F

05/03 01:52, , 61F
我對Kyle跟Laura的照片一直都無感 但是討厭Laura的為人
05/03 01:52, 61F

05/03 09:25, , 62F
因為我現在只看到第三集 目前KYLE表現我覺得還可以
05/03 09:25, 62F

05/03 09:26, , 63F
但第三輯有進步的感覺 (我比較期待laura到底會變怎樣
05/03 09:26, 63F

05/03 12:32, , 64F
Kyle看現場感覺拍照能力還好 但成果拍出來都還算是佳作
05/03 12:32, 64F

05/03 14:14, , 65F
比較想看Kyle用大改造前的黑髮造型參賽, 改造後真的打折!
05/03 14:14, 65F

05/03 23:21, , 66F
05/03 23:21, 66F

05/03 23:22, , 67F
JC卡? 好像有聽別人說過
05/03 23:22, 67F

05/03 23:32, , 68F
對對對 好像就是Jessica!
05/03 23:32, 68F

05/03 23:36, , 69F
05/03 23:36, 69F

05/04 00:05, , 70F
05/04 00:05, 70F

05/04 00:07, , 71F
05/04 00:07, 71F

05/04 00:12, , 72F
05/04 00:12, 72F

05/04 00:16, , 73F
05/04 00:16, 73F

05/04 11:25, , 74F
Kyle跟Jessica差很多 完全聯想不起來 Jessica大勝
05/04 11:25, 74F

05/04 11:26, , 75F
Jessica適合當演員 不適合當MODEL
05/04 11:26, 75F

05/04 11:26, , 76F
Jessica本人很漂亮 可是照片加上化妝以後反而還好...囧
05/04 11:26, 76F

05/04 11:27, , 77F
Kyle我最喜歡戴帽子那一集的照片 背影走回去好HF XD
05/04 11:27, 77F

05/04 12:31, , 78F
05/04 12:31, 78F
文章代碼(AID): #1Fdsc0Vb (NextTopModel)