Re: [消息] Elyse在台灣

看板NextTopModel作者 (屠嬌嬌)時間15年前 (2009/05/12 12:45), 編輯推噓7(701)
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Elyse 網誌上關於台北的描述:-) 在此翻譯一下,盡量精準,但有些我也看不懂XD 原文: --- As expected, Taipei has yielded up some good gems. We have a lot to talk about. 如同期待,台北有一些特殊之處,很多可以講的東西。 The other day, my friend described electronically-translated, no-sense-making Chinese menus as "poetic." Huh. I always just thought of them as "hilarious," but I guess I can try to see it his way. Lo, the unconscious poetry of dim sum in the night market: 另外,我朋友描述那些電子翻譯的、沒任何sense的中文菜單像詩。 呃,我只是覺得他們可笑,但我可以理解朋友的思考模式。 以下是一些黃昏夜市裡的不經意的詩句。 I took this pic because it seems like a term of endearment. Sugar Paste Pie, text me! 我看著這個圖因為他看起來像表達愛意的詞:糖衣派, 送這樣的簡訊給我吧。>/////< It's really hot here and my appetite has been for the birds. The fact that I've consumed approximately 30oz of Slurpee per day is probably not helping. Nevertheless, I valiantly went toe to toe with a classic Taiwanese oyster pancake last night: 這裡很熱我食欲很小。我喝了約莫30 oz的思樂冰大概沒甚麼幫助。 不只如此,我昨晚勇敢地跟著朋友去吃台灣的蚵仔煎。 It was oysters and eggs in an elastic flour pancake, cooked on a griddle, with a sweet/spicy red gravy on top. I imagine if I'd been freezing and starving, this would have been transcendent. As it was, I was feeling hot and greasy and promptly got the hiccups. NTD40=US$1.21. 那是牡蠣和蛋放在彈性麵衣上面,在煎鍋上煎,有甜辣、紅色的沾醬在上面。 我想像著如果我又冷又餓這大概會超好吃,但我當時覺得又熱又黏又沒甚麼食欲。 Confidential to four-wheelers considering a holiday in a Far Eastern metropolis: there are WAY more people whippin' around Taipei in wheelchairs than I have noticed in any other Asian city. Intending to mention this in my LJ, I asked this family if I could take their picture... 四輪車的出沒是遠東大都市假日的指標: 這裡有「超多」人坐輪椅行動,比其他亞洲城市多。 為了要在我的live journal中提到這個,我就問這個家庭能不能讓我拍照~ ...then turned around and saw this custom wheelchair-accessible scooter parked just a few meters down the street. 轉身我就瞧見這個輪椅踏板放在離我數公尺遠的街上。 Brimming with Slurpee, I could not possibly have drunk this. I didn't buy it. Regret! 喝飽思樂冰,我就喝不下這些了。沒買很後悔! Lemon jelly, served in a plastic cup with a fat straw. 檸檬果凍,裝在塑膠碗中並給一根大吸管。 I was thoroughly lost and in a blind rage for a good half hour last night. Taipei is short on street signs and long on disparate romanizations of street names (Chongqing on the map, Chungching on the sign, etc). The only thing that made me feel better was stumbling upon a huge Confucian temple with this excellent altar inside: 我昨晚真的徹底迷失並盲目地感到憤怒。台北的街道標示都很簡短,又有很長的羅馬 拼音的名字。(地圖上是Chongqinp,標示上是Chungching等等) 讓我唯一覺得好一點的是在孔子廟中佇足並看到這個漂亮的祭壇。 I have more to show you, more to tell you. But I can't stay out of my posh hotel bed for even one minute longer. The thing is a fucking silken sleep-dreadnought. It makes my hoveland cot feel like a wack undersized manger full of rancid burlap. God! 我有更多想秀的照片,想說的話。 但我再也無法從我優雅的絲綢床上起身了,這東西真的太好睡。 這讓我家裡的床顯得又小又臭布料又粗,天啊。 (註:我隱約覺得hoveland應該是homeland?!字典整個查不到…) -- 幫我點一下嘛。>////< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: harms 來自: (05/12 12:47)

05/12 12:53, , 1F
05/12 12:53, 1F

05/12 13:09, , 2F
05/12 13:09, 2F

05/12 14:15, , 3F
她居然拍了宅宅界最夯的女神 可是我覺得Elyse殺比較大
05/12 14:15, 3F

05/12 14:22, , 4F
05/12 14:22, 4F

05/12 19:28, , 5F
05/12 19:28, 5F

05/13 02:22, , 6F
有瑤瑤 >////////<
05/13 02:22, 6F

05/13 12:25, , 7F
她有來我家附近耶 但她拍的那個是在保安宮不是孔子廟呀
05/13 12:25, 7F

05/16 00:53, , 8F
05/16 00:53, 8F
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文章代碼(AID): #1A2FxpF- (NextTopModel)