Re: [官網] Ni strong in American debut for Tigers

看板NeedFood作者 (還是當學生好啊... (茶))時間15年前 (2009/02/26 20:57), 編輯推噓2(203)
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大致翻一下 英文不好所以翻個大概 XD 有錯請指證 ^^ 要逐句翻的話請高手幫忙 ^^b ※ 引述《Arcadia06 (陳金鋒,謝謝你)》之銘言: : 02/25/09 8:38 PM EST By Jason Beck / : Ni strong in American debut for Tigers : Non-roster reliever gets through inning quickly to earn win 阿倪在美國初登板表現強勢 以後援投手的身分 很快的就投完一局並拿到勝利 ( Non-roster 我不知道中文該用什麼詞會比較簡短又清楚 總之指的是他目前不算是大聯盟的球員 <-- 這是大聯盟的春訓和熱身賽 阿倪是受邀來參加的 ) : LAKELAND, Fla. -- Tigers relief hopeful Fu-Te Ni received a nice little : traveling gift Wednesday. Before he leaves Thursday to join the Chinese : Taipei team in preparation for the World Baseball Classic, he picked up : a win in his first appearance in an American uniform. : Ni entered Detroit's Spring Training opener Wednesday with a tie in the : eighth inning. He quickly retired the side in order on five pitches before : Ramon Santiago's RBI single in the bottom of the inning pulled the Tigers : ahead for good. 阿倪週三在參加經典賽前拿到了個不錯的小禮物 -- 他穿著美國球隊的球衣 首次拿到了勝投 週三的熱身賽中 阿倪在八局雙方平手時上場 只用五球就很快的解決這局 下半局隊友的一壘安打使得老虎隊拿下勝利 : "I was tickled for him," manager Jim Leyland said. : Ni, for his part, didn't make too much of it. However, he indicated through : his interpreter, the experience should help him adjust quickly when he : returns from the Classic. 總教練 Jim Leyland說他為阿倪感到開心 但阿倪本身沒有太多表示 阿倪透過翻譯表示 這次的經驗將有助於他在經典賽後迅速調整狀況 : Ni noted the size of the crowd at Joker Marchant Stadium, announced at : 6,086, bigger than the attendance he would see at an average game in : the Chinese Professional Baseball League in his native Taiwan. : "Compared with Taiwan, there are very many baseball fans here," his : interpreter said. : That did not, he said, make his nervous. : "No," his interpreter said. "He just concentrated on the game. 阿倪注意到球場觀眾人數為6,086人 比他在CPBL時的平均觀眾人數要多得多 ( 囧... ) 阿倪說 " 這裡觀眾比台灣多很多 " 但這並不會使他因此感到緊張 " 他只是全神貫注於場上的比賽 " : Ni, a non-roster invitee to Tigers camp, is trying to become the first : player to go from the CPBL straight to the Majors, though the success : of other relievers in camp makes his odds seemingly longer. He signed : with the Tigers over the offseason with the understanding that he would : take part in the Classic, where he's expected to be a key pitcher for : Chinese Taipei. 阿倪是受邀來參加春訓的非大聯盟正式球員 正設法成為第一位直接由CPBL跳到大聯盟打球的選手 雖然其他後援投手的良好狀況讓阿倪目前的機會看起來比較少 他跟老虎隊簽約的時候就告知會參加經典賽 而且他也被視為成為中華隊的主力投手 : Their stay in the Classic, however, is not expected to last past the : opening round, barring an upset. They're part of Pool A along with : Japan, which won the inaugural World Baseball Classic in 2006, and : Korea, which won the gold medal at last year's Olympics. Play in : that pool, which takes place at the Tokyo Dome, begins March 5 and : runs through March 9. : *Jason Beck is a reporter for This story was not subject to the : approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. : from: 老虎官網 但是除非有爆冷門的情況出現 中華隊通過經典賽第一輪的機會不大 ( 囧 again.. ) 中華隊被分在A組 跟上屆WBC冠軍日本隊 以及去年奧運金牌--韓國隊同一組 A組 3/5 ~ 3/9 在東京巨蛋比賽 -- 最後一段該說是中肯嗎 Orz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Midiya 來自: (02/26 20:58)

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感謝指證 來改一下 XD
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※ 編輯: Midiya 來自: (02/26 22:07)

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※ 編輯: Midiya 來自: (02/26 23:19)

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