[閒聊] 愛荷華小姐星期五來主場開球

看板Nationals作者 (有誰在高山銀行)時間14年前 (2010/07/31 00:11), 編輯推噓4(401)
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被巴佬開玩笑惹火的愛荷華小姐,接受了老巴送花道歉,而且今晚球隊將邀請他 到主場開球,當然接球的由男主角" 假 "環球先生 Batista 擔任。雖然球隊說 不排除更換人選,但這一切有如套好招一樣戲劇化。 Katherine Connors, aka Miss Iowa 2010, will throw out the ceremonial first pitch before tomorrow night's game at Nationals Park. The Nats haven't confirmed the appearance, but Connors announced the news on Twitter this afternoon, posting: "It's official - headed to Washington DC to throw out the first pitch at the Washington Nationals game tomorrow night!!!" Connors' appearance in the District will come three days after Nationals reliever Miguel Batista compared himself to her upon serving as the last-minute replacement for injured starter Stephen Strasburg. Many among the sellout crowd booed when Batista took the mound in the top of the first inning. "Imagine, if you go there to see Miss Universe and you end up having Miss Iowa, you might get those kind of boos," Batista said. The quote was widely circulated and made its way back to Connors, who then told the Des Moines Register: "I know I can throw a pitch or two! The question is, can Miguel Batista walk the runway in a swimsuit?" Batista subsequently clarified that his quote wasn't meant to insult Miss Iowa and sent her flowers. The 39-year-old reliever will catch Connors' ceremonial throw tomorrow and hopes he makes a good impression on her. "Hopefully by the end of the day, when she goes back to Iowa, she says something good about us," Batista said. "Hopefully something like, 'Hey, he was a cool guy. He looks like a low-budget Vin Diesel, but he's nice." [聯晚] 嗆完老巴 愛荷華小姐幫國民開球 【聯合晚報╱特約記者吳意政/綜合報導】 2010.07.30 03:01 pm 果然,整起事件越來越讓人有「別有用心」的感覺。只是這一次,應該不會再聽到 噓聲了,因為是貨真價實的愛荷華小姐「本尊」要登板投球! 國民隊投手巴提斯塔前天一席把自己比喻為愛荷華小姐的發言,餘波盪漾,昨天愛 荷華小姐凱瑟琳‧康諾絲發表聲明回嗆老巴,「要投棒球我也可以,但你能穿泳衣 走伸展台嗎?」 老巴覺得很冤,認為是媒體曲解他的意思,並表示他會請專人送一大束花給康諾絲 表達歉意。顯然這招很管用,康諾絲不但接受了道歉,甚至馬上在個人推特上宣布 ,她明天將前往國民主場開球,她真的會投球,請球迷拭目以待。也讓人感覺國民 隊打鐵趁熱的手腳還真夠快。 最樂的莫過於老巴本人,還興高采烈地表示他會擔任康諾絲的開球捕手,儘管球隊 在新聞稿上表示「開球捕手有更換的可能。」 但相信老巴說什麼也不肯讓位,一副自己是男主角的不二人選,甚至自我幻想,「 真希望她會說,『天啊!他好酷喔,他看起來就像是山寨版的馮迪索,但他是一個 好人。』」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: VaROne 來自: (07/31 00:12)

07/31 00:13, , 1F
07/31 00:13, 1F

07/31 03:31, , 2F
老巴高招,期待當天的開球儀式 XD
07/31 03:31, 2F

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07/31 04:15, 3F

07/31 10:57, , 4F
07/31 10:57, 4F

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07/31 12:35, 5F
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