[外電] Inbox: Who will fill right-field job?

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Inbox: Who will fill right-field job? Beat reporter Bill Ladson answers Nats fans' questions By Bill Ladson / MLB.com 03/25/10 9:10 PM ET Why don't the Nationals give Roger Bernadina a chance to win the right-field job?-- Ryan K., Carlisle, Pa. I'm not going to sugarcoat this. Either give Willie Harris the job outright or go out and acquire a right fielder who can drive in runs. To tell you the truth, I find it hard to believe the Nationals are going with the platoon situation they are planning. With the exception of Harris, none of the other candidates have proven that they want the job. I believe general manager Mike Rizzo will sign a free agent or make a trade before Opening Day. Q:關於先發右外野手競爭的人選,為何國民隊不給 Roger Bernadina 一些機會? A:我不打算去粉飾這一點。我覺得要么不是直接就讓 Willie Harris 頂替,不然就是 重新對外尋找一位能夠把壘上跑者打回來的右外野手。事實上,我實在很難相信國民隊 正計畫用這種陣容進行季賽。除了 Harris 以外,完全沒有其他任何一位候選人可以 證明他們真正想要得到這份工作,因為他們在春訓都打得爛透了!我相信 Mike Rizzo 應該會趕在開幕之前去簽下一位某位自由球員或是利用交易換來我們所需要的選手。 Is Ian Desmond an option to be the everyday right fielder? -- William B., Silver Spring, Md. There is no chance Desmond will play right field. He will play every day as a shortstop in the Majors or Minor Leagues in 2010. Q:國民隊會讓 Ian Desmond 去先發守右外野嗎? A:不要再幻想了。今年 Desmond 不管最後是在大聯盟先發還是被下放到小聯盟都 絕對會天天上場擔任游擊手。 Why do you like Livan Hernandez so much? Is it because he can eat innings? --Michael P., Winchester, Va. I feel Hernandez gives a great effort every time he is on the mound. He also helps himself with the bat. Since I've been on the Nationals/Expos beat, Hernandez is the best pitcher I've covered -- by far -- followed by Chad Cordero. Q:為什麼你這麼喜歡 Livan Hernandez?只因為他能夠幫我們吃局數? A:我感覺到每次當 Hernandez 站上投手丘時,他總是全力以赴。同時他在打擊方面 不錯的表現更幫助他受到重視。他可說是自從我待在國民隊/博覽會隊以來,迄今 為止所報導過的最好的投手,其次則是 Chad Cordero。 How did you feel about Rizzo releasing Elijah Dukes last week? -- John R., Washington I have mixed emotions because I like Dukes a lot, but I have to side with Rizzo on this one. Dukes' baseball skills were eroding. Everybody in Spring Training could see it. Did Dukes do something wrong in the clubhouse? I don't know, because the team is not talking about it. If he did something wrong, Dukes knew not to cross Rizzo. Here's what Dukes said to me about Rizzo in January: "He knows what it takes to get me to shut up and play. He would say, 'Stop making excuses and just play.' He said, 'I'm not going to baby you. You know how I feel about you. I love you to death, but I'm going to treat you like you are a grown man.' I was like, 'All right, I can't really try to step over that line. I can't even flex it a little bit.' He let me know that he is going to treat me like everybody else." Q:你對於 Rizzo 在上個禮拜無條件釋出 Elijah Dukes 一事作何感想? A:對於這件事情我實在是百感交集。我非常、非常喜歡 Dukes,然而我還是選擇跟 Rizzo 站在同一陣線。Dukes 他的技巧逐漸在退步,這項事實在春訓期間任何人 都看的非常清楚。 當然你會想問是不是 Dukes 在球隊裡犯了什麼非常嚴重的過錯? 老實講我並不清楚,因為理所當然球團方面不會對外去談這些事情。如果 Dukes 真的出了什麼事情,我認為他也不會去怪罪 Rizzo。以下是在今年1月 Dukes 對我 提到 Rizzo 時他所說的: 「他(指 Rizzo)非常清楚要如何才能讓我閉嘴,以及如何讓我好好發揮。」 「他說:『不要再找藉口了,請你專心好好打球』。」 「他說:『我不想要像照顧一個嬰兒似的照顧你,你知道我對你是怎麼想的。 我一向對你呵護倍至,不過我已經決定要把你當成是一個大人一樣的對待你。』」 「他接著說:『好吧,我想我也不應該打破這個規矩,我甚至不應該有一點通融。』」 「他讓我瞭解到我必須和其他人一樣努力競爭才有辦法進入這支球隊。 Do you think the Nationals should pursue outfielder Jermaine Dye, who is still a free agent? -- Andrew L., Fredericksburg, Va. I think they should make a run for him, because he has power and will drive in runs. From what I heard from people in the know, Dye is a great person in the clubhouse. However, the only way Dye is coming to Washington is if the club can get him at a reasonable price. The Nationals will not break the bank for him. Q:你覺得國民隊應該對 Jermaine Dye 出手嗎? A:我認為他們應該這樣做,他是個有長打能力的選手,而且還能夠打回壘包上的跑者。 到目前為止依據我從別人那裡聽來的消息,我所知道的 Dye 在球隊中可說是一個很 偉大的人物。然而,Dye 加入華盛頓國民唯一的可能就是我們願意出一個他所能接受 的價格,然而國民隊不可能會不計代價也要得到他。 What are your thoughts on Garrett Mock now? Last year, you weren't convinced about his performance when everyone was saying he had monster stuff. -- Alex C., Montreal I see a change in Mock this year. I like the fact that he is not walking hitters nor coming up with excuses when things go wrong on the mound. I'm expecting him to be a major player in the rotation this year. He will have his ups and downs, but I expect more ups this year because of the way he is throwing and the attitude adjustment. Q:你現在對於 Garrett Mock 有什麼樣的想法?去年當每個人都驚嘆他擁有如同怪物般 的stuff時,而你卻並不相信他的表現。 A:今年我看到 Mock 在某些方面的確有所改變。他絕不輕易保送打者,同時也不會為 自己在投手丘上的表現不佳而找藉口,我十分期待他能夠在今年成為一位真正的 大聯盟選手。他一定會碰到高低潮,但看到他在投球型態和態度上的調整,我期許 他今年能夠經常把狀況維持在高檔。 The Nationals didn't waste time signing Mike MacDougal after he was released by the Marlins. What are his chances of him being on the 25-man roster? -- Billy C., Washington I say it's 50-50 he makes the club. Let's see how he does the next 10 games. You hope he makes it based on what he did last year. I thought he did an 1;37above-average job as the closer. Q:當 Mike MacDougal 被馬林魚隊釋出之後,國民隊可說是不敢浪費一絲時間,火速 就把 MacDougal 重新簽回來。他有機會留在25人正式名單嗎? A:我只能說機率一半一半,還是先讓我們看看未來10場比賽他投得如何再說。你會希望 看到的 MacDougal 是去年的那個 MacDougal。我認為他在身為一名終結者的表現上 可說是擁有平均水準之上的成績。 原文:http://0rz.tw/VqrC3 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/26 17:45, , 1F
簽DYE 先發外野手問題跟打擊火力問題都解決了
03/26 17:45, 1F

03/26 17:45, , 2F
在the show中dye真的是我的右外野手^^
03/26 17:45, 2F

03/26 18:47, , 3F
03/26 18:47, 3F

03/26 18:48, , 4F
03/26 18:48, 4F

03/26 19:13, , 5F
03/26 19:13, 5F

03/26 19:14, , 6F
03/26 19:14, 6F

03/26 22:08, , 7F
03/26 22:08, 7F

03/26 22:36, , 8F
話說V大對找 Dye 加入球隊這件事是怎麼想的呢?
03/26 22:36, 8F

03/26 22:39, , 9F
followed by是"其次"的意思, 他認為最好是Liván Hernández
03/26 22:39, 9F

03/26 22:40, , 10F
其次是Chad Cordero
03/26 22:40, 10F

03/26 22:40, , 11F
03/26 22:40, 11F

03/26 22:43, , 12F
喔喔!!多謝~話說 leddy 大竟然也會來逛國民版阿:)
03/26 22:43, 12F
※ 編輯: s9527206 來自: (03/27 01:48)

03/27 15:14, , 13F
03/27 15:14, 13F

03/27 19:23, , 14F
03/27 19:23, 14F
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