[情報] Dunn trying to take next step at fir …

看板Nationals作者 (悠)時間14年前 (2010/02/26 11:01), 編輯推噓15(15017)
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官網新聞 http://0rz.tw/ptgjF 第一次翻譯,很多地方翻的不是很順,有些地方我自己也有點懷疑。 希望可以多多請教,就算是抱怨也歡迎, 這樣至少讓我知道自己的問題在哪, 像是翻譯錯誤,文章不通順等等都可以~ VIERA, Fla. -- If they want to play winning baseball in 2010, the Nationals must improve their defense from a season ago,when they ranked 30th in the Major Leagues after committing 143 errors. 如果我們今年希望可以贏球,那就必須改進我們的防守才行。去年我們整個球季 失誤了143次,倒數第一(囧) It's up to Adam Dunn to make sure he does his part with the glove. For the first time in his 10-year career,Dunn will start the season as the everyday first baseman. 不意外的,蛋哥必須顧好他防守的區域。 本季將是蛋哥10年生涯以來第一次擔任全職先發一壘手 An outfielder by trade, Dunn started 2009 as Washington's regular left fielder. He made five errors in 62 games,but that doesn't tell the whole story. He had problems judging fly balls and suffered with a below-average throwing arm. 去年和國民隊簽約來到這裡以後,蛋哥成為先發的左外野手, 不過62場比賽就發生了5次失誤。更糟的是蛋哥判斷飛球落點的能力不是很好, 同時他的臂力只在平均以下。 Dunn was later switched to first base after the team traded Nick Johnson to the Marlins on July 31. The experiment was a mixed bag for Dunn. 在去年季中交易了Nick Johnson之後,蛋哥隨即移防到一壘,這項嘗試對蛋哥來說 有好有壞。 While he caught balls thrown to him and scooped balls in the dirt,Dunn had serious problems going to his sides on ground balls and catching popups. For the season, Dunn played in 67 games at the position and made eight errors. 當蛋哥在接其他內野手的傳球,或是撈那些反彈球時,他遇到了很嚴重的問題; 那些打者打到他防區的滾地球或是內野高飛球也讓他遇到了些麻煩。 今年球季,蛋哥在一壘的67場比賽發生了8次失誤。 Dunn acknowledged that he needs to improve his footwork around the bag. 蛋哥:我不是故意的啦~不過我承認我必須要努力改進我在壘包附近移動時的腳步 "The main thing about last year was getting used to being on that side of the field," said Dunn who has played 194 games at first base during his career. "Even when I played right field, it's just totally, totally different. That took about three weeks to feel normal at first base.I'm not going to sit there and say I'm going to be the best ever, but I'm not going to be the worst. 蛋哥生涯一共守過194場一壘。 "最主要的原因是去年那段時間我已經習慣左外野了,而且這中間我還守過右外野, 那種感覺完全,完全不同。我大概花了3個星期才找回守一壘的感覺, 我不會說我會成為最好的球員,但我也不會讓自己變成是最差的那個" "Nick got traded, [and then] you're going to play first. I'd worked over there .... You can work on it, but we had, what,30 minutes to work on it a day? And then you're in the game. You didn't want to get the head spinning; I'm already thinking a mile a minute.[In Spring Training], you're going to get six weeks of nothing but first base and learn it. It'll be good." 蛋哥繼續解釋: "Nick被交易了,「然後」你就被迫第一次去守那裡。我移防去守一壘...任何人當然都可 以去守一壘,但你不可能一天只工作30分鐘。而且你是在比賽,你不會想要站著發昏。 我現在就連走路都在思考這件事。而現在春訓即將要開始了,你可以有6個禮拜的時間 去適應,並且去學習該怎麼做。這將會是很好的一件事。" Dunn has taken steps to improve his footwork around the bag. He took up Jiu-jitsu this offseason to help him with his flexibility and stamina.Since arriving at Spring Training more than a week ago,Dunn has been working hard with quality control coach Tim Foli and third-base coach Pat Listach on his footwork. 蛋哥已經開始採取行動去改進他在壘包附近的步法,還特地在球季結束後去學習"柔術", 來幫祝他提高靈活度和耐力。在離春訓還有一個星期以上才開始之前,蛋哥一直努力和 教練Tim Foli和三壘教練Pat Listach訓練他的步法。 (quality control coach...這個名詞我不知道怎麼翻,該翻成體能教練嗎?) "I've taken a lot [of ground balls]. I don't know how many," Dunn said. "I don't even want to throw a number.It's just more learning, showing me how to get ready. I didn't even know what foot to take the first step with, to lead with,because I'm so used to being on the left side of the field.It's the opposite, you know?" "我接了很多的滾地球,多到我記不住有多少",蛋哥說 "我也不會隨便說我究竟是接了一千顆還是一萬顆這種數字, 我只是更拼命的去學習,並且告訴我自己我已經準備好了!" "我的腳有時候甚至會不自覺的踏出去,只因為我已經習慣守左外野了, 而守左外野和守一壘是完全相反的。" Dunn is a free agent after this season. While people see him as a future designated hitter in the American League,Dunn believes he will remain in the National League. Dunn and the Nationals are already talking about a contract extension. 蛋哥在這個球季結束之後將成為自由球員,很多人認為蛋哥未來可能會轉到美聯去當DH, 不過蛋哥認為他依舊會留在國聯,甚至已經開始談續約的事情了。 "I've been hearing [about being a DH] since I was 24. I'm still in the National League somehow," Dunn said. "That's people's opinion.I really don't care what people think. If I wanted to play in the American League, I would have played in the American League.That's something I'm not interested in doing." "我24歲的時候就聽說過很多人討論過這個可能性,但不知道為什麼我現在還是在這裡。" "這是其他人的想法,我不會去在乎他們是怎麼想的。" "如果我想去美聯打球,我早就去了,可惜我沒興趣" ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 蛋哥揪甘心Q Q~繼續留在國民吧~ 當然大家都很擔心蛋哥的守備,畢竟小王多少是靠隊友守備吃飯的 不過看完這篇之後,大家也對蛋哥多點信心吧! Let's go Nationals! 最後,感謝kimifort大和KennyKuo大的幫助, 真的是非常感謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: s9527206 來自: (02/26 11:12)

02/26 11:05, , 1F
02/26 11:05, 1F

02/26 11:09, , 2F
mix bag可能是指這樣的安排是針對Adam而來的「試驗」
02/26 11:09, 2F

02/26 11:12, , 3F
02/26 11:12, 3F

02/26 11:13, , 4F
我看到的是在追逐ground ball和接popup時有很大的問題
02/26 11:13, 4F

02/26 11:13, , 5F
02/26 11:13, 5F

02/26 11:14, , 6F
02/26 11:14, 6F
※ 編輯: s9527206 來自: (02/26 11:21)

02/26 11:16, , 7F
自白的部份是說 他太習慣守外野 甚至還守了右外野
02/26 11:16, 7F

02/26 11:16, , 8F
02/26 11:16, 8F

02/26 11:17, , 9F
02/26 11:17, 9F

02/26 11:19, , 10F
說錯了 自白那句應該是說守RF那次讓他花了三週才找回1B
02/26 11:19, 10F

02/26 11:19, , 11F
02/26 11:19, 11F

02/26 11:21, , 12F
30分鐘那段應該全部翻錯了 不過我不知道那30分鐘是指什麼
02/26 11:21, 12F

02/26 11:22, , 13F
情況的30分鐘 所以沒辦法給建議
02/26 11:22, 13F

02/26 11:22, , 14F
啊啊...果然問題很多啊= ="
02/26 11:22, 14F

02/26 11:23, , 15F
02/26 11:23, 15F

02/26 11:24, , 16F
02/26 11:24, 16F
※ 編輯: s9527206 來自: (02/26 11:35)

02/26 11:25, , 17F
showing翻成告訴我自己 他那段在辯解他太習慣LF所以踏錯
02/26 11:25, 17F

02/26 11:27, , 18F
02/26 11:27, 18F

02/26 11:27, , 19F
02/26 11:27, 19F

02/26 11:28, , 20F
還好 很多都是無傷大雅的小錯誤
02/26 11:28, 20F

02/26 11:28, , 21F
02/26 11:28, 21F
※ 編輯: s9527206 來自: (02/26 11:44) ※ 編輯: s9527206 來自: (02/26 11:59)

02/26 11:53, , 22F
02/26 11:53, 22F
※ 編輯: s9527206 來自: (02/26 12:12) ※ 編輯: s9527206 來自: (02/26 12:24) ※ 編輯: s9527206 來自: (02/26 12:47)

02/26 12:36, , 23F
Ladson 文章向來簡單易懂,適合初學者閱讀。
02/26 12:36, 23F

02/26 14:51, , 24F
02/26 14:51, 24F

02/26 15:23, , 25F
02/26 15:23, 25F

02/26 16:05, , 26F
歡迎原po加入國民板翻譯員陣容:p 以後就一起來翻外電吧~
02/26 16:05, 26F

02/26 16:18, , 27F
02/26 16:18, 27F

02/26 16:20, , 28F
02/26 16:20, 28F

02/26 20:18, , 29F
02/26 20:18, 29F

02/26 23:41, , 30F
02/26 23:41, 30F

02/27 00:12, , 31F
他臂力怎麼會不強? 高中可是美足明星四分衛
02/27 00:12, 31F

03/02 12:17, , 32F
03/02 12:17, 32F
文章代碼(AID): #1BXpcCPy (Nationals)