Re: [閒聊] 春季閒聊文已刪文

看板Nadal作者 (chy6925)時間11月前 (2023/05/05 07:56), 編輯推噓-4(041)
留言5則, 5人參與, 11月前最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
There are still some COVID-19 cases in Taiwan. Are you afraid ? I already finished the 5th dose of vaccine. AZ/AZ/MODERNA/MODERNA/MODERNA I just read your article on ALLTOGETHER. I have a feeling that you are a nice lady so write you mail. Let me introduce myself: Male 69/11/25 Place: Taipei Job: Doctor in hospital. Hobbies: Reading, swimming, Jazz, coffee, travel and investment I type English faster than Chinese. I prefer long-term stable relationship. Everyone needs a faithful partner inth e world. You can reply in Chinese. I can read it, don't worry! It would be my honor to be your friend. Hope I can hear from you soon. Kevin :) ※ 引述《a111156987 (燈泡)》之銘言: : 餓死抬頭 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

05/05 10:06, 11月前 , 1F
05/05 10:06, 1F

05/05 11:23, 11月前 , 2F
05/05 11:23, 2F

05/05 11:48, 11月前 , 3F
05/05 11:48, 3F

05/05 12:11, 11月前 , 4F
Hi Kevin! I'm not interested in you.
05/05 12:11, 4F

05/05 23:38, 11月前 , 5F
Haha so funny XD
05/05 23:38, 5F
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