Re: [新聞] 蠻牛三霸印地安泉 生涯600勝達陣

看板Nadal作者 (凹嗚)時間11年前 (2013/03/27 19:31), 編輯推噓24(2401)
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前面推文有人在問說,IW決賽賽後Rafa跑去握手的黑衣草帽男是誰: 推: Rafa奪冠後跑去跟一位黑衣草帽男握手,那是誰啊?謝謝~ 03/18 13:22 推: 記得那是這個比賽的owner 03/18 13:22 推: Larry Ellison, 甲骨文的CEO 03/18 14:42 推: 這次的比賽他幾乎都有來看 新球場的開土儀式他也有參加 03/19 00:25 本來我也不知道他是Larry Ellison,後來聽主播講才知道XD 主播還說「他是Nadal的好朋友」?! 於是好奇地上網搜尋了一下, 結果發現好多有趣的料~~ 沒想到他竟然是個大豆迷XD 把我搜到的PO上來好了: ---- 先簡單介紹Larry Ellison: Larry Ellison,猶太人,1944年8月17日出生於美國紐約布朗克斯, 甲骨文公司(Oracle)的創始人和CEO。 根據2013年3月份福布斯雜誌最新的統計 他的個人淨資產為430億美金,居世界第5位。 ---- 2009年,Larry Ellison花了1億美金,買下印地安泉大師賽的權益, 以及印地安泉網球花園。 跟女友的一些看球照: ---- 2010年洛杉磯時報對Larry Ellison的專訪 : 他一周打五天網球,大多是在紅土球場(他家院子有一座紅土球場)。 他的球友是Tommy HaasJohn McEnroe。 自稱為Rafael Nadal的迷弟 XDDD 好老的迷弟! (Ellison, who calls himself a Rafael Nadal "fan boy," .....) Larry Ellison談到了2009年澳網決賽,說Rafa心地善良,贏了Roger卻難過不已, 眼中泛淚。還說想把Rafa抱走當自己兒子養~~ 「Rafa was so upset Roger had lost,」Ellison said. 「Rafa was really upset, he was almost in tears. As fierce as he is on the court, and no one fights harder than Rafa, he is even a nicer person.」 「Rafa is the kid you want to adopt. Roger seems like a man. Rafa is a big kid.」 ---- 2010年TENNIS Magazine的專訪 : Larry Ellison說Rafa一直是他的最愛: 「I could get myself in trouble with Roger [Federer] here, but I suppose my favorite tennis player of all time is Rafa [Nadal].」 球迷眼裡出西施? 「I don't think Rafa's a better tennis player than Roger, but I don't think that a greater athlete than Rafa has ever played tennis.」 稱讚Rafa運動能力卓越,能轉身270度反手扣殺,常人做不到這點, 也許Rafa已進入小貓咪的領域!?~~ That agility in the semifinal against Murray at Wimbledon, remember that spinning, 270-degree backhand overhead that he hit, you remember that, don't you? My cat can do that, but a human being can't do it. What the hell?」 ---- 2012年7月紐約時報的訪問 : 2012年印地安泉大師賽期間,Larry Ellison有私下約Rafa去他家打球: ....During this year's tournament in Indian Wells, Rafael Nadal stayed at Ellison's "place". 「I hit with him for an hour and a half the other day.」Ellison told The New York Times this year. 終極上旋球有多難接? Larry Ellison的親身體驗~~ 「The ball, when it hits the ground, people think it just kicks up high to Roger Federer's backhand. That's kind of not the problem. The problem is it kicks away from you sometimes, kicks towards you sometimes. It's really a difficult shot. He puts just massive amounts of spin, and he can obviously go very big. He's the best athlete to ever play tennis.」 ---- 這次IW比賽期間,Rafa照例有跟Larry Ellison敘舊約打球~ Rafa 3月11日的 Facebook: Today I played against a great friend. Thanks Larry, whenever you want we'll play again.(附超遠練球照一張\/) 3/11的賽訪: Q: I saw on social media you were maybe having a hit with Larry Ellison. I just want to know your thoughts on him and his contribution to the sport and this tournament. 問: 我看到你跟Larry Ellison一起打球了,談談他對這項運動與賽事的貢獻吧 RN: Yeah, is great, no? I played with him last year. I had the chance to play again yesterday a little bit with him. Always it's a really honor. He's improving a lot. His backhand improve especially a lot from last year, so that's great. He changed to Babolat racquet, so... (Laughter.) No, this tournament is a really pleasure. It means a lot for me, and especially for the tennis, have somebody like Larry who is supporting like this our sport. 豆: 我去年就跟他打過球了,昨天我們又有機會練了一下。 他進步很多,打得很好,尤其是反拍,比起去年真的進步超多。 他把球拍換成Babolat的了,所以....(笑) 我很開心有像Larry這樣的大人物如此支持網球這項運動。 Q: Did you talk to about tennis or business.. 問:你都跟他聊網球還是商業? RN: He knows more tennis I think than me. (Smiling.) No, yeah, we talked a lot about tennis, about many things. Both of us, we have a passion for the water, no, and we were able to talk for a while and to practice and we have new relationship. I really enjoy and say thank you very much to him personally from me what he did for his hospitality, for everything. Great. Every time that I am coming back here, have somebody like him here is great. Thank you for everything. 豆: 關於網球,他知道的比我還多咧(笑)。我們聊了很多網球,也談論許多 其他的話題,比如我們兩個都熱愛水上運動。一起聊天,又一起練球, 我們的友誼有了新的進展。他是如此慷慨,我真的非常感激他所做的 一切,讓我每次來到這裡時,都感到賓至如歸。 ---- 上面的賽訪提到,Larry Ellison跟Rafa都一樣熱愛水上運動, 話說他還差點因此喪命... "....Ellison喜歡航海,1998年他一次出海時幾乎喪命。那次,他駕駛愛艇 莎揚那拉號參加悉尼帆船比賽,途中一場突如其來的颶風使他奪冠的夢想 成為泡影,其中有6名水手喪生。Ellison回憶風暴過後清早見到日出的情形 時說:「天空呈琥珀色,那是一種藍、黃、綠色的一種混合色,船在憂鬱的 風笛聲中搖擺著,甲板上沒有人說話,每個人都仰望著天空,為自己能生還 感到驚訝。」到現在Ellison都留著紀念以前航海三天三夜的落腮鬍。" ---- 2011年印地安泉大師賽八強賽跟Karlovic的搶七:
看看07:1111:3013:35 Larry Ellison的表情...我只能說....迷弟無誤(蓋章) ---- 2012年印地安泉大師賽四強輸給Federer
1:48:35處,Larry Ellison的女友看起來很憂傷,感覺快哭出來了lol 可是我的費迷朋友說她決賽時戴著Federer的帽子,所以其實她很開心.../ \ 我也不清楚她是誰的粉絲XD 2012年IW決賽時她戴著Federer的帽子,身穿Nadal的外套 圖: 可能是兩人都喜歡~ ---- 最後,再來回顧一下這次Rafa奪冠後跑去跟Larry Ellison握手致意的畫面:
44:17處~ 感動啊~~ Larry Ellison 2009年11月買下印地安泉大師賽, 結果Rafa 2010年IW四強 輸給 Ljubicic 2011年IW決賽 輸給 Djokovic 2012年IW四強 輸給 Federer 今年終於再度拿到冠軍啦\(^▽^)/ 這是他在此賽事的第三座冠軍(2007、2009、2013) 印地安泉大師賽真的是Rafa表現最好的硬地賽事啊~~ Larry Ellison能親眼見證Rafa在這裡奪冠,應該覺得那一億美金花得很值得吧!哈哈XP -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/27 20:34, , 1F
03/27 20:34, 1F

03/27 20:48, , 2F
看轉播時不知道這典故也覺得他一定是豆迷 眼神太明顯了XD
03/27 20:48, 2F

03/27 21:40, , 3F
好有趣XDD 謝謝分享~~
03/27 21:40, 3F

03/27 22:23, , 4F
03/27 22:23, 4F

03/27 22:43, , 5F
03/27 22:43, 5F

03/27 22:46, , 6F
03/27 22:46, 6F
嘿嘿,樓上的大家不用客氣啊^^ 開心能分享一些你們不知道的資訊XD 對了,話說才在文中提到Larry Ellison的球友是Tommy Haas 結果Tommy Haas就應景(?)的爆冷Djo啦~~ 賽後Tommy Haas穿上外套,我眼尖發現外套上有牛角標誌?! 模糊的截圖 (莫非是Larry Ellison送他的嘛XDD) ※ 編輯: Eranieka 來自: (03/27 23:28)

03/28 00:19, , 7F
好有趣!!! 抱走是怎樣XDD  感謝分享:)
03/28 00:19, 7F

03/28 00:45, , 8F
推XD 太有趣了
03/28 00:45, 8F

03/28 05:34, , 9F
超級人生勝利組 金錢 美女 跟偶像打球當朋友...
03/28 05:34, 9F

03/28 07:04, , 10F
03/28 07:04, 10F

03/28 08:23, , 11F
這篇也太有趣了!!!! 感謝整理
03/28 08:23, 11F

03/28 09:27, , 12F
這篇寫得太好了 版主不M嗎??? XDD
03/28 09:27, 12F

03/28 12:06, , 13F
03/28 12:06, 13F

03/28 12:32, , 14F
03/28 12:32, 14F

03/28 14:26, , 15F
03/28 14:26, 15F

03/28 15:52, , 16F
推! 超級有錢人買的東西真是跟一般有錢人不同XD
03/28 15:52, 16F

03/28 22:29, , 17F
推原PO認真整理 感謝分享^^
03/28 22:29, 17F

03/29 04:04, , 18F
03/29 04:04, 18F

03/29 11:16, , 19F
Haas目前沒有球衣贊助商 可能他自己喜歡這外套的設計吧
03/29 11:16, 19F

03/29 13:08, , 20F
03/29 13:08, 20F

03/29 22:31, , 21F
03/29 22:31, 21F

03/30 13:35, , 22F
03/30 13:35, 22F

03/30 22:55, , 23F
03/30 22:55, 23F

03/30 23:34, , 24F
感謝整理 原來Larry是Rafa的大粉絲 難怪他那麼開心 XD
03/30 23:34, 24F

04/06 01:07, , 25F
04/06 01:07, 25F
文章代碼(AID): #1HKjYVgP (Nadal)
文章代碼(AID): #1HKjYVgP (Nadal)