Re: [閒聊] 有人今日也在Live chat嗎?

看板Nadal作者 (......)時間15年前 (2009/02/06 14:35), 編輯推噓26(26013)
留言39則, 20人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《JKBC (BlackCat)》之銘言: : 半夜一點五十就起來要login了,不過人實在爆多- -" : 光進chat room就等超久的,而且不知道為何遲遲沒辦法填問題,悶死了 : 不過有在線上看到Rafa的web cam,還算滿lucky的^^ 稍微翻譯了一下對話 大部分問題其實以前的Q&A都提過了 rafa真有耐心^^ moderator Welcome everybody ! moderator Chat will start in 30 minutes (測試!1 2 3 測試!1 2 3) 歡迎大家 Rafa聊天室將在30分鐘後開始 moderator Be patient !! moderator Rafa will here in 2 minutes 大家給點耐心啊~~(是要暴動了嗎 XD) Rafa 再2分鐘就來啦 -= Rafa =- Hola a todos !! -= Rafa =- I am very happy to share one hour with all of you my best fans ! 哈囉各位 接下來的一個小時很高興和你們在一起 我親愛的粉絲們 -= Rafa =- Holaaaaaa -= Rafa =- I am very happy to share one hour with all of you my best fans !Pre-registered question(Holly) HI Rafa, I'm wondering what you think your best characteristics are.What you like most about yourself. Thank you for all the great tennis! 嗨Rafa 請問你覺得自己最棒的特色是什麼 你最喜歡自己哪一部分呢 -= Rafa =- Well I dont know really. I dont normally talk about myself 呃...我不是很清楚耶 通常我不會去想這方面啦 Nadal46 hi, thanks for be here! as we all know you are an hard worker can I ask you how many hours do you practice in the day? 我們都知道你是一個刻苦勤勞的球員 你一天花多少時間練習呢 -= Rafa =- it all depends on what stage of the season -= Rafa =- pre season, 7 to 8 hours a day, during a tournament, if I am not playing that day, I practice twice 那要看賽季進行到什麼階段囉 賽季前7-8小時/天,賽季中的休兵日一天練兩次 orsi Rafa, who do you like most in the world of tennis? 你最喜歡的球員是...? -= Rafa =- I have a lot of respect for everybody, I have some friends like Feliciano Lopez, Carlos Moya,Pico Monaco 我對每個球員都很尊敬的 他們之中有些是我的朋友 像美人 莫大叔啦 還有 Pico Monaco都是 Pre-registered question(yoshikawa) In Japan when you come is the hottest topic. You know, Roger has come to Japan 3 times as a #1 player. So, could please come to Japan this year ? 現在在日本最夯的話題就是你什麼時候會來? Roger來3次了 你今年有可能嗎? -= Rafa =- you all know I like japanese food, so, that's also something to consider for me...but I don't really know if I will have the time to to go anytime soon 喔我好喜歡日本菜喔(Rafa在澳網期間到一家日式餐廳光顧了快十次) 去日本是個不錯的主意 如果我有時間就會去 (按:也順便來台灣吧 台灣也有很棒的海鮮跟香蕉喔 ^^) wozza91hey rafa, i love your tennis, its so exciting, i base my game on yours, what age did you realise you had a chance to make it professional in tennis? 我真喜歡看你打球 那總是讓我慾火..不不 是熱血沸騰 你是啥時決定要當職業球員的呢 -= Rafa =- I always loved to do sport, and was practicing hard when I was young; at some point I had to decide to do it professionaly and I think I was 12 y/o -= Rafa =-;) -= Rafa =-:E 我一直都喜歡運動(按:那為啥體育課會被當...orz) 當我還是一個小正太的時候我就 練球練的很勤了 大概在12歲時決定成為職業球員 tenacatita What do you feel during a break point against you? 在你的發球局快被破時你的想法...? -= Rafa =- I always go point by point and break point against is a always a special moment so I try to be very focused and especially very organized in my game 我總是一分一分打 在發球局快被破時我更加專心佈局來挽救 Pre-registered question(Juanfra) Why do you use the aeroprodrive? 為什麼要使用 aeroprodrive 這一型的拍子 -= Rafa =- I always liked this racket, it helps my game, it has a lot of power and I can better control my spin; for me, it's the perfect racquet 我很喜歡這支拍子 它讓我更有效的運用我的力量 更容易控制球的旋度 使用 他之後 屁屁變翹了 人變得更帥了 考試都得100分呢~~ !Filip you cry after you lose a match? 你輸掉比賽後會哭嗎? -= Rafa =- yes, I used to cry a lot; I remember crying after losing in Wimbledon 2 years ago but I also remember crying after the semi final when I won 我哭哭的次數蠻多的 像2年前輸掉溫布頓 但我半決賽贏的那場我也哭了 shamika RAFA, WHAT DO YOU DO WITH ALL OF YOUR HUGE TROPHIES? 怎麼處理那一堆獎盃? -= Rafa =- I keep all all my trophies, huge and small in a room I have at home where I also have a little Gym 所有的獎盃我都放在馬約卡的家裡 jenny_90 rafa, what is your favourite food? 你最喜歡的食物? -= Rafa =- seafood, fish and pastas 海鮮 魚 跟義大利麵 Megumi Do you like dragon ball ? Why? 你喜歡七龍珠嗎? 為什麼? -= Rafa =- I can tell you know me because I love dragon ball, I have all the dvd and I travel with most of them 我愛七龍珠 我甚至有全部的七龍珠DVD 這真是居家旅行 奪冠封王 必備良片!! (按:Rafa 你可以代言的東西還真多 XDD) Pre-registered question(striquigneaux) Which part of your game would like to improve ? 你覺得你的球技哪方面需要改進呢 -= Rafa =- I always to improve everything; it's easy to say but difficuly to do but clearly my serve is something I am trying to improve 每一方面我都力求進步 不過知易行難哪.. 譬如說我的發球 我一直都在設法改進 wintergirl Which season do you like best? why? 最喜歡哪一個季節 -= Rafa =- I like the sun...I am form Mallorca, so I am lucky that our sport is mostly played during summer 我最喜歡有太陽的日子 .. 我可是來自馬約卡的陽光男孩 正好大部分的比賽都在夏天舉行 sotiacyhi rafa! when did you start using babolat rackets and why? 啥時開始使用Babolat的拍子? 為什麼? -= Rafa =- I always played with Babolat, since I was a little kid. I saw Carlos (Moya) playing with it, so,i always played Babolat 我看莫大叔用我就跟著用囉^^ orsi what do you like doing in your free time? how do you relax? 休息時做什麼活動打發時間 -= Rafa =- I love to be at home with family, friends and to go and play golf, go fishing...just the normal things of a 22 y/o 我喜歡跟家人還有朋友一起 打打高爾夫 釣魚 就是做些22歲年輕人會做的事 Pre-registered question(Elow) What do you prefer for this year : win your 5nd Roland Garros title or your 2nd Wimbledon title ? 今年希望達成哪個目標:法網5連霸 還是 溫布頓再次稱王? -= Rafa =- I always try to give my best at every tournament; clearly I would like to win any of's very difficul but I can assure you I will try 每一場比賽我都盡全力的 我當然希望全贏 不過這很難 但我可以向你保證我會盡力的 Codrin What kind of strings do you use? What tension? 你都使用哪種球線 ? 幾磅 ? -= Rafa =- I play 25kg in Australia but sometimes I play 25,5 通常是25kg(55磅) 但有時我也用25.5kg(56磅)的 kgayaris3 how many strung racquets do you carry in your bag for any given match? 每次比賽會帶幾支拍子上場standby -= Rafa =- I have normally 6 6支 NaSch84 I love my babolat racket, too. Are you involved in enginneering of new babolat rackets? 你會參與Babolat球拍的設計嗎? -= Rafa =- I normally give feed back to Jean Christophe from Babolat about the performances and if I have any issues, we work them out 通常我會告訴Babolat的人我的使用心得 如果覺得哪裡不順手 我會把問題提出來 我們一起解決它 Nadal46 to wich address can I send a fanmail for you? 我想寄信給你該寄到哪個住址呢? -= Rafa =- I have my website where you can send questions...I cannot read them all but sometimes I do reply to a few questions 可以到我的官網喔 我會盡可能的回覆 Pre-registered question(vkaiser) Do you think you can win the 4 Grand Slams in a row? 你認為你是否能贏得全滿貫呢? -= Rafa =- this is something very difficult and definitively not an immediate goal; a lot of people is talking about it but as I always say, I go tournament by tournament 這是很難的 而且也不是我的近期目標 我知道很多人在討論這個問題 不過就像我常說的 一個一個來 shamika RAFA, WHAT IS ONE THING YOU ALWAYS HAVE IN YOUR TENNIS BAG, OTHER THAN YOUR BABOLAT RACQUETS? 通常你的包包除了球拍還裝些什麼? -= Rafa =- I have many things..actually too many because it very heavy but i carry strings, my I Pod, my wallet,some extra shirts to play 很多囉...球線啦 我的IPod 錢包 還有一些替換的球衣(按:這樣中場休息才會有 service哪..) Alexa What kind of music are you listening and wich is your favorite song? 喜歡哪一類型的音樂? 最喜歡哪一首歌? -= Rafa =- my favorite band is La Oreja de Van Gogh. I like all their songs 我最喜歡的樂團是La Oreja de Van Gogh 我有他們全部的歌 Pre-registered question(MICHY22) IF RAUL GONZALES BLANCO,ASK YOU TO LEAVE IMMEDIATELY TENNIS,CAUSE HE NEEDS YOUR HELP IN REAL MADRID (the team is a little in trouble this year,we know ...),WHAT DO YOU ANSWER??? 如果RAUL GONZALES BLANCO跑來求救 請你放棄網球加入皇馬 拯救那個球隊(皇馬最近有點小麻煩...) 你的回答是... -= Rafa =- I say "no, thank you"...I would love to because I love football but I am a tennis player...not a football player and they know better than me what to do 我只能拒絕 因為我是網球員不是足球員 皇馬隊員更知道該如何做 nadal46 where do your rackets go when you don't use them anymore? I mean old ones?because many fans like me would be glad to have your old rackets! 你怎麼處理你不用的舊球拍 你很多球迷都夢想能有一支你的拍子 -= Rafa =- I normally give them to my team and they use them for Charity purposes. I also keep those special ones for me such as they won big tournaments 我通常都把它們拿給我的教練團 而他們會把這些球拍用於慈善用途 有些有紀念意義的我也會留下來 etckozari If the Mallorca plays against the Real Madrid, which one do you support to? 如果馬約卡足球隊對上皇馬 你會支持誰? -= Rafa =- I am supporter of both so in that case I will support whoever needs it more 我兩隊都支持 所以看情況 Cloudy I am going to Mallorca in a few weeks. What is a must do while I am there? 我要去馬約卡玩幾個禮拜 你覺得有哪些事是一定要做的呢? -= Rafa =- enjoy the all island, there are many things to do and when I am there, I enjoy every minute; it will depend what you like and what you are looking for 盡情的享受一切吧 有很多事可以做 當我在馬約卡時 每一分鐘我都很愉快 全看你喜歡什麼 想要什麼 Pre-registered question(tenniswendy) Hello Rafa. Please tell me about your experience of playing tennis left-handed while being otherwise right-handed. I find it fascinating. My mom and I love watching you play.Thank-you very much for bringing your firey energy to the game we love! Wendy 能分享你身為右撇子卻用左手打球的經驗嗎 -= Rafa =- as you know, I use to play with 2 hands until I was 11 -= Rafa =- then my uncle told me at some point that I had to play with 1 hand forehand and I chose left 在11歲之前我的正反拍都是用雙手 後來Toni說正拍只能用一隻手 於是我選擇左手 Pre-registered question(Mary) What is more important to you, representing your country, Spain, in Davis Cup,or playing as an individual in Grand Slams? 哪一個比較重要呢: 在台維斯盃代表西班牙出戰 還是以個人身分 追求大滿貫的桂冠? -= Rafa =- representing my country is very important and for me, I am very proud of it; at some point playing individual in GS is also a way of reprensenting my country, but i miss the team spirit that I enjoy so much 對我而言代表國家出戰是很重要的 從某些角度來說 參加大滿貫賽事也意味著代表 自己的國家 不過我還是比較喜歡團體作戰的感覺 Mityu Are you happy with you Fans? 你喜歡跟你的粉絲在一起嗎? -= Rafa =- for sure! it is really great the way I feel treated by them 當然囉 shamika RAFA, IS THERE A REASON YOUR UNCLE TONI ALWAYS WEARS THE SAME HAT? IS IT GOOD LUCK? 為什麼toni老是戴著同一頂帽子 那是他的幸運帽嗎? -= Rafa =- yes it is funny when you see him with a hat, in an indoor tournament but he is promoting a foundation 其實蠻有趣的 有時候連室內賽他都戴著帽子 但其實他為宣傳一個基金會而戴的 AyKa Rafa thank you for finding time for your fans 0:) you do so much for us, what could we (fans) do for you? 謝謝你花時間跟我們在一起 我們能為你做些什麼呢? -= Rafa =- thank you for being here ;) 謝謝你們一直以來的支持 Pre-registered question(gerard) what is your favorite video game? 你最喜歡的遊戲? -= Rafa =- pro evolution soccer, I play all the time and it is the only video game I play pro evolution soccer 我也只玩過這種 (按:你被Moya 6:0 剃光頭 我們也在 u tube 上看到了 XDD) MichelaMichela Dear Rafa, I've been watching your interviews in Spanish to help me in my Spanish class, and was wondering when you started learning English? I Love you Rafa! -= Rafa =- I actually never started learning English. my first appearences where funny and the press conferences were followed by many just to listen to my English but I believe I have improved a lot and that's because I am travelling Pre-registered question(goldenseal) How often do you get time to look at your messages from fans on facebook, and you tube? 你大概多久會上一下fans on facebook, and you tube 這三個網站並檢查回覆訊息呢? -= Rafa =- I don't have facebook and I don't look on u tube for me. I do chekc out my web and answer some messages 我沒用過facebook 而且我也不會在u tube 看關於我的影片 我只上上我的官網 並回答一些問題 Pre-registered question(Olguitina) Hello Rafa! Would you like in the future gives tennis classes to the children? 將來想教小孩打球嗎? -= Rafa =- yes I love children! 當然我愛小朋友 ^^ Cloudy Will you keep blogging during the Slams? 你會在大滿貫期間持續更新部落格嗎? -= Rafa =- yes but it's something that takes a lot of time. sometimes I failed to write it so I have to think about it...but initially yes 這是件很花時間的事 有時我寫不出來 但一開始會的 Pre-registered question(thebest90) What is your best moment of the last year? 去年當中最棒的時刻是...? -= Rafa =- I was lucky and I had many good moments..I don't know if I should point out one, clearly my 4th consecutive Roland Garros, Wimbledon, Olympics gold medal and the Davis Cup (Semis) were important moments but i should alos point out that every win was important because they came at key moments of the year 我在去年擁有許多美妙時刻: 法網四連霸 溫布頓折桂 奧運金牌 台維斯盃半決賽 很難只選一個出來 我只能說每一場勝利都發生在去年關鍵時刻 Megumi It is 3:51 AM in Japan. I'm so sleepy... How about you? 現在是日本凌晨3點51分 我好想睡喔 Rafa你呢? -= Rafa =- thanks for being there...hope you don't have to work tomorrow ;) 謝謝你還來聊天 希望你明天是不需要上班的 :) shamikaHola Rafa, do you prefer to play during the day or at night? 喜歡白天或夜晚賽程? -= Rafa =- I normally prefer day session but I understand that tournaments give importance to nights sesisions,maybe not the one so late like in Melbourne...they should look at that 我喜歡白天比賽 但我了解巡迴賽也重視夜間賽程 只是別像墨爾本那麼晚就好了 牠們該正視這個問題的 orion_soy Hi Rafa, I love tennis and I love your tennis since forever ..Ive been playing tennis since I was little and now Im taking tennis classes and I would like to be a good tennis player ( I'm a spanish Girl ;) ) What advice would you give me to rich my goal? 我將來也想成為網球選手 你能給我一些建議嗎? -= Rafa =- the most important thing is to have fun, enjoy and then, work hard and have a little bit of luck 享受網球 並從中得到樂趣 努力練習 還有一點運氣 Pre-registered question(Maxcanto) If you must choose a record, it would be the most longer world number one of the history or the record of the most victories in grand slams ? thank's rafa 如果讓你選擇只能創下一項紀錄 你會選擇世界第一在位 時間最久呢 還是選擇得到最多大滿貫數目? -= Rafa =- I just focus on what I have to do, keep improving and fighting every point...I don't think about records 我只是專注在我必須做的 保持進步並為每一分努力 我沒去想創下紀錄什麼的這些事... MichelaMichela Thank you Rafa for answering my question! I left school early to come in this site, but i stayed for Spanish class :) Vamos!! Love, Michela -= Rafa =- muchas gracias Michela! jalvarezHi Rafa Im Jose from Mexico, Just want to said thanks a lot for all the greats moments to give us, your tennis fans, wish you the best look for the rest of the season and have a better year than 2008 Nadal46 do you like the vines(music band)?if you don't know them you should hear the song "ride"! -= Rafa =- gracias Tocayo Pre-registered question(Justme) Is is true your parent's restaurant is under your apartment? 聽說你爸媽在你家公寓樓下開了一間餐廳? elove thank you!!love MichelaMichelade nada Rafa! -= Rafa =- no, my father and some of my uncles own it but it is not in Manacor 我爸跟幾個叔叔的確擁有一家餐廳 但不在Manacor x-vix-x thanks rafa for the amazing tennis moments and for talking to your fans it makes you the best tennis player :D -= Rafa =- thanks l_mc You rock, rafa! Kamera Thanks for being a great inspiration! Ahmed99 thanks Rafa for your time and best Luck for the rest of the season .. we all love u Codrin Thanks for being with us. Hope to hear from you soon and good lu ck for the season!!! adriencruiziat Thank you Rafa for all the positive energy you give to your fans ! Congratulations and the best luck for you! Blue Thank you Rafa for all the positive energy you give to your fans ! Congratulations and the best luck for you! yoavk321 Thanks rafa -= Rafa =- to always enjoy, to be organized and if I lose...I lose.... and the sun will raise again the following days..not big deal mikyrbd Gracias Rafa, Serbia te ama Terentia Thanks and God bless you xoxshamika Thank you Rafa! Good luck the rest of the year! Sherri J GOOD LUCK THIS SEASON!!! 7914 Thanks foy answering my question. And thanks for spending us. I love you!!:8 Good luck!!:) Flickilicious Yu you a great champion;) (以上是球迷如長江滔滔不絕的祝福 以及如黃河氾濫般一發不可收拾的崇拜) -= Rafa =- gracias a todos, thank you very much and merci to Babolat for organizing this; it has been my first on line chat with fans:) 謝謝大家!! moderator Chat is now over moderator thanks to everybody moderator and see you next time !! moderator pretty soon, you will receive a special gift from Babolat to thank you to be here ! moderator Check your mailbox =================================================================== 對不起我不會上色 已經盡量把格式弄整齊了...orz 附上一張照片吧 (譯:如果Rafa Nadal是一輛跑車 那麼他的對手能看到的只有車尾燈) Vamos Rafa!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

02/06 14:44, , 1F
推,超棒的翻譯和照片 XD
02/06 14:44, 1F

02/06 14:46, , 2F
02/06 14:46, 2F

02/06 14:56, , 3F
好即時! 推
02/06 14:56, 3F

02/06 15:04, , 4F
02/06 15:04, 4F

02/06 15:36, , 5F
02/06 15:36, 5F

02/06 15:46, , 6F
02/06 15:46, 6F

02/06 15:47, , 7F
02/06 15:47, 7F

02/06 16:18, , 8F
Nadal愛看七龍珠 不知比賽時他會不會常想像自己是超級賽亞人XD
02/06 16:18, 8F
※ 編輯: pharaoh18 來自: (02/06 17:41)

02/06 17:43, , 9F
謝謝樓上i大與h大的指正 翻譯這事實在太辛苦了
02/06 17:43, 9F

02/06 17:46, , 10F
02/06 17:46, 10F

02/06 17:47, , 11F
的譯文的 ...m(_ _)m
02/06 17:47, 11F

02/06 17:59, , 12F
就說是納[達爾]了XD 當然是塞亞人嚕
02/06 17:59, 12F

02/06 19:11, , 13F
專業那題 是說你都用什麼線 穿幾磅
02/06 19:11, 13F

02/06 19:17, , 14F
嗯嗯 所以25kg應該是rafa筆誤囉^^ 謝謝L大
02/06 19:17, 14F
※ 編輯: pharaoh18 來自: (02/06 19:20)

02/06 19:21, , 15F
02/06 19:21, 15F

02/06 19:22, , 16F
02/06 19:22, 16F

02/06 19:25, , 17F
02/06 19:25, 17F

02/06 19:27, , 18F
02/06 19:27, 18F

02/06 19:27, , 19F
哦~原來如此 那可以繼續請教樓上球線的問題嗎
02/06 19:27, 19F

02/06 19:28, , 20F
這個磅數指的是球線重量? 還是指張力?
02/06 19:28, 20F

02/06 19:32, , 21F
02/06 19:32, 21F

02/06 19:33, , 22F
02/06 19:33, 22F

02/06 19:35, , 23F
02/06 19:35, 23F

02/06 19:39, , 24F
哈哈我瞭了 剛還去網球王查資料 眼花...
02/06 19:39, 24F
※ 編輯: pharaoh18 來自: (02/06 19:42)

02/06 20:54, , 25F
推推 感謝~翻譯真的超累= ="
02/06 20:54, 25F

02/06 21:37, , 26F
推翻譯辛苦囉!! 我小時候也愛看七龍珠耶 XD
02/06 21:37, 26F

02/06 23:56, , 27F
大推翻譯 大推七龍珠 我超愛看的!!
02/06 23:56, 27F

02/06 23:57, , 28F
想問Nadal有沒有也討厭龍珠GT版 以及是否會看七龍珠
02/06 23:57, 28F

02/06 23:57, , 29F
的電影版... XDXD
02/06 23:57, 29F

02/06 23:58, , 30F
02/06 23:58, 30F

02/07 00:02, , 31F
Nadal等你推薦我們再去看唷(啾咪) Nadal:囧~
02/07 00:02, 31F

02/07 02:27, , 32F
推推推 感謝翻譯
02/07 02:27, 32F

02/07 10:47, , 33F
辛苦了 推!! 看到小正太我大笑 哈哈
02/07 10:47, 33F

02/07 17:41, , 34F
02/07 17:41, 34F

02/07 17:45, , 35F
02/07 17:45, 35F

02/07 17:52, , 36F
是0rz吧 不是Orz喔XD
02/07 17:52, 36F

02/07 18:07, , 37F
翻譯辛苦囉, 編按心得也很好笑.
02/07 18:07, 37F

02/07 18:09, , 38F
02/07 18:09, 38F

02/07 21:45, , 39F
02/07 21:45, 39F
文章代碼(AID): #19YzemaQ (Nadal)
文章代碼(AID): #19YzemaQ (Nadal)