Re: [閒聊] 關於600轟 有個小問題想請問

看板NY-Yankees作者 (nothing to lose)時間14年前 (2010/08/05 10:13), 編輯推噓30(3009)
留言39則, 34人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多)
※ 引述《realgenius (smiling angel)》之銘言: : 來源:NYY官網 : Stadium employee grabs No. 600 : Babilonia returns keepsake to A-Rod in exchange for signed bat : NEW YORK -- Frankie Babilonia was just filling in for a co-worker. The Yankee : Stadium security guard, who typically patrols center field in Section 000, : was slotted to spell a stadium employee in Monument Park for 30 minutes : around 1:30 p.m. ET. : But Babilonia, 23, never imagined that those 30 minutes would ultimately : unfold into the greatest half-hour of his life. : When Rodriguez launched Shaun Marcum's 85-mph fastball into Monument Park, : Babilonia inherited the responsibility of retrieving the slugger's 600th : career home run ball and personally returning it to the Yankees' third : baseman. : And the security guard was clearly star-struck during his encounter with : Rodriguez. Following the Yankees' 5-1 victory over the Blue Jays, Babilonia : looked visibly nervous as he received an autographed baseball bat from the : slugger. : "I'm at a loss for words," Babilonia said after handing Rodriguez the ball. : "It was a lifetime experience. I'll never forget this. Later on in the years, : if I ever have children, I'll let them know I was the one that caught the 600 : ball and handed it back in." : Rodriguez, however, also felt fortunate. During his postgame press : conference, the seventh member of the Major Leagues' 600-home run club : acknowledged that the 23-year-old could have snagged the ball, which prompted : him to praise Babilonia's altruistic approach. : "I feel very blessed, very lucky that Frankie was so generous," Rodriguez : said. "[Media relations director] Jason Zillo had a master plan to try to get : the ball back and tie it back into charity somehow." : Babilonia, of course, had no plans to steal the ball. Prior to the game, the : security guard's boss informed all of his employees that they would be : required to return Rodriguez's milestone ball. And Babilonia planned to : follow protocol. : "I like doing my job," Babilonia said. "I don't want to put my job at risk at : all. My job was to retrieve the ball and return it to my superiors, and : that's what I did. I like doing my job. That's what I did." : Once Babilonia collected the ball from Monument Park, he declined to protect : it in his pocket, opting instead to carefully carry the historical item with : both hands. : Babilonia was ultimately rewarded for his noble endeavor. Facing dozens of : reporters after the game, he showcased his autographed bat by A-Rod and said : he planned to store his prized piece in a glass case at home. : Until he straightens that out, though, Babilonia is just anticipating the : after-effects of his new-found celebrity status. : "My phone is probably blowing up right now," Babilonia said. "I just hope a : lot of people aren't at my door, knocking and all of this." : As for his co-worker? : "I guess he's pretty mad," Babilonia said, laughing. : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- : 簡單的說...一位代班(真幸運..)的23歲工作人員Frankie Babilonia撿了這顆球 : 親手還給了A-Rod 得到簽名球棒 : (NYY官網上的影片找的到Frankie拿著球棒跟A-Rod的合影 : 在A-Rod 16分鐘記者會影片的最後三分鐘) : 他應該一夕成名了XD : ※ 引述《Scape (non)》之銘言: : : 這球是打到中外野沒有球迷坐的地方 : : 所以工作人員撿走了 : : 但是印象中曾經有球迷跑進中外野那塊黑色的區域撿全壘打球 : : 若今天有球迷奮不顧身跳進網子內撿600轟 : : 被請出球場我想是一定的 : : 但是那顆球的所有權會是誰的呢?? : : 球場的安全人員有權利直接把600轟那顆球直接拿走嗎?? : : 請教一下有看過這類爭議如何處理的板友 球團的做法會是如何? : : 直接搶過來會侵犯到那位違規撿球觀眾的權益嗎?? : : PS:是我的話我就很想跳進去撿那顆球... 分享一下昨天 YES 主播 Michael Kay 在轉播的時候跟球評聊的話。 Michael Kay 說,如果是打進觀眾席被球迷撿到這顆球的話,球團跟 A-Rod 打算用「一顆簽名球、一件簽名球衣加上一支簽名球棒」的代 價跟球迷換回這顆有歷史意義的球。 如果這樣子球迷還不滿意的話,Michael Kay 說據場邊記者指出,球 團願意安排 A-Rod 及 Cameron Diaz 和這位球迷一起吃一頓午餐。 (Michael Kay 言下之意是 Cameron Diaz 好像比較吸引球迷的樣子) 結果,剛好這發600轟是打到公媽區 Monument Park 的護網,沒有球 迷座位的地區。最後是請球場的安全人員去把這顆球撿回來,Michael Kay 說,這下子剛好省下這些簽名球、球衣及球棒,甚至於未經證實 的 A-Rod 加 Cameron Diaz 的午餐約會。他也很好奇說,那位球場安 全人員是否知道球團願意給出簽名球、球衣及球棒的代價換回這顆球。 他是覺得 A-Rod 至少可以送他一支簽名球棒,(因為球棒都是贊助的) A-Rod 根本沒什麼損失。(根據 realgenius 大提供的連結,A-Rod 果 然有送球棒。) 隔一局後,場邊記者去採訪完那位球場安全人員後,跟 Michael Kay 連線,場邊記者說,這位安全人員馬上就把球交給他的主管了,巧得 是這位安全人員平常工作的位置不在公媽區 Monument Park 這邊, 是原本的負責人休假,他才來頂的,沒想到這麼幸運可以參與到這個 歷史性的一刻。(realgenius 大提供的連結有提到) 場邊記者還訪問他是不是有當面見過 A-Rod 本人,他說他在球場工作, 有遠遠地見過 A-Rod 幾次,但是還沒有機會當面見過本人。(這裡是 用 met 這個字,是指認識的意味。) 連線最後,Michael Kay 問場邊記者,球團要安排 A-Rod 及 Cameron Diaz 跟撿到球的球迷吃飯的事,這件事的消息來源到底是誰?場邊 記者堅持不肯透露他的消息來源... -- 場邊記者不是 Kimberly Jones,是男的,我不知道名字... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/05 10:24, , 1F
Jack Curry
08/05 10:24, 1F

08/05 10:34, , 2F
感謝 RogerWaters 分享,是 Jack Curry 沒錯。
08/05 10:34, 2F

08/05 10:42, , 3F
08/05 10:42, 3F

08/05 10:46, , 4F
08/05 10:46, 4F

08/05 10:46, , 5F
看 ...打錯
08/05 10:46, 5F

08/05 10:52, , 6F
樓上味口太好...他是"太緊張" 還是"好不高興"呢?
08/05 10:52, 6F

08/05 10:55, , 7F
08/05 10:55, 7F

08/05 10:58, , 8F
到底是好~~~不高興 還是 好不~~~高興呢?
08/05 10:58, 8F

08/05 11:14, , 9F
08/05 11:14, 9F

08/05 11:18, , 10F
要是早一年的話,就可以跟Kate Hudson.......
08/05 11:18, 10F

08/05 11:20, , 11F
08/05 11:20, 11F

08/05 11:22, , 12F
08/05 11:22, 12F

08/05 11:55, , 13F
08/05 11:55, 13F

08/05 12:11, , 14F
08/05 12:11, 14F

08/05 12:31, , 15F
比較想跟Kate Hudson吃XD
08/05 12:31, 15F

08/05 13:05, , 16F
Kimberly Kimberly~That's a pretty ass name
08/05 13:05, 16F

08/05 13:19, , 17F
08/05 13:19, 17F
修幾個語意不順的贅字。 話說如果可以選擇的話,我也比較想跟肉神前女友 Kate Hudson 吃飯。^_^ ※ 編輯: dawnlight 來自: (08/05 13:31)

08/05 13:46, , 18F
如果是隊長600轟的話..Alba...( ̄﹁ ̄)a
08/05 13:46, 18F

08/05 14:20, , 19F
進版 A-rod變成左打了XD
08/05 14:20, 19F

08/05 14:24, , 20F
08/05 14:24, 20F

08/05 14:51, , 21F
08/05 14:51, 21F

08/05 15:20, , 22F
08/05 15:20, 22F

08/05 15:49, , 23F
A-ROD:叫我給錢?! 還有人欠我幾千萬沒還勒...
08/05 15:49, 23F

08/05 17:45, , 24F
08/05 17:45, 24F

08/05 18:18, , 25F
我第一次看到進板畫面以為是陳金鋒 XDD
08/05 18:18, 25F

08/05 18:51, , 26F
08/05 18:51, 26F

08/05 19:34, , 27F
Alba人妻了 不好喬
08/05 19:34, 27F

08/05 19:56, , 28F
08/05 19:56, 28F

08/05 20:52, , 29F
08/05 20:52, 29F

08/05 21:02, , 30F
08/05 21:02, 30F

08/05 21:17, , 31F
08/05 21:17, 31F

08/06 00:31, , 32F
我比較想Cameron Diaz開KIA載我繞Top Gear跑道一圈
08/06 00:31, 32F

08/06 16:44, , 33F
推 "公媽區"
08/06 16:44, 33F

08/06 18:44, , 34F
隊長好像現在歸屬Minka Kelly管轄不是嗎...
08/06 18:44, 34F

08/06 18:44, , 35F
08/06 18:44, 35F

08/06 18:49, , 36F
沒發生甚麼事的話應該是要結婚了 11月5號
08/06 18:49, 36F

08/06 21:17, , 37F
08/06 21:17, 37F

08/07 03:37, , 38F
08/07 03:37, 38F

08/07 03:37, , 39F
08/07 03:37, 39F
文章代碼(AID): #1CMXvOIF (NY-Yankees)
文章代碼(AID): #1CMXvOIF (NY-Yankees)