Re: [轉錄][外電] Mariners Expect Yankees To Pur …

看板NY-Yankees作者 (沒有運動會死)時間14年前 (2010/06/10 19:55), 編輯推噓76(771163)
留言241則, 47人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
ew York Yankees won't deal for Mariners ace Cliff Lee, likely won't make move for starter: source 官方說補強 Lee或是任何先發投手都不在洋基的計畫當中 不過新聞開頭寫Cliff Lee might become a Yankee someday, but don't expect that day to come any time soon. 峭壁李也許有一天會穿上條紋球衣 但是別期待那一天這麼快到來 "There is no urgency to do anything with the rotation," 對於現在輪值並沒有任何迫切性需要去改變 "Our focus is trying to get our guys healthy and back on the field." 我們焦點只放在讓自己球員健康並回到球場 這是Cash說的 BALTIMORE - Cliff Lee might become a Yankee someday, but don't expect that day to come any time soon. The trade deadline is more than seven weeks away, and while the Yankees continue to scout every player they believe may become available in the next month or so, a team official told the Daily News Wednesday that adding Lee - or any starting pitcher - is not in the Yankees' plans. "There is no urgency to do anything with the rotation," the official said in response to a published report that suggested the Yankees were going to be bidders for Lee. "That's not an area that we're focused on." The official said that only three players had already been made available by their teams, and while he wouldn't name the players out of respect to those organizations, he confirmed that Lee was not one of them. Lee, the 2008 AL Cy Young winner, is 4-2 with a 2.77ERA in eight starts this season for the last-place Mariners. Most industry experts believe Lee will be dealt before the July 31 deadline, but even if and when that happens, the Yankees won't be in on the bidding, the official said, unless one of their five current starters suffers a serious injury. "Seattle may be doing its prep work by scouting a bunch of different teams," the official said. "But it sounds like they're doing more prep work than we are on this one." Brian Cashman wouldn't comment on his interest level in Lee, but the general manager said he wasn't currently involved in active trade talks with any teams. "We just finished the draft, and teams really haven't decided whether they're going for it or not yet," Cashman said. "Our focus is trying to get our guys healthy and back on the field." The Mariners would love for the Yankees to get in the mix for Lee, according to a major-league source, as Seattle GM Jack Zduriencik is looking to add a premier catching prospect to his organization, making the Yankees an ideal trade partner thanks to their wealth of catching talent in the minors. Still, the source called the report of the Yankees' interest in Lee "ludicrous," questioning why the Bombers would mortgage the farm by trading one of those stud catching prospects, Jesus Montero or Austin Romine, for Lee when there is no hole in the rotation to fill. Lee, who is in the final year of his contract, does figure to be one of the Yankees' top free agent targets this winter. "After the year, when (Javier) Vazquez's contract is off the books, they'll make a push for him," the source said. "But the idea of them trading Montero for Lee now is ludicrous." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/10 20:16, , 1F
Sabathia Lee .....
06/10 20:16, 1F

06/10 20:16, , 2F
06/10 20:16, 2F

06/10 20:17, , 3F
06/10 20:17, 3F

06/10 20:19, , 4F
先把牛棚補好再說 該火的快點火一火
06/10 20:19, 4F

06/10 20:22, , 5F
放話了XD 撲梗吧
06/10 20:22, 5F

06/10 20:30, , 6F
Sabathia + Lee + Burnett + Pettitte + Hughes o.ov
06/10 20:30, 6F

06/10 20:46, , 7F
06/10 20:46, 7F

06/10 21:04, , 8F
06/10 21:04, 8F

06/10 21:10, , 9F
Vaz回神了 維持最近的表現到playoff OK的~
06/10 21:10, 9F

06/10 21:20, , 10F
06/10 21:20, 10F

06/10 21:22, , 11F
06/10 21:22, 11F

06/10 21:22, , 12F
06/10 21:22, 12F

06/10 21:22, , 13F
06/10 21:22, 13F

06/10 21:23, , 14F
可以留著當個好用的工作馬 更不要說季後賽派派多穩
06/10 21:23, 14F

06/10 21:26, , 15F
06/10 21:26, 15F

06/10 21:27, , 16F
06/10 21:27, 16F

06/10 21:27, , 17F
目前是缺牛呀 Lee不用別人說 他自己就會跳入FA了
06/10 21:27, 17F

06/10 21:35, , 18F
06/10 21:35, 18F

06/10 21:37, , 19F
絕對支持派帥留下!!! 毫無退化跡象 超穩的!!
06/10 21:37, 19F

06/10 21:38, , 20F
只怕他不肯留 不然真是一樣超值得的
06/10 21:38, 20F

06/10 21:38, , 21F
06/10 21:38, 21F

06/10 21:38, , 22F
06/10 21:38, 22F

06/10 21:41, , 23F
樓上對派派意見很大( ‵□′)───C<─___-)|||
06/10 21:41, 23F

06/10 21:41, , 24F
06/10 21:41, 24F

06/10 21:41, , 25F
06/10 21:41, 25F

06/10 21:43, , 26F
06/10 21:43, 26F

06/10 21:43, , 27F
今年表現 她絕對是物超所值 而且他都簽短約 有啥好嫌
06/10 21:43, 27F

06/10 21:43, , 28F
06/10 21:43, 28F

06/10 21:44, , 29F
06/10 21:44, 29F

06/10 21:45, , 30F
恩..也是 不過還算不錯啦~ 爾且他真的很穩 季後又威
06/10 21:45, 30F

06/10 21:45, , 31F
06/10 21:45, 31F

06/10 21:46, , 32F
爾且他都是確定自己能投 才繼續簽約 感覺很好!!
06/10 21:46, 32F

06/10 21:46, , 33F
06/10 21:46, 33F

06/10 21:47, , 34F
06/10 21:47, 34F

06/10 21:49, , 35F
反正他自己都只願意簽短約 他會不會續約 是他的表現
06/10 21:49, 35F

06/10 21:49, , 36F
決定的~ 不好 現金人會簽嗎~ 其實也不用擔心這問題
06/10 21:49, 36F

06/10 21:50, , 37F
我覺得跟長約比 短約卻穩定的還是很值得!
06/10 21:50, 37F

06/10 21:52, , 38F
06/10 21:52, 38F

06/10 21:52, , 39F
06/10 21:52, 39F
還有 162 則推文
06/11 12:46, , 202F
06/11 12:46, 202F

06/11 12:47, , 203F
有些人就算進一次DL或跳過幾場先發 還是比雜魚好的多
06/11 12:47, 203F

06/11 12:48, , 204F
另外 年輕的肉體雖然比老人家不容易受傷 但有沒有誇
06/11 12:48, 204F

06/11 12:51, , 205F
張到要這樣叫 一開始那位仁兄是針對Andy Pettitte
06/11 12:51, 205F

06/11 12:53, , 206F
受傷這種事本來就是聽天由命 不過因為年紀大的 受傷
06/11 12:53, 206F

06/11 12:54, , 207F
以後 恢復的風險高所以要仔細評估
06/11 12:54, 207F

06/11 12:55, , 208F
當初洋基不要Pettitte是因為Pettitte那時有傷 隔年也
06/11 12:55, 208F

06/11 12:56, , 209F
的確炸了 但之後的五年 Pettitte也證明縱使偶而有些
06/11 12:56, 209F

06/11 12:57, , 210F
小問題 但問題還不大 那位仁兄還扯什麼去年市場蕭條
06/11 12:57, 210F

06/11 12:57, , 211F
不過NJ這種都賭下去 好像沒理由來嫌Pettitte的
06/11 12:57, 211F

06/11 12:58, , 212F
簽Pettitte簽貴 不然整隊有哪幾個不是簽貴的
06/11 12:58, 212F

06/11 13:01, , 213F
或者說 去年市場上要簽誰?
06/11 13:01, 213F

06/11 13:02, , 214F
有Randy Wolf...XD
06/11 13:02, 214F

06/11 13:04, , 215F
也不能這樣講 年紀到Andy那個年紀本來concern就比較
06/11 13:04, 215F

06/11 13:04, , 216F
多 2003年結束球團就是認定他的背傷有疑慮不續簽
06/11 13:04, 216F

06/11 13:05, , 217F
隔年果然大爆炸躺了2/3球季 其實這幾年他的背傷一直
06/11 13:05, 217F

06/11 13:06, , 218F
也偶爾會發作 只是身體夠鐵打都不影響先發
06/11 13:06, 218F

06/11 13:07, , 219F
06/11 13:07, 219F

06/11 13:07, , 220F
然後講11.75M/y是真的有點貴 不過一年簽就還好
06/11 13:07, 220F

06/11 13:08, , 221F
Randy Wolf要30M/3y 而且長期都在國聯 況且之前有傷
06/11 13:08, 221F

06/11 13:09, , 222F
炸更大 真要簽了Randy Wolf 基迷才會幹死吧
06/11 13:09, 222F

06/11 13:09, , 223F
基本上 給一年就是好約
06/11 13:09, 223F

06/11 13:10, , 224F
嘛 我只能說Andy沒有現在帳面上好 Wolf則相反
06/11 13:10, 224F

06/11 13:10, , 225F
06/11 13:10, 225F

06/11 13:11, , 226F
06/11 13:11, 226F

06/11 13:11, , 227F
當然Andy比較健康 生涯FIP也比較好
06/11 13:11, 227F

06/11 13:11, , 228F
Pettitte的約重點在只跟你簽一年 不是11.75M
06/11 13:11, 228F

06/11 13:12, , 229F
06/11 13:12, 229F

06/11 13:12, , 230F
這種等級的投手誰不想跟你撈個養老約 總比拖到後面
06/11 13:12, 230F

06/11 13:12, , 231F
這倒是真的 不過去年Pettitte實拿也拿了10.5M了
06/11 13:12, 231F

06/11 13:13, , 232F
06/11 13:13, 232F

06/11 13:13, , 233F
Christ了 Pettitte就算03年後有傷還是每年有3左右WAR
06/11 13:13, 233F

06/11 13:14, , 234F
老實說 Pettitte是不太會在意有沒有養老約的人 他要
06/11 13:14, 234F

06/11 13:15, , 235F
的只是尊重 所以他能投就投 生涯也賺了120M了
06/11 13:15, 235F

06/11 13:40, , 236F
06/11 13:40, 236F

06/11 13:46, , 237F
06/11 13:46, 237F

06/11 14:14, , 238F
DL不會佔用active roster啊
06/11 14:14, 238F

06/11 23:46, , 239F
嗆老派的實在讓人火大 他都只簽短約還投成這樣
06/11 23:46, 239F

06/11 23:46, , 240F
不然想怎樣 沒DL很意外是吧
06/11 23:46, 240F

06/13 23:31, , 241F
前一年用什麼約跟人家簽 今年不用還喔= =
06/13 23:31, 241F
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