[洋基] Yanks' Pettitte thought about retiring after title

看板NY-Yankees作者 (Gee Gee Gee)時間14年前 (2010/02/23 11:43), 編輯推噓16(1607)
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Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news?slug=ap-yankees-pettitte&prov=ap&type=lgns Yanks’ Pettitte thought about retiring after title TAMPA, Fla. (AP)—Andy Pettitte(notes) gave some serious thought to going out as a champion last year. It turns out the 37-year-old left-hander wasn’t quite ready to retire, even after the New York Yankees won the World Series. “If I was ever going to go, why not go right now? Right on top,” Pettitte said. But he opted to return this season after talking with his family, and signed an $11.75 million, one-year contract in December. “I want to make sure. I don’t want to go home and miss it,” Pettitte said. “When I do it, I want to be done with it. I don’t think it would be fair to my family to say I’m done and then just pull the rug right out from underneath them. That’s the biggest thing: I just want make sure I fully have exhausted myself of this.” Pettitte went 14-8 with a 4.16 ERA last season, throwing 194 2-3 innings and helping the Yankees win their first World Series championship since 2000. “Just couldn’t have dreamed that last year would end like it did,” Pettitte said. “I felt so fortunate and so blessed. Just the way the club played, and the guys pulling for me. A good feeling.” Pettitte is part of a strong 2010 rotation that includes CC Sabathia, A.J. Burnett and Javier Vazquez. “Everything feels good coming into the spring, so I feel real good about that,” Pettitte said. “I’m committed to this. You go for it. We’ve got a long journey here, and will it fly by. It goes by ssssquicker and quicker each year.” Pettitte has 192 wins with the Yankees, third on the franchise list. He is scheduled for his first spring training bullpen session on Tuesday. Meanwhile, Burnett had his initial mound session Monday, throwing 33 pitches to Jorge Posada, who will be his regular catcher this season. Burnett was often paired last year with Jose Molina. Posada caught Burnett last Sept. 1 at Baltimore, when the right-hander allowed six runs and 11 hits over 5 1-3 innings in New York’s 9-6 victory. Burnett went 3-1 with a 2.92 ERA in his last six regular-season starts last season with Molina behind the plate. “I never questioned Jorgie. Never would, never did,” Burnett said. “I questioned myself.” Manager Joe Girardi said a relationship between two passionate players such as Burnett and Posada can be a different one. “I think sometimes when people talk about the relationship, they make the relationship bigger than it is,” Girardi said. “To me, it’s about understanding when the pitcher is on the mound and that’s the relationship that you continue to learn.” Posada is looking forward to catching Burnett this season and said everything is fine between them. Molina signed as a free agent with Toronto this month. NOTES: Yankees minor league C Jesus Montero had an impressive batting practice session, hitting a homer near the top of the scoreboard in left-center. … Position players are scheduled to report Tuesday, with the first full-squad workout one day later. … Major League Baseball vice president Bob Watson met with Girardi and other team officials to review rules and related topics. MLB officials make an annual visit to all spring training camps, discussing subjects such as instant replay and pace of game. Pace is a concern to Girardi because “rhythm” is important for pitching. He plans to talk with his players about the matter this spring. 重點式翻譯: 已經37歲的老派說他去年在拿到世界冠軍曾想過急流勇退, 但他後來還是跟洋基簽了1年11.75M的新合約。 老派不想貿然退休後,回到家閒閒又懷念起球場的一切。 另外,去年的洋基讓老派很舒服,所以願意繼續為這支球隊投一年。 老派去年的成績: 14W8L ERA4.16 生涯總共為洋基拿下了192勝。 今年老派將與CC、AJB、Vaz一起打造洋基2010年的強力輪值。 ====以下是AJB與波波的搭檔報導==== AJB進行了第一次的投手丘練投,總共丟了33球給波波接。 AJB去年常規賽的最後6次先發,都是與摸二哥搭配, 那6場先發的成績是: 3W1L ERA2.92 (好恐怖的成績... ) (譯者: 似乎不少人質疑波波的配球策略不適合AJB) AJB本人現身說法: 「我從來沒有質疑過波波,」 「我從沒這樣想過,更沒有這樣做過。」 「我只會質疑我自己。」 Girardi針對這個問題講了一堆不著邊際的場面話, 波波本人表示他與AJB之間「沒問題,非常好!!」 不管怎樣,今年我們大概看不到AJB跟摸二哥的搭配了, 因為摸二哥跟藍鳥簽約了。 ====以下是一些有的沒的報導==== 我們家的超級新秀Jesus Montero在打擊練習時讓眾人印象深刻, 因為他轟出了超大號的全壘打,幾乎直擊左外野記分板"頂端"。 (剩下的文章沒什麼值得提的,就不翻了。) -- 最近洋基都沒什麼新聞(除了公園以外),好無聊啊~ 不過Montero的打擊似乎真的滿有那麼一回事的,值得期待!!! 希望他捕手練起來~ 畢竟1B有長約(還是肥約)的鐵爺。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/23 12:23, , 1F
02/23 12:23, 1F

02/23 12:29, , 2F
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02/23 13:05, , 3F
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02/23 13:13, , 7F
所以今年2號捕手是Ceveli? (是這樣拼嗎?)
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02/23 13:17, , 8F
我也想問 摸二哥離隊了 那新的2號捕手是?
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02/23 13:21, , 9F
Francisco Cervelli or C Mike Rivera
02/23 13:21, 9F

02/23 13:26, , 10F
今年打者一站上1B,我想90%會想SB… 這時就會想起摸
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02/23 13:43, , 12F
cervelli阻殺率不是也不錯嘛XDD 期待他囉!
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02/23 16:54, , 13F
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02/23 16:54, , 14F
傳一傳 到時候又.......= =
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02/23 17:23, , 15F
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02/23 17:31, , 16F
OPS+連續兩年都是51 科科
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02/23 17:40, , 17F
莫二哥上場 大家對他的期待是表演牽制吧XD
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02/24 23:08, , 22F
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12/28 13:48, 5年前 , 23F
只看阻殺率就忽略掉了那 https://noxiv.com
12/28 13:48, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #1BWqx7jY (NY-Yankees)