Re: [新聞] New York Yankees' Joba Chamberlain t …

看板NY-Yankees作者 (耿秋)時間16年前 (2008/08/07 16:16), 編輯推噓10(10011)
留言21則, 14人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
※ 引述《leddy (耿秋)》之銘言: : 洋基隊已經宣佈Joba Chamberlain是肩膀"旋轉袖肌鍵炎",而且在重新評估可否作傳球 : 練習前大約要休息一週。(但Peter Abraham卻表示"肌鍵炎"經常是形容旋轉袖肌輕微撕裂 : 傷一種美好的說法)。

08/07 14:35,
我想問: 肌鍵炎是形容輕微肌肉撕裂傷--這有啥大不了的???
08/07 14:35

08/07 14:36,
我沒記錯的話 作重訓也會有肌肉撕裂現象
08/07 14:36

08/07 14:37,
08/07 14:37

08/07 14:38,
肌肉"輕微"撕裂傷導致發炎 只是比這在嚴重一些
08/07 14:38
這是在waswatching.com上的看法 洋基隊表示Joba Chamberlain是"旋轉袖肌鍵炎"。 治療的方式可能只需要一些休息然後在加上抗發炎的治療。或者,或許,可能需要一 些關節鏡手術。後面的這種治療的建議是waswatching.com的想法 -- 別擔心不是出自洋 基隊現在的說法。 然後還要知道,有時候 "旋轉袖肌鍵炎" 是個相當不好的新聞。Mark Fidrych 22歲時 患上這傷勢 -- 再也沒辦法維持以往的成績(註)。前釀酒人的Jeff D' Amico 25歲時同樣 也有這傷勢 -- 他24歲時打出了超級風光的球季 -- 但是這傷勢毀了他的棒球生涯。Kris Benson 28歲時同樣患上這毛病,從此成績直直落。而25歲的Mark Prior也同樣患上了同 樣的傷勢 -- 雖然患上這傷勢前他原本就是容易受傷的類型。而且,Waswatching.com也 相信野茂英雄也因為這傷勢,雖然受傷時他已經35歲了,而受了這傷之後他就再也威不起 來了。 註: 老虎隊投手Mark Fidrych 1976年 21歲時大聯盟初登板,31上場29先發,就拿下了19 勝9敗,ERA 2.34的成績(K/9 3.49, BB/9 1.91,WHIP 1.08, luck??)的恐怖成績。22歲時 11先發拿下6勝4敗,ERA 2.89的成績(K/9 4.67, BB/9 1.33, Whip 1.16),結果患上了旋 轉袖肌鍵炎後結束了那個球季。之後再也無法回到原本的身手後,尤其1979年後控球更是 有問題,BB/K幾乎變成了1:1。1981年後他就再也沒有回到大聯盟了。 Buster Onley 4年前便作了最好的解釋,肌鍵炎:就像發炎一樣,有說和沒說差不了多少 。肌鍵炎是一種症狀,而不是問題的來源; 就好像是說一個球員在流鼻水一樣,卻沒有說 他為什麼會流鼻水。 “你說一個球員患了肌鍵炎,可能是因為他膝蓋的軟骨移位。你說 一個投手有肌鍵炎,他可能是患了嚴重的撕裂傷。當你深究下去的話,肌鍵炎可能會涵蓋 到輕微到很嚴重的傷勢。” Buster Olney said it best, four years ago - Tendinitis: Like inflammation, it says something and says nothing. Tendinitis is a symptom, rather than the source of the problem; it’s like saying a player has a runny nose, rather than addressing why he has a runny nose. “ You say a player has tendinitis and what might really be going on is that he has loose cartilage in his knee,” said one executive. “You say a pitcher has tendinitis, and it might be that he’s got a serious tear. When you get right down to it, tendinitis could cover any number of things.” The Yankees are saying that Joba Chamberlain has “rotator cuff tendinitis.” Treatment may just be a matter of rest and anti-inflammatory medication. Or, perhaps, it may require some arthroscopic surgery. That latter suggestion is mine - and not something coming from the Yankees now. Then again, sometimes “rotator cuff tendinitis” is very bad news. Mark Fidrych had it when he was 22-years old - and never was the same. Former Brewer Jeff D’Amico had it when he was 25-years old - and coming off a super season as a 24-year old - and it ruined his career. Kris Benson had it when he was 28-years old - and it was all downhill for him from there. Mark Prior had it when he was 25-years old and that was the end for him - although he was injury-prone before that. And, I believe that Hideo Nomo had it, albeit as a 35-year old, and he was then cooked. Buster Olney said it best, four years ago - Tendinitis: Like inflammation, it says something and says nothing. Tendinitis is a symptom, rather than the source of the problem; it’s like saying a player has a runny nose, rather than addressing why he has a runny nose. “ You say a player has tendinitis and what might really be going on is that he has loose cartilage in his knee,” said one executive. “You say a pitcher has tendinitis, and it might be that he’s got a serious tear. When you get right down to it, tendinitis could cover any number of things.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/07 16:30, , 1F
08/07 16:30, 1F

08/07 16:30, , 2F
rotator cuff是旋轉肌....
08/07 16:30, 2F

08/07 16:31, , 3F
假如是旋轉袖肌"輕微"撕裂傷 那倒是還好
08/07 16:31, 3F

08/07 16:36, , 4F
簡而言之 就是不知道...要看MRI吧
08/07 16:36, 4F

08/07 16:42, , 5F
08/07 16:42, 5F

08/07 16:45, , 6F
08/07 16:45, 6F

08/07 16:46, , 7F 這裡有醫師對"旋轉袖肌鍵炎"的說明
08/07 16:46, 7F

08/07 16:48, , 8F
翻之前我會先google... 不要一直急著要來訂正細節...
08/07 16:48, 8F

08/07 16:56, , 9F
08/07 16:56, 9F

08/07 17:41, , 10F
08/07 17:41, 10F

08/07 17:42, , 11F
好不容易終於有個堪用的先發新秀 不會又要掰了吧><
08/07 17:42, 11F

08/07 17:43, , 12F
08/07 17:43, 12F

08/07 18:01, , 13F
08/07 18:01, 13F

08/07 18:05, , 14F
可以好好養傷是還好 問題是現在SP輪值殘破不堪 怕是跟
08/07 18:05, 14F

08/07 18:06, , 15F
POSADA一樣 休息沒多久沒全好就上 投幾場後徹底再見
08/07 18:06, 15F

08/07 18:07, , 16F
如果甘迺迪跟蓋斯能頂住的話 應該就不用急著回來
08/07 18:07, 16F

08/07 18:07, , 17F
08/07 18:07, 17F

08/07 18:45, , 18F
08/07 18:45, 18F

08/07 21:01, , 19F
是的樓上 號稱投手絕症
08/07 21:01, 19F

08/07 22:01, , 20F
08/07 22:01, 20F

08/07 23:05, , 21F
裡面提到野茂的過去 借轉Asian-MLB
08/07 23:05, 21F
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文章代碼(AID): #18cgzjNQ (NY-Yankees)