[新聞] Joba begins process of joining rotation

看板NY-Yankees作者 (***********************)時間16年前 (2008/05/22 12:58), 編輯推噓45(45024)
留言69則, 32人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20080521& content_id=2746128&vkey=news_mlb&fext=.jsp&c_id=mlb http://0rz.tw/4648C NEW YORK -- Joba Chamberlain has started his path to the Yankees' starting rotation. The 22-year-old right-hander pitched two scoreless innings in Wednesday's 8-0 victory over the Orioles, throwing 35 pitches. After the game, the Yankees revealed that Chamberlain will begin to increase his pitch count on a to-be-announced schedule in order to prepare him to become a starter later in the season. "This is the timetable we had," said Yankees manager Joe Girardi, who revealed that the organization had been planning to move Chamberlain at some point after the second week of May. Chamberlain is 1-2 with a 2.66 ERA in 18 appearances for the Yankees this season, walking nine and striking out 25 around 14 hits in 20 1/3 innings. He was informed by general manager Brian Cashman before the Yankees' game on Tuesday against Baltimore. For the time being, Chamberlain will stay with the Yankees and stretch out at the Major League level, though the club has not ruled out a Minor League assignment at some point later in his transition as he builds near 100 pitches. "You've got to maintain that same charisma and everything that you've done in the eighth inning that made me get to this point," Chamberlain said. "I can't change because that's who I am as a starting pitcher, too. Mentally, it's going to be a little different, but the huge difference is making sure my legs are under me." His expected move to the rotation has been a mysterious topic in recent weeks, as the Yankees continue to project him as a top-flight starting pitcher even though he proved dominant in relief after joining the Yankees in August last season. "We believe that Joba has the ability to excel in both arenas," Cashman said. Earlier Wednesday in a telephone interview with MLB.com, Yankees co-chairman Hank Steinbrenner again pushed for Chamberlain's entry to the starting rotation. "What I've learned over 35 years of all of this from baseball people is that you can talk all you want about bullpens, but starting pitching is what gets it done," Steinbrenner said. "If you have two great relievers in the bullpen, it doesn't do us any good." Bryan Hoch is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. -- 終究還是抵擋不住戰績的壓力 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/22 13:05, , 1F
05/22 13:05, 1F

05/22 13:05, , 2F
05/22 13:05, 2F

05/22 13:07, , 3F
05/22 13:07, 3F

05/22 13:07, , 4F
可以期待王 Rasner 張博倫三主投嗎....老穆老派穩穩的就好...
05/22 13:07, 4F

05/22 13:07, , 5F
05/22 13:07, 5F

05/22 13:08, , 6F
05/22 13:08, 6F

05/22 13:12, , 7F
Rasner四號算穩了 = =
05/22 13:12, 7F

05/22 13:15, , 8F
以現在的狀況完全不期待休宅甘三人了= =
05/22 13:15, 8F

05/22 13:16, , 9F
Rasner去年沒犯大錯 今年居然是用春訓邀請資格回洋基
05/22 13:16, 9F

05/22 13:17, , 10F
05/22 13:17, 10F

05/22 13:18, , 11F
05/22 13:18, 11F

05/22 13:19, , 12F
05/22 13:19, 12F

05/22 13:20, , 13F
05/22 13:20, 13F

05/22 13:21, , 14F
Hawkins連七場沒丟分 試試看吧
05/22 13:21, 14F

05/22 13:23, , 15F
05/22 13:23, 15F

05/22 13:38, , 16F
05/22 13:38, 16F

05/22 14:01, , 17F
05/22 14:01, 17F

05/22 14:03, , 18F
如果你知道Rasner是怎麼到洋基的 就會跟Rasner一樣知道為
05/22 14:03, 18F

05/22 14:06, , 19F
何沒有愛了 MLB是實力原則 你投得好當你是塊寶 不好或糟..
05/22 14:06, 19F

05/22 14:07, , 20F
如果Rasner繼續這麼穩下去 那洋基才真的是撿到寶哪!!!
05/22 14:07, 20F

05/22 14:18, , 21F
沒錯 要不是去年倒楣被K到 應該從去年就會在大聯盟了
05/22 14:18, 21F

05/22 14:19, , 22F
他好像是從國民隊撿回來的 有點忘了是哪一隊
05/22 14:19, 22F

05/22 14:19, , 23F
阿對 是國民隊
05/22 14:19, 23F

05/22 14:36, , 24F
假如開季10連勝最後是被Rasner創下 一定很有趣 XD
05/22 14:36, 24F

05/22 14:37, , 25F
國民把 Rasner 清出四十人名單是因為他的球速下降很多
05/22 14:37, 25F

05/22 14:40, , 26F
國民隊版有他以前的 scouting report, 91-94mph sinker
05/22 14:40, 26F

05/22 14:48, , 27F
Rasner 如果恢復到94賣的球速應該超威,
05/22 14:48, 27F

05/22 14:48, , 28F
加油吧 機會是給掌握住的人
05/22 14:48, 28F

05/22 14:50, , 29F
05/22 14:50, 29F

05/22 15:06, , 30F
Rasner加油 期待你是下一個wang^^
05/22 15:06, 30F

05/22 15:32, , 31F
養起來的話 過兩年 Wang+Rasner+賈霸 再買個大牌進來
05/22 15:32, 31F

05/22 15:33, , 32F
推Rasner 時事造英雄
05/22 15:33, 32F

05/22 15:33, , 33F
大家會不會太樂觀了一點 XD
05/22 15:33, 33F

05/22 15:34, , 34F
05/22 15:34, 34F

05/22 15:35, , 35F
球速是回不來了, 拿來擋一下當做暫時解決方案倒是不錯
05/22 15:35, 35F

05/22 15:37, , 36F
樂觀的人是很多 當年SMALL也被大家期待 2006年..ORZ
05/22 15:37, 36F

05/22 15:38, , 37F
05/22 15:38, 37F

05/22 15:38, , 38F
kauw你還期待Rasner會變成small II呢,那有啥好的 XD
05/22 15:38, 38F

05/22 15:39, , 39F
我才不希望像small威個一陣子就消失了,太慘了 ......
05/22 15:39, 39F

05/22 15:41, , 40F
我期待是他像SMALL 神奇十連勝帶領洋基重返榮耀
05/22 15:41, 40F

05/22 16:04, , 41F
別鬧了, 比 Small 有實力很多, 看不出來的才奇怪
05/22 16:04, 41F

05/22 16:10, , 42F
Small 超強運 只可惜效用只有一年
05/22 16:10, 42F

05/22 16:14, , 43F
05/22 16:14, 43F

05/22 16:44, , 44F
05/22 16:44, 44F

05/22 16:45, , 45F
當先發放的火太大時 SU也沒機會上了 我想張伯倫就是
05/22 16:45, 45F

05/22 16:45, , 46F
05/22 16:45, 46F

05/22 16:47, , 47F
不過Joba真的進輪值的話 休斯七月回來位置要哪來...
05/22 16:47, 47F

05/22 17:01, , 48F
修斯先回小聯盟吧= =a
05/22 17:01, 48F

05/22 17:22, , 49F
派帥 小王 老穆 Rasner 第五號先發要給喬巴 少了中繼 可惜
05/22 17:22, 49F

05/22 17:41, , 50F
其實能用的牛棚投手很多, 但是要有能力和 Mo 變成連鎖的
05/22 17:41, 50F

05/22 17:42, , 51F
就沒那麼容易找到了, 看看現有的幾個頂不頂的下來
05/22 17:42, 51F

05/22 18:35, , 52F
Hughes 當個中繼練一下心裡素質先
05/22 18:35, 52F

05/22 18:39, , 53F
正好通通下去 SWB 練... 這兩個星期 3A 先發缺的很
05/22 18:39, 53F

05/22 21:05, , 54F
05/22 21:05, 54F

05/22 21:05, , 55F
好就準備回3A重建信心了 ~"~
05/22 21:05, 55F

05/22 21:44, , 56F
Kennedy需要的是練控球不是練信心= =
05/22 21:44, 56F

05/22 21:48, , 57F
05/22 21:48, 57F

05/22 21:50, , 58F
雞生蛋蛋生雞 我講屁話別理我
05/22 21:50, 58F

05/22 21:51, , 59F
他是要靠控球吃飯的投手 變速球卻亂噴 你想呢?
05/22 21:51, 59F

05/22 21:52, , 60F
他主力球種只有速球能對點投球 曲球連控制內外都無
05/22 21:52, 60F

05/22 21:53, , 61F
05/22 21:53, 61F

05/22 21:53, , 62F
05/22 21:53, 62F

05/22 21:56, , 63F
但是有一點我會想到跟信心扯到關係的是 他回到3A成績馬上
05/22 21:56, 63F

05/22 21:57, , 64F
有明顯差異 如果他光是只靠速球的控球是否真有可能吃定3A
05/22 21:57, 64F

05/22 21:58, , 65F
因為AAA選球爛會去揮差很遠的變速球啊= =
05/22 21:58, 65F

05/22 21:58, , 66F
05/22 21:58, 66F

05/22 21:59, , 67F
05/22 21:59, 67F

05/22 21:59, , 68F
05/22 21:59, 68F

05/22 22:01, , 69F
05/22 22:01, 69F
文章代碼(AID): #18DFs8cJ (NY-Yankees)