[Blog] Lack of offense becomes a topic

看板NY-Yankees作者 (null)時間16年前 (2008/05/14 14:09), 編輯推噓20(20014)
留言34則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
http://yankees.lhblogs.com/2008/05/14/lack-of-offense-becomes-a-topic/ Yes, the Yankees are missing Jorge Posada and Alex Rodriguez. You can’t take two offensive players like that out of a lineup and expect the same sort of production. But you can expect more than one run to work with if you’re a pitcher. You could sense the disconnect in a pin-drop quiet clubhouse last night. The pitchers are none too pleased with the hitters. Chien-Ming Wang: “It’s tough pitching with no runs. It’s surprising because we have good hitters. I got my job done and kept the team close.” Mariano Rivera: “We have to score some runs and we haven’t done that.” Joba Chamberlain: “It’s tough right now. Every run against us looks huge.” Joe Girardi insisted that his team has plenty of energy. “This is a very lively group. This group shows a lot of energy every day,” he said. “That’ s what you want and eventually that’s going to pay off.” But a dispassionate look at the statistics show that the Yankees have scored four runs in the last 24 innings against Bobby Seay, Francisco Cruceta, Matt Garza, Gary Glover, Trever Miller, Edwin Jackson, Dan Wheeler, Troy Percival and J.P. Howell. Compared to the Rays, the Yankees look a softball team at the senior center. “I feel like their energy is definitely more than ours,” Hideki Matsui said. It’s May 14 and they’re only 4.5 games out of first place. They were 8.5 out on May 14 last season and made the playoffs without much drama. But Girardi needs to find that button to get his team going before a little bump becomes a brick wall. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/14 14:12, , 1F
"FIRE!!!! Kevin Long"
05/14 14:12, 1F

05/14 14:12, , 2F
05/14 14:12, 2F

05/14 14:13, , 3F
去年也是Kevin Long..可是得分全聯盟第一
05/14 14:13, 3F

05/14 14:14, , 4F
投手群:積哩瓜拉... 打線:......ZZZ
05/14 14:14, 4F

05/14 14:15, , 5F
05/14 14:15, 5F

05/14 14:17, , 6F
05/14 14:17, 6F

05/14 14:17, , 7F
05/14 14:17, 7F

05/14 14:17, , 8F
很少見到小王說這樣的話耶 囧
05/14 14:17, 8F

05/14 14:25, , 9F
05/14 14:25, 9F

05/14 14:27, , 10F
小王竟然這樣說 有點驚訝
05/14 14:27, 10F

05/14 14:28, , 11F
05/14 14:28, 11F

05/14 14:28, , 12F
小王老是說因為自己丟個一兩分而輸球也很怪 他已經做好工作了
05/14 14:28, 12F

05/14 14:28, , 13F
05/14 14:28, 13F

05/14 14:30, , 14F
05/14 14:30, 14F

05/14 14:31, , 15F
05/14 14:31, 15F

05/14 14:31, , 16F
都沒有人出來罵一下提振士氣嗎? 季初悶到現在了.2億到
05/14 14:31, 16F

05/14 14:31, , 17F
對CLE 7IP RS:0 + 對TB 7IP RS:0 =14IP RS:0
05/14 14:31, 17F

05/14 14:32, , 18F
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05/14 14:32, , 19F
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05/14 14:32, , 20F
05/14 14:32, 20F

05/14 14:33, , 21F
投了14局打線一分都沒幫忙 多多少少會不爽吧
05/14 14:33, 21F

05/14 14:35, , 22F
讓我想到以前費古落說的3分夠嗎? 現在是....一分都沒有
05/14 14:35, 22F

05/14 14:36, , 23F
小王在石墨打線背後 他 非 常 火!
05/14 14:36, 23F

05/14 14:40, , 24F
05/14 14:40, 24F

05/14 14:41, , 25F
可以在link裡找到, 貼文的版友自己也說了
05/14 14:41, 25F

05/14 15:36, , 26F
05/14 15:36, 26F

05/14 15:36, , 27F
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05/14 15:37, , 28F
雖然是聯合晚報 但這兩句很棒
05/14 15:37, 28F

05/14 15:39, , 29F
05/14 15:39, 29F

05/14 15:40, , 30F
不是拿外電剪剪貼貼, 而是直接進入休息室採訪
05/14 15:40, 30F

05/14 15:41, , 31F
他的報導, 只要編輯不亂下標題, 一直都很中肯平實
05/14 15:41, 31F

05/14 16:07, , 32F
05/14 16:07, 32F

05/14 19:58, , 33F
05/14 19:58, 33F

05/14 21:27, , 34F
王版14389, 胖彼得火了, 他是照著小王說的來寫
05/14 21:27, 34F
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