[新聞] New Boss Wants to See Chamberlain St …

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http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/21/sports/baseball/21pins.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=wang&st=nyt&oref=slogin New Boss Wants to See Chamberlain Start (Now) By MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT Published: April 21, 2008 With the Yankees off to a 10-10 start, and with two of their young starters struggling, the Yankees co-chairman Hank Steinbrenner said there was one thing in particular he would like to change: He wants Joba Chamberlain, the Yankees' hard-throwing setup man, to move into rotation. "I want him as a starter and so does everyone else, including him, and that is what we are working toward and we need him there now," Steinbrenner said Sunday by telephone. "There is no question about it, you don't have a guy with a 100- mile-per-hour fastball and keep him as a setup guy. You just don't do that. You have to be an idiot to do that. Steinbrenner said the Yankees were working on easing Chamberlain into the rotation, but he would not be specific on a timetable. The Yankees' brain trust had wanted to limit Chamberlain's innings by having him spend at least part of the season in the bullpen. "the mistake was already made last year switching him to the bullpen out of panic or whatever," Steinbrenner said. "Ihad no say in it last year and i wouldn't have allowed it. that was done last year, so now we have to catch up. It has to be done on a schedule so we don't rush him." When Chamberlain, a starter in the minors, was promoted to the Yankees last August, he quickly became an essential part of the bullpen. the Yankees planned to put Chamberlain, 22, in the rotation this spring but chose to begin the season with Phil Hughes, 21, and Ian Kennedy, 23, there. Hughes (0-3) has allowed 16 earned runs in 16 1/3 innings. Kennedy (0-2) has strggled with his control, allowing 15 earned funs in 14 innings. "I think once Hughes and Kennedy get plenty of starts and get Joba back, and with Wang and Pettitte, we will be fine," Steinbrenner said, referring to the Yankee starters Chien-Ming-Wang and Andy Pettitte. He also said he thought Mike Mussina, who is 39, "just needs to learn how to pitch like Jamie Moyer," the Phillies' 45-year-old starter, suggesting that Mussina shouldn't try to rely on his diminished fastball to get hitters out. "The starting rotation is not what I would have chosen at the beginning of the year, but that is not a big news flash to anyone," Steinbrenner said. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: aaron2133 來自: (04/21 14:59)

04/21 15:01, , 1F
真的嗎真的嗎真的嗎? XD
04/21 15:01, 1F

04/21 15:01, , 2F
我看今年是難了, 而且直接在大聯盟改先發太冒險
04/21 15:01, 2F

04/21 15:03, , 3F
再加上那個 $3.75m 看起來不太行, 牛棚不能再開一個洞
04/21 15:03, 3F

04/21 15:04, , 4F
人家是老闆 當然是他說的算
04/21 15:04, 4F

04/21 15:05, , 5F
04/21 15:05, 5F

04/21 15:08, , 6F
04/21 15:08, 6F

04/21 15:11, , 7F
老闆 搞清楚狀況 好嗎!!!!!!!!
04/21 15:11, 7F

04/21 15:15, , 8F
04/21 15:15, 8F

04/21 15:14, , 9F
小王: 今年希望每場投滿8局 要比之前希望多投1局了 XD
04/21 15:14, 9F

04/21 15:19, , 10F
年輕人 感覺比老史坦還急...
04/21 15:19, 10F

04/21 15:22, , 11F
下任 GM: Hank Steinbrenner
04/21 15:22, 11F

04/21 15:27, , 12F
04/21 15:27, 12F

04/21 15:58, , 13F
小張不是有局數限制嗎? 不要揠苗助長啊
04/21 15:58, 13F

04/21 15:59, , 14F
04/21 15:59, 14F

04/21 16:05, , 15F
去年他老爸還撐到五月才說話,今年.....四月都還沒過耶 =.=
04/21 16:05, 15F

04/21 16:21, , 16F
是小老闆啦 不是大老闆
04/21 16:21, 16F

04/21 16:55, , 17F
04/21 16:55, 17F

04/21 17:12, , 18F
04/21 17:12, 18F
※ 編輯: aaron2133 來自: (04/21 17:32)

04/21 17:48, , 19F
04/21 17:48, 19F

04/21 18:21, , 20F
Hughes還ok, Kennedy的問題嚴重多了
04/21 18:21, 20F

04/21 18:34, , 21F
如果□燚天天都像對紅襪那天那麼猛 張先發OK可是□燚有嗎
04/21 18:34, 21F

04/21 18:35, , 22F
但是如果SP一直爆尤其黑色三連星 張Setupman再猛也用不上
04/21 18:35, 22F

04/21 18:46, , 23F
04/21 18:46, 23F

04/21 18:54, , 24F
呵呵 老闆都說話了 還有人想練兵嗎
04/21 18:54, 24F

04/21 19:01, , 25F
反正原本都投先發 憑什麼喬巴不能先發 大帝不能中繼
04/21 19:01, 25F

04/21 19:02, , 26F
既然都要練兵 乾脆多練幾個啊 說不定喬巴可是先發大物呢
04/21 19:02, 26F

04/21 19:04, , 27F
我擔心這樣講會造成 Moose 反彈... 這樣對氣氛不好啊
04/21 19:04, 27F

04/21 19:15, , 28F
04/21 19:15, 28F

04/21 19:21, , 29F
難怪他老爸不想給他接 (茶)
04/21 19:21, 29F

04/21 20:27, , 30F
04/21 20:27, 30F

04/21 20:59, , 31F
04/21 20:59, 31F

04/21 21:11, , 32F
04/21 21:11, 32F

04/21 21:14, , 33F
04/21 21:14, 33F

04/21 21:14, , 34F
練兵與即戰力之說= =...
04/21 21:14, 34F

04/21 21:45, , 35F
04/21 21:45, 35F
※ 編輯: aaron2133 來自: (04/21 21:50)

04/21 22:10, , 36F
其實老闆的看法就是相當資本主義 現實主義 沒啥特別的
04/21 22:10, 36F

04/21 22:10, , 37F
你說他不專業也好 他只想要看到精采的球賽 讓球迷想買票
04/21 22:10, 37F

04/21 22:11, , 38F
我不知道有多少人士進場看大弟總統學會爬學會走 不過肯
04/21 22:11, 38F

04/21 22:12, , 39F
04/21 22:12, 39F

04/21 22:52, , 40F
樓上中肯 Joba主投的比賽票房 收視率應該都會提升
04/21 22:52, 40F

04/22 00:25, , 41F
04/22 00:25, 41F

04/22 00:27, , 42F
04/22 00:27, 42F

04/22 00:33, , 43F
每場上來投一局 季末差不多150局???
04/22 00:33, 43F

04/22 00:34, , 44F
04/22 00:34, 44F

04/22 00:41, , 45F
04/22 00:41, 45F
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文章代碼(AID): #1833hOc0 (NY-Yankees)