[新聞] Mitchell report

看板NY-Yankees作者 (小安)時間17年前 (2007/12/14 04:35), 編輯推噓4(404)
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來源:http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3153509 僅節錄關於NYY的部份 (雖然已經快等於全部了) NEW YORK -- Roger Clemens, Miguel Tejada and Andy Pettitte were among 75 players named in the long-awaited Mitchell report on Thursday, an All-Star roster linked to steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs that put a question mark -- if not an asterisk -- next to some of baseball's biggest moments. Brian McNamee, a former New York Yankees trainer who worked with pitchers Clemens and Pettitte, was interviewed three times by Mitchell, with a personal lawyer and federal law enforcement officials in the room. Clemens was singled out in eight pages, with much of the information on the seven-time Cy Young Award winner coming from McNamee. On page 169 of the report, it says: "According to McNamee, from the time that McNamee injected Clemens with Winstrol through the end of the 1998 season, Clemens' performance showed remarkable improvement,'' the report said. "During this period of improved performance, Clemens told McNamee that the steroids 'had a pretty good effect' on him.'' McNamee also told investigators that "during the middle of the 2000 season, Clemens made it clear that he was ready to use steroids again. During the latter part of the regular season, McNamee injected Clemens in the buttocks four to six times with testosterone from a bottle labeled either Sustanon 250 or Deca-Durabolin." ‧ The report says Pettitte, from April 21 to June 14, 2002 when he was on the disabled list with elbow tendonitis, he "wanted to speed his recovery and help his team." The report says "McNamee traveled to Tampa at Pettitte's request and spent about 10 days assisting Pettitte with his rehabilitation. McNamee recalled that he injected Pettitte with human growth hormone that McNamee obtained from Radomski on two to four occasions. Pettitte paid McNamee for the trip and his expenses; there was no separate payment for the human growth hormone." It continued: "According to McNamee, around the time in 2003 that the BALCO searches became public, Pettitte asked what he should say if a reporter asked Pettitte whether he ever used performance enhancing substances. McNamee told him he was free to say what he wanted, but that he should not go out of his way to bring it up. McNamee also asked Pettitte not to mention his name. McNamee never discussed these substances with Pettitte again. "After the 2001 season, Pettitte, like Clemens, continued to use McNamee's services and to serve as a source of income after McNamee was dismissed by the Yankees. In a 2006 article, Pettitte 'acknowledged an ongoing relationship' with McNamee. Pettitte was quoted as having said that he still talked to McNamee about once a week. ' " -- 要考final了 沒有時間翻譯 有請強者 <(_ _)> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/14 04:42, , 1F
12/14 04:42, 1F

12/14 05:43, , 2F
也還A-Rod清白了 :p
12/14 05:43, 2F

12/14 06:06, , 3F
12/14 06:06, 3F

12/14 06:29, , 4F
胖起來總是怪怪的 大吉火箭人都好像..老克家族以後反而不妙XD
12/14 06:29, 4F

12/14 08:31, , 5F
12/14 08:31, 5F

12/14 09:19, , 6F
12/14 09:19, 6F

12/14 09:20, , 7F
很多人的約只要扯上禁藥 洋基就可以不用付了(逃)
12/14 09:20, 7F

12/14 11:11, , 8F
TOO BAD.........90
12/14 11:11, 8F
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